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Posts posted by RealHousewife

  1. 11 hours ago, racked said:

    Poor Delores. Why wouldn’t she expect Paulie to propose as soon as his divorce is done? He’s been separated from his wife for over a decade! It’s not like he needs time to process the emotions. He got big mad and I didn’t like it. 

    I need to rewatch that scene. I must have been distracted by my phone or something because I didn’t notice the anger described on the board. I agree with you though! I don’t see a reason for the hold-up. Dolores is so beautiful and lovely, she should be treated like the catch she is. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, b2H said:

    Look at it this way:

    What do the other chuckleheads have going for them?  Other than podcasts and Sandoval’s stupid band, this puts Ariana far and away higher on the totem pole than the rest of them, in addition to her Broadway role.

    I’m very proud of Ariana’s success. Being on Broadway in particular is phenomenal! But it’s true these highly-paid coveted jobs won’t last forever. Got to take advantage of all the opportunities as they come, especially if she wants to get away from working with Sandoval. It’s one reason I get her not moving out and paying that Los Angeles rent for a nice place. It’s not like the big bucks will come easily to her forever. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, politichick said:

    I think it was really, really super fucking mean of the show to add Alexis (who I can't stand), especially when Shannon is dealing with so much.

    Thank you! I thought I was the only one who felt this way! I am not saying Alexis shows Shannon loyalty since they were not friends, but it’s absolutely hurtful to suddenly have to work with your ex’s new partner on TV. 

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  4. On 6/10/2024 at 9:43 PM, Cloud9Shopper said:

    Think I’m going to scrap Peacock. I was using it to watch Roseanne and it keeps skipping episodes. I’ll leave off on one episode and reopen Peacock when I want to go back to it only to find it somehow skipped four episodes ahead and I don’t remember watching them. 

    I don’t have the desire to go back to the beginning of the show or jump back to my proper watch point all the time and hope Peacock works. Maybe I can just buy each season on Prime, assuming they don’t decide to get rid of it someday. Every other streaming app can get my watch history right; somehow Peacock has something basic so messed up. 

    Oh gosh, that is annoying! I’m sorry that was your experience. I experienced that trying to watch Will & Grace on Hulu, except I’d finish an episode, and Hulu would keep going back to this same old one. It was frustrating trying to figure out where the heck I was each time. Hulu seemed to work fine with other shows.

    I wonder if Peacock has some sort of glitch with Roseanne specifically. I watch loads and loads of Peacock and haven’t experienced any real issues. The only thing I could think of is Peacock not retaining the part of the episode I was on of RHOD, but it’s worked fine since.  

  5. 4 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    I have natural, large breasts (unfortunately, females in both sides of the family do) which become even bigger when I gain the slightest of weight. And a small waist. I look fat when I gain a little bit of weight because of them. 

    Aww I bet you don’t! We women are so hard on ourselves. I feel that way about my butt. I have a slight build but a curvy shape. I get that being little with an ass is trendy, but I feel like my butt makes me look heavier than I am. 

    Anyway, if any ladies and gents would like to discuss further, maybe we can take it to an OT chat if Vanderpump Rules has one. 

    • Hugs 2
  6. 22 minutes ago, princelina said:

    What people don't understand is that natural looking big boobs just make you look fatter.  When they're jacked up to your chin like the girls next door then you can still see your thin ribcage and waist.  I always think that's what people are reacting to when they don't like her boobs, even if they're not aware of it!

    Hmm, IDK tbh. I think if you have a small waist, you'll still be clearly thin even with a large natural-looking chest. I've seen so many women who do. 

  7. 1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Last night I watched Season I, Unseen Footage, which I somehow never watched before. After LVP became the breakout star of the RHoBH, they wanted to cash in on her popularity by giving her a spinoff. They first thought a show focusing on Villa Blanca made sense, since LVP shot so many of her scenes there. But LVP said that SUR was much more dramatic. They auditioned everyone who worked there. When they found out how many of them had had sex with one another, and how many of them were feuding, they thought that they hit the jackpot.

    I originally thought Jax was really handsome and resembled my gorgeous college boyfriend. But watching this footage of Season I, I don’t think he was as attractive as he thought he was.

    They really did hit the jackpot with the chuckleheads. 

    When I first saw just a bit of the show many years ago, Jax was the only man I found attractive. I thought the Toms were too pretty/metrosexual, and James looked like a kid. As much grief as he got for being an “old man,” I liked that Jax looked like a man despite being a goodlooking guy who modeled. I can appreciate the Toms’ looks more now, and James’ looks have really matured despite the fact he probably wears a smaller size of jeans than my skinny woman ass can fit into. 

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    Caroline was in a difficult situation. I believe her because she is a serious person. She is traditional, and older (she is 62), so she was uncomfortable. Brandi on the other hand thrives on controversy. 

    I’m much younger than both of them, not particularly traditional, and Brandi would make me very uncomfortable. 

    On a family boot camp show, Brandi even flashed her breasts right in front of her own dad. She had pasties on, but still. Who does that? 

    Has Caroline ever said whether or not she’s return to RHONJ? For all their flaws, at least the women in that cast wouldn’t sexually harass her. 

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  9. Anyone have tips on how to become a back sleeper? I've tried buying special pillows, but I still end up sleeping on my stomach. The biggest advice I've seen is to put a pillow under your knees or surround yourself with pillows, but I toss and turn in my sleep. The pillows end up on the floor. 

    I have read some people recommend pregnancy pillows, but thought I'd see if anyone here has advice before I spend money on yet another pillow that doesn't help.

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  10. On 5/21/2018 at 8:24 PM, dosodog said:

    No one has a problem telling Kristen to shut up.  It's kind of rude.

    Ohhhhh. Well Lala made my heart go all squishy by acknowledging her personal attacks were unkind and wanting to be better.

    Honestly, it makes me uncomfortable how abrasive they all are to Kristen.

    I'm glad Lala acknowledged she was mean and hasn't repeated the low blows this season, unlike her bestie James. 

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  11. On 5/15/2018 at 12:29 PM, bichonblitz said:

    Her definition of being a feminist was pathetic. Letting you tits hang out when you feel like it. Really, LaLa? Sit down, girl. 

    Seriously! I appreciate the feminists who truly fight for women, but I just can't with the feminists whose biggest issue is not being able to go topless. 

    If Lala really cared about women, she would care about their comfort, and women like her who lead with sexuality to the point it makes other women uncomfortable, give me a break. 

  12. 51 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

    Brandi was aggressive on Real Housewives and should have been fired long ago. I remember her throw-shoving Kyle and of course slapping LVP. I don’t think it has anything to do with pretty privilege. She is not pretty. Her face is all messed up from too much surgery and she’s much taller than Caroline. I do side with Caroline on this although I still think defending Tommy Manzo was awful.


    Totally agree with you about Brandi's aggression and firing being long overdue. 

    I think where the OP of the pretty privilege was coming from is Brandi getting away with a lot of bad behavior throughout her life because she's pretty. Pretty women (and men) sometimes assume others want to be touched by them. They also get away with a lot in general. Get pulled over? You're more likely to get out of a ticket being a pretty lady. You're a teacher who's messed around with a student? You're probably going to get a much lighter punishment as an attractive woman than you would as an ugly man. You're treating other women terribly as a pretty girl? Maybe they're just jealous of your good looks and you did nothing wrong! 

    I know Brandi's appearance has changed a lot in recent years, but she spent many years of her life looking something like this, a knockout blonde. 



    Taking it back to Jersey, I'll give Caroline this. The show was more entertaining with her and some of the older cast members than it is now. 

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  13. 16 hours ago, Jennifersdc said:

    It’s Peacock. Peacock is surprising good even if not big Bravo fan. I ended up choosing it over the other two main network apps after free trials. Who doesn’t need Law & Order with no commercials whenever you feel the urge?

    Seems like most people's favorite is Netflix, but because I love my Housewives and whatnot, I'm a Peacock girl. There really is indeed a ton on there other than Bravo stuff. 

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  14. On 6/9/2024 at 9:15 AM, ZettaK said:

    Not only they scrapped it, I didn't hear of filming a new installment either. 

    That's such a bummer. The Ultimate Girls Trip was a great concept. It's fun to see Housewives from different cities filming together, and it's a good gig for the women who are over filming whole seasons but don't mind a good check for a short amount of filming. Just finally get rid of the likes of Brandi! 

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  15. On 5/1/2018 at 9:12 AM, ghoulina said:

    I'm one who thinks Patrick is worse than Jax. Even if Jax is faking, he can sometimes be nice to people. He has made me laugh before. Patrick has never been decent to one single person, never made me laugh. He brings absolutely nothing to the table. So I find it ironic to see Stassi questioning Brittany's refusal to leave Jax, when Stassi seems to have done the impossible and downgraded. 

    100% Jax is not husband or boyfriend material, but I can at least see being friends with him because he can be nice, thoughtful, and funny. 

    Jax says a lot of things I don't love, but Patrick almost seemed to be going out of his way to be disrespectful towards his girlfriend and Lisa Vanderpump. Lisa has a naughty humor herself and I get the impression she's flattered when the young guys still consider her hot. But Patrick took it too far talking about her body like that. She handled it well. I bet if Ken were there, he would have wanted to kick Patrick's ass. 

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  16. I get that not everyone likes seeing loads of cleavage. I dress a lot more modestly than Brittany myself. But I don't get all the negative comments about her breasts. I don't have huge natural boobs myself, but those are what hers look like imo. I would much rather have her implants than some of those Real Housewives' whose boob jobs are obvious fakes. Natural breasts, even when you're young, do not sit extremely high and look like rocks. 

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  17. 36 minutes ago, princelina said:

    My guess is he learned it growing up, and it works.  My mom did it and my brother (also a mean drunk) did it for years - finally I said something like, "I'm 40 years old, not 16, and that doesn't work anymore" and he stopped after that 🤷‍♀️

    Lala had a mean season with the summer bodies stuff and comments about Schwartz, but James just keeps the mean going. 

  18. On 4/5/2018 at 3:07 PM, ghoulina said:

    What bothered me most about it was that he said it in his TH. So it wasn't like it was in the moment and he was just pissed. This was ostensibly awhile later, an Brittany had nothing to do with the entire problem. I guess maybe James was using it more as an insult to Jax? But I'm sure Brittany has enough issues with her size, living in LA and working with sticks like Scheana and Ariana. 

    That was very uncool. Brittany had nothing to do with the drama. The comment wasn't made in the heat of the moment. Jame wasn't drunk. He was plain cruel.

  19. 11 hours ago, atomic said:

    I think that because a lot of people are piling on J.Lo right now, Meghan decided to join in hoping to get publicity for her podcast. J.Lo may or may not be a "not nice" person, but Meghan's only reasoning for that was that she travels with a big entourage -- not how she actually treated people. Meanwhile, we have countless video receipts of Meghan being an actual unpleasant nightmare for her entire time on The View. So for her to characterize anyone in that way is rich to say the least. I'd also be willing to bet that J.Lo has at least maintained some good professional relationships throughout her career, whereas Meghan isn't on good terms with anyone from her time at The View, including her soul sister Abby lol.

    Very true, I've never seen footage of Jennifer being rude to anyone. 

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  20. 6 hours ago, qtpye said:


    A woman has no more right of access to anyone else's body than a man.

    Brandi probably thinks her pretty privilege mean everyone loves to be touched by her.

    I think Brandi is a pervert and a bully.

    I didn't even think about the pretty privilege but great point. I've known some good-looking men who seem to think their looks make it okay to touch women without consent. 

    5 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

    Agree. It also sounds like they were both drunk which likely contributed to the situation. The producers of this show are so irresponsible how they encourage these women to drink, especially women like Brandi who are known to have a drinking problem. 

    It's must've cost Bravo a pretty penny to have to scrap the whole show. 

    I don't love to be around drunk people because stuff like this happens more often with them than it does with sober people. 

    4 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

    If you go back and watch Brandi on RHOBH, she has always been sexually aggressive, no respect for personal space. Being drunk just makes it worse

    I’m not surprised this actually happened with Brandi, she always seemed to be a huge liability to Bravo and yet the continued to showcase her until the worst happened. Brandi is a predator and I am 100% on Caroline’s side in this.

    However, I am not of Caroline’s side with her brother in law vs. her sister- that is disturbing.

    So true. Her crude comments alone would make me uncomfortable. 

    Agree there as well. Neither woman is my favorite Housewife, but at least Caroline can go to work without assaulting people. 

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