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Everything posted by Firyfly

  1. I know! And all the cringe worthy scenes where they are talking about her being "sexy" those scenes were hard to watch before, but now I can't watch it at all.
  2. Does anyone else find it disturbing how unhappy and full of regrets Annie is? I mean she covers it up with a huge clown smile, but there are moments when she says something passive aggressively about her life choices and she threw it in Eric's face during menopause a lot, or when she tries so hard to steer her girls away from marriage and kids . On one side it makes me feel bad for her, but on the other side I can't help but be annoyed by her, because she doesn't ever come out and say what she feels, she just holds it in until she explodes and leaves everyone confused.
  3. I never realized how awful the later seasons were until I re-watched the entire series and honestly IMO I think everything went down hill in season 6. All the new characters, the badly written story lines and the sudden changes in personality are just baffling to me, I know not everyone agrees with me on this, but I thought the first few seasons were entertaining and sometimes even funny.
  4. I recall Tami taking Barbra into one of the rooms and saying "I know who you are" but I'm not sure what else she said.
  5. I may be looking to deeply into this, but I feel like Ruthie changed a lot when Matt and Robbie left, she seemed so sad and then Simon and Peter left and I think she just attached herself to Martin. The whole Simon arc really annoys me with the way it was handled, they kept telling him to stop feeling sad and when that didn't work they moved on to Mary's scandal, plus they never explain whether he was driving by himself or was the whole family with him the writers just leave it as a mystery.
  6. It comes on every week day on the UP channel usually 12:00 to 3:00pm.
  7. So I was watching reruns again this afternoon and I ran across a scene in season 3 episode 4 "The Legacy" where Ruthie is bugging Simon while he hides under a pillow and she makes a comment about how he should get his ear pierced because it would look "boss" Fast forward to season 5 episode 5 "Blind" and here's Simon trying to make himself look cool with his ear pierced. And not just any ear, the one Ruthie told him he should pierce, but judging from the reactions he gets I don't think anyone thought it looked "boss" so his little sister totally lied to him. Now i'm wondering if the writers meant for that to happen or if they just completely forgot that scene, either way I find it pretty amusing.
  8. That reminds me of Simon's wedding, where the entire episode they would go back and forth over whether Simon and Rose were going to go through with it, and then the end is so anti-climatic when they don't even show what happens!
  9. I always thought Lucy had a lot of talent for building and fixing things, and she was very deep emotionally so I figured she would maybe be an architect or a writer. Never did I think she would choose ministry, since she never seemed all that interested in religion. I honestly think it had more to with pleasing Eric than anything else, because Lucy always seems to need acceptance from her parents even if it means settling. I don't remember how that situation with Eric and the Deacons went, but I'm sure it did cause a fuss.
  10. That's true, they really were bad even for children actors, but they kept the actor who played Kevin around and gave him plenty of story lines and he was just as horrible IMO. So I'm not giving the writers any slack.
  11. She was Simon's girlfriend in college, she pretended to be pregnant to manipulate him into marriage or something like that. I totally agree, I could not stand her either, now that I think about it I couldn't stand any of his girlfriends not even Cecilia who everyone seemed to love. I feel the same way, but for some reason I can't stop watching even though I roll my eyes at almost every scene.
  12. Exactly! They could have done so much with Ruthie's character besides all the unnecessary boy drama and given Sam&David actual story lines and realistic personalities, but they wasted so much time on random people.
  13. I've started watching season one again and its kind of heartbreaking seeing how everyone's personality has evolved since, it would be fine if they all got better over time, but all the kids seem to be shells of themselves and important screen time is being taken up by people who aren't even family members. Especially in season 11, barely anyone was from the main cast.
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