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Posts posted by Whyyouneedaname

  1. 16 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

    Does anyone know the backstory on Alex? Was he the last one adopted? Amber said that he had a Georgia Birth certificate already because he was brought to the US instead of them going to get him. Was he older and maybe suffers from emotional issues as a result? 

    no he was adopted before Emma and was an infant, 6-9 months I believe, so that wouldn't be the issue. I think he's just a spoiled brat and you could tell it bothered Emma and she had to explain that she didn't hit him that hard. If anyone would have emotional issues I think it would be her & the way they are treating them different she may have issues in the future. She was 4 or 5 when they got her. I know we only see a glimpse but I just don't like the obvious favoritism with Alex. 

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  2. 13 minutes ago, Normades said:

    Does anyone else think that their views on females being inferior come from their religious beliefs?  I've seen conservative christians who are really sensitive to gender conformity like the Duggars with girls always having to wear dresses, girls being handed from daddy to husband like chattel, etc.  Just wondering if the Roloffs subscribe to similar belief in the superiority of males. 

    my oldest child is a boy, well both of mine were boys, my husbands grandad was thrilled when we had him, someone to carry on the family name. He was the first great grandchild.

  3. 1 minute ago, winsomeone said:

    Elizabeth looked more like 30 than 14, when in that beauty pageant. I thought the top of her dress showed way too much for someone her age. She and Alex are gaining a lot of weight.  When I look at Alex, all I see is his huge head. They are doing him no favor by allowing his out of control behavior.

    when they made Emma have a rematch with him until it was called a tie.....that is so not okay. Did it make them a bad parent? No, but it doesn't make them a fair parent either, totally knocked them down a notch or three with me.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, luvbadtv said:

    Amy's hair was such a mess when she was in the kitchen at the sex (not gender) reveal party.  Girl does not own a brush?

    she was a mess and always just looks dirty....remember back to when she was getting ready for Chris and was bathing in her perfume, made me think of some dollar store spray on someone that just smells dirty and cheap.

  5. 52 minutes ago, leighroda said:

    I'm not sure where either set of the wives parents live, but it doesn't seem like it's far, I don't know much about the geography of the area (I live in Texas) but the times the other families have been shown it has never seemed like a special event (it's usually a special event, but I mean it's not an ordeal to get everyone together), meaning there isn't mention anyone coming from out of town, or special arrangements, and moreso toris family but they seem to easily be there for family event (i.e. The pregnancy announcement) the premise of getting them together was all the parents have days close together, but the event seemed like a casual get together, not something people would come from out of town for. 

    Also I think they (zach/tori Jeremy/Audrey) met while everyone was living at home (as far as I know) which would indicate the families also live relatively close, assuming nobody had moved since.

    I thought I remembered Audrey say that she and her mom use to come to the farm to buy peaches, before the pumpkins were a thing & since Tori worked at the farm I think her parents live relatively close also. 

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  6. On 5/20/2017 at 7:27 PM, bigskygirl said:

    Please keep the conversation on the lawsuit and not if or when Josh will molest his own daughters or younger sisters. Thank you.

    I'm totally out of the loop, what lawsuit is this referred to??? I know about the molestation when he was younger & I've saw the DG pic of someone that resembles Josh but didn't know of a lawsuit. Thanks in advance.

  7. 2 hours ago, MoodyGirl said:

    The funny thing is that it's custom made for a little person. They would have to remodel the whole kitchen since everything is so low--ha!

    which would make perfect sense for Zach and his new family to one day inherit the family home ;) I know he has said he doesn't want the farm but I wonder if he's getting out of the way for Jer & Oddj?

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  8. 1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    Nobody is going to finally resolve jack shit as long as they are living in each others' back yard.

    & when my dad divorced his ex she moved just down the hill, they had I think 60 acres and split it. It was his from years ago and instead of selling her part and moving she could see every move he made.  Insane!

  9. 1 minute ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    From what I recall, Matt reminded Amy that he needed two things. pursuant to their written Agreement.   1.  For her to scan and forward him the family photos. 2. For her to remove her name from his bank accounts.  I don't recall him saying anything about other things. If he did, it wasn't the real focus.   It was Amy who told Matt that she Was NOT going to have the photos scanned by the date due in their Agreement.  She did say that she would address the bank account matter, but, she was irritated. Why get irritated that you agreed to something and didn't follow through? That's on you, not the other party.  She then huffed off home and packed up stuff in bags that wasn't even his stuff. Recall the pants nor vests fit.  This is a technique that's called diversion. You distract from the real issue, which was scanning the family photos, to odd clothes that Matt can't wear.  She knows that he values the family photos, so, what better way to keep control and his attention?  

    And if you think that Matt should just keep silent and just call his lawyer about it? Well, that's about $300.00 an hour to address this matters. I can see why he wants to get it done without more lawyer time.   And, I would want my family photos scanned and her name off my account. That is normal.  

    my dad and his ex were married for 30+ years when they divorced, she did him the same way. Some of the personal items that were his, he never got. Yes he could have gone back to the lawyers, etc, but after a couple of years leading up to the divorce you're kind of burned out on that stuff, you're just wanting it over. I felt like it was her way of just keeping a little bit of control. She passed away a few years before he did and there were things still left unresolved. It may be petty stuff but as I see it, if it's mine give it to me, if it's yours come get it. 

  10. 2 hours ago, MoodyGirl said:

    I like how you pointed this out! I've always felt both Zach and Jeremy are not the brightest bulbs--I mean I like Zach, but he seems to say off the wall stuff sometimes or just doesn't know something I feel like he should know. And throw in that they can't finish their educational pursuits---or just can't find something to interest them. Like they are just immature. It's strange too because I know Amy has a college degree, not sure about Matt, but he certainly has had jobs and made money. And if the TLC money was good--and has been smartly invested--maybe they really don't have to worry too much about a career? I wonder if Zach gets disability too (not that that would be much)?

    I was thinking somewhat the same thing, I mean after the show started that's pretty much been the main source of income, that's all they've known so why not use that as their "job". I've always wondered about disability income also, like what are the requirements to qualify? 

  11. On 5/18/2017 at 5:41 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

    ... yikes that kid is crowning, get Jill to the toilet delivery room stat!

    For real ? I'd be walking all sorts of spraddle legged. 

    • Love 2
  12. 12 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

    She said:

    The actual photo was her holding the baby with her cleavage *heaving*.

    IMO someone,TLC, made her take it down, her post was the only post where he didn't have his little hat on, you could see more of his forehead. I think you can tell more of the bridge of his nose than the forehead at this point. 

  13. Since the show is "Little People" and assuming baby Jax is a LP the show may go on for several more years focusing on the next generation. Would he get an allotment for being on the show or how would that work. Then low and behold Jerk & Oddj only have average size babies, where do they really fit into this "Little People" show?

    • Love 5
  14. refresh my memory, Amy met Chris through a group of friends, the blonde & brunette friends have been a part of this Wednesday soup night & don't know Chris. Why has she not had this conversation with the mutual friends that set them up as to what's up with him, about the anger stuff, what he's said about their future.....instead of listening to someone that knows nothing about him. He was really caught off guard when she was "pressuring him" about the next 6 months. 

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  15. 41 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

    This is the second episode where Jer and Auj look and act faintly pissed off over their situation.

    Caracoa1 - I am inclined to agree. If Zach and Tory had waited, Jer and Auj wouldn't have thrown away the birth control.

    there was an episode where J&A were talking about how Z&T being pregnant and Jerk told Oddj that they had set a 2 to 3 year time frame and she says "no you said 5 year" he interrupts her and say "we are in that 2 to 3 year frame" so yes Zach and Tori changed their plans for them. 

    • Love 5
  16. I'm all excited to watch the show tonight.....they have, in the past, included events like these that were not taped in the episode previously. Hopefully we'll get a glimpse of baby Jackson and the new parents. 

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