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Posts posted by stillhere1900

  1. ^^  "Burning Love"

    Her  ex-husband  is a true psycho maniac. Thank GOD her co-workers knew how to use a fire extinguisher. He walked into her work and threw some sort of chemical all over her. When she ran out of the building, trying to get into her car. He stomped her and then threw a lit book of matches on her,


    Her co-workers were able to put the fire out before she was burned to terribly bad.




    When he was trying to get her back, she told him that she just wanted to move on with her life and take care of her. He said "your daughter is the problem, don't you know that ?"  Some scenes later they show the daughter (8 yrs old) walking don't the street by herself. After all the psych things this guy did and even telling her the thought the daughter was a problem, she let the daughter walk by herself.


    I find that really hard to believe.

    • Love 3
  2. Last night PBS showed a Docu titled  'POOR KIDS"


    It didn't end for me because there was no 'update' on how the families featured were doing ?  Did I miss it ?


    Did PBS pay the families to tell their stories. I wonder what kind of compensation the families got.?

  3. I probably shouldn't be saying this, but it makes me really uncomfortable to how glib everyone is about prison rape.


    Dinh is a horrible human being, but I don't think he deserves that.


    I agree with you. 

  4. I'm torn: I have a serious problem with Ricky only getting a yr in jail because he could have saved Venus' life TWICE!!!  This isn't just a moral issue where if he had told the cops, she might have been saved.  He was an active participant.  He did all that stuff for Doug to help him cover his tracks. When the first attempt was aborted because Dough got pulled over by the cops in Venus' area, and then [planned a second attempt. Ricky could have told the cops but he didn't 


    Ricky knew 'twice' that woman was going to be murdered but he didn't say a word.  In the end, he did help the DA convict Doug with his testimony.

    • Love 4
  5. Thank you. OSM Dad and I bought a new house two years ago. It's got a huge garden tub in the master. Which has never been used and probably never will. But it's pretty.


    Dh and i bought a house with a huge oval tub, 11 yrs later, and it has never been used When we were first looking at the house, my first thought was 'damn! how much water would it take to fill that tub ?

    • Love 1
  6. We always see that criminals get caught by their cells phone because of them 'pinging' off of cell towers. The criminal will say.....


    "I was home all nigh or  " I wasn't in that area at the time of the murder" 

    So here is my  PSA" If you are going out to do something illegal ..... take the battery out of your cell phone or JUST LEAVE IT AT HOME!!!!!


    Do these people watch  Crime shows ?  lol

    • Love 4
  7. I



    2. Yes, it was the stepmother but still what kind of person sees those living conditions and does not say, "We are getting the hell out of here. We'll discuss it in the car. Your baby will not be living here." She seemed rational but maybe she had been worn down by seeing her stepdaughter date and get knocked up by Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel?





    I laughed so loud when I read "Cletus the slack-jawed Yokel"  that my cat jumped off the bed and ran under it. lol

    I wonder if the stepmother offered to let Cheryl and the baby live with her but not the psycho maniac 

    • Love 1
  8. Recorded a few of these last night. I am watching the one entitled something like, "A VCR for every day of the week."  I've never wanted to slap someone on TV as much as I want to slap the idiot son. Father and son and son's girlfriend live in the squalor and the drama is whether they can clean up the house to keep the father out of jail on a code violation and to bring home the preemie baby the two younger idiots have created. Son evidently lacks all life skills, speaks so unintelligibly he has to be subtitled, and reacts to every imagined slight by trying to attack. The three idiots deserve each other and I hope the baby is taken away just as the twelve cats were. Just makes me wonder how they thought they were coming off on TV because I cannot imagine why they did the show.


    Dude! i just watched this episode.  The son (Joseph) is clearly a psycho maniac. I wonder what happened with Cheryl and the baby ? I really really hope that she came to her senses and left there.  When the therapist was going down into the basement, I had a horror movie running through my head.



  9. For me it was the midi of Rondo alla Turca on Phil Phaves.  That was my ringtone on my Motorola flip phone!


    Add me to the list of not liking the kid that plays Phil.  It's something about his mouth or his enunciation or something that just drives me crazy.  I haven't seen him on Dr. Ken because I'm boycotting all new ABC shows this season in protest of them cancelling Forever.


    His mouth drives me crazy. His lips looks like he has on lipstick.

  10. "Don't let this neck brace fool you!"


    I would have liked more back story into why Elmira didn't raise her own daughter and instead give her all into raising her step-daughter.  I guess that's not why we were there.


    I'm guessing it's because Elmira was trying to keep her man (stepdaughter's father)   He cheated on and left her for another woman anyway. Ha!

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