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Posts posted by stillhere1900

  1. "Oye Como Va...something something" that is totally my understanding of the lyrics of that song...


    Also loved the Dre's voice coming out of Bow's mouth and the same gag later with Bow's voice coming out of Dre's mouth.


    "Oye Como Va...something something" that is totally my understanding of the lyrics of that song...


    Also loved the Dre's voice coming out of Bow's mouth and the same gag later with Bow's voice coming out of Dre's mouth.


    OT: A few years ago, dh &  I saw Santana & Rod Stewart in Denver. It was effin amazing when Santana when played  Oye Como Va

    • Love 1
  2. What are your thoughts on the new promo for  "Scorned: Love Kills"


    You know, the one featuring, what looks like an 18 yr old women being pushed up against the wall wearing red bra & Panties and ravaged sexually ?


    Completely unnecessary, IMO

    • Love 5
  3. These days they're provided with a firestarted, right? That that pretty much almost always gurantees one person bring a pot while the other bring a knife (personally I'd probably bring a small ax over a knife).


    Though in rare instances we've seen people go outside of the box and bring climbing rope or duct tape... and they actually worked pretty well. I wonder if you could starilize water in a duct tape container. I assume you can't straight up boil something in duct tape over a fire. But maybe pasturize water or stone boil. Maybe.


    No. I don't think they are provided with a firestarter, or every team would have one.

    • Love 1
  4. I was just coming here to bitch about that commercial. They have an easily $80,000 kitchen and the lazy ass wife wants to go out to eat? At some place cheap? Douche. Lucky for her, her hubby knows how to cook.


    I told my dh that I wanted that kitchen, he said  "why ? you hate to cook" I said because it's pretty.  ;-p

    • Love 3
  5. This doesn't ring a bell for me, but 5 or 10 minutes in I'll no doubt recall if I've seen before.  See...that's the good thing about having CRS disease (Can't Remember Shit) -- everything is new again!  (I really shouldn't make fun like this at my age - really could happen!)


    CSR disease = Can't Remember Shit.  I am totally using that. Thank you. hahahaha

    • Love 2
  6. Tonight, there is a new episode of Deadly Demands but I know that I saw that same one but under the title "Obsession: Dark Desires"


    ID seems to be re titling old shows under new names.

    • Love 4
  7. Oh, I have a feeling that Celia does that little performance over and over. Its an attention getter. Munchausen's syndrome by proxy for pets? 




    Agreed!   I thought that maybe she had given the dog the wrong medicine until after she got off the phone with the vet and then proceed to give the dog the right medicine.

  8. In the first challenge they had to make one of their breakfast-y dishes vegetarian.  How is dropping an EGG on some veggies "vegetarian"?  I know the definition of vegetarian can be all over the place, but if I walk into a restaurant advertising a "vegetarian" option, I would assume there aren't any animal products in it. Or is that strictly a "vegan" expectation? 


    Anyway...Jackie is an embarrassment to NJ, cooks, diners, women & trolls.  


    Dude, I'm a vegetarian. I always, always ask if there is any animal products in any vegetarian dish that I order. I always ask if there is any egg in it.

     Some vegetarians eat eggs because the animal doesn't have to be harmed *murdered* to get the eggs

    • Love 1
  9. On Unusual Suspects, about the cowboy actor killed in Yuma, they left me feeling I must the only person who hadn't heard of him, but when I looked on IMDB, it looks like he was in 2 movies in the 40s.

    It doesn't make it any less bad that he was killed, but it made the show puzzling.



    What really struck me with the first episode of Evil Stepmothers was the fact the father seemed to have just abandoned his children to this woman. So sad!!


    Evil Stepmothers: 'Not My Mom'.  I just watched this one, and I don't understand why the son was given jail time at all ?  I know I've seen this story before. It wasn't Evil Stepmothers, it might have been featured on  'Who The Bleep Did I Marry ?

    • Love 1
  10. Sherry.  She really didn't have any "stuff," just trash (save for a couple baskets that her now deceased mother made).  They also had the terrible roach and BLACK WIDOW problem.  BLACK WIDOWS!  The dad is a total piece of shit.  Those poor kids were surrounded by two pieces of shit and lived in a landfill.


    Oh! You mean the mother who could "climb out of her grave and make more" ?

    • Love 4
  11. My Crazy EX:  "Vexed, Hexed and Artfully Sexed" 


    Lynette and boyfriend (of one year) go to a Psychic. The Psychic tells them that the relationship will end badly . Okay, so dangerous things start happening to her boyfriend, and Lynette feels she needs to breakup with him, to save his life. Lynette's friend suggest that Lynette go back to the Psychic to see if she can break the curse or something.   When Lynette goes back to the were the Psychic's office was, the building is empty "For Lease"


    Lynette calls the number on the sign and asks the leasing agent for the Psychic's contact information. She gets an address and drives over to the Psychic's house. Lynette knocks on the door and the Psychic answers.


    This is the part that I don't understand:  Lynette knows that she is going to the address that the leasing agent gave her  for the Psychic but when the Psychic answers the door, Lynette is shocked to see the Psychic there. Lynette says  "what the 'f  ?


    Why is Lynette surprised to see the Psychic there ?

  12. accordingly, he should still be living on top of the pile too.


    He could have insisted that *SHIT HOUSE*  his kids were living in be cleaned up. He should have gone in, taken the teens and just started cleaning. Starting with kitchen and then on to each of the kids bedrooms. What was she going to do....Call the cops?   I would have dared her to.

    • Love 3
  13. *Crowded*     They aired back to back episodes. I didn't bother to watch the second episode.


     sitcom cliches,,,,,,


    A Black person.

    An old person.

    teen girl:  sexy/slutty and b-sexual. 

    teen girl:  super smart/nerdy

    Dad: Hates daughter's boyfriend

    Mom:  ?

    • Love 1
  14. Ugh. Yesterday I caught the rerun of the woman whose home was overrun by roaches. She claimed to be "disabled" and sat in a lounge chair in her living room surrounded by a mountain of trash -- comprised mostly of empty 12-pack containers of Pepsi. Her ex-husband allowed the kids to live in the filth because the wife would "lose her benefits" if he pressed for custody. So, instead they live in a home filled with roaches and a bathroom with a mountain of used sanitary pads piled high on the floor.

    She was a loathsome beast.



    I just watched this one. What a vigil/loathsome women she is. Blaming the condition of the house on her kids. Not talking any responsibility at all.  I wanted the therapist to ask the dad why he was okay with leaving his kids in that filth. He had to get out of there but it was okay to leave the kids? 


    What a total POS he is.


    There is nothing that he can say to explain why he left them there. He didn't take them because he didn't want the responsibility of taking care of them.

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  15. The entire wedding is really unnecessary. I feel so bad for the women. I rent a tux for less than $100, and bring it back nbd. What guy doesn't look good even in a cheap tux? Ladies have to actually buy a dress, and coordinate colors, and general lady things. You get 6,7+ women around where they have to get all done up for something and you're asking for trouble. Which I'm figuring the dress is $200 at the least, and it's highly unlikely you wear it again. Plus the shoes. Then they have to be dyed too. 


    Ugh, and if you have to do it in a church and kneel there up front for like an hour and a half. How many times have you heard the "when two become one" sermon from the priest? It's like the only one ever at every wedding all the time. I feel like breaking out with a bad Atlantic Starr song from the 80s. 

     I agree it's all totally unnecessary. Dh and I were married by the *Justice Of The Peace* 25 yrs ago, We are still married. I wanted to new furniture.  I chose to spend all that money on something that last longer then a few hours.

    • Love 1
  16. Man, I would hate it if either Tara or Denise got killed, but probably would hate it more for Denise because I have been enjoying her character lately.  But I am really suspicious because they had that scene where they said "I love you" to each other.  And it seemed to come out of nowhere because we never got to see the run-up.  Not that TWD is necessarily a show that is heavy on romance, but still...  And when relatively minor characters start getting meaningful face time you can almost see the clock ticking down.  The other thing is, Denise is beginning to have an interesting relationship with Daryl. Again a possible sign.... But it is the Zombie Apocalypse and I can count on four fingers the characters that are probably 99% safe on that show.


    As for outrage, I think people would be upset because both characters are likable and it does get wearying for the supporting characters to be killed off.  But I am hearing rumbles about a major/main character being killed so if Tara or Denise are killed off, the outrage might just get lost in the bigger shock and dismay of a main character loss.




    Not really new, but I remember being pleasantly surprised by the revelation that Analise Keating, Viola Davis' character on How To Get Away with Murder is bisexual and has such a complicated relationship with both her lovers, Eve and Nate.  But then every single thing about Analise is complicated.

    Regardless, *all* the church weddings have been so so long and boring. Plus it's always creepy to me that the pervy priest tells you to mack on your spouse in front of literally both of your families. 


    "pervy priest"  ?  

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