8 -
63 Excellent-
It's the number of electors in the electoral college, and a pretty popular website run by Nate Silver. With Matt, probably not a coincidence.
Ken/Matt are a force to be reckoned with, and while I'm sure Monica is nice (didn't see her originally), she was annoying the heck out of me with her physical movements buzzing in, and then the tic of pushing up her sleeves. As I read through this forum, surprised to see how much Buzzy annoys others. I love him! But I am a card-carrying member of the Alex Jacob fan club. He's my "ride or die". And obviously, no proof, but I blurted out "Tiger, tiger" the instant the clue was read. My husband even side-eyed me and then was astonished when none of the three got it, as was I. I honestly had no idea that any English poets from that era swirled around in my brain. Filing that one away should I ever make it through an audition for the show. I'm team Ken or Buzzy all the way. Minus Monica, I love both their teams. Does anyone else just really think about HOW THE HELL Ken won so many games in a row? I mean....it just seems like an impossible feat and yet...he's so funny and humble about it. This tournament has been fun - I hope they do it again some day!
S14.E09: Week 9: Overnight Dates (Thailand)
redfish.bluefish replied to OnceSane's topic in The Bachelorette
Watching this shitshow tonight since I've been working late nights this week. All the good stuff has been said already, I just want to ask Jason if he will accept this rose. He's been my favorite for a while, and I know, I know - the hair. But this ep in particular I found myself wondering what he might look like fresh from the shower, with only a towel and that gravelly voice....sorry, got a little carried away there. I just adore him. He's too good for this show, for sure. If he can afford to live in a highrise in Seattle, he's doing well for himself. He's a total package. As always mileage varies-we all have our "types". He is clearly, totally mine! Blake freaks me the hell out - and Garrett is just, ugh. I do think it's between Colton and Jason for most marketable as the next Bach. Will all depend on how BiP goes for Colton I suppose. She seems so so so into Blake--which means she probably picks Garrett (I DO NOT KNOW THE ENDING!). It's always a "safe, comfortable" choice v. the one with all the chemistry. And chemistry always wins. Final note - Becca seems more heartbroken over dumping Jason than he is over her. If I were on this show (which, perish the thought), I'd play it like Survivor. I'd figure out my top three early, but I'd seed in some cannon fodder and pretend to love them all. At top six, I'd hope to be pretty sure of my pick, and I'd start eliminating my lesser two in between the fodder. My goal would be top 2 would be someone I just liked being around or who was a great guy and a good candidate for being Bachelor. Then I could be confident in my pick and know I didn't have an emotional disaster ahead of me. Of course, this would all take some convincing acting and assuming I could outwit producer manipulations. LOL Likely not, but I often think about "how would I do this?". I wonder if this was how Jojo did it -- mostly because I cannot for one second think she had an attraction to or wanted anything beyond friendship with Robby. So with this batch, my top two would have been Jason and Jordan (who maybe doesn't meet my criteria above, but i'd have kept him around for the entertainment). One last side note -- the show was a lot more fun when they got the contestants all liquored up. -
S14.E06: Week 6: Richmond, Virginia
redfish.bluefish replied to OnceSane's topic in The Bachelorette
The credits scene with the "two on one" with Abe & George was HILARIOUS. See ya Chris, don't let the door hit ya.....he better hope no one in the Orlando dating pool watches this mess, or he will be forever alone. God, what a nightmare he is. Becca's RC dress was STUNNING. Best one yet. On the topic of her hair, it's fine. Nothing more. I'm so weary of this carefully beach-waved style everyone has. It feels like the trend has stuck around far longer than it should have. Maybe because it's easy to style, but I swear every woman between 16-46 has long, center-parted, beach waves. Booorrrrringgggg. Won't miss Conner or Lincoln. It was past time for them to go. I loathe Garrett and Colton, for reasons already articulated here. Blake seems sweet and sincere, but I can't get past his oddly-shaped head (reminds me of the episode of Friends where they tried to convince Chandler to stop being so picky. BIG HEAD BIG HEAD!). Wills is one cool cat, but he's soooooo laid-back. Not sure if he's high or asleep. I also can't decide if he's truly sincere in his growing love for BK, or if he's caught up in wanting to win. He *reads* sincere, but I'm not sure. Something I can't put my finger on. Jason has become my hands down favorite. I don't love his hair style, but that's easily changeable. His smile is gorgeous, he's articulate, sensitive, but also seems like a guy's guy. He has a REAL job and seems to truly like Becca and her company. I selfishly want him for the next Bachelor. -
This! This actually turned the tide on my opinion of Chelsea. I think there is some snarky awesomeness in her somewhere. She appeared at first to be Olivia 2.0, but I am actually kind of liking her now. We see her less, but also, when we hear her, she's funny. Don't get me wrong, I'm not offering her a rose, but I don't hate her. I *might* even watch her as the B'ette.
I'm 10 minutes in and I already loathe Ashley. I am new to BIP (finally watched Ben's and then JoJo's seasons after a long hiatus. I think Andy Baldwin was the last bach I watched...point being, I have no preconceived notions about anyone who was not on Ben/JoJo's seasons. Ashley is either chewing scenery as an "actress", or needs some professional help. She's 28? Looks more like 48 to me. So I'm confused about a few things: What reason would Caila and Ashley have to hang out before BIP? Bachelor franchise events? They clearly were in communication before the show. So after already knowing Jared and Ashley had a relationship, Caila makes a beeline for Jared? Caila says he isn't her type? This is a setup/producer manipulation, right? It has to be! Why does Ashley summon a coven with the Twins? They almost seemed to know her already as well but Ashley had to ask which was which. And then figuratively smacked Emily in the face by saying "Caila is the only one I knew he'd like..." Ouch. And yet she is still fussing with Ashley's hair and reassuring her...they were acting like ladies-in-waiting to the Queen of Crazy. Jared is too nice to her. He needs to shut that shit down stat. Speaking of stat, is there anyone in franchise history who has had more medical emergencies/issues than Evan? He is THE. WORST.
Just had to comment to agree with all the side-eye being thrown Jordan's way. I think he looks like a ferret and he is so glib. i. don't. get. it. She definitely has a type. I feel so dirty admitting this, esp in light of what seems to be common opinion here, but I find Alex just captivating. NOT based on his personality - at least what we've seen on screen - and I KNOW he's short, but when he smiles....damn. I also like how he is always the first to stand when JoJo walks in the room, and stands again when she leaves, and always steps forward to greet/hug her hello. It reads a well-mannered to me. I know he's acting whiny, but I am guessing that is his insecurity coming out. For all I know he's a sociopath -- but I sure do like looking at him. My second favorite is Luke. Love his strong, reserved, laid-back vibe. Derek has gorgeous eyes. That is all. So I live in NE FL and somehow didn't discover until this week that I have two friends who know Robby. One friend had nothing but good things to say about Robby and his family. Said he has always been a great guy, swears he is not gay (I remain skeptical) but Friend said Robby has always been into clothes and did some modeling and that he's just super metro. Which doesn't really fit JJ's type, but there you go. Robby: confirmed nice guy and metrosexual. Friend also confirmed the spoilers and told me that the girlfriend situation has been overblown. From what I was told, the relationship was not going anywhere, they were on different pages and it was going to end anyway. Friend said that Robby did not dump her just to do the show. FWIW. ETA: Not to mention Jordan and his f*^&^&A% skinny pants. He is the WORST.
THAT'S what it is! Not gonna lie, he brings the pretty a little bit for me (he looked smokin' hot walking that runway, complete with adorable wink to Lauren H.). But then in other scenes I was trying to figure out what was *off* about him! I think he is coming across as a nice guy, sincere, earnest even, in his attempt to FEEL SOMETHING. I really like Lauren H., but she is too good for this show. As is Jubilee. I hope she is not so lacking in confidence in her "normal" life and it was just this artificial situation. Also, how has Emily gotten to the ripe old age of 23 without having done a tequila shot? EVER? Not even ONE? She does come across as about 16, so maybe that's why. I did love Lauren B. in that scene. I wish they'd show the outtakes all the time instead of the scripted/edited scenes.