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  1. First time posting here. I enjoy reading the comments and getting other people's point of view. It seems like most of the posters are women so i thought I'd give a middle aged guys side of things, in some cases a little different than what other posters are saying. Vanessa: very attractive, maybe a little insecure about Trey leaving but that's forgivable given the situation. He seems to be a good guy, those two look happy. The giggling - most guys find that attractive, she has a nice smile, didn't bother me a bit. Ashley: wow, a dead fish. Doesn't open up for 2 months? See ya. Can't even hold hands? Hugs strangers but not her stranger of a husband. She's frigid, i can't imagine being with her. There is a reason she was in a ten year relationship and didn't get married. The guy fell in love at one point, probably young, and didn't realize when he fell out of love, just kept going but never felt right about getting married, then finally figured it out. David is handling things well, i can see how he's a good salesman - very positive, outgoing, won't quit, can handle failure and keep going. I wish i had those qualities. If he's striking out on the dating scene he's probably too much on the nice guy approach, needs to learn how to be a "bad guy" every so often. Just act like you don't give a @&$ and can do great without them every now and then. Sam: im biased, she's cute. Appearance, mannerisms, i like her except when she demeaned Neill. But, that guy does need to man up - a good guy but he's always going to be the friend. His ex at the wedding - crazy. when the relationship is done there is no friend zone. Its done. Any real guy is not going to want to hang out and be friends. If it seems that way, they're really just looking to get into her pants. Seriously - guys do not hang out with gals who like football because they are a good football watching buddy. They hang out because they think there is a chance. But i digress... Sam is playful, Neill has a stick up his butt. Dude is way too serious. Missing signs too. I was curious to see how everyone read Sam's expressions during the homework assignment. That was not a disrespect thing, that was a playful thing. Seriously, staring at someone in the face while putting your hands in the slap-game formation? That's really stupid, and as a guy I'd be all over Sam playing around. The playing around is the communication. Open up stupid! Have fun. This cute gal is right in front of you, making silly faces, play with her! She makes those faces when she's a little uncomfortable or nervous anyway, so take advantage and take charge. Dont make silly faces back, per se, but act like you're going to do something to her if she does it again. Get in her space, whisper in her ear you're going to bite her tongue if she sticks it out again, and smile. Put your finger or hand near her cheek as close as possible and tell her you're still not touching her. Play with her hair, maybe grab it lightly when she makes a face. Geez, what an opening. If nothing else, at least just laugh, ughh. Such a terrible match. Anyhow, these experts are terrible. In some ways i think this is some mad science experiment of theirs: "boy they'd think i was a genius if this crazy match actually worked!". Pretty messed up when people are supposedly trusting experts to make the biggest decision of their life for them.
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