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Posts posted by ElDosEquis

  1. MoFoYoFo's book is going to be the definition of Lyme's cut and pasted from a Taber's (medical encyclopedia) with photos of needle sticks, Intravenous drips, voodoo dolls, colonics, most popular cleanse recipes, tours of foreign facilities, almond recipes, Some How To Hints -such as Band-Aid application, Selfie Taking in Bed, Getting Brain Function Averages with a calculator, How NOT to apply makeup, How to explain Lyme's to the Layperson, Medical Terminology, Organizing your pill closet, pill swallowing and Growing your own lemons/shopping for lemons.

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  2. One of the funniest (saddest) things is the 'charity work' that lisa does for the various causes she champions. Way back in the first two seasons, LVP threw a FR for a girl who suffered from burns she suffered in a DV case. Lisa did a talking head piece where she stated the girl suffered the burns "after she was asked out". Huh?

    Ever since then, I have noticed that all of her fund raisers are these over-the-top productions with gaudy decorations and gobs of those FN pink roses.


    My question is how much of the production is she able to write off as charity and how much is actually raised for each cause?



    I think that her poor dog suffers from having his follicles worn down from all the stupid outfits she put on him. That dog has hair on it's head and legs - no sign of alopecia there.......I don't mind putting a costume on a dog for a photo or joke, but my heart breaks when I see that poor dog waddling about looking like it took a dump in it's pants.


    And please don't start me on owning swans and small horses. I cannot imagine the problems they have with feces on the property. Birds tend to poop all over the place and the places they swim get rather dirty very quickly. Horse poop tends to pile up rather quickly and requires immediate attention/disposal. But it is kind of funny to picture Ken walking about with a broom and a scooper, cursing about all the crap he had to pick up?

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  3. yo's 'problem' is that she believes that she is smarter than the people around her.


    She 'invites' people to join in her journey from illness to wellness, then questions their loyalty when her story starts to fall apart?


    Some of your posts reflect your professional and personal connections with the world of medicine - When you work or have had to deal with some medical issues, you can pretty much figure out a BS story when you hear one.


    Only SHE knows what she is going thru, but her stories go from one extreme to another. In the grand scheme of themes?


    Reality wins.




    One thing that I predict is that she CANNOT jump up and say that she has been 'cured' of anything.


    Having her implants taken out should make her feel better (They were most likely the cause of her ills), but she can't seem to be miraculously cured of Lyme's because she will have to

    A) give up her place as the suffering face of Lyme's

    B) figure out the next lie to explain her sudden cure


    IF she does claim to be cured, she loses her spot as the spokesperson and all the cachet and perks that go along with it and then how does she explain or credit any of her zany cures to the people who are looking for a cure and hold her in such high esteem for her work with the group?


    She has painted herself into a corner when it comes to her 'storyline'.



    When I hear that she was driving again, I had to laugh,


    You only need to have about 30% of your mental acuity to be able to drive in El Lay!!!

    • Love 8
  4. MoFoYoFo does have a screw loose, she is MORE dangerous than Brooks Ayers - Brooks was scamming one woman, Yoyo is scamming a whole group of people.


    Forgive me if I am going over old territory but collectively? All her BS is just that, A pile of BS.


    Her leaking implants are suspect. Leaking silicone, into the body, does impact your lymphatic system and your body wants to reject anything that irritates or doesn't 'belong' in the body.


    Think of it like a splinter? Your body surrounds a foreign body with lymph (pus) and slowly tries to work it out of the area. Something like a mass of silicone would really jack your lymphatic system up - you'd have problems.



    Someone before had mentioned  that there hasn't been one doctor to champion her diagnosis.


    Knowing physicians/doctors/providers and the way they work? IF there was a doctor or group working with her, they would be MORE than happy to make statements or speak on her behalf in order to get the public up to speed about the disease and possibly getting more support for research? Money for the study of any disease is and can be a HUGE business.


    The only 'word' we have about her illness is a binder, a closet full of pills, potions and poultices, and a posterboard with colored Post-Its with the "Illness du-jour". 



    Aside from a dentist visit and her surgery? We haven't really seen any interaction with a 'doctor' for her LD/Exaggeration Disease (ED). We see every needle stick, IV, pill bottle, bariatric treatment (bariatric treatment, WTF?) and monkey scrotum injection, but don't see anything of worth from anyone who is qualified to comment on the disease?


    IF she was really serious - I don't doubt her sincerity, it's her honesty that bugs me - about getting treatment for LD/ED, she'd find the best doctor and stick with their treatment regime.


    MoFoYoFo IS a doctor shopper - When she doesn't get the answer she wants - she goes to find a doc that WILL entertain HER ideas of what she has. I tend to think that most docs wouldn't lead you on to make money, but when you offer 'groundbreaking treatments' that aren't offered or OK'ed by the FDA/USA/AMA that would put scads of dollars into your pockets?


    Another thing to consider are the privacy laws /HIPPA laws that prohibit any provider to make your medical files/records public, unless they have your permission. So, in essence, no one can come out and say anything about your medical history. We can go back to Brook Ayers Incident and see that HIS downfall was mentioning a medical center and making up a bunk scan/x-ray?



    One other problem with her and the kids having LD was from someone who did more research and checked the LA County Health Department website.

    I can't remember the exact numbers but in more than 3 million people living in Los Angeles, there were only a handful - less than 5 -

    that had the disease and 4 of them contracted it outside of LA. IF she and her kids were diagnosed in the area, that would have made the news - I lived in LA and the LACOHD was rabid about putting out the word outbreaks of anything - Hanta Virus, West Nile Virus, Rabies and all kinds of other creepy crawlies that might break out?


    Had they all picked up LD from horses and the ticks in the area? The horse stables would have been quarantined and you can be sure it would have made the news. (And why would you want your daughter to go back to train with horses to pursue an bid for the Olympics if there was a chance she'd be 'reinfected'?)




    Lyme's IS one of those afflictions a doctor just cannot look at you and diagnose - and there are some other illnesses that share the same ?symptomology - which is why they are hard to pinpoint. I won't say she WASN'T ill with something, It's just what that illness is/was. I am skeptical?



    • Love 13
  5. Hello thread.

    Thanks for FINALLY answering the question that had bounced around in my head for a while - but was too lazy to find out the answer to. (Actually, I kinda knew the answer already?)


    MoFoYoFo  does have a real disease called "overstating the facts".


    I had never hear of a woman 'breaking her back' during childbirth - this was after 10 years of doing the post operative records for a L&D unit. A few herniated discs would be painful during labor, overstating them as being a 'broken back' brings tears to the listener's eyes and more along the lines of a 'Miracle Birth'.


    Now her Lyme's 'ups and downs' sound more plausible (overstated)


    The silicone implants would have affected her health......her stupidity and vanity - not wanting to accept the fact that the implants she wanted made her sick - are part or her 'illnesses'.


    Another thing to consider?

    She states that her kids are effed up due to the breastfeeding with her implants. If there were a chemical/substance could be transferred to a small child via breastfeeding, it would show up in more concentrated amounts (Harmful?) in the mother?


    When you have a board with all your 'possible illnesses' and a three ring binder with all the symptoms and a closet full of meds -without a qualified person to give them to you? THAT Is were my alarm goes off.

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