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  1. Wow glad I checked in here to see the latest on Sam. Another person with a record/arrest? Great job, show. Pfffftttt. Just saw on Instagram she is doing some event and speaking about cyber bullying? Good lord. She was being rude to people on social media from some reports! Maybe this is a how to on cyber bullying people rather than her speaking against it? Ha. If she really was so changed etc etc she would stay out of the limelight and focus on herself and moving on. Instead she is doing everything she can to extend her fifteen minutes. I think Neil dodged a HUGE attention seeking, pot smoking bullet and no one can convince me otherwise!
  2. I am sure people have moved on but I had to post this. Sam is going on on Twitter that she is "besties" with Sean from season 2 and there was a tweet of them joking around. Not sure how to post screenshots here though. Sean and Sam? That's a match made in Hades! I am sure it's just a little Twitter friendship but imagine for a sec if they got together? Hahaha. Sam would destroy poor little (sarcasm!) Sean like a velociraptor! She would have to be into a long distance relationship though cuz we all know Sean would never leave New Jersey to go to Atlanta! That's ok though cuz as if Sam would give him a key to her place anyhow!
  3. Hahhaah sleekandchic; I bet it's as deep as a tablespoon, right? If someone gave me a free copy; I would hate read it
  4. Jamie Otis is all over Twitter shilling her book. It's called "Wifey 101" ?!? I wish I had aa gag or puke emoji; it would be inserted right here.
  5. edited to remove accidental double post
  6. I so agree. I used to follow the season 2 girls on Instagram and Twitter, but as soon as I saw they are hanging with Ashley and condoning her behaviour I unfollowed them. Kinda sick of their schtick and selfies anyhow so it was a good excuse. How smug does Ashley look in the posted photo with them by the way? Ugh.
  7. Hahhaah! love the Bing reference. I think Ashley went to several Mac and Sephora counters and said "I would like to keep the make up I have on but could you heavily add to it?". That red lipstick is not a good look on someone with such thin lips. Who am I kidding? NONE of it was a good look! And I wouldn't pick on her if she was a decent person, but she isn't so IDGAF!
  8. I am glad Sam and Neil aren't dating. I think he should hold her at arms length and maybe they can be friends. Good for them if it works I guess? Ashley is a stone cold dead fish. She truly has dead eyes and all that caked on makeup can't hide that. Bless David's little heart haha, he is always the optimist. Vanessa and Tres. So he told her he didn't have romantic feelings for her? So I guess he never did then? I kinda felt the whole time that his actions and words were very "produced". Vanessa had some issues with trust and communication but I don't think she deserved how it all played out at all. I felt bad for her especially when she cried. Vanessa will find someone; tres can go back to schmoozing, selling cars and partying; she is better off without him.
  9. Ugh Sam is back responding to anyone and their dog who tweets at her. She really eats any attention up. I also can't stand her perfunctory responses to everyone "thanks for your opinion; hope you have a good day!" Or "I can understand why you feel that way; have a good week" (insert smiley face and/or thumbs up emojis). She sounds like someone at the customer service desk at a store or like she is responding to an online retail complaint using flippant and scripted responses to settle down a slightly irate customer. It's so insincere. It's just funny to me how she professes to loathe people being fake. She is the biggest faker who ever faked IMHO! It's Funny to me as well how she has referred to "my fans". I think all this experience has done has inflated her already big narcissistic ego!
  10. crazy chicken; thank you for posting the defaced painting thing with "ex wifey" on it. I had forgotten! Further proof Sam is unhinged. I was sure it was the next day too. I picture Sam going in there that night and having some weird angry primal scream session before quickly writing on that canvas and then leaving. She's the toothbrush in the toilet type too. I bet she would do something like that and be in her coffee room at work laughing and saying "and then.... I put his toothbrush in my butt crack!" while her coworkers silently and uncomfortably eat their lunches. Much like her little chair prank story and how it went over at the bbq.
  11. Agreed. David and cold hard reality have never met and shaken hands, apparently.
  12. I also am kind of finding it odd that people think Neil should have given Sam a heads up on his decision. Sam didn't give Neil any common courtesies through the whole 'process'. And he was pretty clear he was analyzing it and undecided right to the end and I believe him. If people should get warnings on everything maybe then Sam should have sat him down at the beginning and given him a heads up that she is a nasty bully so she didn't blindside him? Nah; he didn't owe her anything after how awful she was and her "turn around" with a week and half left was totally insincere. I have seen more convincing preformances at an elementary school play than what Sam gave. It smacked of being what her favourite word to throw around is: Fake! And I had an issue with her behaviour when they met to talk it out later because she acted like Neil was out to lunch for hesitantly wondering if she was ok. She brushed it off sort of like "why wouldn't I be?" Like he was crazy. Um I dunno cuz last time I saw you you ran out of the studio and crouched by a curb sobbing and yelling like your world was over while pepper Schwartz had to console you? I would agree that Sam was doing that act to maintain some dignity IF she were any other normal person. But because she is Sam her behaviour at that meeting was to try and gain the upper hand back by acting breezy like she didn't ever care and that Neil was nuts for thinking she would be upset still. It was another little bullish!t power play move by her. she thinks she is slick but the look on her face and barely concealed anger always comes through. Like I said earlier I saw a flash of absolute rage go through her eyes (just in the eyes) right after Neil said he chose divorce and it was a window into her soul. I saw everything I needed to right there to make up my mind about her once and for all . And people like her just don't have the emotional capacity to change in my experience. I also agree with the few people that think Neil's decision was edited to make it seem a bit colder and more clinical than it actually was. Although I have no issue with how he did it (if it wasn't edited),personally.
  13. Love it and I agree wholeheartedly! And I LOL'd at your comment on the shorts! Ha!
  14. I am still in shock at the amount of makeup she is wearing in the previews! I think you are onto something with the mention of Jamie Otis! I think Jamie did Ashley's makeup! Full fake spider lashes, lipstick, and oh so much more. It wasn't long enough to tell for sure but maybe Jamie also bleached Ashely's teeth to a completely unnatural glow in the dark shark white, too? Oh well, no matter what Jamie did she would have her work cut out for her doingAshley's makeup; there is no way to hide dead cold fish eyes with makeup. Jamie probably said "did you want to try some tanner?" And Ashley's response would be "ummmmmm.....uhhhhhhh I can't answer that right now" or "ummmmm I am just not comfortable answering that"
  15. I don't blame him for withholding a thing from her...if he did. People like her don't want to hear anything about how you feel or think. It is suppose to be all about them and nothing more. They don't give you a chance to put the effort you normally would into things unless its how they want it done. Narcissistic bullies know how to put on the tears also when they need to so they get that pity as needed and if its about someone else to make you think that other person is so bad for making you cry. I never want to see people miserable but there is a time when some get what they deserve. If you want to be a bully all your life and get it back one day I don't pity what happens if it gives you a taste of your own medicine. Sometimes it can be the only way to get it across to a bully and sometimes they just will put on the pity me guilt trip and play victim to those that will give it to them. Let me just add that people like her make you want to shut down and not feel a damn thing around them so you don't give anything for them to come at you with. I agree with what you have said here 100 percent and I co-sign! Those kind of people turn on the tears as soon as they don't get their way or are called out on their cr@p to deflect away from their own actions that resulted in them crying and not getting their own way in the first place . It's also easy if you have the misfortune to deal with a narcissist to try to protect yourself by giving very little away in terms of feelings, thoughts and emotions; they just seek to use them against you as a weapon or they file it away as Intel to use later when it suits their purpose. Any weakness you show can and will be exploited if it suits their purpose. I think Neil had to be a blank slate after awhile. When he was happy at the wedding and joking with the onsie and trying on the honeymoon to get to know her she just flipped on him and acted like he was so beneath her. I think he quickly learned to become a shell so that she was less likely to know his vulnerabilities to prey on. I have known and know people like Sam. They are emotional vampires and their sh!t isn't worth putting up with if you don't have to. I am glad he said see ya to her! I just hope they don't announce they are dating at the six month reunion or something!
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