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  1. We don't know if the morphine dose in those syringes are full doses or not. and at least in animals the dose can be 0.1–2 mg/kg so there is a big difference between the lower and higher dose and you can give it every 4-6 hours so there is a big variant . They had the full auto version till at least 2007 and I a pretty sure they still have them here, and every one had the full auto version in Israel even though they told us never to use the auto mode. But it might be that we got all the weapons the americans were getting rid of and did not want anymore :) and It not that hard to make an AR-15 fully automatic (or almost automatic) but again it is usually a waste of bullets in most military circumstances
  2. I don't know how much morphine there is in one of those syringes but they might have lower doses so you can give 1 if the injury is not so bad and more then 1 if it is bad. It is not so easy to die of morphine overdose, it happens more often with people who take high doses because of addiction. and although morphine is very addictive it is not so addictive if you have actual pain from an injury. It is usually gets addictive when the pain goes down after a few days but I don't know how bad his injury really was since he was walking with no problem on the next mission. Also some of his hallucinations might have been worse because of the effects of the morphine and not just because of the head injury. In Israel we had American M16 with full automatic mode and I am sure special forces could get any weapon they wanted, although full auto is usually just a waste of bullets.
  3. The actors were fired and there is no mention of what happened to the characters, the writers were too lazy to write it. tvline.com/2016/09/05/code-black-spoilers-season-2-christa-neal-leaving/ Actually they did mention on the night shift what happened to Ragrosa( I Think they said he moved with his family somewhere ) but they did not mention what happened to the other doc bell hart.
  4. I think TC is spiraling down because all of his anger issues, I think Tofer knows it, and he knows he won't do any good in the hospital at least in turkey he can use all that anger for a good cause, and TC was almost always childish, I think he grew a little after Jordan got pregnant but after Jordan left him I think he went back to his old ways.I actually liked the second episode, TC finally got what he deserved, but I am also happy he did not go back to jessica I think it would be out of character for him to do so. Was not so attached to the Briana story but I was glad to see rick back. I liked the medical story with the Chagas disease, and I liked the whole poly what ever relationship thing I think it was funny, especially Jordan's reaction.
  5. M.Seitzman might say there is no lead but if he axed MGH there would be no show left for them to salvage. Its enough to look and all the fanfiction to understand this. 80% of the stories had rorish neal and christa in some constellation if they took rorish out they would have no show left, so at least until the next season she is the lead. I think they will loose close to 30-40% of the ratings because of this stunt alone, the reruns in the summer will not help them bring more fans since all those episodes have neal and christa. Instead of working hard to save all the fans for next year and trying to get a few more during the summer reruns (and they will really need everyone) they are alienating them and they will not be able to gain too much fans since their competition next year is going to be very tough.
  6. Did not think they would bring back Saint Ex but I guess it is a possibility(he did not say a word about her on twitter), not that it matters to me anymore ... It does make me mad that they used the fans this way, I can not understand why the actors are not revolting because next time it could be any of them .... Bonnie and Raza have a lot of vocal unhappy fans, I never saw so many comments on code black in spoilertv like I did today, so I at least hope all this noise will help them get a new project faster and at least let them feel a little better.
  7. Yes I saw that the actress delivers her lines what a surprise ... "In this case it does. You may not like them but they score big with audiences. Repeatedly." although Heather did not have a big role, in the last 4 episodes with Boris coming in the ratings only went down ' although I can not blame it all on Boris, I do not think these 2 "villains" scored big
  8. Too bad they axed them after the end of pilot season ...
  9. I think another reason to feel bad for Ben Hollingsworth, Melanie Chandra and Harry Ford is that they could be axed just the same next season if there is one by the new season description I heard of new residents coming and going every year or they can go by the way of Gina since they will be " more nimble with contracts" ...
  10. I think it more then that, a lot of people did not like how the last 3 episodes were handled but thought that with good writing you can bring them back, and there is fan fiction to prove it, and if it was just budget I do not think they would promote Jillian Murray & Boris Kodjoe (who was probably not cheap) and bring at least 4-5 more actors .... I think their ultimatum had to do with bringing in younger ratings with younger cast. We still have not heard about William Allen Young .
  11. It does not surprise me that is was the networks demands ... I don't know what you mean by " too much chemistry between them" but I think that is the main reason a lot of people were watching the show. I think a lot of people were shippers of Christa Neal or Leanne Neal . Too bad the network did not like it for some reason ...
  12. I will probably not watch it either, the reason I liked this show is because it was not GA (which I liked but stopped watching after 10 seasons ) It was more serous and mature. Heartbeat was a second GA and it did not go over well so I do not expect this to go over well either .
  13. Not even budget cuts seems to be the reason since they seem to bringing in even more actors. I think They are trying to lower the average age of the cast and they hope it will bring their ratings up. It looks like they decided about these changes in the last week, but I really do not understand what made them come up with these changes .... it did not help the rating when they brought in all the new actors in the last 3 episodes why do they think this will ?
  14. Did her profile ever state that she worked on code black ? It would be very weird that take her out of the show since last week they were promoting Neal-Christa again in code black twitter account and Bonnie Somerville retwitted it.
  15. I really liked Doctors with Borders too, Its one of the episodes I like to rewatch, after this episode the ratings actually when up so maybe people saw this episode in a delay and decided to watch the next episode because of it. I'm glad Saint Ex got another gig on a different network, so it lowers her chances of coming back. On the other hand I hope Tommy Dewey does come back.
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