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Posts posted by Mothra

  1. 8 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    Mark is CRAY-ZEE with a capital CRAY. He wants to slip the gloriously if awkwardly named Sincer-A a vial of his, um. "product" so she can impregnate herself? Does he think "pleading her belly" is still a thing? He's a sperm donor? He calls the unfortunate children who resulted from his generosity his "sons"?? His preening and purring over his prowess as a creator of male children was just weird. 

    And, um, Mark? If you really had the bags of money you claim to, those "influencer model types" would be beating down your door. You're not fooling anyone. 

    He's really pathetic, isn't he?  (Either he's lying about his income or he has no idea of how to spend money.)  And at least the closed caption this time read "yin" instead of "ying."  Dumbass.  Mark doesn't really seem to understand about sex and pregnancy, does he?  Plus, he has a feral face.

    The one I'm interested in is Justine's Michael.  Aside from his career plan to become a famous rapper (another dumbass) simply because he said he was so happy he felt like Captain Planet--an absolutely dreadful cartoon show all about ecology--and then proceeded to chant the CP invocation:  Fire!  Water!  Air!  Whatever the fuck else!  I'm afraid I'm Michael's bitch, no matter how much of a shit he turns out to be.

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  2. On 11/2/2022 at 1:10 PM, Joan of Argh said:

    But the difference to me is that a lot of the adult kids don’t like Meri and think she was a nasty bitch to them while those same kids absolutely adore Christine and love being around her so we really don’t need to listen to Kody’s opinion at all to figure out who was the loving, kind hearted “mom” and who wasn’t.

    Merry had a kind of crush on Sol--remember when she asked if he could come with her on a road trip, and when she was told he couldn't and another kid was suggested, she was not interested?  Sol is the only one I ever noticed she gave a shit about.

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  3. On 11/8/2022 at 9:15 AM, Shauna said:

    Maddie sitting at the table eating lunch/dinner with the family and wiping her hands on her pants instead of using a napkin.  What adult does this?

    Me.  And sometimes I wipe my nose on my shirt tail.  Depends on what's handy.

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  4. 2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    Meri also spun it to make it seem like she had no idea it was a catfish when she’d been warned by at least two people, one being her child. So she received more pity than she deserved, except from Leon who called Meri out on that  

    Merry never did acknowledge that she was to blame.  All she wanted was to be the victim of catfishing--and then so what?  If "Sam" had been genuine, it's pretty clear she would've left Kotex for him--as who wouldn't?--and only Kotex and Leon have been willing to believe and to point out that it wasn't the catfishing that was wrong; it was betrayal of her husband and her entire family, and that betrayal was all on her.

    I can't recall Merry even apologizing to her husband that she did him wrong--and no wonder he wants nothing to do with her.  Who wants to be married to someone who doesn't want to be married to him?

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  5. On 11/7/2022 at 8:05 PM, b2H said:

    Thinking about Sobyn’s reaction, it was a sincerely cult response to tell Christine she was lying, in the face of Sobyn’s successful relationship with Kotex.  She is no more convinced of Kotex’s responsibility in this than a Koresh member or Jim Jones member would be convinced of their leader’s responsibility.  

    We see it as heinous because we aren’t cult members, but Sobyn is in for a penny, in for a pound.  The others, not so much.

    I agree with you, but I'm not so sure Rubbing would be such a committed cult member if she did not hold the position of Queen Bee.  It's easy to be all rah-rah when you're the head cheerleader and dating the quarterback.  The clarinet player who doesn't have a boyfriend might not have so much team spirit.

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  6. On 11/7/2022 at 5:11 PM, Chalby said:

    I was watching in disbelief as Robyn and Kody furiously vented about Christine destroying the family cohesiveness, but in the next breath Kody is urging Meri to leave, stating he's fine with that. Even Robyn was asking why she stays... Maybe Christine brought in more family income than the others? I just don't understand the rage.

    I think Kotex and Rubbing are concerned that Christine's leaving will invalidate their TLC meal ticket.  As somebody here said, now the show is about a married couple and the husband's baby mamas, not about polygamy and how weird/fun/wonderful for all concerned it is.

    Potential loss of income is something, maybe the only thing, that would send the two of them into a blind fury.  IMO.

    Christine and Janelle were the only two other wives that maybe the audience could be made to believe were in a real marriage with Kotex, until Christine started telling everybody they didn't do sex any more.  Kotex himself blew the sex myth when he let us all know he despised Merry.  I think we all are suspicious about what goes on with Janelle.

    So, we're left with a show about a man in a monogamous marriage who has financial obligations (or not) to two other women.  If the monogamous wife were charming or even likable, or if there were truly concerns about their religious beliefs,  maybe something could be made of it, but now imo anybody who isn't hate-watching has rocks in the head.

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  7. On 11/7/2022 at 12:11 PM, GeeGolly said:

    If Maddie did really ask Christine what was going on with her and Kody, why did she tell her? Her marriage is none of Maddie's business. And IMO, no parent should talk smack about the other parent to the kids. Kody is their father, most if not all still love him and its up to them to figure him out. Its up to them to have, or not have, a relationship with him. It is not up to them to be Christine's shoulder to cry on, or up to Christine to point out his shortcomings. Christine actually said she called Janelle's kids and asked them if they'd still like her if she left Kody. Like really?

    No one wants to think their dad is an ass and, IMO, if Christine keeps pushing the agenda it may backfire on her.

    I agree with you wholeheartedly--nobody should talk smack to their kids about the other parent, and nobody should put any of the weight of the divorce issues on the kids' shoulders.

    We don't really know what Christine said to any of the kids (except to Truely), but I suspect she did lean on the older girls more than she should.  It's wrong, but it's certainly understandable.  Does she have any adult other than Janelle to talk to about grown-up matters?  Ideally, Janelle would have been enough of a confidante, but we don't know how available she was or how willing she was to hear Kotex bad-mouthed.

    Kotex certainly believed Christine was spreading crap about him to the children.  Whatever she was saying to whom can't be as vile as the things he says about her to the tv audience.

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  8. On 11/7/2022 at 11:40 AM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    I am surprised that Christine didn't just stand up and knock Robyn and her goiter into the pines. If anyone came to my house and accused me of lying, they would be gone.

    I feel certain that this confrontation patio party was demanded by TLC--why otherwise would Christine subject herself to it?  And I think that its being fake (in terms of the set up) is a large part of Christine's being able to control her temper.

    Like you, I sure wouldn't have sat there and taken it.

    Until it dawned on me that we were being manipulated, I was so proud of Christine's even temper, but remember in other settings when Kotex infuriated her and said things that weren't true?  She steamed off--she wasn't going to listen to that crap, and I think if this had been a true confrontation, she wouldn't have sat still and kept quiet as much as she did.

    I think Kotex's and Rubbing's reactions were genuine, and I wish we could somehow see them when they watch this episode.  They both are harpies, Rubbing petty and mean, Kotex demonstrating concern only for how he is being treated.

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  9. On 11/7/2022 at 5:15 AM, zamp33 said:

    I also think Christine was finally validated in her conclusions about her marriage by her kids telling her she had a terrible relationship, and  by Kody not showing up for Ysabel's surgery and ignoring the children. Look at the gaslighting and lies we saw on camera - imagine how terrible it was behind the scenes.  That happens often enough you question your sanity. So at this point it probably is legitimized as being "for the kids" for Christine, but we now see in the talking heads, filmed afterwards, that Christine realizes the full toxicity of Kody.

    It was Kotex who is making it all about the children.  Christine has been expressing concern about Truely all along; I guess she thinks (correctly) that the other older kids have been aware of her unhappiness or are at least comfortable with the idea that a wife might leave her husband.  The only younger children beside Truely are Rubbing's kids, and I think it's a fair bet that they're been kept up to date with Christine's perfidy since day one.

    As I see it, Christine's only concern about Truely was the fact that Kotex ignores her, and that's likely to be more pronounced when they move away and he makes absolutely no effort to be in her life. 

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  10. On 11/6/2022 at 11:59 PM, Onecattoo said:

    3. Meri coming to the realization that when Christine simply states she’s no longer married to Kody since their marriage was spiritual and associated with a church none of them have attended for years, the marriage is in fact over…. it means no matter that Meri “stays”, Kody has actually already done the exact same thing to her so in fact he is NOT her husband and she’s not married because he has outright said multiple times he doesn’t consider himself married to Meri - that was fun!  On a side note…that hurts doesn’t it Kody?  You do not like it when someone else just decides they aren’t married to you anymore and just walks away without giving you the opportunity to agree that you will end your relationship.  Maybe you’ll have a little empathy for how Meri feels now (or not, you are a raging narcissist).  Yes Christine, you do just get to decide you’re divorced. 

    I've been sitting here agreeing with every one of the posts so far and didn't feel like there was anything to add, but I do not believe that this was a Come-to-Jesus moment for Merry.  She's known for a long time that she and Kotex are kaput; her pretense that she's just waiting for him to come 'round is to protect her pride and to provide an excuse for her to be on tv, making easy money.  Plus it's free publicity for her tights business.

    I'm interested to see what happens if they ever do build on Plague Prairie--as if--but if they ever, ever do, will Merry get a house?

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  11. 1 hour ago, renatae said:

    It looks like the con artist has met his match. They both seem to be trying to outfox each other in the financial department. This could turn out to be the most interesting story of the series. Of course, his having made her POA puts him behind the 8 ball. But I'm interested in seeing how this plays out.

    I am too.  Plus kadooz to Emily for shutting down the "little business they were starting up."  She's crafty and not a fool.  But not a good person, either.

    Her looks are very different from the appearance of the other ladies who woo inmates.  Have we seen any of her dating site photos?  Is this going to be another case of fat a little bit?

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  12. 23 hours ago, sempervivum said:

    I'm finding Chelsea boring; I need to hear a voice to really appreciate the stupidity. Also, her house is a shack.

    Me too.  I keep closed captions on for this show (for obvious reasons) but for some reasons it's hard for me to follow what she's saying without the words.  Consquently she bores me.  Plus she appears or is pretending to be pretty stupid.  She's been told her boyfriend was never in the hospital, that he's fine, yet she's still futzing around trying to find out how severe his stroke was.

    23 hours ago, sempervivum said:

    Is Justine really wearing what looks like a long white teeshirt as a wedding dress? When she was sitting down, I assumed it was some kind of long underwear or shapewear that would be covered by the actual dress.

    We have mind-melded.  I thought the shot of her belly was production's nasty way of telling us she is pregnant, but apparently not.  That's the damnedest wedding dress I've ever seen in my life.  Maybe I'm just old, but imo when your belly sticks out like that, you don't want your dress skin-tight over it.

    23 hours ago, sempervivum said:

    Emily's green nails are the size of spoons, how does that work with typing on a computer (since she's supposedly a research analyst or somethiing)?

    And now I know who Emily is (slept through her last week).  Has her job as researcher been explained?  Isn't she some kind of private eye or something?  Doesn't she know that Power of Attorney carries the legal obligation to use the funds for the beneficiary's, well, benefit, and people go to jail for misusing funds the way she's doing?  It's called being a fiduciary, isn't it?  When my mother went crazy and I had her poa, I was scrupulous about how her money was spent and kept receipts out the wazoo.  When she died, it was all handed over to the lawyer.  And how is her boyfriend going to terminate Emily's poa?  Can he?

    Emily's not half as smart as she thinks she is, and I look forward or at least hope for her undoing.

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  13. On 11/2/2022 at 2:00 PM, Pickleinthemiddle said:

    Janelle explained that both Christine and Robyn got the same amount of money from the family pot, for the down payment on their homes and they were not expected to pay that back.

    The Browns' finances are a puzzle within an enigma within a Tilt-A-Whirl where somebody has thrown up.

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  14. 1 hour ago, magemaud said:

    I never thought Meri was an attractive woman, but over the years she's gotten more and more "unfortunate looking" what with her leathery skin and that godawful disheveled hairstyle. 

    Maybe, looking at Kotex's hair, she figures she's making herself more attractive to him.  It's clear she's been using his hair products.

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  15. 22 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Meri is an asshole for pretending she a part of this family at all. She goes weeks and weeks without seeing any of them. She has a whole set of other friends she hangs with and vacations with. She is at the B&B in Utah, too. She has her stupid "business" cruises she goes on. She's full of crap, she's barely a part of the family as is and Robyn seems to be ok with it. They both need to stop this poor us Christine is ruining the family spiel. 

    All this is true, and infuriating.  What really chaps my ass, though (and this is an indication of how petty I am), is with all the griping Kotex is doing about where he's going to put his shit, Merry is sitting there with a god-knows-how-many-bedroom house and never is to be disturbed by having her tights supplies moved to the same room so the family won't have to listen to Kotex whine.

    And if the criteria for spending the night at a wife's house *don't* include having sex with her (he was pissed off at being kicked out of Christine's bed, where we know there was no grousing in the goodie) why can't he sleep (and keep his hair products) at Merry's house, too?

    For christ's sake, he's got three remaining wives, two with enormous mansions, and one of those mansions is nothing but a tights warehouse.  Shouldn't the Patriarch put his little workboot down and insist he get to use some of that space?

    But no!  Merry needs air!  To breathe!  To go on the computer without witnesses and try to hook up!

    I like Christine and Janelle, but the rest of them--bah.  And I include their children.  I'm sure they're just fine, and the real victims here, blah blah blah, but they all look alike to me, those little blond children of the corn.

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  16. 22 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Remember when they used to hold hands and pray?  Kody talked about reading the Bible and praying for guidance.  Those days seem far away.  

    You're right.  Religion seems to have pretty much disappeared from their lives, from what we're seeing.

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  17. On 10/30/2022 at 11:32 PM, Art Of Noiz said:

    Kody claiming he was so busy " I have 18 kids to take care of".

    No you sorry sack of sh*t, you have 3 minor children, one of which is leaving in a few weeks. 

    Hey Kodwad, stop spewing old lines from the script of your life. If they were taken care of, 13 of them? They mommas did it 

    They mommas with a huge assist from Christine, who provided free childcare for most of them.

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  18. On 10/26/2022 at 8:03 PM, Endora said:

    This is true and I believe Christine said the house is in her name, so I assume only her name is on the deed.

    Never mind.  Mscav cleared it up for me posts before this:

    She paid him back when her house in Vegas sold and the home was refinanced in her name only. Kody was removed from the deed.

    I am assuming there was no written agreement about her repaying the (what now appears to have been a) loan for her down payment.

    To be fair, if Christine alone is going to benefit from the sale of her house (which she ought to, since she's been paying the mortgage), she does owe the family the down payment money.

    It's common for someone who's buying a house to borrow money for the down payment from the bank providing the mortgage (I think it's called a bridge loan) pending the sale of the former house (the one in Vegas).  The bridge loan would be, I think, a lien against the house in AZ, which would have to be cleared before the sale could go through--IF this had been done through a bank.

    So morally imo Christine should repay that down payment money off the top of whatever she sells the house for.

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  19. 1 hour ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    You may remember her as the Queen of Smug, although we have two of those this season so that might not help.

    Nope.  I'm sure I was in the arms of Morpheus.  Thanks, though.

    You wouldn't think these prison romance shows would be sleep-inducing, but I'm finding them so.  Maybe it's that I've been watching them too long, and I know what's going to happen, and it's all bad.

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  20. I am taking a moment of my personal, valuable time to pay tribute to Sincer-A.  I bet her real name is SincerAY, with the final e accented aigue.  Maybe it's Sinceree.  I used to know how to make diacritical marks but with creeping senility my skills are slipping away.

    I bet it was the sophistication of that accent that drew Richie Rich to Sinceray.  He's clearly a man who values class.

    I'm wishing the young couple all the joys of fresh new love.

    • LOL 5
  21. On 10/29/2022 at 1:36 AM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    I joined a cult when I was fifteen years old so I never did the 'high school' thing. I watch this crazy woman reliving her high school days and drooling over Mr High School Hottie and I have never been more convinced that I didn't miss anything at all. Seriously, this woman is mentally sixteen years old.  Was this the only high spot of her life, that she reminisces about it constantly?  Sad.

    The thing about her high school fixation is that her hs experience looks like it was pretty shitty.  The photos of her from hs show a dorky girl whose love for the bmoc would never, even in her wildest dreams, be realized.  I think her teeth-gritting determination to screw that guy is a sort of revenge on her high school years--not on him for not noticing her, but on her rotten experience.

    I was a dork in hs--still am--and I hung out with my dorky friends, and it never would have occurred to me that the big-league hot guys would ever look at me, either.  And I've never had the slightest desire to make up for that neglect by pursuing him (whoever he was) now.  So her desire to return to those days confuses me, too.

    Given, as an adult she probably is more conventionally attractive than she was in hs, but I don't understand why she doesn't want to rub the noses of the popular girls in that.

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  22. On 10/28/2022 at 9:39 AM, Meowwww said:

    Justine, stop petting your hair!  It makes you look like an idiot. 

    But they *all* do it!  And not just on the trashy tv we watch; any woman on tv with long hair (I'm assuming at least some percentage is the woman's real hair) strokes it obsessively.  I'm fascinated; hands--at least my hands--get sweaty or dirty or otherwise nasty.  Does that transfer to the hair?  Is there a frame of stiff, hand-contaminated hair around their faces?  Like dried hairspray?

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  23. On 10/20/2022 at 5:36 PM, Passing Strange said:

    Some of it might be perspective but, yes, Whitney is a big woman with a big butt. She acknowledged that when she did the class for the assisted living folks. It's more obvious in some clothes than in others, but I admire that she wears what she likes and doesn't buy into the notion that fat bodies should be hidden.

    I "like"'d this post because of the last phrase --doesn't buy into--but I don't think she's always or even usually admirable for what she chooses to wear.  She spends most of her time on this series wearing tights and a workout bra.  I object not because she's a fat person who ought to be ashamed to show her body, but because she's a person who dresses inappropriately.

    Maybe she feels she making a point by being so aggressive in wearing workout clothes when she is out and about--her dressing that way calls attention to her, not just because she is big but because 99% of the population doesn't dress that way to go to the store.  She is *forcing* us to notice her body and consequently how big her body is--and I don't think it's fat-shaming to say that.

    I don't mean that she should go around in loose, dark clothing, either; she *should* wear what she likes, but within the bounds of what is appropriate for the occasion.  Like everybody else, no matter their size.

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