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F. Max Kreisler

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Everything posted by F. Max Kreisler

  1. In no particular, unless I mention something especially nauseating. 1. Leonardo DiCrapio - I cheered when he froze in the North Atlantic. He cannot suspend my disbelief. He's just not believable. 2. Julia Roberts and her "Joker" ear-to-ear smile. 3. Richard Dreyfuss - How did the schlub get into movies? Even a shark spit him out. 4. Are Glenn Close and Meryl Streep the same person? I get confused. One of them was Cruella. 5. J-Lo. 6. Kelsey Grammer. Really - 20 years of him? Barf. 7. I didn't like Bruce Willis. Then I saw a movie and he was OK - but he doesn't look like a lead when you look at him, more like an extra. 8. Did anyone mention Tom Cruise several times? Let me pile on. He looks like a High School male cheer leader who might be leaning. 9. I saw Emma Stone one time - it was in The Amazing Spiderman. Her overbite annoyed me so much it was hard to get into the movie. I know it's not her fault - but she has money and should see Dr. Ortho. 10. Jim Carrey, manic. 11. Robin Williams, manic. 12. Jerry Lewis, manic. I like him as a person. I liked his movies when I was ten. 13. Anyone not named Curley or Shemp who played the third Stooge. 14. Patrick Stewart as Ahab. 15. Jean Harlow 16. You're gonna hate this - Marlon Brando and every other method actor who cannot articulate. Elocution is not a sin. Mumbling seems to be in vogue these days. 17. Many male actors today. They seem to have low T. Is it just the script writing? I suspect a bit of each. The ubermales seem to come from UK, or Oz. 18. Many female actresses - no native attractiveness. Maybe a few - but you don't get the whole package in one person. 19. I can't stand Michael Moore in a still photograph. he's creepy and smarmy looking. The dirty uncle with foul breath and leering eyes you tell your kids to avoid. 20. Did Shia Lebeouf play Pinky? Looks like a rat-faced creep. I've only seen him in stills. 21, Oh - the worst - wait for it - I'll get the same reaction I got when I mentioned Brando - - - - - - Johnny Depp - one of the worst, ever. His Jack Sparrow was absolutely grade-school performance. When I say it was OTT, people say, well it was supposed to be OTT. Oh, really? I don't buy it. I've seen better drunks played by Ray Milland, Red Skelton, Frank Fontaine, and Foster Brooks - and the last three were funny!. Depp was amateurish. He was an embarrassment. I slunk down in my seat because I was embarrassed for him he was so bad. They let him make 3 of those? He got his come-uppance in The Lone Ranger. 22. Jack Black - as good as Johnny Depp. In other words, terrible. 23. Mike Farrell as B.J. Hunnicutt in M*A*S*H, Hawkeye Pierce's pal. Cigar store Indian talent. Wooden. Maybe the casting director could have found someone who was still living?
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