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Posts posted by Paddywagon

  1. Nick reminds me of that landscaping guy from Bachelorette...chris lambton.  I think Chris does Yard Crashers now?  Anyway, Nick seems like a genuine kinda guy.  Makes me wonder why he's on this show, haha!  And I think Sonia's a sweetie.  

    If Derek is going fame-whore on social media then I'm betting he's not with Heather anymore.  That, plus she just doesn't seem into it.  I don't think she's as extreme as Ashley but jeesh, she's got a cold, unreadable vibe going on.  I think Derek will be the leading fame-ho this season.  Plus he really squirmed when asked if he's had a lot of 1-nighters.  Yeah...these two aren't really strong candidates.

    Someone's gotta still be married.  They cant possibly put out another 0-0 season...can they??

    • Love 3
  2. i'm just not seeing the match with Lillian and Tom.  He seems set in his ways and she seems more driven than him.  I can see friction when she wants help because she has 50 things going down and he wants to go meditate on his surfboard.  (I'm worried about Lillian's thin hair on top?  I hope it's premature natural thinning and she's not a stress hair puller.)

    I'm most hopeful for Sonia and Nick.  She seems very giving.

    i can't get a read on Heather.  She doesn't seem to know herself very well or something.

    it's fun this show is back and to be reading all the great comments!

    • Love 4
  3. On June 17, 2016 at 5:02 AM, Beden said:

    I don't have a problem with Andy. I'm not saying that he's the nicest man in the world but I have a ton of respect for the life he's chosen, how he treats his dogs--even that he recognized that however many he had before his partner left were too much for him to cope with on his own and so found good homes/sold them so that remaining animals would be well cared for. He impresses me as a head down, get the job done kind of guy without a lot of BS; independent, capable. I also have empathy for his realization that he's aging and is uncertain how much longer he can continue with this life.

    I couldn't do what he does.

    Totally agree.  The only thing bothering me is he seems so subdued this season.  Maybe Kate leaving him gave him a wakeup call but tbh I kinda miss the crotchety old Andy whose every other word was a swear word, lol!  I think I'd be more likely to cuss up a storm over yet another thing breaking than stepping back and quietly pondering the situation!


    I've got respect for all the peeps surviving out there.  It's a glorious lifestyle but difficult and very, very dangerous.

    • Love 3
  4. Wow, Jake was really mean to Ami the way he ended it.  The comment about how her eyes make him 'smirk' was meant to be mean and he failed trying to disguise it as a compliment.  Not even saying he was sorry she was hurt was mean.  C'mon... what's so hard about saying you're sorry she's hurting?  He was so cold-hearted towards her that I'm surprised he didn't say "don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."  He totally humiliated her which was uncalled for.  What an ass.  At least with the other breakups the women were able to leave with some dignity but he was just plain mean.  And he was so happy after she left that he's gotta have something going down with someone else.  He's got a secret lover/boyfriend/something.

    • Love 3
  5. They guy with the 4 kids...omg those kids are absolutely adorable!  They're respectful and open to their dad meeting someone and that's incredible.  The dad, unfortunately, seems like the type who would buy her a weed-eater for their anniversary and then not understand why she doesn't like it.  I love those kids but I'm not sure what she sees in him.

    The guy in Utah???  Whoa, this guy is hiding something.  When he left Ami alone that night he was with a "friend."  All night.  Riiiight.  When he consults his sister and she asks him about his feelings he doesn't answer anything about feelings...he says, "I don't know what I want."  It's because it's not about Ami, it's about something he's not telling.  Maybe gay?  Bi?  Sheep? Definitely something.   I feel for Ami who must be getting mixed signals right and left.

    That chick Valene is really immature for her age and way too high-maintenance for a single dad.  She's constantly touching her hair and adjusting her skanky clothes and trying to pose.  Pretty shallow all around.  Right now Mike is thinking with the wrong head but I'm guessing his daddy instincts will win out in the end.  The only daddy she needs is a sugar daddy.

    The weightlifter chick, Denise, is competing too much with John and further threatening him with all the phone numbers she gets from other guys.  I think he's got his hands full with his kid and maybe he's a bit worried about being constantly challenged by his gf.

    • Love 4
  6. Some of Sue's lines make me lol! Tonite when she was checking the radiator on the overheated generator she says, "It looks like a fur carpet in there straight out of the 70s."

    My favorite line from her was when she was going hunting and she said, "You never know if you're gonna get something. If you get something every time it's called shopping."

    She always manages to come up with this stuff. She's the only one on the show that actually finds humor in her world and I love dry humor like hers.

    I also read that Jessie won a 300-mile dog race in February this year. Next year he plans to enter a 1,000 mile race. I wonder why they don't show any of that? Seems like it would be amazing to at least see him start and finish the race.

    • Love 2
  7. New season started tonight! I really love this show and it set the standards for all the 'living in Alaska' shows. Too bad tonight was just a boring recap of past episodes.

    Sue is back. I can't wait to see what new animal hats she has, lol.

    Jesse is back.

    Glen's back.

    The Eskimo family is back.

    No recap of Eric and Martha, maybe because Glen is back this season?

  8. I think Jamie and Doug are dunzo because he's not showing much interest in Jamie or her activities. He's totally in 'yes dear' mode. For me all kinds of red flags went off when he wanted to drive 30 minutes back home to get work done rather than continue on the trip with Jamie. Plus going to the game the next day...a family event (especially a wedding) is waaaay more important than a non-family event. Jamie also knew in advance about the game the next day so why did she start laying into him about it at the wedding? That seemed liked fake drama for the show. Either way, Doug doesn't seem to give a hoot anymore.

    I don't dislike Jamie at all and kudos to her for working so hard to carve out a career as a celebrity. I hope she does well. But I'm pretty sure all the drama and stress of her chosen industry will destroy the marriage. It usually does in couples that meet on TV and one gets bitten by famedom. Right now she seems to be treating Doug like a stage prop more than a husband. I hope Jamie forgets TV and chooses her marriage. IMO she seemed much happier and grounded as a nurse. I think the TV stuff will be full of hurt and will break her heart, and Doug's. I hope they don't decide to have a kid at this point cuz all the signs are pointing to them not making it much longer.

  9. Whenever I watch this show I get sad but this episode was really sad. Sean's sores looked so painful! And I was absolutely cringing when he first got to the hospital and while being pushed in the wheelchair the side of his foot was dragging on the cement. Omg that must've hurt like crazy! How could someone not notice that? And the camera guy just followed filming it. *cringe*

    I agree with the poster upthread that counseling started way late. He went to emergency because he thought he was having a heart attack. I think he was having a panic attack. Food is his comfort and it was being taken away so of course he'll get very anxious over that! Then Dr Now gave him a tough love talk but it seemed mis-timed. If Sean had been in counseling instead it might have helped with the anxiety and avoided a trip to the ER, and also might have helped him stay on track.

    I think Sean has some kind of learning disability but also has a strong will once he sets his mind to do something. He's also a very gentle, sheltered person and he will probably need a lot of help once he ventures out into the real world.

    I hope we get to see a follow-up show with him. I truly hope he has success.

    • Love 7
  10. I really do not think Sam is that into Neil, but she loves the attention she is getting right now. Sam will probably have the hardest time adjusting to normal once the cameras are gone forever.

    She probably really wanted to do the Married at First Sight:First Year show.

    I've been thinking the same thing. Sam's just using Neil to work her 15 minutes. I don't think she has a life outside social media cuz she camps it pretty hard. It's sorta sad, actually. (Like seeing a dead skunk in the road is sad. Draw what you choose from that analogy, lol.)

    I didn't think about the follow-up show. Hmmm, maybe she did lose out on that and it's fueling her resentment.

    • Love 4
  11. JaggedLilPill, FYI has been promoting Bride and Prejudice, and ptv has a forum for it.

    Looks like there will be lots to discuss. Premieres Tuesday, March 15 @ 9p ET


    I saw the preview for Bride & prejudice too. After this janky season of MAFS I think I need a show where couples actually want to stay together. Even the magic happy dust Dr. Pepper was trying to blow all over the place couldn't put these couples in a good light. Gawd she was laying it on thick the whole show.

    All I could think when I saw Vanessa was please don't cry...please don't cry....aww, then she was crying which started me crying in my Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Love that girl and love how she was the only one who really tried to make a home. She paid a high price and got hurt. It really was hard seeing her cry.

    Tres is a playa. He wasn't ready for marriage. He was testing how it felt to play house but truly wasn't ready.

    Sam said she still wears her ring but during their "friendship" brunch she wasn't wearing it. So yeah, it's all a big act. Ain't nothin' there between her and Neil but a very guarded acquaintance.

    @Neil_mafs #callme. We can divide by zero together! I'm still crushing on him, haha. Too bad I'm way over in California. :(

    Ashley was sooooo cold. Brrrrrr, icicles were forming on my TV. The sky darkened. I had to turn on my heater.

    David was trying to stay with it but it was pretty obvious he's already so over this. It seemed at times he had to dig deep to even recall some of the stuff that went on during the show, lol.

    Another 0/3 season. So sad.

    • Love 11
  12. Here are my predictions for tonight's episode:

    1. Sam plays up the "poor me" image. When she leans in to hug Neil a voodoo doll of him with pins in it falls out of her purse.

    2. Ashley is no longer able to pack on enough makeup to cover up the fact that she really is a zombie.

    4. David comes on stage with a sexy sweet lil' southern thang that worships his every word.

    5. Vanessa finally got Tres to wear a dog collar.

    6. Neil is whisked away into the witness protection program.

    7. The experts congratulate themselves on another successful season.

    *sigh*. I just can't take this show seriously anymore.

    • Love 21
  13. Sam, I'm sorry for her. Lots of arm-chair psychs on this blog. She was saving face the next day. She was truly distraught and trying earnestly to admit she might have blown it before he gave his answer. Yes, she was embarrassed. Who wouldn't be. But that doesn't mean she wasn't terribly disappointed as well. I wonder if Neil will find love. I think it is too bad that they didn't have another week or two. A little more affection and it was growing would have helped tremendously. I think Neil will be sorry.

    I don't feel any sympathy for Sam.

    The thing is, I learned to be respectful to people as a small child and refined those skills as life went on. Sam's problem isn't that she needed more time, it's that she never learned not to ever ever ever treat people like that in the first place. And it wasn't just one or two incidents, it was sustained meanness for 5 weeks! Who does that????!!!! And not only who does that but who in their right mind then thinks a week of nicey-nice afterwards fixes it? Mind=blown.

    I'll always admire Neil's tolerance and patience with Sam. Those are the traits of a good person with good character.

    • Love 14
  14. I see those things as a way to manage anxiety - I say that as I sit here with my Himalayan salt lamp, the tea that I like to drink from a particular cup, needing to have a little cozy place to retreat to.

    That sounds very peaceful! And it sounds like you are very self-aware and at ease with who you are.

    I don't see Sam as being self-aware like that or at ease with herself. From what I saw she pushes her issues into others. She seems to have become an expert manipulator.

    ETA: I think all of us have things we want to improve about ourselves. Everyone has issues. But how we deal with those issues determines what kind of character we have, especially when it comes to interacting with others. Abdicating blame never works.

    • Love 3
  15. My theory is that Sam has ADHD which she self-medicates with marijuana. I have no proof of this, just a vibe I get.

    And the waxes.

    And the hookah.

    And we saw her with alcohol.

    And she needs that sanctuary (Sammie's room)

    Yeah, looks like she needs a lot of lot of stuff to cope. Girl's got something she's trying to self-fix.

    Way to pick 'em, experts!

    Neil never saw it coming...

    • Love 4
  16. I think Neil is great. Totally my type, tall, quirky, funny. But don't get him wrong, he is no pushover. She was demasculating him from the get go. Calling him a pussy, saying he wasn't manly. What a bitch move. I'm sorry but if I did that, I'd fully expect a divorce.

    Right? Me too! I totally get him. This show could've been so much better if Sam's issues didn't steamroll everyone else's personalities.

    Sam is a pro at manipulating people to pity her. She barrels on with her agenda and others obediently submit to avoid her wrath or her tears or her storming out. Little do they realize this enabling and coddling is what got her in this mess in the first place. Someone needed to stand up to her cuz obviously mommy and daddy never did. So you go Neil! Good job.

    • Love 10
  17. Sounds more like Neil's giving Sam the stiff arm in the article. As in, she can do/say what she wants but he's holding a strong consistent boundary. I don't think he'll let her get to him again. It's good to see Neil get away from abuse and not go back.

    Sam thinks if Neil accepts her back as a friend then she must not be that bad, right? It's all a game for her but he's got her figured out now and it ain't gonna work. He's gone, Sam.

    • Love 3
  18. Amazing how much Neil was able to express himself once Sam stopped her abuse. I admire how he handled things and that he didn't get sucked into her extreme mood swings or her selfish agenda. He seems like a pretty awesome guy.

    I thought Sam's words were fake and her tears were for herself. I hoped I would feel for her but just couldn't buy into it. Even more so when the very next day she says, "I'm in a better place right now..." In less than a day she's over it after that huge emo breakdown? By the end of the show all I could think is 'that chick is scary unstable.' And yay, only one more episode of seeing Sam talking down her nose with that 'oh so superior' 'tude. I'm actually pretty tired of seeing up her nostrils.

    Vanessa screwed up a lot but she touched my heart with her inner struggles. Tres has so much social finesse compared to her but her emotional clumsiness made her so vulnerable I felt for her this whole season! I hope they make it.

    I LOVE the Rhett Butler comparison for David's exit. OMG lol...perfect!

    Wtf is Ashley dressed in for the reunion show preview...and with all that makeup? Was there a streetwalker reality show audition next door?


    • Love 19
  19. Bahahhaha I imagine it would go something like this:

    David: (outside on the front lawn talking to the camera) my beautiful wife just kicked me out of the house because I said something she didn't like. she was microwaving food for herself and I asked if there was anything around I could eat. She called me fake and told me to "Betty Crocker it up" if I wanted to eat and made me leave. (Sounds of Sam fuming and saying "he doesn't deserve to even talk to me!!!" can be heard in the background. David has his usual hopeful ear to ear smile). But you know; that's life and I am going to take it all in stride and fight for my marriage. I think I will get her a couple of owl related trinkets and she will make a fake show of how much she loves them, I can maybe sneak a kiss, and it should be all good. Or maybe she will snap and kick me out again or spend 20 minutes berating me as man, but thats ok because marriage is hard and I love my wife and she might give up but I am never giving up on my marriage.

    And blah blah blah

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