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Posts posted by Paddywagon

  1. Sheila scares me.  I keep thinking she'll come unhinged at any time.  She's the one who said 'I'm done,' 'I can't do this with you, 'I don't want to do this with you anymore' and stormed out.  I also think Nate needs to check his oversized ego and quit treating Sheila like a bro.  He gets butt hurt way too easy.  If they can both reel it in they have a chance to make it work because they seem to genuinely want this.


    I like Ashley and Anthony.  I think Ashley has a 'light up the room' smile.  They're cute together and get each other.  I get the feels when they joke and tease each other.


    Danielle and Cody won't ever work.  As long as she doesn't go all Sam on him (like Sam with Neil and her 'pussy' comment) they might pull a friendship out of this, but not a marriage.  He's a genuinely sweet guy but not bad boy enough for Danielle.  Cody needs a sweet, shy girl.  I think Danielle's a fun  person but personally I'd find her tiring in the long run.  She needs to lighten up and not make everything a challenge.

    • Love 6
  2. The ice breakup at Andy's place is equally awe-inspiring and terrifying.  I couldn't imagine going through that every year.  I did chuckle, though, when his machine broke and he started cursing up a storm.  Good to hear the old Andy back after he was so subdued last season.

    • Love 1
  3. If we go by what's happening on SM then I think Sonia and Nick are still together, but I think they're having some serious fights.  I think they might've even broken up a couple times but then work through it.  That might be why one minute we're sure they're  together then the next minute just as sure they're not.  I guess we'll see at the reunion.

    • Love 3
  4. 3 hours ago, Lion18 said:


    derek rap about the honeymoon 

    dont know if this was posted already 

    Lol, obviously trying to cash in on his 15-mins but he sounds like a cracker boy trying to rap like he's got street cred.  It's embarrassing.  Maybe tweens will like it.  (No offense inetended to the tweens.)

    Now instead of being just a whiny manchild he can be a whiny fame-ho manchild!

    Heather is so lucky to have dodged this bullet.  She definitely knew what she was doing when she dumped him.

    • Love 6
  5. Nick seems to like living life on his own terms and if he gets pushed he's quick to flip the bird at anyone in the way. He's demonstrated that with his attitude on the show and with his dog vid.  I think for Sonia that probably means she'll have to go along with most marital decisions he makes.  That might be ok with her because she doesn't seem good at making decisions.  I also think Nick will always be an excellent provider and I doubt they'll ever need for money.  She's totally into him and they might have a shot if he ever decides he loves her.

    Tom's found a career where he can make good money with enough to save and still have all the freedom he wants.  He doesn't have to wait for retirement, he can travel and go wherever he wants.  For lots of people nowadays that's the sign of success...to enjoy life as a lifestyle, not to be tied to a job working for The Man 60+ hours a week.  Personally I couldn't be married to someone who works all the time.  I don't think I'd be happy if I were 60 yrs old with a double garage packed with stuff I never use and a life where I can only say I enjoyed myself in 2-week increments of vacation.  But the final word is people should do what makes them happy.  I think Tom and Lily will have a tough time reconciling their lifestyles.

    • Love 2
  6. On 10/22/2016 at 6:46 AM, Neurochick said:

    On the matchmaking special there was a woman who came off as very free-spirit-ish; I think she had pink hair or something.  She would have been perfect for Tom.  

    As for A/C, I didn't have it until I was in my forties, the building where I lived wasn't wired for it.  I have it now and I'm glad that I do, but that's probably because I'm older.

    She might've been more punk than bohemian. I remember on The Bachelor there was a contestant whose occupation was "Free Spirit."  She was a total hippie and loved running around naked.  I'm surprised the producers didn't seek her out for Tom, lol!

    • Love 2
  7. 9 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    I don't think that Tom needs to "grow up."  The problem with Tom is, he's living the life a lot of folks live who have worked for years and have retired. 

    I don't get why people think there's only one way to live and do things.


    5 hours ago, nexxie said:

    Agreed - I find it refreshing that Tom is living life on his own terms, enjoying the water and surfing, etc. while still young. Early on he said that the amount of money he makes depends on how much he works- apparently he works enough to support his lifestyle. Lily might not be a good match though.

    I agree with these two posts so much.  

    It was obvious during the matching show that Tom loves his bus and surfing all the time and that Lily loves her job and working all the time.  Tom's fine.  Lily's fine.  The experts who matched them, however, are totally fucked up.

    • Love 12
  8. YAY no Derek and Heather!  Finally!!!

    I'm sure Sonia has directly confronted Nick about his outburst but I wonder why they haven't shown it. Every conversation they've shown she beats around the bush.

    The dress Sonia wore to the dinner...no, just no.  The top was sexy but it was too tight around the knees and made her outer thighs look huge.  Then the shoes cutting her legs off at the ankles didn't help her calves look good either.  Still, it was better than the frickin' hoodie and t-shirt Nick wore.  Nothing about that guy shows he's making any true effort.

    Tom's bus doesn't have a/c...in Florida...and all the windows were closed.  I felt a little motion sick just watching it on tv and for once I didn't think Lily was overreacting when she complained.  I think Tom and Lily will stay together but I don't know for how long.  The bottom line is he seems to prefer a very bohemian lifestyle while she seems to prefer more refinement. 

    One. More. Week.

    • Love 11
  9. 4 hours ago, jamblastx said:

    Anyone else notice just how many less pages there are here on these last few weeks?  We used to have 7 or 8 pages per episode and lately we barely get 3. 

    True dat.  But last season will be especially hard to beat!  I mean, last season we had a SM firestorm started by Ashley's family and her friends were trolling all the forums...it was awesome!  And we had Sam who will forever be used as an example of how not to treat other people.  And Ashley and Zombie are now interchangeable nouns.  Yeah, those were the days, lol!

    This season is so tame.  I wish Heather and Derek had found some glimmer of hope so they could've gone the 6 weeks.  Not because they had a chance in hell, but because I would've loved to see him bicker and whine over stupid stuff, haha!  Nick is an ass in a scary way but Derek is an ass that would've provided some great snark material.

    Maybe next season, if there is one.

    • Love 4
  10. I was really looking forward to this show but as soon as I saw the twins I just went, ugh, not again.  I've seen enough of those two to last a lifetime.

    I can see where they need to sorta resolve the JoJo issue but I hope it doesn't get dragged out past the lunch meeting.  I've seen enough of JoJo, too.

    I'll be terribly disappointed if this just turns into another alumni show.

    And it's sad that Ben and Lauren act like an old retired couple.  Don't these two do anything for fun?  C'mon, they live in the fun city of Denver right on the front line of the gorgeous Rocky Mountains, and we get grocery shopping and changing a toilet?  Haven't they traveled and made new friends and made wedding plans?  The show needs to focus in that...anything besides more of the same old bachelor franchise people.

    After watching this episode I'm suspicious about the reason for this show.  They told Ben politics was a big no-no so maybe they gave him and Lauren this show as a consolation prize until his obligations to TB runs out.  I know he wants to go into politics as a career and doesn't seem to want to be a reality tv professional so this whole show is suspect.

    In any case, it's a cute show but so stiff...I hope it picks up.

  11. So, a new episode this week, but not completely new.  They re-show parts of last season, (Glenn hunting for his moose and Jessie working on his fish catching barge, etc.).

    Sue, Jessie, Andy, Glen, and the Eskimo family with the sleazy father are all back.

  12. Nick can't even like, uh, send Sonia flowers????  That guy lacks empathy to the extreme.  I can see where Sonia's emotions could tire a person out but Nick's mixed signals would mess up anyone's head and put them on an emotional roller coaster.  Also Sonia really seems to like Nick a lot and he knows it and I think he uses that to manipulate her in the relationship.  With those head games he plays it doesn't seem like she will ever get to be truly happy if they stay together.

    Lillian needs to get a grip.  Good lord, every little bump in life isn't a crisis.

    Heather should've had the divorce papers with her when she met with Derek and Rachel.  And she should've brought the city clerk and the judge and a wooden stake and silver bullet and whatever else it takes to put this zombie relationship in the ground once and for all.

    • Love 21
  13. Everyone has issues, but I think temper and lashing out issues are different than let's say, fear of abandonment or someone being a messy person, or trust issues, or being a lousy cook.

    People don't address their temper problems by being with someone who can deal with it. They change because they get rejected and it gives them a wake up call.  Only then do they face the consequences of their bad behavior and (hopefully) accept the need to change. The desire to change has to come from within.

    Someone who commits to a person that regularly lashes out also needs to get help.    Likewise, thinking one person can change another's angry behavior by putting up with it and showering them with love is called enabling.

    • Love 7
  14. Ugh, more Derek and Heather.  Please just stop.

    Tom and Lily seem to be getting into real life a bit.  I think they're fine but reality is putting a few dings in the fantasy.  It's adorable how often she wears the pearl necklace he gave her as a wedding gift.  Gives me the feels every time I see it.  And no, I'm not gonna mention that cute outfit she had on for the anniversary dinner.  But it really was a cute outfit!

    I'm surprised by Sonia.  She is holding up well considering all the mixed signals Nick keeps throwing at her.  In the beginning she seemed so mousy but she's got some strength shining through! Nick needs to give her a reason to come back but he's acting so cocky.  He needs to show her that he understands how much he hurt her before any healing can begin.  "Let's develop a friendship" isn't gonna cut it.  I like his friend Rich and I think he gave some good advice.  

    Why were the adults discussing marital problems in front of a child?  That was really weird.

    • Love 7
  15. 11 hours ago, ctbabe said:

    I honestly don't believe he did anything inappropriate. I think she asked for no intimacy until they knew each other better and he accepted that. I don't think he tried to force her or 'someone' would have leaked the info as they leaked the rest. She also wouldn't continue saying he is a great guy in unfiltered and TH, if he had done something nasty.

    I understand his lashing out being an issue. I actually don't think he said the milk age comment until he was interviewed in his apartment after the demise of the marriage. The producers just copied and pasted it to the most impactful spot. I believe everyone has a negative.. if after giving feedback and the person keeps up the bad attitude then walking away is ok. I believe he could have toned down the lashing out, if he was given the feedback. They definitely were both stressed so I get her needing space for a few days but walking away is where I have the problem. 

    So...lashing out, bad attitude, rude comments, bad habits.  I think you summed up 'not marriage material' pretty well, lol.  I guess I don't see it as one person's job to fix another, (especially with the lashing out part), and that's why I don't have a problem with Heather walking away.  As for pictures, I don't recall any of the people on this show being in photographs together once their relationships are over.

    I don't really have the desire to see what Derek's up to on SM but it sounds pretty similar to Sam last season.  They made asses of themselves on the show then play the "I've changed" sympathy card on SM.  And Sam blamed Neil for leaving while she was 'trying to make it work', Derek blames Heather for leaving while 'he's trying to make it work.'  Same ol' bs, different season.

    If they've really changed after seeing themselves on the show, great!  I don't buy it but who knows?  Maybe this show is good for something after all.

    • Love 10
  16. Sometimes I think Tom comes across as disingenuous because they're staging a lot of his discussions with Lily.  I think his words might start out as real feelings but maybe they shoot the same scene over and over to get just the right amount of DRAmuh and it kinda takes all the feeling out of it and his words come out as robotic and fake.  Sometimes he has such a blank look on his face it reminds me of a lousy actor trying to remember his lines. Something's up with him but I don't think he's a bad guy, I think it might be too much producer manipulation.

    Lily is young but she's not dumb and I think after a few weeks she'd pick up on fakeness pretty quickly. Women have a good sense for bad vibes but she seems genuinely ok with him and never mentions anything is amiss.  So I think he's an ok guy, just a horrible actor when doing repeat scenes.

    They may be grooming Tom and Lily for The First Year show, (which is so scripted it's not even watchable).

    • Love 4
  17. Of course we don't "know" these people and can only base our snarky opinions off what we've been shown, but that's the fun of it.

    I'd like it if Derek would stop blaming Heather for everything.  He doesn't ever say he played any part in the breakup.  It's all because Heather did this or Heather did that or Heather didn't do this or that.  He's so busy criticizing her he doesn't take any responsibility for his part.

    Maybe he could admit he overreacted about the surfing instructor.  Seriously, they had cameras all over and if there was any flirting I'm pretty sure they would've shown something that explosive!!! Haha

    Or he could take responsibility for picking a fight because she walked out of the cave rather than asking her about it.  Especially since they'd just had a nice conversation.

    He could acknowledge that maybe he's not that self-aware of his habits.  Like, he's not really an occasional toker.  He could admit that maybe getting high before breakfast isn't a good idea with your new wife.  He could admit he's not the neat and tidy person he claims to be (based on his apartment).

    Maybe he could've talked to her about not wanting to ride next to him on the bike ride...when it happened.  He said he knew there was a problem but his MO seems to be to sit back and seethe about something he doesn't like then pick a fight with her about it.  I haven't heard him take responsibility for having obvious communication issues.

    He doesn't even acknowledge he's said mean things to her.

    He keeps talking about working on himself but in the same breath he's back to criticizing Heather.  He never mentions specifics as to what he's working on so IMO there couldn't be much depth to his self-reflection.

    Heather messed up too but repeatedly admits to things she could've done better.  She's able to mention Derek's good qualities.  She's owned up to her shortcomings.  I keep waiting for Derek to take responsibility for any of the negative things we've been shown but he hasn't.  His idea is to tell Heather to "Just Leave" during the counseling session.

    After hearing what Heather said this last episode, something bad went down and Derek got rejected.  Obviously Heather can't say anything so I think he's just playing it up to the cameras for sympathy and to save his ego.  

    That boy's got a lot of growing up to do before he can be considered "wine," lol!  He knows all the right words for the cameras but I haven't heard him take any responsibility for the fail.  I'm sure someone out there wants a fine man like him but it ain't me or Heather!

    • Love 11
  18. About the only direct reference Heather made about the breakup was during her session with Rachel when she said: 
    "It was too intense from him.  He couldn't see that starting from a place of friendship  and going slowly could be really great."

    Everything else has been edited to vagueness.  Maybe Heather had to throw his scrawny ass off of her...whatever the cause they're keeping it on the down-low and Heather is  probably contractually gagged.  But it had to be something kind of serious for them to let her out before the six weeks are up.

    Whatever the reason she's lucky to be out.  I mean, not only is Derek clueless but so are his friends.  (My dad always says birds of a feather flock together.) Gotta love the friend a couple weeks ago with the life-sized naked chick mural in his entryway and his other friend's comment this week in the pool hall about maybe hooking up with Heather's cousin/sister...ugh, disgusting.  All they lacked was the "bros before hos" toast. How is it possible these fine specimens are still single???  I'm sure Heather would've loved having them over for a dinner party.  Not.

    • Love 10
  19. 19 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

    LMAO Probably not desperate enough for this show. 

    Hmm if Nick's friends are behaving that way....who does that remind you all of? Not only is he a cold bitch like Ashley but now the friends are getting into it on SM just like her's did over David. SMH 

    And that's why I love SM so much, lol!  The producers can try to spin things however they want but the truth comes out on SM.

    • Love 2
  20. 8 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Heather's letter to Derek...

    Dear Derek,

    This a fake letter for you to read for the cameras and producers.

    Read this...and now, this ... and now read across like there is something deep and profound, lips pursed.... Nod your head in agreement.

    Next line...run your gaze to the right and now imagine a hemp emoji...give a soft chuckle and scrunch up your squinty eyes to show amusement.

    Finally, faux husband...give a sad wistful tilt of the head, gentle sigh... now fold the letter and look up with eyes welled with tears.

    Good job.

    Haha love it!  But I think her letter was more along these lines:

    Dear Derek:

    This show is so fucking stupid if they think I'm going to write you a note to tell you I'm glad we shared that week from hell.  I hated every minute of it.  I hated the smell of you smoking weed on the balcony every day but since I'm under a gag order I can't mention it.  Your whiney voice is like nails on a chalkboard.  I hate you.

    I hope this letter helps give you closure you fucking loser.

    P. S.  I'm having drinks with the surfing instructor after I mail this.

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