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Posts posted by Paddywagon

  1. OMG Derek needs to grow a pair and quit whining!  I swear I'd kick his ass to give him something to cry about.  "Waaaaa, she kicked my ass.  Call me a waaaaambulance!"  I don't like Heather but save it for yo mamma Derek!  Funny his last relationship ended due to her not being able to communicate.  Hmmm, maybe he has a magical way of making people think talking to him is useless.  Maybe because no matter how much people communicate with him he still finds something to WHINE about.

    Ok, done ranting, lol.

    Tom's sunburn in the opening scene looked painful.  Glad the bus drama is over.

    • Love 13
  2. Here's how I think it went down:

    Producers:  So, Heather, tell us about the kind of guy you'd like to be matched with.

    Heather:  well, I'd like a guy who likes rap, cuz I love rap.  But no bad-boy rap types. I've had enough of those.  He's gotta be laid back and easy going cuz I've grown out of my party girl phase and I'm ready to settle down.  And bike riding...he's gotta like bike riding.  Oh, and  bonus points if he's got tatts.

    Producers:  So, Derek, describe your perfect match.

    Derek:  Female.  She's gotta have a vagina.  (Derek then spaces out.)

    Producers:  anything else?

    Derek:  ....hmmm....no....that's about it.

    Producers to both of them:  guess what?  We've found you a match!

    Heather:  wtf?  What a boring loser!  This isn't what I asked for!

    Producers:  uh, he's exactly what you asked for.

    Derek:  *whine* I can't get to the vagina!  How come you matched me with her?

    Producers:  *sigh*

    • Love 10
  3. 56 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

    I noticed that there is an excuse for everything Heather does and everything she says is gospel truth.  But anything Derek says is false even though we can see he speaks the truth.


    Here's what my boss used to say:

    If a man speaks in the woods and his wife isn't there to hear, is he still wrong?

    • Love 4
  4. 9 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

    Huh? I don't like Derek but he's 35, not 85 - or even 50, which is when men commonly start to see a decrease in sexual function.

    Right, but it's just as easy for her to criticize him for that.  My point is there are some things you can't change and only a superficial tool would bring them up as a fight tactic.

    • Love 1
  5. Derek will get to the age where he won't be able to get it up anymore but It wouldn't be right if Heather said that on TV.  Unfortunately all he did was make himself look like a superficial tool.

    Remember that chick who married Hugh Hefner?  (Can't remember her name and too lazy to Google.). She criticized him publicly about his sexual performance and everyone hated her for that.

    Rule of life:  never criticize someone about something they can't change.  It may be a mic drop but it's not a win.

    • Love 4
  6. It's really good to see the couples doing activities.  Lots of activities.  Hopefully when they get home they'll do more than sit around every night going stir crazy *cough* last season *cough*

    Ok, I can't for the life of me figure out what the problem is between Derek and Heather.  Neither mentions what's bothering them.  They're like grade-schoolers sniping at each other.  He's getting mean cuz he's all butt hurt about being rejected and she's just rude.  But that surfing instructor...oooh baby!  I need me some surfing lessons now!

    Lilly...dang that girl really knows how to buy clothes.  Everything she wears fits perfectly and is flattering on her.  I love checking out her outfits every episode.  Aww, she was wearing the pearl necklace during their last dinner.  That was cool.

    Sonia and Nick are my favs.  I think he's pretty funny and she just oozes warmth and understanding.  I get the feels every time they're on.

    I'm liking this season a lot.

    • Love 11
  7. Pot for medical reasons is amazing.  Especially for kids with severe epilepsy and cancer patients. Hopefully it will be legal in all states soon enough.

    I'm not against pot at all.  Pot is fun, alcohol is fun. But I don't like being around anything that anyone has to do all day unless it's for medical purposes.  I can't help but feel it's a sorry world when peeps go around on some sort of substance all day long.  It's about the only thing I agree with Heather about cuz I wouldn't want to be with someone who always wants to get high.  It would be way too monotonous for me.  "Give me a few minutes to get high...I gotta go buy some pot...I need to hide this pot in my luggage..."

    But to each his own for sure.  After all, I don't like onions but sure don't judge anyone who loves them.

    • Love 3
  8. 11 hours ago, Jack Sampson said:


    I'm a boob man even, and it just came off as classless to me.  Like something you'd see in a reality show about a Florida trailer park.

    Yes, classless for sure.  The kind of guy who would find it attractive is probably the kind she's used to dating. Every other guy would just remember boobs.  I can't understand why the family/friends shopping with her didn't say "you look like a friggin' ho in that dress."  I may not remember correctly but I think her mom said, "oh it's beautiful."  Really?  I wonder if it's a case of tip-toeing around the brat to not set her off, like Sam last season.

    • Love 4
  9. 1 hour ago, Jassie99 said:

    .....Maybe its just her nature but she didn't seem that into it and imo was looking for a reason to be out.


    ....But just as person she is very cold and impersonal. I mean even when shopping for her dress she didn't seem that into it.


    I think you're right.  I was thinking back on the first show and I wonder if Heather checked out right after she got selected.  She really didn't seem very excited about it, even while dress shopping.  

    Btw, I believe she picked her dress because she didn't think she could attract a guy with a normal wedding dress.  After all, once a guy sees boobs he is hypnotized and blinded to all else, lol!  As girls we'd remember the sparkly belt and full skirt and bad fit but guys will remember BOOBS!  I'm no Dr. Phil but girl seems to have self-esteem issues.

    I'll give credit to the two of them compared to David and Ashley...Derek isn't delusional and stands up for himself and Heather at least interacts instead of giving blank stares.  Still, since this last show I don't think either of them are very likable.

    • Love 1
  10. Let's say Heather wasn't completely attracted to Derek but didn't find him that bad either so she went through with the wedding.  Next thing she knows, he repeatedly wants to get high but he doesn't think he smokes regularly.  That's a really, really bad first impression.  Then out of all the scenery he chooses to mention the casino but assures her he doesn't gamble regularly.  Then he's leaving clothes and wet towels around the hotel room but says he's a neat person.  He's not really exhibiting a lot of self-awareness.

    Then you've got Heather who is a judgmental bitch but I can sorta see her side.  She's done with her partying ways, she's 32 and wants to settle down and bring kids onto the scene.  Derek just isn't showing much potential for fitting in with that.  He's 35 and has given her the impression he's a clueless stoner loser.  Add the fact that she's a know-it-all snob and there ya go...she's already made up her mind about him.

    Their argument was the most immature I've seen on this show.  "You're a loser.  "So, YOU'RE an alcoholic."  Neither one knows how to work towards a solution so they need counselor intervention stat.  Or maybe boxing gloves.

    They will definitely be bringing the drama this season!

    • Love 7
  11. Last season was just irritating and I didn't want to watch this season if it was just going to be more failures.  Surprisingly, this season is actually enjoyable to watch!  Heather/Derek provide the drama and the other two couples provide the smiles.  It's a nice balance.

    Sonia may have overreacted to Nick's comment but something in how he said it or maybe his expression triggered her intuition big time.  I've been there!  It's impossible to pinpoint because it's subtle bit once the intuition wire is tripped it's hard to ignore.  I hope they work through it.  They seem to want to truly understand each other.

    Heather and Derek's argument was so aimless.  They both kept whining about finding a compromise but neither suggested any ideas on what would be middle ground.  C'mon people, how about "I won't smoke for 2 weeks and you won't drink for two weeks so we can have some time to get to know each other without mind-altering substances."  Then revisit the issue.  If Heather found more to bitch about then she's really got issues.  But I think the smoking is the root of what's causing her to not like him.

    I'm getting really tired of Tom beating around the bush about the dumb bus.  Would he really ruin the marriage over a bus?  If so then he's an extremely materialistic person, haha.

    • Love 7
  12. It would be cool to see older people do this show BUT....

    No creepster old farts that think they're 20, 


    No women with so much plastic surgery that they look like aliens.


    No huge age differences between the couples.  Cuz that's just icky.

    Then I might watch it.

    • Love 6
  13. I just hope at least ONE couple works out...two would be better.* We seriously need new life in 'The First Year' show (which I stopped watching because it became a scripted mess of fake producer-driven drama).

    *I'm not even gonna bother hoping for three to make it because we all know that's way too much to hope for.

    • Love 2
  14. It may be editing but Heather is coming across as very condescending and that she thinks she's superior to Derek.  She's taking the lead on everything rather than sharing.  Like, she makes sure Derek is aware she's been all over the world and their honeymoon locale is nothing new to her.  But just because she's been somewhere doesn't mean it wont be a new experience with her new husband.  She needs to relax.  There's just no chemistry from her towards Derek that I can see so I think she just gonna rag on him and kill the relationship.  They're doomed.

    Sonia is adorable.  On the one hand I can see where Nick could balance out her emotions but on the other hand he may not be able to give her the warm comfort and reassurance she needs.  I don't think he'a cold or mean at all, just reserved.  He's a good guy in my book but might have to learn to express more warmth.  They could be really good for each other.

    Lilli and Tom...waiting till she finds out about the bus, lol!

    • Love 11
  15. 7 hours ago, wings707 said:

    How do we know she is losing it?  It can be genetic. 

    Yes but that does not reduce the number of follicles in your head. 

    It could just be the styling.  Here is her linkedin photo.  You can tell that she has extensions.  I wonder why she didn't get them for the show?


    Wow, can you say photoshop x 10?  It's like magazine covers these days...they're so photoshopped they look like cartoons.

    • Love 2
  16. Is anyone else concerned about Nick's mother being a PITA?  I thought it was strange she gave the toast at the wedding instead of the best man.  She seems to be a bit of a control freak, especially when it comes to Nick.  I hope she turns out to be the great mother-in-law she says she'll be but something about her is setting off some red flags.

    • Love 3
  17. The cover story is that Brad and Jen are having a secret affair?  Not sure that gives much cred to anything in that magazine but whatever.

    However, Derek is a surfer and getting high is pretty much a part of that whole culture so I wouldn't be surprised if he gets high.. Tom's the surfer...my bad.  (Off-topic but I read surfing will be added to the Olympics in 2020.). Maybe Heather hates the pot smoking, or maybe it's an "ashley" type excuse where she's just looking for an out.  If she hates it and he refuses to stop she has every right to get out and I respect her decision.  If she's just a cold bitch and it's an ashley excuse I think we'll be able to tell pretty quickly.  Either way, if their relationship doesn't work stuff will come out on social media soon enough.

    If this show not only fails on criminal checks but also doesn't give a basic drug test in drug capital FLORIDA...that's total fail again!

    • Love 2
  18. 19 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

    I had to laugh out loud at your comment. Sam acting the fool. I have a good feeling about these couples. 

    OMG I was thinking this too during the weddings and I especially cringed when Sonia was described as 'quirky'.  Thankfully nobody stuffed french fries up their nose (or whatever Sam did last season).

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