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Posts posted by Paddywagon

  1. And if they show the wedding planning you know there'll be a bridezilla in there somewhere, lol.  

    So, yeah, no need for the fake drama.  The real stuff is better anyway.

    There could also be some really poignant stories where couples have struggled through hard situtations, injuries, illnesses, and came out stronger.  It'd be awesome to cheer them on if they got married on the show.

    Not everything needs to be negative on these shows, contrary to what's been shown lately.

    • Love 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Deni said:

    Maybe they could do a spin off where they go up to couples on the street and ask them to get married today. I think that would be interesting because, the show wouldn't know how long the couple has been together. It could be weeks, months or years. 

    Even better, they could tell them (the couples on the street) that the show is going to throw them a lavish wedding in one month. Then the show can document the time period up to the wedding, and see who is going to back out of the contract. 

    I love this idea!  Srsly, you should submit it to Lifetime.  I think it would also eliminate the fame seekers who show up to the cattle calls or those just looking to shill their business.  

    Just think, they could pick gay couples or different nationalities. People's reactions would probably be pretty entertaining!  They could show the couples who get cold feet and back out or those who need to confess something before tying the knot, lol, then the weddings.  It could also have some awesome backstories on the couples!  The show could cover their marriage up to 6 months with a reunion show at 1 year.

    It could be a really good show as long as they keep the editing monkeys on a short leash.

    What should the show be called?  "Are you Ready to be Married" or "Hey, Wanna Get Married Today"?  Lol!

  3. 1 hour ago, JAndy said:

    Ugh same. My brother is like that too. Maybe it's a male thing lol 

    Lol!  Yeah, I can see Anthony in a couple years saying, "I'll get it done.  You don't have to remind me every six months!"

    • Love 3
  4. Nate shouldn't be throwing things and ranting and raving.  If he really did that for 15 minutes then Sheila should leave.  But wait, she left because he was poking into her past?  Wtf?  Maybe she was exaggerating Nate's outburst?  If he really was that mad then Sheila shouldn't put up with that kind of anger.

    And of course Pastor Calvin says Sheila should forgive him.  Ugh.  If Pastor Calvin is telling Sheila to go back to Nate without Nate getting some control over his anger then he's wrong.

    • Love 1
  5. I agree with @neurochick about stereotypes.   They suck and I know very few who are free from them.  Overweight, Jewish, muslim, blonde, black, American, gay, old, handicapped...the list never ends!  I don't know if it's possible for people to stop putting others down to make themselves feel superior, yet it hurts and keeps the victims from realizing their full potential.  The ones who stereotype land their zingers then go about their lives while the victim is left feeling terrible.  TV definitely capitalizes on those stereotypes.

    As for Sheila, I find her volatility scary.  Not because she's black but because someone who emotionally goes from 0 to 60 in one minute will usually say something that's destructive and become impossible to reason with.  And it often hurts.  Nate should feel proud that he was willing to sacrifice personal comfort and live in a garage to correct his financial dilemma--hell he was single and in a bind--but Sheila didn't take time to consider that and laid into him.  That had to hurt him.  She's also done it multiple times and that's why she's scary.  At any time she and Nate can go from a nice conversation to 'this marriage is over.' Stereotypes definitely exist, no doubt, but in this case I don't think it's a stereotype, I think it's Sheila's pattern of volatility that's scary.

    • Love 9
  6. I was hoping to see the Sheila throw more shade at the producers.  That's the only 'reality' there is in this show! 

    ROFL @ Dr. Pepper saying she hopes Sheila and Nate allow the experts in enough so they can help them solve their issues.  Don't do it Sheila and Nate!  Run from those useless experts who will screw up your relationship so fast it'll make your head spin!

    • Love 9
  7. Sheila might not have been fair to Nate during their disagreement but damn I loved it when she schooled that producer!

    Also, Ashley said the producers told them to stop playing 'bags.'  She said she didn't quit like the editing showed.

    I'm loving how the producers seem to be losing control of the cast this season.

    • Love 9
  8. Well, that was one boring episode.  *yawn*

    Danielle is ridiculous with the mixed signals she's sending.  I think she's really spoiled but I also see Cody as just too young.  Notice in 'Unfiltered' Nate and Anthony are wearing dress shirts and jackets while Cody looks loke a college kid wearing a long-sleeve tshirt and skater shoes. Ugh.

    Speaking of clothes, Sheila looked incredible in the heels and slacks she wore.  She seems more confident these past two episodes.  I like her and Nate.

    Anthony and Ashley are fine.  I think Anthony's sister was on crack.  Dang she was talking a mile a minute!  I always hate it when people say they have no filter.  It's never enjoyable being around someone who just blurts out whatever's in their head.  Grow up, get a filter.

    Anyway, an overall boring episode!

    • Love 4
  9. I think Ashley is preggers.  Her skin tone and body shape look different in Unfiltered and the way she's sitting is weird.

    I also think the tension between Nate and Don-nay is producer driven because Don-nay's tripping my gaydar big time.  Plus, what straight guy would pronounce Donny as Don-nay (even if it was a cultual pronunciation)?

    • Love 7
  10. 2 hours ago, Agnetha said:

    Funny enough I thought the same thing - on his wedding I thought she hit the jackpot. He seemed good-looking, kind, well-mannered. Now I don't find him attractive anymore, but I still think she should talk openly to him instead of torturing him. There's nothing he can do to live up to her expectations at this point. They're simply a bad match. He's too young and would have been better off with some young traditional 23-year-old. With Danielle, I'm not sure any of the MAFS guys would have made her happy. Cannot see her with Jason, Doug, Neil, Tres, David, Tom, Derek, etc.

    Mic drop.

    • Love 2
  11. 54 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

    Yes!  You got it.  Cody is a guy, and that's how they are.  Cody should throw himself on the floor and be a doormat already.   This woman is a pain in the butt .. She wants everything her way or else she gets mad.  What about what he wants?  He hasn't asked for one thing yet because he's too busy pleasing her.  This will never work IMO.    Danielle is looking for the perfect guy.  Lots of luck.

    Couldn't agree more.  It's easy to stand by and judge everything someone else does.  Cody should tell her to get lost, maybe that's what she thinks is manly.  If she knows what she wants she sure doesn't verbalize it very well.

    • Love 10
  12. Cody had sex every day before being chosen for the show???  Haha, that surprises me.  He doesn't seem to have that much initiative, lol!  Now Danielle is saying she didn't feel it that much with Cody from the beginning but wait, if I recall she's the one who kept saying she wanted him to makes the moves in her.  Neither are being very real with the other.  Here's what they should say:

    Cody:  Has it been 8 weeks yet?

    Danielle:  Ugh, no.  Still 6 weeks left.

    Cody:  Shit.

    Danielle:  Yeah, I know.

    Ashley's dad was trying to be all macho in his chat with Anthony and I felt embarrassed for him.  He sounded so old school!  But he did have one thing correct...sometimes women just need to talk about things and have the man just listen without trying to fix everything or tell us what we need to do to fix things.  For me, a lot of the time just talking about a problem is enough.

    Nate was awesome the way he handled Sheila's dad!  He's only 25???!!  Wow, Cody's 26 and doesn't show half Nate's maturity.  I lol'd during Nate's basketball game with his friends.  And during golf with Sheila.  He's not always overly competitive after all... sometimes he's pretty funny!

    • Love 12
  13. About the name change discussion between Ashley and Anthony...all my friends make their maiden name their middle name and use their husband's last name.  I guess it's so common in my world I was surprised it's not what they did.

    Glad to see Nate and Sheila working better.  Haha, she got the side of the bed she wanted! Also, I think Tyrique is hilarious!  I was worried at first because he didn't say much but he's got a great sense of humor.  Nate is doing great defending his marriage and keeping the families in line by setting boundaries.  He's letting them know that nobody's gonna mess with his marriage.  That's not an easy thing to do so kudos to him.  It's kinda sexy too!

    Danielle and Cody...*sigh*  Her unyielding rigid ideas about what a man should be might be her downfall.  And her desire for constant challenges would tire me out.  Good for Cody working with the dogs.  Too bad he's so young.  He'll be a catch once he gets more life experience.  I hope they end on a good note because they both seem like nice people.

    I really like this season more than others.  It's still got the crappy editing but at least the drama is on a bearable level.

    • Love 7
  14. On 5/19/2017 at 3:25 PM, Liberty said:

    Starting to think Cody's behavior resembles Basement Ryan"s and Danielle's behavior resembles Jaclyn's.

    I agree so much!  Danielle isn't quite as extreme as Jaclyn but she might be if they have sex, haha!  

    Cody just isn't into Danielle.  Period.  And I think when he talked to his mom she probably said things like "love will grow with time," or "you have to work at it," or, "you can't just quit," so he's trying to force feelings that just aren't there.  Cody was all over Danielle at first but now that it's clear she's been around the block a few times he's overwhelmed and it's awkward!  I wouldn't be surprised if he starts having panic attacks trying to force feelings that aren't there.  It's a bad match...he's a genuinely good guy but too inexperienced for Danielle.

    • Love 5
  15. I noticed Cody was much more confident before and during the wedding but was questioning himself in this past episode.  I don't think he's into Danielle.  It would be ironic if his brother's relationship with the bridesmaid works out.  Poor Cody thought he was the lucky one getting chosen by the experts to be married.  Not.

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