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Posts posted by Caseysgirl

  1. I sincerely hope that Josh goes home this week because I worry that he is going to have a full fledged psychotic break on national TV. Between his Aspergy personality; his possible steroid use and what appears to be a rapid cycling bipolar disorder, this is way too much stress for him. He annoys me but it's more than that - he seems very fragile mentally and this house isn't a good place for that. Yes, we like to be entertained but hopefully not at the expense of  the mental health of a young man.

    • Love 13
  2. What makes me even angrier about this particular episode is that this girl KNEW in her heart what the reception would be and insisted she could not meet him; it was even making her physically ill; and Nev dragged her along, really against all her best instincts, to receive the harsh reality, not alone in her own home where it must have been hard the first time he rejected her, but in front of America. God! They make me sick.

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  3. Dominique kind of blew up her own game. I don't watch the feeds, so I don't know if the alliance she was in was working against her or not, but all of her ranting about people being against her only served to convince her former allies to evict her. What happened to Mark? I thought she and he were tight. Are they all such sheep that when Paul suggests someone they just fall in line?  

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  4. Really, do Nev and Max have any humanity left?  How many overweight women do we have to watch be subjected to the humiliation of on screen rejection by  men who have no business being so fussy about what the person who listened to their f'd up hopes and dreams for years looks like.  Yeah, Robert's an asshole but Nev and Max are ultimately the ones who are profiting from this public shaming of people who are only dreaming of finding love. Nev, just because you've been catfished twice it doesn't give you permission to be so  callously cynical about the feeling of others.

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  5. Well, as usual, I'm at the end of the season and can't root for anyone. Malia, you kept saying you shouldn't get involved with your boss & yet you went right ahead and did it. Wes, in your long career ( you're like 30) you've never been involved with a crew member, well, bully for you! How many cute female deckhands have you worked with? Bobby, you don't automatically get promoted because you quit your other job and its your second cruise. Lauren - stirring much shit?  Adam, you are too old for Malia and you aren't a very nice person anyway, just cook.  Captain Sandy seems clueless about her crew. "We're starting to work as a great team!"  And by the way, shouldn't she have been making assessments of how well the crew was performing - she micro manages everything else.

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  6. It has always seemed to me that Andy had a crush on "Sheppie" (ugh) but giving him his own spin off seems excessive. Hopefully, no one will give either of their egos the satisfaction of making that show a success.

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  7. I've never gotten this show - it's always clear to me why they have so much "trouble" with relationships-- they think that even though they are barely celebrities (z list at best) they should be dating other z listers.  The women think they are so much above  any regular people and are very obvious about it.

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  8. It really bothers me that though Dre rather reluctantly apologized for some of his previous physical abuse of women, particularly Dee Barnes and Michel'le, he has never actually made amends to either of them as far as we know. He is a billionaire and neither of these women even have a career any more.  I feel particularly for Dee who said after the lawsuit her opportunities dried up.

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