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Posts posted by ohjoy

  1. I'm honestly surprised by this too. If only because Caity/Sara was clearly very popular with fans. By flat out admitting that she was killed off to further Laurel - they are putting a huge target on KC/Laurel, basically all but pointing at her and saying 'blame her.'

    This was the first thing I thought about last night, once the shock of Sara's death settled a little bit - is that they (EPs) did it this way so that if the ratings drop now, they can blame it on Olicity - pointing at it and saying "see - it's the moonlighting curse."

    Do they actually want the show to crash and burn?

    I keep trying to formulate a more explanatory thought than that, but I can't come up with anything. I pray the don't really think they can intentionally derail the character development of those who have shown the most growth, blame the portion of the audience that doesn't conform to their original vision, and somehow continue to have anything resembling a successful show. I'm just not into that brand of insanity.

  2. The more I think about it, the more irritating it is to me that they couldn't at least give Sara an heroic sendoff, even if they had to keep all the other "setting up the season's mystery / emotional arc" crap in there. The could have easily gone with something like:


    Sara hears her name and turns around, recognizing the (offcamera) speaker.

    He says something like "You have eluded (or whatever word for escaped) me for the last time."

    She squares her shoulders defiantly and says "I did what I came to do."

    Arrows. Fall. (No dumpster.) End scene.


    Or even:

    Sara hears her name and turns around, recognizing the (offcamera) speaker.

    Arrows. She stumbles backward to the ledge. A fist reaches out grabs her.

    He says something like "You have eluded (or whatever word for escaped) me for the last time."

    Amidst her dying gaze she steels her face and defiantly says "I did what I came to do."

    The hand flings her over the ledge.

    Fall. (No dumpster.) End scene.


    Either of those (or countless better-conceived scenes) would have allowed Sara to not be sucker-punched to death. It would have set a mystery of who killed Sara and why, fed into the "it's complicated" comment she had just made to Laurel (with something more than a seeming, "Oh, you know -- relationships"), and given her even the tiniest measure of agency at the end. And would have been less gimmicky than "Turn -- Surpise! She's dead."


    This is me, struggling to find some measure of something that could have made that scene even remotely tolerable. I'll be here all week.

    • Love 5
  3. From the Relationships Thread:


    Laurel and Oliver are dangerous people to be around basically. 


    Oliver makes sense. You know, vigilantism can cause trouble. 


    But Laurel, man, she's just like the grim reaper. 

    A gleeful, grinning grim reaper. (I wonder what fashion-forward attire goes with a sickle?)

    • Love 1
  4. This is probably an odd comparison to anyone who's not me, but Eliza's speech patterns and the way she randomly shortens words reminds me of nobody quite so much as Kim Possible.

    Aw man, that's for putting that idea out there. I'm gonna hear that from now on. (Plus they're both red-heads. But I'm pretty sure the comparisons end there.)

  5. Questions

    - Sara was shot with three arrows, just like Oliver killed the first Count. Do you think someone is framing Oliver for Sara's death?

    I think it's just writer/director speak for "dead, Dead, DEAD."
    • Love 3
  6. The reason I blame PoNR for Swan Song is that PoNR is the reintroduction of Adam. If they had left Adam dead, they wouldn't have had the out of using him as Michael's Vessel, which rendered Dean's Michael Vessel arc meaningless. Why yes, I am bitter!

    I completely agree, but since (IIRC) Adam was not originally the plan for that episode (the title "Point of No Return" was supposed to indicate something entirely different) and the plans got changed when they realized that the show was not ending with only 5 seasons, the injustice was inflicted on it first to allow for what was to come. I guess I love PoNR as much for what it was supposed to be as for what is ended up being.

  7. ++ Point of No Return (Sorry, I'm not blaming this ep for Swan Song's crapfest -- IMO that's on the writers' trajectory change at the S6 renewal. If anything, PoNR is also a victim, rather than a perpetrator.)

    ++ Good God, Y'All

    -- I Believe the Children Are Our Future


    37 - The End

    37 - Dark Side of the Moon

    37 - Changing Channels

    33 - Good God, Y'All

    33 - Point of No Return

    27 - The Song Remains the Same

    25 - Hammer of the Gods

    21 - The Real Ghostbusters

    19 - Sam, Interrupted

    19 - Abandon All Hope

    17 - My Bloody Valentine

    17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

    15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

    15 - Two Minutes to Midnight

    07 - Swan Song

    01 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future


    Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

    Fallen Idols

    Swap Meat

    The Devil You Know

    Sympathy for the Devil

    Free to Be You and Me

    99 Problems

  8. Dear arrow writers,

    Can't you find another way?

    Great. Now i'm crying AND laughing. Thanks for that.

    Is the baby going to be a Michaels, a Diggle, a hyphenate? I am just curious. Michaela Diggle?

    Oh my gosh -- that's her name in my head from now on. So cute.

    So I'm this huge Oliver fan, right, and I can usually understand his thinking and why he makes the stupid mistakes he makes, etc. And while I loved every Olicity scene tonight, the more I think about him kissing her and saying "Don't tell me to say I don't love you," the more mad I get. Like. Are you serious? What was the goal there? He'd made his decision; he's all sure about it. The least he owes her is what she asked--that he say "never" instead of "maybe."

    Which is why I really achingly love her response. GAH Oliver -- a kiss (even THAT kiss) does not make up for you being a melodramatic idiot about being with the woman you love! (The really good thing about this is that she has not responded that (second) ILY declaration yet -- cause that's when it really IS over.)
    • Love 2
  9. From what I can remember of pre-show interviews with thr show's creator, she (1)didn't feel that Karen's Scottish accent was all that consistent (Buh???) and (2)thought that Eliza's vapid personality and lonely struggles would be easier for Americans to identify with if Eliza was American rather than Scottish.

    I know, it makes no sense to me either.

  10. I think I've got the numbers correct now from all of the recent posts...

    ++ Point of No Return

    ++ Good God, Y'All

    -- I Believe The Children Are Our Future


    37 - The End

    37 - Dark Side of the Moon

    33 - Changing Channels

    33 - Point of No Return

    31 - Good God, Y'All

    27 - The Song Remains the Same

    23 - The Real Ghostbusters

    23 - Hammer of the Gods

    19 - Sam, Interrupted

    19 - Abandon All Hope

    17 - My Bloody Valentine

    17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

    15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

    15 - Two Minutes to Midnight

    07 - Swan Song

    03 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future


    Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

    Fallen Idols

    Swap Meat

    The Devil You Know

    Sympathy for the Devil

    Free to Be You and Me

    99 Problems

  11. The potential love interest seems much more likeable than Laurel on Arrow as well.

    That's funny -- Iris' perky/happy facial expressions and mannerisms reminded me very much Laurel's cutesy smile, especially at the beginning. It sort of distracted me -- maybe the actresses have similarly-shaped faces.

    I really liked this. I intended to watch just so I'd be caught up for the crossover, but this was enjoyable in it's own right. I like that it's lighter than Arrow. And while there is a similar cast of characters (requisite team, love interest, parental issue, villian hiding in plain sight), they can go in so many different directions than the ones Arrow employed. This should be a fun ride!

    • Love 1
  12. -- Swan Song

    -- I Believe the Children Are Our Future

    ++ Point of No Return


    35 - The End

    35 - Dark Side of the Moon

    33 - Point of No Return

    31 - Changing Channels

    29 - Good God, Y'All

    27 - The Song Remains the Same

    23 - The Real Ghostbusters

    19 - Sam, Interrupted

    19 - Abandon All Hope

    19 - Hammer of the Gods

    17 - Two Minutes to Midnight

    17 - My Bloody Valentine

    17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

    17 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

    09 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

    05 - Swan Song


    Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

    Fallen Idols

    Swap Meat

    The Devil You Know

    Sympathy for the Devil

    Free to Be You and Me

    99 Problems

  13. The only thing I liked was Danny.  The actor can really sell the amorous/languorous eyes.  He's eye-candy.


    I'm right there with you. Hopefully he'll pop up on somethng else I can watch after his time on the show is over.

  14. Good God, Y'All ++

    Swan Song --

    Free to Be You and Me --


    33 - Dark Side of the Moon

    33 - The End

    33 - Point of No Return

    31 - Changing Channels

    29 - Good God, Y'All

    25 - The Song Remains the Same

    21 - The Real Ghostbusters

    19 - Two Minutes to Midnight

    19 - Sam, Interrupted

    19 - Hammer of the Gods 

    17 - My Bloody Valentine

    17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

    17 - Abandon All Hope

    15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

    11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

    07 - Swan Song

    05 - 99 Problems

    01 - Free to Be You and Me

    Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

    Fallen Idols

    Swap Meat

    The Devil You Know

    Sympathy for the Devil

  15. I understand what they were doing, Sam was the voice for destiny and Dean was the voice for free will and slowly they have them switch positions--as is this show's general want. Mostly, it works for me, on Dean's side of things anyway. I just feel Sam's side of things is lacking to make the switch in Point Of No Return really pay off properly. It's another one of those things on this show that I intellectually get, but feel like it needed a little more care and feeding to make me get invested.

    I'll say more when we get to it, but while I love "Point of No Return" so very much, I do still understand this assessment.

  16. Moff has said that this season Clara is the main character, not the Doctor. And we are suffering for it. Also, maybe that's why the Doctor is so horrible. We aren't seeing him for who he is, we are seeing him through Clara's eyes. She misses 11, she sees 12 as horrible and gruff and a jerk compared to 12. I think Moff is wrong making Clara the main character and this season being her journey instead of the Doctor's. He's wasting the fabulous Capaldi and alienating a lot of his audience.

    In my meaner moments, I replace "Clara" with "Moffat". It brings a lot of clarity to my frustration.

    I also loved that the one person who was unilaterally focused on saving the alien was Courtney-because that's my experience as well. Kids, teens, even college students tend to be black and white and focused on environmental issues. They can't believe, quite, that anything bad will happen to people, so therefore, everyone should be saved. The astronaut was the one person with real experience as to how bad it had gotten. She wanted to do the least harm and at least stop it now. Clara didn't know how bad it was on Earth, didn't have the idealism of a child, and ultimately couldn't make up her mind, so she punted to the majority. Which is how most adults handle it, too. And while the astronaut could say "I was wrong", and Courtney was "It's so beautiful!!", Clara had a tantrum. Because she didn't want to make the decision one way or the other, the way Courtney and the Astronaut both had. She wanted the doctor to make the decision for her, to save her from herself, and to take the blame. The doctor chose not to do so. I think he made the right choice.

    Thanks -- now I think I can understand why she threw that tantrum. Doesn't make it necessarily right, but at least it now makes some sort of sense.
    • Love 1
  17. I don't get it. I don't get what was wrong with the Doctor letting the humans decide, I don't get what was so evil about Clara last-minute "Wait! This is wrong!" I don't get the abortion-conflict implications -- this seemed like a rehash if "The Beast Below," if anything. I don't get why Clara freaked out at the Doctor at the end, but I also don't get why her conversation with Danny is considered "patronizing" rather than sympathetic or at the least understanding.

    All that being said, I wasn't really into this episode. Calling them "germs" isn't any excuse for me -- I'm so over spider-like creatures. And apparently there was so much about this episode that I didn't get, that I guess I just didn't "get" the episode. Not actively displeased, just not all that interested.

    • Love 2
  18. On the East Coast for a night!



    Point of No Return ++

    The End ++

    Good God, Y'All ++


    33 - Dark Side of the Moon

    33 - The End

    33 - Point of No Return

    29 - Changing Channels

    27 - Good God, Y'All

    23 - The Song Remains the Same

    21 - The Real Ghostbusters

    21 - Two Minutes to Midnight

    19 - Sam, Interrupted

    17 - My Bloody Valentine

    17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

    17 - Abandon All Hope

    17 - Hammer of the Gods

    15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

    11 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

    09 - 99 Problems

    09 - Swan Song

    05 - Free to Be You and Me

    01 - Sympathy for the Devil

    Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

    Fallen Idols

    Swap Meat

    The Devil You Know

  19. Good God, Y'All ++

    Point of No Return ++

    Free to Be You and Me --


    33 - Dark Side of the Moon

    31 - The End

    27 - Changing Channels

    27 - Good God, Y'All

    27 - Point of No Return

    23 - The Song Remains the Same

    21 - The Real Ghostbusters

    21 - Two Minutes to Midnight

    19 - Sam, Interrupted

    17 - Hammer of the Gods

    17 - My Bloody Valentine

    17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

    17 - Abandon All Hope

    13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

    13 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future

    09 - 99 Problems

    09 - Swan Song

    07 - Free to Be You and Me

    05 - Sympathy for the Devil

    Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael

    Fallen Idols

    Swap Meat

    The Devil You Know

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