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Posts posted by ohjoy

  1. I was happy to see the amulet again for one reason: I love the jewelry. In fact, I forgot to mention it earlier, but one of my favorite parts was at the beginning when Marie is fussing at "Dean" for not having the amulet on, and the girl playing Dean complains that she took it off because "it kept hitting me in the face." I remember when Dean's jewelry first started disappearing, and when Jensen was asked about it, his response was basically that the jewelry (amulet, ring, etc.) was getting so beat up from use on set that it was just difficult to keep up with, so he stopped wearing them. Of course, since the amulet was such a focus, it couldn't just disappear. Thus, it was written out in the grand tradition of deaths on SPN: by giving it a plot twist that makes it unnecessarily complicated to bring back. (I kid, sort of.)

    I could be wrong, but I don't think the amulet was supposed to be tied to Chuck for the purposes of this episode. Just a coincidental hazard of trying to pay tribute to several different things in one neatly-wrapped package.

    • Love 2
  2. Looking at some of the recent lists I've realized that I somehow managed to leave "Faith" off my list. How I made that egregious error, I don't even know. I may be redoing my list in the near future. ;-)

    I wonder how many would agree they all belong on the top 30 out of 200 eps.  So I guess once we finish the seasons the game could be the top 30 from the list of winners, Just wondering how we as a group would decide the fate.  I know I'm evil aren't I?  Also see how I'm avoiding creating my own list of the top 30.  :)

    I love this idea -- I think it would be fantastic.
    • Love 1
  3. Frontierland ++

    The Man Who Knew Too Much --

    Clap Your Hands If You Believe ++

    35 - Frontierland

    27 - Weekend at Bobby's

    25 - French Mistake

    23 - Appointment in Samarra

    21 - Live Free or Twihard

    21 - The Man Who Would Be King

    21 - Mommy Dearest

    17 - The Third Man

    15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

    15 - Two and a Half Men

    15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

    15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

    13 - My Heart Will Go On

    13 - Caged Heat

    11 - Family Matters

    11 - ...And Then There Were None

    09 - Exile on Main St.

    09 - Let It Bleed

    07 -- Like a Virgin

    03 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

    In flagrante with the King of Hell:

    All Dogs Go to Heaven


  4. Well, I'll bite. Mine tend to be based more on interactions, reactions, and they way the guys play off each other -- I guess that's what sticks with me.

    In chronological order (for the sake of my internal fandom):

    1. Phantom Traveler

    2. In My Time of Dying

    3. Everybody Loves a Clown

    4. Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things

    5. Mystery Spot

    6. Jus in Bello

    7. No Rest For the Wicked

    8. Lazarus Rising

    9. Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester

    10. Wishful Thinking

    11. The End

    12. Sam, Interrupted

    13. Point of No Return

    14. Frontierland

    15. Hello Cruel World

    There are a few more that should probably have some place on my list (Playthings, My Bloody Valentine, Two and a Half Men) because as weird and/or disturbing as I thought they were, I used to watch them repeatedly. But i guess this is official unofficial list for me -- at least until I figure where Fan Fiction is gonna squeeze in.

    • Love 1
  5. Frontierland ++

    The Third Man ++

    My Heart Will Go On --

    31 - Frontierland

    23 - Weekend at Bobby's

    23 - French Mistake

    21 - Appointment in Samarra

    21 - Live Free or Twihard

    21 - The Man Who Would Be King

    17 - Mommy Dearest

    17 - Two and a Half Men

    17 - The Third Man

    15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

    15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

    15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

    13 - My Heart Will Go On

    13 - Family Matters

    13 - Caged Heat

    11 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

    11 - ...And Then There Were None

    11 - Exile on Main St.

    11 - Like a Virgin

    09 - Unforgiven

    05 - Let It Bleed

    In flagrante with the King of Hell:

    All Dogs Go to Heaven

  6. It feels so weird to have an episode of Supernatural saved on my DVR again after two and a half years. (I admit to dropping the show before the end of season 7, but "Hello Cruel World" and "Plucky Pennywhistle" are still definite highlights in my memory.) I thought for sure I'd just catch the (what I thought would be) few good parts of the 200th ep on Hulu later, but at the last minute I decided to go ahead and hit the "record" button. So glad I did.


    I loved pretty much everything everybody else has already mentioned. It was all the little touches that got to me -- and I keep having to stop myself from trying to list all of them right now. Jensen looking directly at the camera might be my favorite. But one moment that made me snicker was when Sam and Maeve where in the tech booth and he was trying to ask if she'd heard any strange noises during the rehearsals, and she starts demonstrating potential noises with the sound board. Her expression throughout was just hilariously bored and unconcerned -- it's the set of "Supernatural", they hear those noises all the time. (And of course as soon as she leaves Sam with "Please don't touch anything," he immediately starts playing with the control panel.) The girls in this episode were awesome. I just had to download that sweet, gentle version of "Carry On Wayward Son."

    • Love 1
  7. I'll not eulogize "All Dogs Go to Heaven" -- considering the episode's namesake scarred me for life as a child (I hate that movie with the fire of a thousand suns), there was nothing enjoyable for me to latch on to with that story.

    Except Dean's sniper-shooting. Bringing out the big guns. Mmm. (Okay, so maybe one thing.)

    Frontierland ++

    The Man Who Knew Too Much --

    Let It Bleed --

    27 - Frontierland

    23 - Weekend at Bobby's

    21 - French Mistake

    19 - The Man Who Would Be King

    19 - Appointment in Samarra

    19 - Live Free or Twihard

    17 - Mommy Dearest

    17 - Two and a Half Men

    15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

    15 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

    15 - The Third Man

    15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

    15 - My Heart Will Go On

    13 - Family Matters

    13 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

    13 - ...And Then There Were None

    13 - Caged Heat

    11 - Unforgiven

    11 - Exile on Main St.

    11 - Like a Virgin

    09 - Let It Bleed

    In flagrante with the King of Hell:

    All Dogs Go to Heaven

  8. The Man Who Would Be King ++

    Two and a Half Men ++

    Caged Heat --


    23 - Frontierland

    19 - Weekend at Bobby's

    19 - The French Mistake

    19 - The Man Who Would Be King

    17 - Appointment in Samarra

    17 - Mommy Dearest

    17 - Two and a Half Men

    15 - The Third Man

    15 - You Can't Handle the Truth

    15 - My Heart Will Go On

    15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

    15 - Live Free or Twihard

    13 - Unforgiven

    13 - Like a Virgin

    13 - Family Matters

    13 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

    13 - ...And Then There Were None

    13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe...

    11 - Caged Heat

    11 - Exile on Main St.

    11 - Let It Bleed

    05 - All Dogs Go to Heaven

  9. Hmm... the last sesason in which I watched every single episode. There are very few episodes I really loved in this season, though several more had moments I quite enjoyed, even if the episode as a whole was a disappointment. My votes are probably going to be all over the map.


    + Frontierland

    + The Man Who Would Be King

    -- Caged Heat


    19 - Weekend at Bobby's

    19 - Frontierland
    17 - The French Mistake
    17 - Appointment in Samarra

    17 - Mommy Dearest
    17 -The Man Who Would Be King

    15 - The Third Man
    15 - Live Free or Twihard
    15 - You Can't Handle the Truth
    15 - Unforgiven
    15 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
    15 - ...And Then There Were None
    15 - My Heart Will Go On

    15 - The Man Who Knew Too Much

    13 - Caged Heat

    13 - Like a Virgin

    13 - Family Matters

    13 - Two and a Half Men
    13 - Exile on Main St.
    13 - Let It Bleed

    13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe...

    09 - All Dogs Go to Heaven

  10. I wish I knew how to quit you, show.  But I'm afraid if I stop until things are good again, I'll be so far behind that I'll never be able to catch up.  I did a similar thing with Supernatural and now I'm like 9.5 seasons behind.  Never getting current with that one, that's for sure :(

    That is exactly how I feel. (It's only like 2.5 seasons of SPN for me, but that means there are years of my life I'll never get back.) I don't want to be stuck in the same boat with Arrow, hanging on after all my friends have logically checked out, begging at the tv in vain for the show to return to some semblance of its former glory so that I can justify the fact that I still care. Sigh.


    My fear is that I don't have enough room on my DVR to let this entire season sit until I'm assured that the show turns out well enough to watch again. That may be the true reason I keep hoping and (foolish) hope that we get the pleasantest of surprises and Oliver/Felicity/Diggle's contrived isolations come to an abrupt and permanent end sometime in January.

  11. I'd be all for declaring a tie as well, but until somebody makes that official I guess I'll keep voting.

    + The End

    -- Dark Side of the Moon


    05 - Dark Side of the Moon

    04 - The End



    Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer

    Fallen Idols

    Swap Meat

    The Devil You Know

    Sympathy for the Devil

    Free to Be You and Me

    99 Problems

    I Believe the Children Are Our Future

    Swan Song

    Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

    The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

    Two Minutes to Midnight

    My Bloody Valentine

    Good God, Y'All

    Abandon All Hope

    The Song Remains the Same

    The Real Ghostbusters

    Hammer of the Gods

    Sam, Interrupted

    Point of No Return

    Changing Channels

    • Love 1
  12. AAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! [/Charlie Brown]

    The End --

    Dark Side of the Moon --

    11 - The End

    08 - Dark Side of the Moon

    Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer

    Fallen Idols

    Swap Meat

    The Devil You Know

    Sympathy for the Devil

    Free to Be You and Me

    99 Problems

    I Believe the Children Are Our Future

    Swan Song

    Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

    The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

    Two Minutes to Midnight

    My Bloody Valentine

    Good God, Y'All

    Abandon All Hope

    The Song Remains the Same

    The Real Ghostbusters

    Hammer of the Gods

    Sam, Interrupted

    Point of No Return

    Changing Channels

  13. Well, I was along for the ride, however short it was. Hopefully we'll get to see the episodes burn off with some decency for the storyline.

    And at least I have the few episodes on my DVR to rewatch when I need cheering up. I held on to episodes of Common Law for a year after it got canceled; no way am I letting go of "Nugget of Wisdom" anytime soon.

    • Love 1
  14. From what I can tell, they did it so there would be clear differentiation between this show and The Flash. Which, if that was indeed the case, then I can at least congratulate them on their definite success, because the people I know who have seen both show can absolutely tell the difference -- and they're no longer watching Arrow.

    • Love 12
  15. R.I.P. Jack Reinhold. Ugh with this stupid, reactionary town. "Emotions are running high" is not an excuse to drive someone to suicide.

    The scariest moment of this entire series for me was when it looked for a second like Carver and Gemma were gonna hookup. Just... no.

    • Love 3
  16. Even though the opening sequence of DSotM will always be my favorite (gunshot sound into bloodspatter titlecard FTW!), I just can't bring myself to vote for Dean symbolically giving up the amulet as the top episode over Dean getting a taste of the future and deciding it's worth fighting for against.

    + The End

    -- Dark Side of the Moon

    17 - The End

    10 - Dark Side of the Moon

    Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer

    Fallen Idols

    Swap Meat

    The Devil You Know

    Sympathy for the Devil

    Free to Be You and Me

    99 Problems

    I Believe the Children Are Our Future

    Swan Song

    Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

    The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

    Two Minutes to Midnight

    My Bloody Valentine

    Good God, Y'All

    Abandon All Hope

    The Song Remains the Same

    The Real Ghostbusters

    Hammer of the Gods

    Sam, Interrupted

    Point of No Return

    Changing Channels

  17. I did not know the episodes were aired out of order, but now I'm definitely going to have to go back and watch them in the right sequence. I spent most of the time cringing through the increased romantic tone because I haven't really gotten that type of chemistry vibe from them yet (and because I have second-hand embarrassment issues, which is why I typically don't bother with rom-coms in the first place -- but oh, this show), but when Henry pulled Eliza to him... Yowza. I can definitely see it now. ;-) So now I can rewatch with my eyes all the way open.

    • Love 1
  18. The End +

    Dark Side of the Moon --

    Changing Channels --


    19 - The End

    15 - Dark Side of the Moon

    3 -  Changing Channels


    Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer

    Fallen Idols

    Swap Meat

    The Devil You Know

    Sympathy for the Devil

    Free to Be You and Me

    99 Problems

    I Believe the Children Are Our Future

    Swan Song

    Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

    The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

    Two Minutes to Midnight

    My Bloody Valentine

    Good God, Y'All

    Abandon All Hope

    The Song Remains the Same

    The Real Ghostbusters

    Hammer of the Gods

    Sam, Interrupted

    Point of No Return

  19. I actually like Brandon in this role. He has the screen presence of a sidekick with movie star good looks if that makes sense.

    Now that you've said it, it makes perfect sense and that analogy is definitely going to stick with me.

    Has to be brainwashing. Has to be. I'm not hating Roy unless he starts making out with Laurel.

    Speaking of imagery I can't unsee... yeah, thanks for that. (Did bust out laughing though. And, ITA.)
    • Love 1
  20. + The End

    --Dark Side of the Moon

    --Changing Channels

    23 - The End

    16 - Dark Side of the Moon

    7 - Changing Channels

    Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer

    Fallen Idols

    Swap Meat

    The Devil You Know

    Sympathy for the Devil

    Free to Be You and Me

    99 Problems

    I Believe the Children Are Our Future

    Swan Song

    Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

    The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

    Two Minutes to Midnight

    My Bloody Valentine

    Good God, Y'All

    Abandon All Hope

    The Song Remains the Same

    The Real Ghostbusters

    Hammer of the Gods

    Sam, Interrupted

    Point of No Return

  21. Changing Channels --

    Dark Side of the Moon --

    The End +


    26 - The End

    23 - Dark Side of the Moon

    18 - Changing Channels

    5 - Point of No Return

    Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer

    Fallen Idols

    Swap Meat

    The Devil You Know

    Sympathy for the Devil

    Free to Be You and Me

    99 Problems

    I Believe the Children Are Our Future

    Swan Song

    Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

    The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

    Two Minutes to Midnight

    My Bloody Valentine

    Good God, Y'All

    Abandon All Hope

    The Song Remains the Same

    The Real Ghostbusters

    Hammer of the Gods

    Sam, Interrupted

  22. A different question is how did Missy/The Master get back? The Master went back to Gallifrey with Rassilon and the other Time Lords in "The End of Time".

    This had better be THE reason that Missy is The Master -- rather than the Rani or anyone else -- so they can finally address this dropped "Gallifrey returns" storyline from last Christmas.

    • Love 1
  23. -- Dark Side of the Moon

    + The End

    -- Changing Channels


    32 - Dark Side of the Moon

    30 - The End

    27 - Changing Channels

    10 - Point of No Return

    Trapped in the box with Michael and Lucifer

    Fallen Idols

    Swap Meat

    The Devil You Know

    Sympathy for the Devil

    Free to Be You and Me

    99 Problems

    I Believe the Children Are Our Future

    Swan Song

    Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

    The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

    Two Minutes to Midnight

    My Bloody Valentine

    Good God, Y'All

    Abandon All Hope

    The Song Remains the Same

    The Real Ghostbusters

    Hammer of the Gods

    Sam, Interrupted

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