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Everything posted by SimplyLo

  1. I remember watching this when I was a...youth...and being really confused about Dylan and Kelly seemingly wanting to get back together. I remember him tackling her and the two of them kissing and thinking, "Wait...isn't she dating Brandon? Where did that come from?" I'm glad that I still have the same reaction - it seriously came out of nowhere for me. I do love the slow build of Ray turning into the worst - that rang quite true to me. And yes, Val's boobs are MVP for the season.
  2. I wish we could fast forward to the later seasons when Donna's hair is dark. That was my favorite look of hers and this horrible blonde/fried curl situation makes me cringe! And I don't remember Ray being so annoying, but can he just push Donna down the stairs and go away please?
  3. I made the mistake of listening while getting ready for work and nearly jabbed myself in the eye after hearing, "Butt stuff." This podcast makes my week. Also, shut up, Dylan. And Andrea - "I can understand not being a bridesmaid..." Well good, because you've never talked to Jackie and typically a person doesn't have total strangers in the bridal party.
  4. I am really glad I listened to this at home instead of at my desk, because I almost started crying from laughing at this episode. Brandon really is the worst, and I don't get why he gets away with being such a dick to Nat and Jim. He's such a squeef.
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