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Posts posted by KYBlonde

  1. I have attended way too many funerals due to cancer in my life. It's a genetic curse on my Mom's side of the family.  It's so tough to watch someone die such a slow, agonizing, wasting death. Fuck cancer indeed!


    The fact that they put those stupid glasses on him during that scene to show us how smart he is outwitting Marks and company was just ridiculous.

     I thought the glasses were for eye protection (bugs imbedding themselves in the cornea).  If your helmet does not have a shield, all kinds of insects can hit you hard in vulnerable places.

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    PREACH!  I rolled my eyes and told my boyfriend that had to be one of the most ignorant scenes in a show ever.  What writer thought that was a good idea?  I'm still saying to myself "how stupid"!!


    The first thing I thought?  That Ms.Cop McDirty was going to frame my dear Chibbs for rape.  Better not bitch!!

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  4. Loved the scene where they were in the car and Pops is telling him to nudge her, hilarious. I feel so old some times when I see the 80' fashion and things I used to have, like Erica's feather earrings.

    I had a pair of feather earrings in college when I worked for the Dean of Environmental Sciences on campus.  He was the greatest guy ever - he referred to my earrings as "fishing lures" LOL!! Dr. Gary Boggess you rocked!

  5. Lord, the show isn't on til tomorrow and I'm already disgusted with the episode.  Look, Jax gets revenge again!  Probably in some incredibly brilliant way, then he walks away from the camera in his schoolboy sneakers and the cave-man gait.

    Caveman gait!!! I am soo very gullible. I thought it was his version of the bad boy strut haha

  6. I remember the opening of Capone's vault! I kind of wanted to find something exciting but I somehow knew it was going to be nothing.


    True story - when asked to describe my past relationship in 3 words I said, "Al Capone's vault". I was surprised how many people didn't get it, considering they were young adults in the mid 80's.

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  7. Ok, let's not kill Nathan.

    We can just send him and Adam to wherever it is Andrew went off to. He must be in modeling school someplace on Mars because he is good and gone.

    Ship em to the South.  They sho got purty mouths!

  8. I loved this show from the second Murray walked in the front door and proceeded to drop trou. I had a job that was very hot and sweaty, and I would do the very same thing the second I got home.  Well I actually started at the top and worked my way down but I just could not wait not even one more second to get out of that hot disgusting uniform!

  9. I recently watched an entire 2 day marathon of this show On Demand and online and it is now my new sitcom CRACK!!!!!! I was never into Star Wars but I still loved this episode - and all the other ones! I love how the episodes are based on actual home movie footage and they show it at the end of every episode. I could wax poetic about how much I love each and every character, but I'm too busy re-watching the marathon again :D

    • Love 4
  10. Kail and Leah have that problem where if someone else has an opinion, it is just that, an opinion. It is not something to be heard as they are always right. They seem to think their way is the only way, and we see where that  attitude has gotten them.


    Adam has knocked up another? It's one thing when the girls on this show become pregnant again, but this guy is really working the MTV system like it is welfare.

    Remember Limp Bizkit's "My Way"??  That has to be the soundtrack to Kail, Jailnail, and Leah's life!!

  11. Jailnail, Jailnail, Jailnail!!! (monotone voice....) Your mother?  Barb??  SHE is the reason you chose to do drugs???  Because....she....LIKE...took care of your child?? The absolute horror!!!! And you??? Yeah you, the bloated male heffer acting like you are the bestest father in the whole wide world????  When you let it slip that the ONLY reason you showed up for the "Barb CANNOT ever continue to keep Jace alive" intervention....what was it you said?  You were only there for Jailnail?  What about Jace???? The only human present in that room that was actually there for little Jace??? Was BARB!

    • Love 2
  12. Here is where Nathan's proclamation of, and I quote, "HE'S ONLY FIVE!!!!!" flew the Hell all over me! Just because a child is very young?  Does NOT mean they can't remember anything.  I speak from personal experience when I say that some things are just branded on your mind and you NEVER forget it! I recently proved to my family just how much I actually remembered from my childhood and they were astonished. Believe me when I say that as much as Jace will want to forget all this crap?  He probably won't.

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    Wait, I thought the guest star was Jenna Jameson!! (seriously, wasn't that her in the Skankenstein scene?) I have to go look it up now.


    Me too!!! I mean, let's think about it. Bleached blonde hair (check). Copious tattoos (check). Looks like a meth head (check). Porn star? (CHECK!!!)



    This show is absolutely painful to watch now. Maybe next week Gemma will be reading "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, Murderous, Disgusting, Vanilla-Fudge-Haired Grandma" to Abel and we will have to "get" the "subtle" "message" in the title.


    I was thinking Good Night Moon.  Instead of finding the elusive mouse?  The child has to find the missing corpse.

    • Love 2

    Despite Adams messed up life and how Chelsea feels about him, the only thing she should be doing is being aware and keeping Aubrey safe when she's around Adam for visitation. Aubree has every right to know her dad now and through the years ahead whenever Adam decides to see her. Whether it frustrates Chelsea to the end of her rope all she should do is cooperate because it's all in the best interest of Aubree. It will be so important to Aubree as she gets older that she is able to form her own opinion of her dad and that she be able to set her own boundaries as to how much of a relationship she wants to have with him, and it will only be a few more years before she starts to put together a pattern of when he's around for her to depend on. My daughter just started college so I just went through exactly what Chelsea's about to go through except my ex-husbands mistress is alcohol so he definitely made that a priority through the years. We split when she was five but even to this day my daughters eyes light up like Aubree's every single time she talks about her dad or he pays attention to her, my son too even though he's got a much bigger wall up. I don't get it because to me he's a deadbeat dad, but to them he's daddy, no matter what and I'm so glad I took the high road and let them see for themselves what he's all about. Even more important my daughter is going through some medical issues and it really helps to have some sort of relationship with her dad's side of the family for medical history information.  I really, really hope that Chelsea does the same thing.


    My father was the greatest man ever.....when he was sober.  But when he was drunk - and in my childhood memories he was drunk a LOT, he was angry and abusive, especially toward my mother.  When Mom passed away in June, the things me and my 4 siblings remembered most fondly about her was how she never spoke bad about our father and never kept us from seeing him.  He was only in and out of our lives on occasion, and because Mom allowed us to see him, we had some good memories of him (he died when I was 13). If anyone had an absolute right to be angry and accusatory, it was my Mom.  But because she wasn't, we were able to have good memories not only of our dad but respect for her as well.

    • Love 8
  15. /RANT/ Please stop saying "good ON" someone for this or that!!!  The only things good ON people are their clothing, their hairstyle or their shoes/makeup/jewelry!!  It's good FOR them!  Good for Victoria on her acting - it was so convincing! /end rant/


    And really, what do you say after you find an ear in the hamper?  Even now, there isn't a Dr. Phil, Oprah, or even Divorce Court that covers how to handle the situation.


    This is how it goes in my sick imagination:


    Wife of Ear Cutter:  WHAT is this????


    Ear Cutter:  Well I asked this fellow if he would lend me his ear and he took it literally!!  **major Latin shrug**

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