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Eyes High

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Posts posted by Eyes High

  1. I am loving Eve Best as Rhaenys. It’s also good that Corlys has more to do this episode.

    Someone on Twitter or Reddit describes Daemon’s actions this episode as a bratty little brother temper tantrum, and I tend to agree.

    Laena was adorable, but that whole scene was stomach-churning.

    I appreciate the attempts to be faithful to GRRM’s dialogue, but in between all the mislikes and mine owns, we’re approaching drinking game territory. At least I have yet to hear “nuncle.”

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  2. 2 hours ago, Vella said:

    It's not, and yet, Natalie didn't just brainstorm that show either. She took the failure of Joplin and simply plugged in elements that would make the taste clusters happy. Keeping the kernel of the mother/daughter concept but making the setting more appealing (Joplin for NYC) and turning it from a gripping, down to earth drama about real family issues into a silly comedy full of wacky hijinks and canned laughter in a cute cupcake shop. Which is fine, except for Sally, Joplin was HER LIFE, it was about her, her identity and self-worth. She spoke so many times about how much the show meant to her and how much was based on her real life. And Natalie KNOWS THIS. That's why Sally is so infuriated. That Sally's own life story is not valued or recognized as having any worth, it has to be put through a grinder and turned into a happy, vacuous, empty thing that might actually be successful.

    Not only that, but the show hit the specific items mentioned by the BanShe executives: desserts, Central Park (I assume, being set in New York), and even Dev Patel (as the article about Sally’s meltdown stated that Dev Patel was costarring in Just Desserts).

    Sarah Goldberg was so great in this episode.

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  3. 27 minutes ago, greekmom said:

    Agreed. It doesn't make sense at all.  Why would you study Russian lit if you want to become a Michelin Chef??

    Why would you study Russian literature at all unless you were either interested in an academic career specializing in Russian literature or unconcerned about your future career prospects? It seems like a great way to specialize yourself out of a job, unless said job is in Russia I guess.

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  4. Why is it that fictional TV children are so unspeakably awful to their parents? I'm not that old, but I can't even conceive of ever calling my mother a slut.

    Yeah, Deja, I was "wise beyond my years" in my teens too, and I still didn't know shit. Take a seat.

    That Malik is even willing to consider Deja blowing up her own prospects and moving away from her family and support system because it will help him with his parenting situation lowers my opinion of him considerably. No person worth having as a partner would even entertain the suggestion.

    Nicky and Edie are so cute together.

    I did like Randall dragging Kevin over his serial monogamy. "Try not to propose to this one."

    Randall trying to manipulate Malik into breaking up with Deja was dumb--how did he think that was going to go, seriously?--but nothing he said was inaccurate.

    It's kind of annoying that the writers are milking so much suspense from the Kevin romance storyline when they've straight-up acknowledged that it consists of a series of interchangeable blondes. 

    • Love 24
  5. 5 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    On the last episode I was joking about this show's similarities to Arrested Development, but it actually does kind of line up. Connor is Job, the oldest song who's discounted by the family because he's a dopy weirdo with weird niche hobbies and delusions of grenadier. Kendall is Michael, the seemingly most responsible sibling who does the most work for the family business but is hampered by his massive neurosis and need to be the best. Shiv is Lindsay, who puts on a show about being a liberal philanthropist but is quite selfish and only quasi understands the causes she champions, Tom is Tobias, the awkward oddball brother in law who the rest of the family finds ridiculous and who's marriage is not subtlety a mess as his wife seems to only grudgingly tolerate him most of the time, Roman is Buster, the youngest kid and dilatant who seems to do nothing but get involved in random hijinks, has some weird mommy issues, and tries to be taken seriously and usually fails, Logan's second wife, mom of Kendall, Shiv, and Roman, had some real Lucille vibes for the brief time we met her, and of course Logan is George Senior, the emotionally abusive patriarch who's empire is filled with legal sketchiness, came up with bizarre punishments' for his kids while they grew up, is a massive prick but always draws his kids back into his orbit, and has a hippie brother he hates. 

    “Don’t call my escorts whores” is definitely something Connor would say. And Tom like Tobias has a habit of saying (unintentionally?) homoerotic things, like yelling “I will not let go of what is mine!” when Greg tries to “break up” with him in 2x04 or asking Greg whether he does house chores in the nude.

    3 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    I think Roman, of all the Roy children, was likely to have suffered the brunt of physical abuse by Logan, so much so that the physical abuse continues into adulthood. I think it's also likely that Roman suffered some sexual abuse about which the Roy children are all aware. 

    That doesn't make Roman immune from being mocked and insulted, but like all families, there are invisible lines about what is acceptable and what crosses a line. I don't think any of the Roy siblings have ever been truly wounded by one of Roman's comments, but I haven't done a rewatch in a while. I'm not saying Shiv was wrong, just explaining why Connor reacted the way he did. 

    It’s interesting that Roman’s physical abuse can be brought up without rancour—someone mentions Logan hitting a Roman when he ordered lobster at a restaurant in S2—but bringing up his sexual issues (possibly stemming from sexual abuse) is crossing a line.

    It’s strange that Shiv lashed out with such a cruel comment unprompted, since Shiv and Roman seem fairly close as Roy siblings go (even with their slap fight in S1) and a lot of their insults read as standard sibling ribbing (Shiv referring to Roman’s wider cultural interests as hatred and Instagram). I guess it’s going to get uglier as the stakes get higher.

    3 hours ago, aghst said:

    If he was abused and the kids are mocking him for his hangup, which may be related to the abuse, then they're truly monstrous.

    I tend to think that there must be something truly bad at the root of Roman’s issues that they all know about, because why else would they have what appears to be a tacit agreement not to bring it up no matter how many sexually inappropriate comments Roman makes or no matter how much he insults them? Everything else is fair game for commentary—Logan’s mistresses, Kendall’s substance abuse issues, Willa being a paid companion, Connor being unloved, even Roman being physically abused, among other things—but Roman’s celibacy and humiliation kink are off limits?

    14 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

    I think I've also read both, but Shiv seems like the middle child and Roman seems younger. I get the feeling they might have started off wanting Shiv to be youngest, but Roman's character changed. Remember in the pilot he's got the woman and the little girl and they seem obviously intended to be his own wife and kid--at least that's how they come across in that ep. Then later she's identified as just a girlfriend and the little girl just disappears with her. So I think the show itself switched their ages as their characters developed.

    Yeah, going back to the first few episodes, Roman doesn’t seem all that different, but Shiv is virtually unrecognizable. It’s hard to imagine the glamorous, poised S3 Shiv with dowdy clothes, unstyled hair and no makeup getting into a physical fight with Roman.

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  6. 14 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I think she meant it, and she agonized with her siblings over whether she was in the wrong or not.  She tried to say it flippantly, but personally, I think she meant it.  And Roman tried to downplay it too, he brushed it off like she didn't upset him.

    Of course, Roman brushed off Logan knocking out his tooth, too. I don't think his dismissive response is any kind of accurate gauge for whether or not it was incredibly hurtful or upset him.

    I don't think Shiv particularly "agonized" over whether she was in the wrong or not. She initially tried to scoff when Connor flat-out told her it was low and only doubted herself after he scolded her. Even then, she giggled when Kendall reassured her that Roman loved being insulted and probably got off on it. Not exactly genuine remorse there. (Compare it to Shiv's bereft "Well I'm sorry" after Tom muses about whether he'd be happier without her in 2x10.)

    2 hours ago, Blakeston said:

    It takes a lot of chutzpah for Roman - who constantly shits on everyone and lives for low blows - to act like Shiv's comments crossed a line.

    I don't know. Roman has said a lot of horrible things to his siblings over the course of the series, but someone's sexuality is something so personal that mocking someone's sexual hangups that obviously stem from some sort of past psychological trauma is crossing a line. And the fact that the siblings have known the whole time about Roman's inability to have penetrative sex and humiliation kink--neither Connor nor Kendall act surprised when Shiv brings it up, Kendall casually suggests that Roman "loves" being insulted and is probably masturbating because he was insulted--but have never once mentioned it, even though Roman is constantly making hypersexual comments and insulting them suggests that they know damn well that there is a line. And when was the last time one of the siblings chewed out another for being too cruel? They're constantly being awful to each other, but Shiv's comment was the one that got Connor to call her out. There is a line, Shiv crossed it, and they all knew it.

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  7. 1 hour ago, BingeyKohan said:

    when Logan was ticking off the people he wanted to hear from (or have his minions check in on, to see where their loyalties seemed to be lying) it seemed like he said "Rhea" (or "Ray," which, if meant to be Holly Hunter's character, isn't the same way that Shiv says it, which is more like "Rye-uh") Anyway - maybe it was a man actually named Ray he meant, but I had to wonder if it was a way of showing him to still be a little out of touch or forgetful, thinking Rhea was still actively involved in the business. 

    I also have to wonder if Greg's papers will even turn out to be anything. There was a lot of mention of them this episode, and it was clear Kendall hasn't shown them to anyone. Do we really trust Greg's judgement in grabbing and keeping something actually valuable and incriminating? Or would it be too cheap in terms of the show's comedy to have the FBI file in and demand them, then finally get a look and them and be like, uh, sir these are emails confirming a catering order.

    Ray is one of the more loathsome Waystar Royco execs, played by Patch Darragh. I'm not sure what his role is at the company, but he's so awful that he heartily enjoyed Boar on the Floor and Laird picked him for "Kill" in the executive floor game of Marry, Fuck, Kill that Roman proposed, to which Roman instantly said "Of course."

    It was weird seeing Connor in big brother mode, even chiding Shiv for being mean.

    I wouldn't want to be in the Roy siblings' shoes either when asked to choose between Kendall and Logan. Logan's obviously in deep trouble, but Kendall seems extremely unstable and obviously hasn't thought this through. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

    And those poor kids get to take a ride on this emotional roller coaster every fucking year for the rest of their lives.  They get the all-clear one year and then do the mental countdown to the next round a year later.  All because their mom and dad decided to leave it up to their "faith" and produce as many offspring as possible before the dad finally succumbed to the disease.  Had he lived another year, I'm willing to bet there would have been an eighth child in the mix.  Ugh.

    What really gets me is that this tragedy was entirely preventable. There were lots of options for Tony and Erica given the LFS issue. Donor sperm. IVF and screened embryos. Adoption. And yet they decided to bring children into the world knowing that there was a 50/50 chance they would be virtually guaranteed to die young from cancer. Tony made it to 31, but one of Tony's relatives had their two LFS-positive children die from cancer before the age of 25. I wouldn't wish cancer on my worst enemy, let alone a child. It just blows my mind.

    I have no idea who thought that this family would be a good idea for a reality TV show, given the LFS elephant in the room. It's just so infuriatingly tragic.

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  9. On 4/3/2021 at 6:30 PM, druzy said:

    Now they are open to adoption. I think they will do what they have to do for a story line. 

    Yes. Influencers often keep having kids to have a fresh supply of cute baby goodness for the gram, but that isn't an option for the Busbys due to the hysterectomy, and the quints are aging out of the kindergarten phase, so adoption it is.

    Quick question: has Hazel ever had an MRI or a CT scan? Because I thought nystagmus was often a symptom of an underlying brain condition. She's been treated by several opthalmologists, so I assumed any brain issue would have been ruled out long ago, but has it ever been discussed on the show?

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  10. On 3/18/2021 at 3:01 PM, Coool.beanzz said:

    After some googling, I’ve found that 4/7 of Erica’s children inherited the lfs gene which gives them a 90% chance of developing cancer in their lifetime. I can’t believe they CHOSE to have more children despite knowing the risks. I’m sorry but this comes off extremely selfish to me considering options like adoption are sitting right there. 

    There's a long-form article  from 2014 about Tony's family that gives more context about their sad history with LFS. Apparently Tony's uncles and aunts begged him and Erica to go the IVF route to screen embryos for the gene and make sure any kids wouldn't have LFS, but Tony and Erica weren't having any of that:


    At Bryce’s funeral, Jenni’s father, Jim Boud, urged the family to weed out the mutant gene, recommending in-vitro as a way to circumvent the suffering that otherwise awaited future generations. The grandchildren — Jenni’s nieces and nephews — have chosen to have children naturally anyway. Those with LFS have produced eight children; four of them have the gene, two do not and two are too young to be tested.

    One grandson, Tony Means, discussed the in-vitro procedure with Jenni, but opted not to do it despite emotional pleas from Jenni and other aunts and uncles. He knew his late mother had had the mutant gene, but he didn’t know that he carried it himself when his wife, Erica, bore their first child. After a test revealed that Tony had the gene, he and Erica chose not to have the in-vitro procedure and had four children. Three of his five children have the gene and one of them, a 5-year-old girl, has a brain tumor.

    On a Facebook page for an LFS support group, someone asked the group at large if anyone had chosen to have babies after a family member had been diagnosed with LFS. Tony responded: “After lots of thought and prayer, we chose to have four more children. Two of those four have LFS, as does my oldest son. It’s not easy, but we wouldn’t change our choice. Some people think we are stupid, crazy or even selfish, but this was our choice to make and we did so fully aware of the consequences and with our trust in God because it’s all in His hands anyway. You do what you feel is best and don’t look back.”

    The article also discusses another Thompson family relative, Ricky, who died at 50 and whose two biological children died of cancer at the respective ages of 23 and 9. Bryce and his wife Jenni had one child (Kade) before they knew Bryce had the gene, who turned out not to have the gene, and then did IVF for their next children so that they could screen the embryos for LFS.

    To be entirely fair to Tony, other grandchildren in the Thompson family also decided to forgo IVF and produced children with the LFS gene, but seriously, what the fuck?

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  11. 5 minutes ago, pennben said:

    Well, that would be a completely different show.  

    But the door with Janet is just a lovely, beautified, sanitized gloss on a very ugly, nasty and nihilistic idea. If the method for ending their existence wasn’t walking through a door but Janet lovingly handing them a special metaphysical gun, a special metaphysical noose or special metaphysical sleeping pills, I doubt people would be moaning and weeping over the magnificent beauty of the affair, but the end result would be the same and at least guns or sleeping pills would be more intellectually honest.

    Most people who have lost someone they cared about to suicide cried buckets, but they weren’t crying about how lovely and gorgeous it was, I can tell you that.

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  12. 24 minutes ago, pennben said:

    I truly don’t understand the comparison to suicide. Maybe it’s an age thing, or a having watched someone dying and as they gasp their last breaths telling them “it’s okay to go” thing, but comparing spending time in utter joy and then, while totally at peace, feeling at one with the universe and choosing to open that door.....that’s not at all what I think suicide is as we know it. These folks weren’t escaping anything. 

    They’re not choosing in your example, though. They’re dying for certain of illness or a fatal injury, and they have a choice whether or not to struggle to resist it. The difference is between someone who’s drowning in a well with no way out and stops struggling to put an end to their agony, and someone who decides to end it all and jump into a well to drown. No one was forcing Jason, Chidi or Eleanor to go through the door. They weren’t terminally ill. If they wanted to hang around for all eternity, no one would have stopped them.

    So yes, the comparison to suicide absolutely holds, and I found it not only nihilistic but shockingly irresponsible. If the show were stripped of the metaphysical trappings and concluded with several of the main characters deciding to blow their brains out because life was too boring and they’d had enough, there would be an enormous outcry, but instead everyone seems to be sobbing about how beautiful, lovely and moving suicide is. It’s bullshit. 

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  13. The ending seemed like a strong endorsement of suicide. And as for the “oh it’s not about suicide, the door is a metaphor for human mortality” argument, the comparison falls apart because most of us don’t die by choice or wish to die by choice. Most of us will be dragged from existence kicking and screaming.

    3 hours ago, fireice13 said:

    I’m someone who believes that things have meaning because there is an end, so I am happy with how this all wrapped up.

    We all start out as atoms that then form to become a human. Walking through the door is just letting our atoms go back to being part of the universe. 

    It also made me think about people I love who suffer from severe depression. They wake up every day and think “f*** I’m still here.” Existence itself is painful for them (and this is with meds and treatment). So the idea that they could peacefully end their existence and therefore end their pain and anguish is comforting to me.

    The idea that they’ll embrace suicide as a solution is comforting to you? That is extremely fucked up.

    And frankly, what worries me about the show’s rosy depiction of suicide is that mentally fragile people will watch the finale and think that suicide is a lovely, beautiful thing. I mean, yes, theoretically, all of us on Earth can go “whenever we’re ready” (a much nicer way of putting it than dying by suicide) but it’s downright nihilistic to suggest that that’s a choice to feel good about and to actively embrace. 

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  14. Melissa’s “White Male Rage” song was adorable...as were Colin’s “confessions” that he worked out to Joker every day and that he watched The Irishman alone on Christmas Day. Hee.

    Hearing all the groans in response to “Just hanging” was a great reminder of why live audiences are so much fun.

    The “Aw, man, I’m all out of cash!” sketch had a very old-school humour feel to it.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Jenniferbug said:

    So happy Wayne won! He was consistently amazing every single week. Daughtry was also very good, but I didn't feel like his performance last night was as "show stopper" as Wayne's. 

    I still think they need to work on how the panelists guess, but I enjoy this crazy show for what it is. It's fun, fluffy entertainment, and my kids have gotten really into watching it this season even though they have no idea who anyone under the masks is. They like the costumes and the music and it's fun to have a show to watch with them each week. 

    This show is surprisingly wholesome and sweet. Aside from the mask conceit, it’s pretty much Celebrity Karaoke, and like the best karaoke nights, it’s an enthusiastic, generous and supportive atmosphere. 

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  16. 20 minutes ago, helenamonster said:

    Mikey said on Instagram his son was one of the kids.

    I saw that! Very cute.

    The part of the ad where Mikey and Heidi's characters are arguing over the snow boots was the best.
    "If you can do it JUST DO IT!"

    "You need to LEARN, NATHAN!"

    "Daddy's a dumbass!"

    If you look closely you can see the little girl playing their daughter cracking up. 

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  17. The Macy’s commercial must have been written by a parent. The bit about how the wool sweaters won’t fit over their heads had me howling.

    Streeter Seidell and Mikey Day, who are both parents, wrote the sketch according to Seidell’s Twitter, so yeah.

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  18. I did laugh at this bit from the TVLine finale interview with Alec Berg. I guess T.J. Miller really burned his bridges there:


    TVLINE | Was there any effort made to get T.J. Miller to make a cameo?

    I read a Fortune post-finale interview with Mike Judge and Alec Berg, and apparently the rat thing came from a tech consultant talking about someone in their building using a sonic pest repellent and their apartment being flooded with fleeing rats and bugs. They also made clear that the rat bit wasn't something that was planned from the beginning of the show or anything.

    Laurie always seemed like someone who would end up on top no matter what shady business she was involved in, so I was surprised by the reveal that she was in prison (and for something pretty terrible, since the orange jumpsuit is used for medium/high security prisons, as Berg said).

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  19. 6 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    To think people should get credit for this is weird, in my opinion.  I think that's why a lot of people have issues with the monologue.  What are we applauding here, and should we be?   Good genetics, millions of dollars, a personal trainer, dietician, nutritionist, chef, and some modest plastic surgery?  Should we be applauding this?   It's strange.

    As I said, lots of JLo-level celebrities with all her wealth, resources and good genes, whatever their gender, do not look half as good at 50. JLo has taken excellent care of herself for many years and it shows. At a certain point, the way you've been taking care of your body (or abusing) catches up with you; in JLo's case, it's paying off. And this whole idea of "Oh, if I had what she has, I would look that amazing as well!" You wouldn't. Most celebrities don't. 

    Frankly, I detect a strong undercurrent of misogyny in all the complaints about JLo daring to brag about how hot she is (the audacity!) and all her projects, especially when most SNL hosts are there, you know, to promote their projects. Chance bragged about welcoming a second daughter and made sure to mention his previous donation to the Chicago educational system, and everyone thought this was adorable. Harry Styles talked about his musical career, and no one begrudged him that. But you know, how dare a woman take pride in anything she has accomplished. She's allowed to have great success with Hustlers and lots of opportunities like performing at the Super Bowl, but how dare she talk about it. She's allowed to be so hot at 50 that SNL can write a whole sketch about how much more gorgeous she is than two pretty actresses 15+ years her junior (Aidy and Kate), but how fucking dare she rub it in. That bitch!


    I personally think Jennifer and Gwyneth look great too.

    There's "great" and then there's "sufficiently hot to have multiple SNL sketches based on how hot you are." They're nowhere near the latter category.

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  20. 1 hour ago, msrachelj said:

    Really! I am SO sick of this Jlo worship for being so hot at 50. Give me a f***ing break. If most women over 50 were worth a gazillion dollars, had personal trainers, hair and makeup (and boy does she use a trowel on her face?) artists, stylists and access to the best and most expensive fitted clothing, chefs, plastic surgery and/or heavy duty dermatological procedures, danced for a living, most likely take hormones, etc. Then YOU TOO would be hot. That being said, I actually like her when she is doing comedy. Just tone it down. We really didn't need to hear you talk about how hot you are and for the skits to follow the same routine. Blech. 

    I don't buy this. Many A-list Hollywood actresses have access to everything JLo has in the fitness/nutrition/styling/surgery department and look like busted wax figurines at 50. Jennifer Aniston (50) and Gwyneth Paltrow (47) wish they could look that good. Credit where credit is due: she looks absolutely amazing. And she was absolutely stunning in the Corporal bit. That bombshell-type hair/makeup/dress really worked for her.

    ...With all that said, JLo was a pretty poor performer. For her big monologue song number, there was a "backing" vocal that drowned her out (deliberately, I imagine). I mean, if you need a backing vocal to cover up your live singing, maybe you shouldn't have bothered at all. She seemed nervous and stiff, and didn't have much to bring to the table other than her considerable hotness.

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  21. 11 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

    Michael is an extraneous character especially with his and Athena’s kids almost grown.   Michael could get sick and move in and the story wouldn’t really change.  

    Michael spends so much time at Athena's that he seems to live there already.

    8 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    I will also never get tired of people commenting on the ridiculous level of hotness of Eddie and Buck. 

    Oliver Stark's a very handsome man, but Ryan Guzman is insanely hot even by primetime TV standards.

    I'm looking forward to the Hen/Karen foster storyline. 

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  22. 11 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    If you look at pictures of her from the 60s and 70s, it's hard to imagine that woman having the ability to string along multiple men.  But, the real Camilla did.  I had low expectations going in and I find the actress serviceable.  

    Wallis Simpson had no beauty to speak of and the incredibly handsome David gave up a crown for her. It's not always about looks. Also, Camilla was apparently great fun and had a wonderful sense of humour, and I'm guessing fun was in desperately short supply among that set.


    I think that the actress they found for Camilla was fine. It must have been hard to find someone with her long chin in the first place. And she kind of looks like a young Camilla.

    The chin fits, and I agree that actresses with Camilla's chin would be few and far between. The casting folks have usually tried to find some sort of physical resemblance where there are distinctive physical features at play (Charles' ears), although with the more famous cast members they've been willing to work with what they have (John Lithgow's height, HBC's brown eyes, Olivia Colman's brown eyes, etc.).

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  23. The "That's The Game" sketch was great. It devolved quickly from the dumb platitudes you see on "gritty" shows about drug dealers--"I was BORN in the game!!!"--to the guy getting schooled on the basics of business principles, which was hilarious. The TV Line reviewer noted that it seemed like a Key & Peele sketch, but maybe they were thinking of the Keanu movie (where the lead characters wound up being forced to pretend to be dangerous gangsters). The pre-tapes have been pretty good this season so far: Grouch, Tasty Toaster Tarts, Corporate Nightmare, and now this sketch were all bang-on imo.

    Cold open was wretched. No matter what your political orientation is, making fun of the impeachment hearings should be like shooting fish in a barrel, and that was the best they could come up with?

    I quite liked Harry Styles' monologue. He was charming, he wasn't visibly petrified like a lot of first-time hosts, and the bit with messing around with the piano was cute.

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  24. 11 hours ago, izabella said:

    It's getting to be too much personal angst.  Someone is always in peril, or in anguish.  It's unrelenting.  I like this show, but I'm of the opinion the anguish should be on the patients, and if the team is in anguish, spread it out so they aren't all so deeply damaged at the same time.

    Not only that, but it's all so over the top, especially for a relatively young show. Usually it takes several seasons for these shows to start throwing psychotic exes, tsunamis and limb amputations at their characters, as a result of continually upping the stakes. It took ER nine seasons to chop off Dr. Romano's arm in a horrible accident, for which the show got plenty of criticism for mindless grand guignol silliness, and this show threw in an amputation for one of their recurring characters in Season 3! They can't sustain this kind of pace. At this rate, Season 5 is going to feature a post-nuclear LA wasteland with the gang battling roving plague zombies.

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