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Everything posted by RamGirl64

  1. This will contain spoilers. The character of Vic Moretti confounds me. I'm not sure if it's the way the character is written or performed. I know there are fans of the character from the book series. I've read four or five of the novels and I'm not impressed with her constant use of profanity. I'm not really a fan of the relationship between Walt and Vic in the books. I may be prejudiced about the character and I don't mind admitting it. I don't understand the character on the TV series. Vic is suppose to be a former Philly homicide detective. Supposedly smart , capable and forward thinking in police procedures. She should be tough and empowered. She moved to Absaroka County due to her husband's job. We are led to believe that the transition to a small town has not been easy, she made the sacrifice but the marriage is shaky. Vic, occasionally sleeps in the jail cell, because of their arguments. When the TV show opens, she has only been in the Sheriff's department for six months. The TV show wants to portray her as a tough, independent law enforcement professional. On the show, however, Vic rarely investigates on her own. She is always paired with Walt. He acts as her mentor even though she is a former detective. Walt solves nearly everything. Even Branch did his own investigation and solved a crime. She is hot tempered and usually makes inappropriate comments or cringeworthy actions. I still cringe at the scene of Vic walking and screaming through the Native American dancers' performance in the Miss Cheyenne episode. It was probably played for laughs but seemed very disrespectful on a show that is revered for its treatment of the Native American community and culture. In that episode, she leaves a crime scene unattended in order to find Walt. As a law enforcement officer, her objective is to serve and protect the public. Vic was aware of Branch's actions. He was a danger to himself and the public due to his severe PTSD. She waited weeks to report his behavior to Walt and only after she didn't get the reaction she wanted from Walt when her husband insisted she quit after their hostage situation. If she had acted sooner or as she was suppose too, there may have been a different outcome. Her marriage is inconsistently portrayed. In one scene there is tension. She says her husband isn't a man because he is contemplating another transfer. In another scene, there is marital bliss. She blames her husband's job for being stuck in a small town yet we find out later the job transfer was to protect her. Also, we find out that Vic's marriage was a "rebound" relationship. She was escaping a toxic relationship with a married man and married Sean to get away. The relationship with Ed Gorski caused major upheaval in her life. Pretending to be on police calls while actually trysting with her lover, not good. Involved with a married detective and after ending the relationship, married another man on the rebound. I believe the Longmire writers realized that they were not portraying their leading lady in the best light and tried to ret-con the backstory. It didn't help that they gave more than one reason for Vic ending her relationship with Gorski and it had nothing to do with his being married. Prelude to moving to Wyoming, Vic turned in her former lover's partner to Internal Affairs. As a result, this detective committed suicide. She became the victim of harassment and threats, especially from her former lover. To protect her, Vic's husband Sean, put in for a transfer. They were supposedly in hiding from the Philly PD, yet they didn't change their names or professions but felt that dying Vic's hair blonde would be the ultimate disguise. When she is found and harassed again, she doesn't bother to inform her husband of potential danger. Why doesn't she tell Sean? She doesn't care about him because she's in love with her boss. IMO, Vic has always obvious in her feelings for Walt. It was obvious to her husband, Walt's girlfriend, Lizzie, actually most everyone but Walt. Walt never showed obvious feelings for Vic. I think he cared for all of deputies and felt responsible for them. He seemed uncomfortable with her overtures. The view that Walt saving Vic and Sean from Chance Gilbert was a declaration of his love seems a fit far fetched. Walt also saved Branch by driving to the reservation and carrying him to medical treatment. He would try to save Ferg too. Since Chance Gilbert was a potential suspect in Martha's murder, Walt had another reason to go after him. Walt denied any romantic, extramarital feelings for Vic. In fact, he kept pushing her to talk with her husband and work at her marriage. Vic's later comments that Walt never encouraged her to stay in her marriage were false. She was like a high school cheerleader with a crush on the school's star quarterback. In fact, barely a few weeks after signing divorce papers, she's showing up at Walt's cabin with even more buttons undone and a six pack of beer. Then the hookup in season 4. Who is this character suppose to be. Is she someone to root for? I think Katee Sackhoff's description in the Oh So Gray interview sums it up best. Vic has an unrequited crush on her boss but needs to not be defined by the men in her life. She needs to portray as capable and intelligent. http://ohsogray.com/?p=4983
  2. As the second lead, I'm surprised that Katee hasn't had a Vic-centric season. The third season belonged to Bailey Chase as Branch and he was great. This season was Lou Diamond as Henry. He was phenomenal. It's seems every season we are led to believe it's Katee's turn. I've noticed a lack of interest by Katee for the show as far as promotion over the last few years. She didn't participate in the pickup effort last year like other cast members. Bailey participated more and knew the fate of his character. She gave up on the show even through the producers were shopping it around. In a tweet earlier this year, an English fan was surprised that Longmire had been picked up. At a convention in London last Fall, when asked about Longmire, Katee said it was done, over. When the English fan reminded her in a tweet what she said, she didn't deny it. She said it was done and Netflix rescued it at the last minute. However fans knew that the studio was shopping the show around and that there were ongoing negotiations. She showed a lack of faith. Also, she promotes BSG more than Longmire. The demographics of the show's viewers may not appeal to her. Maybe the writers aren't developing Vic more because they realize Katee's lack of commitment. The character has not been written in a sympathetic way. It would be ironic if the character had PTSD considering how unsympathetic Vic was to Branch and he was obviously suffering from it.
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