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Posts posted by Hiacios

  1. 6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    The only thing I'm rooting for in the finale is for Leroy to lose. I'm also torn because I want Cara to lose because I hate her, but I also kinda want her to partner with Kyle and then win just to really piss off Leroy.

    I'm against you on the Leroy and Kyle part but agree on Cara. I hope she gets last.

  2. 2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    From Twitter:

    Killbot knew whom she wanted to face if given a choice. Scroll down for Cara Maria's rejoinder. Looks like that friendship is officially over.

    Joss weighs in on Darrell vs. Nelson. Dude's a wanker, but he does make a valid point.

    Briana reveals too much about herself. I know, she's not on this season, but I had to share.

    Also, most of the folks I see are Facebook want to wash down their meals with Nicole's tears. Once again: I get the hate, but I don't get why it has to be all-consuming for some people. I will say that Zach's crack about Nicole having to go to speech class was pretty funny.

     Laurel is bitter as f**k and Joss is right.

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  3. Well, that episode didn't start off well but now Team Devin has 2 players with grenades that they can use on Zack, Tony, and Natali.   Man, I hated seeing that stuck up b*tch Laurel back on the show.  


    In the after show Natali showed even more, what a lying POS she is! what a surprise

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  4. 21 hours ago, sabretooth said:

    Gus Kenworthy was the only damn grownup on that after show. He was not buying anyone's shit. I'd watch him on TV any day. 

    If you think about it, Bananas lost this elimination because he failed at Lite-Brite. Devin's commentary about the whole thing made it that much funnier. But I really hope that he wasn't planning on the village idiots taking things as far as they did. They took it to Defcon 1 when he probably just needed a 3. 

    Are you freaking kidding me? He didn't even know what he was talking about when it came to Bananas being a POS and specific things that happened in the house!

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  5. On 3/8/2018 at 7:57 AM, RHJunkie said:

    I didn't mean that she felt embarrassed for her behaviour, I meant that she seemed a bit embarrassed that everyone was going in on her about her. She had a lot to say when Kam and Cara Maria were calling the girls out for their bullish behaviour but she sat silent the next day when the whole table basically called it mean girl and bullying tactics that isn't cool. And she didn't try to rationalize any further when TJ basically called her behaviour stupid. To be clear, whatever embarrassment I perceived from her had nothing to do with remorse of her actions, it had to do with having an entire house (minus Jemmye, Brittany and Natalie) agree that those were some really weak ass antics. It didn't make them look cool or like good friends. It made them look like immature, petty mean girls.

    Then I agree with everything you said. lol. :)

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  6. Did anybody else see the aftershow? It was awkward because you had gay Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy getting schooled about the show and Johnny Bananas by Devin and then you had drunk Britni hanging all over Devin until he basically told her to get off of him. lol.

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  7. 26 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

    I've always been entertained by Devin's commentary but man, he was an absolute puppeteer and it was brilliant. He knew that Nelson wouldn't be able to help himself and that he would react emotionally. Nelson would carry the news around the house, Johnny would question Nelson's motives while Natalie would question Johnny's. Natalie lamely tried to cover up her embarrassment of thinking that she had Johnny wrapped around her finger and now she finds out that he entertained another girl and her pride is shedding tears. 

    Those girls were absolute trash for the way they treated Kayleigh but that's not even the worst behaviour I've seen in the past few seasons let alone in the history of this show. However, to act like a pieces of shit and then justify why you're acting like immature pieces of shit makes my blood boil. Why the fuck is Kayleigh supposed to have loyalty to a girl she met over a guy she met on DAY fucking THREE of being in the house? Frankly, if TJ was going to bring it up, he should have embarrassed them even further. Kayla is the only one that seemed the slightest bit embarrassed by her behaviour and that's only because everyone made her look small rather than big her up as some kind of bad ass. It wasn't their fight and they should have minded their fucking business. 

    Credit to Kyle, he's playing a great game so far. He's a strong competitor but his social game has been good. He's observing and being patient with his approach which is sensible since he's got zero affiliations with any of these people prior to this competition. He's playing for himself and it's nice to see someone come in and not be afraid to do that for a change. 

    What made Devin's strategy so genius is that whether he beat Johnny or not, getting Johnny to the elimination was already some kind of victory. Beating him means he gets to eliminate him. But losing to him means that he at least gets to know that he's fucked up Johnny's game horribly because Johnny would go back to the house with a vengeance but he would be down one less person in his alliance and that would shift the tide of numbers because Leroy would probably be the only person who have real loyalty to Johnny. Everyone else would feel more comfortable in conspiring against him. 

    Zac's shocked reaction was my favourite but Devin, his TH commentary after his win was hilarious with the accompanying background imagery LOL. 


    I agree with almost everything you just stated. What I don't agree with is that Katla felt any embarrassment for her childish behavior towards Kayleigh because she has always acted like a freaking child. I don't even like Kayleigh but what those 3 immature brats did to her belongings was completely unacceptable.


    Devin's commentary and how he handled Johnny was masterful. :) 

    • Love 4
  8. 11 hours ago, Cherry Cola said:

    I like Devon for that very reason. I like how he stayed calm as Johnny got more worked up.  Devon is obnoxious as times, but he knows he is, so he isn't as bad as Johnny in my opinion. 

    I agree, and I used to not like Devin when I saw him on AYTO but after he got on The Challenge he has become very likable because he is genuine. Let's face it Devin is our only chance of seeing Banana's eliminated this season. 

    • Love 3
  9. Cara, Jemmye, and especially Kayleigh are dumbasses! What the Hell was that!!!


    Devin is just awesome for the way he gets to Banana's mentally and f**ks his mind all up. lol. I really hope that with the next episode based on the preview Banana's or his girlfriend get got. 

    • Love 5
  10. Devin said exactly what I was thinking Natalie is: A fake person who thinks she can get through the game that way without anybody catching on. She's got another thing coming.


    Nicole is at it again lusting after other women. I can't wait when she get's eliminated. Why she is back on the show is beyond me. SMH.

    • Love 4
  11. On 11/21/2017 at 9:17 PM, Steph619 said:

    This season has been crap and on top of it, Camila was crowned the winner who didn't even bother coming to the reunion in order to avoid being confronted about her racist remarks towards Leroy. I'm glad that they still addressed it.


    I really wish Cara and CT would've won. They were both awesome this season. 

    Yeah, me too but I knew that Jorden would win but was surprised that Camilla somehow won. I mean she was at that rock climb for what seemed to be over 10 minutes. 


    All in all this season just fell flat for me. 

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