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Posts posted by Hiacios

  1. On 9/20/2018 at 10:56 AM, Unclejosh said:

    Also what they didnt show was Joss apparently dumped a bucket of water over Cara's head from the balcony when she was below talking to someone.  So that added to the fight.

    Why didn't they show that?

    23 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

    Not sure if this was addressed above, but Marie was in the bed with Kyle to stop Ashley from getting in there who was trying to fuck him again, probably to spite Cara Maria and Marie was having her back by getting into the bed first. They were not cuddling and Cara Maria and Marie agreed to let Marie continue to shit talk Cara Maria to the Lavenders to keep her spot with them and not lose that due to being partners with CM. 

    So she knew what Marie was doing and was appreciative of it.  Despite their own issues Marie had her back.

    It's interesting how Cara and Marie's relationship has changed for the better. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, toodywoody said:

    I love how Ashley always fucking wants to quit over stupid shit. Why should Hunter trust her? And did Amanda forget that shit was talking shit about Cara Maria? She is just a fucking pathetic twit when numbers are on her side. Same with Ashley. Sit the fuck down girl you couldn't even tie one fucking rope because you were bitching about her arms then goes postal on Hunter. Someone just needs to smack her right in her fucking mouth and walk off saying fuck this shit.

    You wrote what I would've written. 


    I lost all the respect I had for Amanda after seeing the contradicting, pathetic little bitch she is. Man, I wish Cara would face her in an elimination!


    I feel for Hunter being delt that unstable POS of a parter. SMH.

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  3. On 9/4/2018 at 9:10 AM, IDreamofJoaquin said:

    I thought Shane was hilarious this episode.  Just blatantly fucking off and laughing.  I mean why would he want anyone to win and especially Tony or Bananas?  And Jozea is annoying.  He and Da'Vonne aren't anything special yet.

    Faith (and he partner - someone with name starting with A?) were actually very strong competition.  I get Faith hurt her hand but they seemed to do pretty well.  Don't like them but have to give them that.  Also her A named partner was talking shit about someones looks but she looks like a different human being altogether without her hair done and her makeup on.

    He is not hilarious he's a dick.

  4. On 8/15/2018 at 12:25 AM, BK1978 said:

    I can't  stand Tori.  I have always found her to be so damn obnoxious and the way she treats Derrick makes me dislike her even more.

    Oh and can someone remind me of why I was happy to see Shane return to the Challenge a couple of seasons ago.  Because I now regret that and wish he went back to wherever was while on hiatus.  He is just a nasty piece of work now.  I cannot recall if he was always like this or not, I remember not being fond of him before but not outright disliking him like I do now.

    Yeah, Tori is really obnoxious and a bad person but her and Derrick are freaking hilarious with their disorientation. lol. 


    Shane has for as far back as I remember has been a selfish person who regularly fights with his female cast members.

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  5. I'm really starting to like Paulie as he is just straight up cutting through everybody's bullshit and just coming after the blatant assholes of the game. He and his weak partner are now the heels of the show. I'll be rooting for him but it hurts me to be also rooting for his partner Natalie of who I can't because of last season.

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  6. On 7/30/2018 at 3:55 AM, shapeshifter said:

    Immature humans who will eventually become adults capable of feeling empathy often do act like sociopaths, heh. Given her character's backstory of the unstable home, her behavior could just be the result of having lived in a constant state of being concerned primarily with her own welfare—which probably would, IRL, eventually develop into sociopathy. But then why does she also wind up in a trunk or why does she not decline the ride home from the creepy dad? I sure don't know.

    Wow, you know what you're talking about. I didn't even see it that way.

  7. On 7/27/2018 at 4:33 AM, shapeshifter said:

    Yes, and I generally tolerate very little of gratutious damsel-in-distress story telling. I guess I stuck with it here because  the "damsel" was empowered to do the rescuing herself. 



    I'm guessing they made Henry so immature and obnoxious in order to provide room for both growth as a character (e.g., develop feelings of empathy for others and develop some self-critical self awareness) and to allow for several more seasons worth of continued growth. I agree that watching troubled young people navigate the path to independence is not fun; although I appreciated this show, I don't know how many seasons I will stick with it. I only lasted through 2 seasons of Homeland with a similarly afflicted heroine, even though I already loved the actors playing the main characters; here, my jury is still out on the acting. Plus, I've already got three adult daughters struggling to make their way in the world to provide me with dramatic stories—so, yeah, I'll at least start next season, but no further guarantees of my viewership.

    It's just like the creators made her character so that she is blind to her own actions and the effect they have on other people. The only people I know of who have a disregard for other people are sociopaths. 

    • Love 1
  8. This show had promise but the show's focus on feelings and sex just ruins it but above all that the main character (Henrietta) is so fucking annoying, it ain't funny.  Man, she's a selfish miserable bitch!

  9. 20 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

    Ugh. Why does Sharna always get screwed? Why can't Sasha catch a break?

    That freestyle was shit. In plain English. Adam danced so well overall but boy Jenna choreographed something god-awful. It's embarassing that Jenna has a Mirrorball and the likes of Sharna and Sasha do not.

    Though, perhaps this half-assed season gave ùs the victory we deserve. I have nothing but love for Adam, but he was given the easiest dances all season, and I don't recall a freestyle that bad - let alone a freestyle that bad actually winning. Let the record show I only started watching in season 18, so I never watched Bristol Palin or Bill Engvall.

    Looking forward to a real season in the fall when I can vote my fingers off for Sharna, and hopefully Jenna is gone after week 1.

    I know, Sharna has been screwed over so many times on DWTS and this latest one was just terrible.

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  10. Why the hell was the voting window so damn short? I barely got my votes in and I know a bunch of people who were voting for Josh and Sharna didn't get their votes in at all. Josh would have won as he is more popular than Adam who nobody even knew until the Winter Olympics.

    • Love 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, Toonces464 said:

    Val, Maks and Peta may consider this another win for the family, but I don't think anyone else will consider this a win. What a complete joke this season was and what an even bigger joke this finale was. Adam winning with that mess of a freestyle? After an anything goes jazz routine? He didn't even have a difficult dance that challenged him the whole season. Oh and by the way...who came in second? They didn't even bother to tell us that.

    I loved Josh's freestyle, thought Tonya's was good but not worthy of a 30. 

    This season, more than any other, was nothing but a popularity contest. And Olympians are popular after the Olympics. DWTS should never have another ice skater/dancer or gymnast on again. At least not against anyone but other ice skaters/dancers or gymnasts. It's not fair to everyone else.....the athletes who have no chance against these people with training or the pros who invest so much in the season and their partners. 

    You don't know how hard I'm kicking myself that I even bothered to watch this season. And please...if I never hear again how Jenna and Adam have "clicked" it will be too soon. Talk about beating us over the head with something.

    I couldn't have said it better. That ending sucked bad. SMH.

    • Love 6
  12. On 4/30/2018 at 9:29 PM, smiley13 said:

    Sharna does not deserve to win.  She is the blight on this season.  We are rid of Golden Boy, Val and Maks, but Sharna is still there,  Can she please just go away!

    Are you freaking kidding me? Sharna isn't like those annoying dancers. SMH. She should've already won the show 3 times already.

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