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Everything posted by CoffeeAddict

  1. Maybe I'm just easy to please but I actually liked it. The ending made me smile, I'm a sucker for some musical hand holding I guess. Maybe this show has lowered my expectations so much when it comes to M & S showing any affection for one another that I happily take what I can get. I don't know, it worked for me. Most of the episode did, except for Mulder being high. Oddly enough I found that weird and not as amusing as I suspect they're were trying for. I will say in the very beginning I turned to my cat and said, "They're not gonna blow that place up because that's too obvious." And then....ten seconds later...
  2. I wanted to love it more than I did, but am feeling like it was just ok. Not awful but not great either. It felt a little forced to me which probably kept me from getting swept up in nostalgia. The porch scene with M & S was kinda painful. Overall I'm happy they're back on my tv, but I'm hoping the next ones are better.
  3. Sure, but I don't think people who brushed with twigs were renowned for their oral health ;) Tooth decay actually has more to do with your diet than your brushing habits (but please try brushing with a twig for a couple years and I'm sure it won't help either), and that is another thing they are clearly lacking is proper diet. However, morgankobi makes a good point in comparing the pet wolf to CDB, so obviously we are meant to think they are making some sort of effort off screen.
  4. I'm sure dogs are a legit enough food source if need be, but I don't think I could eat a dog I named and lived with. There HAS to be something somewhere other than dog meat to live on. There's at least one square mile of woods they've been walking circles in for a few seasons now, I'm sure some berries and whatnot can be scrounged up.
  5. Something I've wondered about recently, wouldn't most of their teeth be rotting out of their skulls by now? They're not drinking water with floride in it, I don't see a toothbrush or bottle of mouthwash in sight (aside from that one time Michone brushed) and they've been eating who knows what for most of their time on the road. Am I nuts to think someone should be having some dental problems by now? Pretty sure you can get by with good genes UP TO A POINT, but overall...I want someone to lose a tooth please. It can be a back one so we don't have to see it, just gimme this, show. Also, I just found this thread and was reading some back posts and wanted to comment on the dog discussion. Dog trainer here, and I would absolutely want one or two big dogs with me in the ZA. Not so much to protect me from walkers but to protect me from other live people. The dog doesn't even need to follow up barking with a bite since most live people will respect big dogs barking at them and won't chance it. As a smaller woman having some dogs would probably help me avoid getting "claimed"...
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