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Posts posted by Drogo

  1. 4 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    I guess Gordon assumes everyone watched "Next Level Chef" to the point that his secret guest had to wear a disguise?  Okay...

    I originally thought he said Mexico Chef and I was very confused why he was bringing the star of Mexico Chef to this Puerto Rican restaurant. 

    3 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

    I thought these owners wanted Gordon to pay for the broken AC, broken salad drawer, refrigerator etc, so they made up the burned out chef story.

    *pulls furniture away from walls *
    * applies for Kitchen Nightmares *

    ”Nailed it.”

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  2. 2 hours ago, anoninrva said:

    I think Igor just can't get over the trans thing.  Nikki doesn't look like she ever calms down, either.   That much energy would get very tiresome to me.

    It might have given him pause but it couldn’t have been a deal breaker if they’re still together.

    I know a lot of dudes who think bitching to their low sex drive wives about their low sex drives will somehow turn them on. In my experience it only makes the issue worse. Very few people want to have low libido.

    Nikki is equally selfish, and by extension, likely a horrrrrrrrrrrrible lover.

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  3. On 11/20/2023 at 9:06 AM, Stuckathome said:

    Igor and Nikki---she is a horrid hosebeast of a person. She looked decent in the dress to go see his parents. WTF was she wearing when she was getting ready? It looked like a girdle? Some horrendous shapewear? WHY? I mean, she isn't big? The dress wasn't form fitting. She shrieks and yells at him constantly. I think she is a sex addict and when she acts like this is all because she is trans, I want to slap her. Hard. Wake up. It isn't because you are trans. It is because you bitch and moan and belittle the man 24/7. Even if you "get" him, the second he has some breathing room and meets a woman who shockingly treats him like a human being and not just a blow up doll, he will bounce. She screams how she is too much for him too passionate. No, you are psycho. 

    It’s giving “I’m sexually predatory but it’s okay because I have double standards.”

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  4. 5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    Penultimate feeds nights, and this is where I’d usually be feeling a bit of nostalgia and anticipation. This is when I would find Enzo anxiously pacing the upstairs hallway, drilling himself on dates, or Taylor continuing to make her best case for a final two seat. This is when I’d be saying farewell to my fellow late night feedsters and looking forward to something good happening, maybe, on finale night.

    Tonight, the only last minute gameplay is from 3 buffoons sitting at the kitchen table, getting drunk and playing cards. And there are no fellow night owls, because everyone else had the good sense to peace out long ago. 

    It’s really astonishing how quickly and completely this season imploded. You can debate when it happened— was it zombie week? or was it the moment Cirie first turned around and announced her presence, champagne flute in hand?— but never has a pretty decent cast been so utterly mishandled and wasted.

    One thing they did get right about this season was the cutaway screen: the perfectly tacky, completely appropriate golden colonoscopy. We should have paid attention, gang. All along, it was telling us exactly where we were going. 

    You are the voice of the people.

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  5. On 10/29/2023 at 3:56 PM, ljenkins782 said:

    This franchise has a surprisingly high success rate for such a silly, frothy summer show and there's usually at least one couple that gets together right away and just hangs out on vacation the whole time

    Isn’t this couple usually two people who came on the show hoping the specific other one would be there? I think it’s only Avian and Kaiyleigh who fall into that category.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

    Kat is a total bitch. The kitchen staff made and decorated a cake for her, and she tosses it in the ocean. What a spoiled brat.

    Between that and the Poop Poop Platter, I hope they unionized.

    11 hours ago, JenE4 said:

    Not the Dirty Dancing lift! That was pretty good editing of Kat’s tirade over the interspersed scenes of Tanner and Davia dancing and Kat beating the hell out of that piñata.

    Davia is giving future Real Housewife.

    10 hours ago, call me ishmael said:

    I can certainly understand why Kat would think that only an indecisive and underhanded person would accept a date card without talking to their partner first. 

    She would never do something like that. 

    *pets hair*

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  7. 4 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    I think the biggest change is how short the seasons are now-almost two weeks.  That's pretty significant.  It's also why so many participants don't seem worried about shelters, food, etc.  There are food rewards every few days and two tribes win some type of food, not just one. 

    We’ll never have a Day 28 finger-lickin’-good auction again. :(

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Sandiscot said:

    I'm sure I probably missed this. Did Lulu ever try to make fire or are they just content to moan about not having it?

    They had so many Survivicidal tribemembers who would’ve jumped into the flames, they decided to eliminate the hazard.

    • LOL 10
  9. 13 hours ago, North of Eden said:

    Safety good for one tribal right in your hand and you don't use it. That was delicious!

    In the voting booth, no less. 

    4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    Drew was hilarious talking about his chance to use his acting skills and his great entrepreneurship (?) making up a story to tell the women, then they catch him and he just looks at them and runs off.

    Drew when he’s caught digging for an idol:


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