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Posts posted by lallalla

  1. 6 hours ago, Nowhere said:

    And we don't need constant reminders that you're fat all. "Fat" is in the title of the show. Got it. So show us fabulous. Don't even bring up fat. Wouldn't that be better for the "No BS" campaign? Like, "I'm so not ashamed to be fat that I don't even bring it up because there's no need. My fabulousness makes it so I don't even think about it and neither should you." Instead of shoving it in everybody's face, try making us forget. 

    There's a lot to this, and Twit could learn.

    Anecdotal, but I'd bet others could relate.

    I have an aunt who is, probably what would be considered morbidly obese. I'm in my 30's and she's been the relative size she is as long as I can remember. But what I think of when I think of her is her beauty, her poise, her smarts, the role she has played in my life. She is really similar in features to Delta Burke.  I was a young adult before I realized she suffered due to her size, both medically and mentally/emotionally, as a young child, I could never imagine that about her, because she was a bold, beautiful, confident, loving, intelligent woman to me. She's still that to me, mind you, but I realize the struggles, both emotional and health-wise, her long-term obesity have brought to her.


    Whitney is really beautiful. Though over the top, she has a personality that can be winning and infectious, if she'd maybe reign in some of her conceited, snowflakeitis tendencies.  We don't have to be convinced she's a warm, confident, beautiful person (though these attributes lend themselves toward more empathy and acceptance), she's solely trying to convince us she's fabulously happy in this state she's in, a state that is not her fault, by her account.  Her hemming and hawing that's her gospel truth while living a clearly unhealthy lifestyle that doesn't try to limit her negative effects and squawking about what she can do, while display what she clearly can't to how hard it is to do so many things, are proof positive to us that her life isn't fabulous; it also shuts down and out people of all sizes that have body shame. Afterall, many of us don't have excessive weight, PCOS, etc as our issue, and she seems to flat-out invalidate those who don't share her specific mantra.


    Whitney's program is about WHITNEY, it isn't about ANYONE or ANY OTHER group, she needs to come clean with that or change her tune to be inclusive, instead of a selfish disgusting example of why  many of us have so much self-hate.

    **I worded this horribly and can't seem to edit it to fit what I really want to convey, I apologize.  Maybe I'm selfish for wanting Whitney's message to be more encompassing, maybe I'm just seeking comfort, but I also want to see a Whitney that matures, grows, and is honest, regardless of her size.  I also want her to be in a state of greater mobility. Yes, I do mention in my posts how obese she'd be even in the high 100's or 200-something she mentions, but I don't mean to demean her, I intend to state realities.  Can we please have some honesty in this show and if nothing else, admit 'No Body Shaming" is not her core message? Her core message is "ME ME ME! No matter what I do, how I treat people, accept MEEE!"**

    • Love 17
  2. 25 minutes ago, LocalGovt said:

    Did she even take a shower before going to work? I know, I know...I'm a germophobe.  My sister showers at night, and then just rolls out of bed, runs a comb through her hair, and goes to work.  I don't mean to be indelicate or disrespectful to anyone here, but I've been around people the size of Whitney, and, to be frank, if you don't bathe, you may not smell nice.  I hope I haven't ticked everyone off.  I'm just hoping she did take a quick shower, and they didn't show it.  But she got up at 3, and left at 3:30, so....I am not sure. But on your first day, you'd think you'd want to put forth your best impression. 

    This is something I've read to be true and seen as a theme on 600lb Life and it's something multiple commenters on various articles in People (online) brought up, wondering if it's a problem yet for her.  I am sure it has to be a rather nagging issue to combat.  Of course, look at how she behaved her first day on the job. Let's add potential smell from folds to that, especially after she'd been there several hours, and I could really see her trying to compensate for being overly self-conscious.

    16 minutes ago, princelina said:

    I agree - but I don't think Whitney would!  She might accept her body, but the only way she can show herself love at this point is to try to change it.  We have seen that she loves 1) pizza and pasta, 2) attention, and 3) getting her own way.  I'd love to see TLC sit her down after this season and point out to her the irony of her show's title, and tell her that she needs to start working towards actual "fabulosity" in order to have a 4th season.  Although then, as others have pointed out, we'd probably just have another season of the Ruby show.

    I don't really follow any social media or anything other than this website, so I haven't seen her shoving cupcakes in skinny girls - WTF is that?  Just goes to show that No BS is all about her narcissistic self.  The #1 rule of No BS should be "NOONE wants to hear ANY comments about their bodies."

    Like I sense many are, both on this site and elsewhere across the Interwebs and in TVLandia, many people are just frustrated with her show and its quickly devolving nature.  She is not only ruining herself, her god-awful personality is ruining her viewership. She better care about hate watchers, it's not a far cry to just move from hate watching to reading online recaps and waiting for her to go away entirely. She'd fare better, IMO, to endear more people to her and her cause. And her cause could and should embrace peoples of all sizes, backgrounds, and abilities.

    • Love 4
  3. 1 hour ago, teevee4me said:

    I really despise politically correct bullsh.t. Whitney is not a big girl. She is a morbidly obese woman. Call it what it is.

    She is medically, technically, supe obese, the classification after "morbidly obese", or, Class III obese with scales that stop at anything greater than 40 BMI, to Class V obesity, with some scales that further breakdown levels of obesity. She is over 60!!! BMI, I can't even fathom! And I'd dare say she's increased multiple percentage points since Season 1 which was what? ONE year to 18 months ago for filming? 

    I don't say that to correct you, I appreciate that you are calling a spade a spade, but I say that to highlight how severe her current condition is. Twit should know well and good that even at 200-something pounds, she would be morbidly obese for her height. She would be comparably healthier, but it is not good to live your life that far overweight, it's just ridiculous to even consider it.  I do understand she probably feels it would be impossible to get below 275, but if she wants a good life, and quality of life, especially as she ages, this sister needs to get real and stop living this self-professed fat fetish.  

    Also, she has no technique when it comes to dance and even if she were 110lbs, couldn't dance her way out of a wet papersack. Yet another case where people catered to her delusions so much that she thinks she's an expert, elite, professional.  I am starting to feel only irrational anger when I consume any type of media about her, she is beyond ridiculous. I hope she grows beyond her immature, self-entitled attitude and becomes a real woman, regardless the size she maintains. Tomorrow, I'm going to watch a marathon of "Angelina Ballerina", and afterward, declare myself a ballet expert. Or, for that matter, I attended a major and often more lauded university in her same state and took a ballet course for one of my PE credits. It kicked my ass and showed me I didn't know a damn thing about dance.  Twit should just say she can point and semi-pose, if she doesn't collapse from the sheer exhaustion lifting one of her massive limbs to point causes her.



    • Love 6
  4. 5 hours ago, aliya said:

    She's 5'1" and almost 400 lbs??  OMGoodness. It just makes everything even worse.  

    I am convinced she is easily 425-475 this season, the change in her size is not just noticeable, it's enormous and shocking. I think at her size, you have to put on more than "just 10lbs" to be able to see such a shocking change. TLC is lying in the shots this season of rotating scales.

    • Love 1
  5. 1 minute ago, SongbirdHollow said:

    This really supports the notion that the public will forgive ANYTHING but you just have to ADMIT it and tell the truth. Why can't public figures understand that? If she just said, yeah, I need help, we'd all be supportive. Instead she gets snark.

    People love a comeback story, there is so much truth in what you said.  Whitney can have her show and get into a life that is truly fabulous.

    • Love 1
  6. 1 hour ago, RCharter said:

    I know how you feel.  I gained like 20 pounds while I studied for the bar and I didn't even want to leave my house.

    I don't think I was ever out of a size 8....but still.  I'm not done losing, but man, it was rough.

    Body image is rough.  But I don't think I have it nearly as tough as women who get pointed and laughed at, and if someone called me a fat leprechaun or a whale from their car I would probably break down and cry.

    Thank you for sharing this too, it's an awful thing to hate yourself and feel fat (regardless your weight) and literally be at the point of tears because you're so miserable.

    Add in experiences like Whitney's and I would crumple.  Like all of us here, one cannot condone that kind of behavior. I am sure the looks she may get in general are difficult to deal with and instead of shirking into a wallflower, perhaps she swings to the other end of the spectrum as a type of coping mechanism.  I don't blame the world for my warped body image, but I'd probably find it pretty easy to if I have had people treating me the way Whitney sometimes probably is, I'm sure she's had some instances of non-staged incidents (assuming some of these have been at least somewhat prompted by TLC).

    No one deserves to hate the skin they live in, it can be really devastating and crippling.

    It will be so much worse for Whitney if she reaches a point of total immobility.  I hope, if she reaches that point, TLC provides off-camera help to get her back on a healthier track.  I don't want to watch a trainwreck, I initially tuned in for inspiration and because of the initial persona that came across in ads for her show. I'd LOVE to see this initial concept, or especially, a mantra of self-love regardless of body type, size, capabilities, etc., fully embraced by this show. Hell, maybe she can break off TLC bindings and go rogue on this endeavor, I bet some independent networks or even potentially web producers, would run with such a concept.  No need to feel locked into the TLC box, network and see what happens!

    • Love 4
  7. 3 hours ago, Nowhere said:

    I know this to be true. I'm very thin and I can't stand myself. I have serious body image issues. I too have been criticized and made fun of. People telling me I have a flat butt, no figure, eat a cheeseburger, etc. Not to mention, the endless Facebook posts about how men prefer curvy women. One of which saying 99% of men prefer curvy women and the other 1% are gay. Songs that say fuck skinny bitches. It makes me upset for my daughter because we are now raising thin women to have more body image issues than they already naturally had. It hurts my feelings and before anyone says that thin women don't get yelled at or made fun of, keep in mind that, yes we do get made fun of and making fun of another group of people doesn't help the plight of your own group or however you categorize yourself. I am not the one who yells and makes fun so why should I have to be hurt? Hurting someone else can't possibly make a person feel better about themselves, right? Maybe I'm wrong about that since I've never tried it. 

    Whitney really inspired me at first and then I saw the music videos where she's shoving cupcakes down thin girls' throats. She obviously doesn't care about the rest of us or even like us, so I can't get behind her "no body shame". Fitting how the initials are BS since that's what it is. Bullshit.

    Thank you for sharing that, I've really been struggling with self-love lately, all because I gained maybe 10-15lbs. 15lbs or slightly more less, and I get all kinds of remarks because I'm jaw-droppingly thin, yet at this weight, all because I basically can't see my ribs, I feel like a whale.  Body image can be a devastating thing and I wish that were more Whitney's focus and message than this trainwreck it's become. I want Whitney to love herself, have a life that she can actually full enjoy to the utmost, with a range of activities, I certainly don't want to see her continue down the path she's on, we all know it isn't going to get better as/if she gets bigger.

    • Love 7
  8. 1 hour ago, jacksgirl said:

    TLC, you are killing me. I really want to like Whitney. I am so envious of women who are comfortable with their body (I'm 5'9", a tad over 140) and I cover as much as possible. Having a place like BGDC is awesome. Embracing and accepting that most women are not model thin is awesome,  but the past two seasons Whitney has been a spoiled, entitled brat. Who did she think she was driving her mobility scooter in front of the BGDC banner. She's no tv star, I'm certain that very few parade spectators knew who she was. Yes, her back hurt, so she should not have danced or whatever that spectacle was. She treats her parents like crap, is mean to members of her dance class and is incredibly unprofessional at her "internship." Please make me like her again.

    I don't want to veer off-topic, but state that I think so many of us can relate to this, all for various, but likely similar reasons.  I think the principle message behind NBS is awesome, though I'd like to see it fully, openly embrace smaller sizes.  I think there is a huge misconception that skinny to average people don't have a right to feel embarrassed about their size but the truth is there are many of us that suffer from disordered eating, body  dysmorphic disorder, and hate the skin we live in (I am this way when I'm not so thin it's shocking, I've put on about 15lbs and though still in a healthy weight range and probably don't look like a land whale, I sure FEEL like it).  All of that being disclosed, if Whitney is really proud of herself (and I don't think she should be ashamed), I'd love to see more of that come through than these overly narcissistic behavior, entitlement attitudes, and tendency to bully/bulldoze her way through life.  I'd like to see someone embracing that lifestyle/attitude that doesn't make Whit's over-the-top persona that staple of such people.  


    I really feel like this show is living a lie. If Whitney does truly believe it, she is in serious danger, as evidenced by her inability to do even basic things.  I want her to love herself, but I want her to stop being immature, petty, narcissistic, bullying, and surrounding herself with friends and medical professionals who cater to her bullying tactics. 

    • Love 12
  9. On 5/26/2016 at 11:07 AM, Barb23 said:

    You said it!  Wow, it looks like she's put on a hundred pounds since last season.  

    I also think this and I think the shot we saw of her weighing in at her trainer's isn't showing her real weight. It spins around like crazy for a while before the cameras show us a shot of it saying 370-something, her weight in season 1/2?  She really looks like 2x herself (almost) in these latest episodes, I don't believe for a minute she is still under 400.  TLC takes us all for idiots.

    • Love 2
  10. 16 hours ago, princelina said:

    Good question.  It looked like they were trying to do a little Irish stepping, which could have been the reason, until they added jump roping, acrobatics, and whatever that move from "Katie's choreography" was supposed to be.  The embarrassment I felt for them all when I watched last night seems to be leaving me; now I'm just cracking up at them.  Which makes me feel bad again - if Whitney wants to act the fool on TV it's her choice, but to sign these gals up to humiliate them in public and on TV is wrong.  Mattie may be a "free spirit" but some of them had to be aware enough to know they looked ridiculous, but probably didn't want to let the group down by bailing.  And I don't get what's in it for Todd - if he is a professional he should have felt ridiculous and uncomfortable too, prancing through that crapfest.

    This is what stood out so strongly to me, other than the reality that Whit can't dance and can't choreograph at even a basic level.

    Todd looked and behaved in an utterly ridiculous manner.  I really like him, but he seemed to be playing some over-the-top David Spade/Adam Sandler/Chris Farley trope during this show.  Completely and utterly beyond belief, the way he was hopping around. He made Will Ferrell in 'Elf" look tame.

    • Love 4
  11. 14 hours ago, auntjess said:

    This seems strange to me, because she's not an only child.  I haven't seen most of the shows, just a couple of early ones and a few recent ones, but I gather she has a brother.
    Is he much older?  Spoiled too?  Was she ill as a child?
    Just trying to figure it out.

    I hope this is not too far off-topic, but based on my educational experience with similar people/personalities and my anecdotal, personal experience from a family member, I have a feeling a large part of it has to do with her innate personality.  I have a family member just a few years older than Whitney and she is very much the same way when it comes to attention, vindictiveness, etc.  She has to upstage everyone. If you've done something or been somewhere, she's done a fancier version of it.  She always has some kind of drama going on, often multiple threads of drama, and she commands attention and belittles others, she makes sure you know she will not hesitate to step on you should you question her about anything. The domineering presence and "don't f-- with me" persona is just staggering.  She had no illness as a child, was not an only child, but was catered to and taught that she was the most perfect, special being on the planet.  Her parents catered to her to sickening extremes. I am not sure if this fed an already present natural tendency to be a disgusting anomaly of a person or if it's what built it.  I have a feeling there is a tendency toward this in some and if fostered and catered to in childhood, they well learn how to surround themselves with people that will continue their self-script into adulthood. Everyone else will be cut off, maliciously, if they feel the need to do so.

    • Love 2
  12. 4 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    Re: her "dance career." Supposedly, Twit moved back to the US to "pursue her passion" of dancing. What the bells did she think she was going to DO? Even pro dancers, like ballerinas, have a short shelf life and the Twit was already pushing 30. So how, exactly, was her amazing career meant to manifest?

    I think this is more evidence of Twit's "snowflakeitis" complex.  Her lack of boundaries with anyone and everything are very telling about the extent she's been catered to her whole life.  Clearly her parents did this to an extreme, and I know they did it out of love, but now she only surrounds herself with people that validate that and the rest of her laundry list needs for excessive attention, reassurance, and specialocity. 

    • Love 4
  13. 13 hours ago, Stripper Glitter said:

    It's really very unfortunate that she hasn't seemed to proceed down a road that encourages "no bs" while working to get herself healthy. I am overweight (losing it though!) and while I have come to accept me I haven't been happy with me and I know that at 47 I cannot continue to take health for granted. So I finally found something that is working for me. I wish that Whitney could/would. I get embarrassed for her in the things she can't do, the way she thinks fat jiggling around looks attractive, and so on. I KNOW my fat doesn't look good. It's why I cover it up and am trying to get rid of as much as I can! Plus size is one thing. Morbidly obese is another. I can call myself plus size but the fact of the matter is that I currently fall under morbidly obese. That said, I have gone from a starting BMI of 50.6 to one of 47.3 and I'm steadily chipping away at it :-)

    Reading about your progress here and in another post, I think you should feel highly accomplished and have a deep sense of self-pride, way to go! :)

    • Love 9
  14. 10 hours ago, greekmom said:

    I have two wishes for TLC : 1. That Dr. Now doesn't put up with Twit's nonsense and bitch slaps some sense into Twitney.  2. That another network would do a behind the scene's tell all about TLC and their downward spiral from The Learning Channel to the crap fest it's showing now. 

    Oh and Lennie "Nathan Lee" Asshat may or maynot be a paid actor but he's there only for the tv exposure and TLC pay.

    I also immediately think "Asshat" when I see that, Alehat, such a wanna be pseudo hipster name that screams of pretentiousness.  Only a self-ingratiated idiot loser could think "Alehat" was a good choice when creating their 'Where's Waldo?' type name.

    • Love 2
  15. 2 hours ago, Tosia said:

    Thanks for sharing. ...You're inspirational!  Im having gall bladder surgery tomorrow, so I hoping to be back on the diet /exercise track in a week or so. 

    I think many of us were hoping for Whit to be a role model for losing weight in a healthy way,  but that train had left the station and crashed on its own.  

    Hope this goes well for you and you get on the road to recovery quickly. :)

    • Love 4
  16. On 6/24/2016 at 3:34 PM, bichonblitz said:

    I would never even think to say "I think we're done here" to my dad in that condescending tone. Just who the hell does that disrespectful, snotty, know it all brat think she is?  I really like her parents. They are lovely people. They never learned how to raise Whitney to be a lovely person. 

    Whitney smokes? and is 380 pounds? There is no way she climbed those steps in 4 minutes or what ever they said. No Way. They must have had to stop the camera's many times so she could take breaks. We're not stupid. 

    I had the same thought.  Maybe 4 mins if her trainer stopped timing  each and every time stopped to catch her breath.  I can't believe she could make it up in 6 minutes, the time her trainer wanted her to complete it in, not even close, were a timer not stopping every time she paused, which was likely every couple of stairs.  That is a good workout even for a healthy person, I'm shocked she didn't pass out right then and there given that level of exertion and exhaustion.

    • Love 3
  17. 12 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    I discovered that all the episodes are on Hulu, so I was curious and am watching the series premiere again. WOW. First of all, she looks like she has gained a ton of weight since then, although she says she is 380 in this premiere. Bad body composition, I guess. Second, back then she actually WANTED to lose weight, talking about how it is important for her health. Amazing how much she has changed for the worse.

    She seems to like to keep tossing numbers out there about how much she's gained (and at one time, had lost) in her life and I am convinced she's had a major weight gain since the show started.  I would be shocked/not shocked if that 100-150lbs she keeps harping on has occurred yet again, between seasons 2 and 3 (her current season).  She looks massively monumental to me, her arms are nearly swallowed up by her girth.  I don't mean that in a horrible way, I am just absolutely shocked at her sheer size difference, especially every time she does a talking head bit.  In another thread, someone compared her to looking more and more like an heirloom tomato, I can't shake that image now.  If I were a better, I'd bet dollars to donuts that she is well over 400lbs now.

    • Love 1
  18. On 7/2/2016 at 9:25 AM, cynicat said:

    Did he pour vodka into his coffee, or was that a cup of soda?

    I thought it was straight vodka, no chaser/mixer, poured into a coffee mug and gulped.  I was in utter shock and had a hard time watching it, that scene seemed to drag on.  Even with past prolific vodka drinkers, I don't think any of them gulped it like that, ounces behind ounces and then pouring, repeating.  Holy goodness!

    *I re-watched and saw when he poured it into the red coffee mug, right before his wife came in asking for olive oil, it did look like there was coffee in that cup.  I thought during the opening though, that he was gulping straight vodka like I gulp water.  HOLY MOSES?!

    • Love 1
  19. 1 hour ago, Toaster Strudel said:

    A real internship is after you graduate.  But interning several years after graduating and having some experience in the field... something's not right.

    I realize in this TV/Whit case it's different, but just a note, the option for final credits with my university were to either 1) write a thesis with an original pov and present it before a board for approval and then publication or 2) semester internship.  

    It doesn't seem she's still in college so calling it an "internship" is being generous, at best.

    To comment on the episode in general further:

    Also, as others have noted, and I'll assume they're from like I am or are very familiar with that route of travel, for her to go from Greensboro to Charlotte daily would be ludicrous, no, it literally defies belief, especially given what we know about Whitney.

    • Love 2
  20. Petalfrog, everything you said.

    The logic of an addict, alcohol in particular, is one that cannot be dissected rationally. 

    Horribly sad.

    I wish your s/o the best on his journey, and it really is a journey, not a destination. 

    • Love 3
  21. 2 hours ago, Alapaki said:

    32 years old.


    Yeah Whitney, you're a real grown-up.


    Although I can totally see the radio show "hiring" her for free.   I get the impression this is a yuk-it-up morning-zoo type yap-fest.  She'll spend most of her time answering the phones and fetching coffee, and occasionally be involved in "bits", for many of which she will probably be the butt of the joke.  

    Side note.

    For my master's, I opted for a thesis, bc I want to get a PhD and then work in research in my field, so I passed up the semester internship.

    I'm older than Whit, though still in my 30's, I certainly hope, had I taken the intern route vs writing a thesis, people wouldn't have thought that about me.

    Still, point taken.

    Self-Inadequacy acknowledge.

    • Love 6
  22. 3 hours ago, petalfrog said:

    Busted out my DSM-5 to double-check but

    I use mine in situations like this too! LOVE it! :D


    Per your usage/abuse observations, I also am a bit incredulous. Not that he over-uses, but that he does to the extent claimed.  

    I recently have been caught up in reading a site that deals with people who have basically just thrown their hands up to the fact that they are alcoholics.  It's not uncommon for these users to detail mind-blowing consumption (nearly a handle a day, 3-4 handles per week; (36) 12oz beers plus shots, daily, etc) and their tales of what they suffer on a daily basis as a result (some have been consuming similarly for years, some for "only" months) paint a graphic picture of their day to day lives, one that doesn't quite line up with 1) what we saw this episode and 2) what we've seen in other alcoholics on this series.  Google "crippling alcoholism" at your own risk,, the tales of their lifestyle detailed on their forum are jaw-dropping. It's become a total accepted lifestyle for some.  

    *Many of the above mentioned people also abuse prescription drugs as well.

    **I am not trying to minimize the fact that Daniel has a problem and one that, if left untreated, won't have deadly consequences and of course, I realize we all process alcohol/drugs differently when it comes to manifesting deleterious symptoms/effects.

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