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Posts posted by madmax

  1. 17 hours ago, CoyoteBlue said:

    Shut the fuck up, Jeff. Just. Shut the fuck up.

    I'mma let the DVR record the rest of the eps, just in case I see here that Jeff gets taken out, but I doubt I'm going to have the stomach to watch Jeff continue to be an asshole. If I wanted to watch Asshole Survivor, I wouldn't be watching N&A. I want to see people surviving against the environment, not being sabotaging hypocrites.

    I'm with you on the Asshole Survivor aspect of this.  I really hope they don't do this XL again.  I don't like it.

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  2. 9 hours ago, SassyCat said:

    From the above written instructions, Gary and Jeff should have had their “wins” disqualified. It clearly says the water had to be TRANSPORTED TO THE GOURDS WITH THE REEDS AND THEN TRANSFERRED INTO THE GOURDS WHERE THE GOURDS WERE. NOT taking the gourds to the water and using a reed to ladle the water into them. 
    A clear and not executed instruction. Matt did it right. Jeff and Gary should have been made to stop and go back and doit correctly. Matt is the obvious actual winner according to the shows own instructions for the win. 

    Wonder why nothing was made of that?  Looks like a clear violation of the rule by Gary and Jeff.

    I had the feeling Matt was going.  They spent a LOT of time talking about his injury.

    Sorry, Jeff is still an asshole.  "Why, they're so mean, they didn't even share their food with me." "This is a competition for individuals, I wouldn't share a thing with them."  Can't have it both ways, Jeff.  I was shocked as shit that he gave Steven that jerky.

    ETA: What I meant to say above was more along the lines of how Jeff kept saying that Steve was being mean, and they were best buds, and blah blah blah, but then saying it's every man for himself.  I'm  leaving my wrong assumption up there because I think posts shouldn't be deleted when you realize you screwed up.


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  3. 8 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Well who didn't see that coming? Out of all of them I think Cade had the most unrealistic expectations. His entire strategy was based on hunting big game.

    He didn't even TRY anything else but a few shots at some small game.  I tell you what, if I needed a hunting guide, he'd be the last one I'd hire.  He barely lasted a couple hours sitting in his blind and even I know hunting takes serious patience (which is why I can't do it).

    5 hours ago, Blackie said:

    I wonder if Wyatt has been fermenting some blueberries or something, he sounded drunk to me LOL. 

    Wyatt always sounds a little drunk to me, like Colter from season 8.


    I think Mikey might be next.  He's been doing a lot of family talk lately and that's usually a signifier of tapping.

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  4. On 7/3/2023 at 1:27 PM, jah1986 said:

    I don't know how I stumbled upon this lovely show eight years too late, but I've just finished binge watching the 1st season and I'm hooked. I really enjoyed reading your comments from 8 years ago. That means Sam is 30 and his son is 7 or 8!  Has there been any updates on these 1st season contestants, like a where are they now?

    I'm really looking forward to seeing how the show changes over the seasons and I wonder if the current season (10?) is anything like this amazing 1st season.

    On to season 2...

    Glad you found it!!  It is one of my favorites.  Alan from season one is still my favorite survivalist.

    You do get some updates, but not a ton.  I think the earlier seasons were the best, simply because it was so new.  Season four was the only season I really didn't like; you'll probably be able to figure out why..

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  5. On 6/28/2023 at 4:56 AM, rmontro said:

    I don't think Lee was quite as bad as some might say.  He did have a plan in mind, which was to use his net to passively catch fish while he put up his shelter.  He had a good start with it, so he probably expected it to produce more.  But he did continue to burn calories when he knew there were no fish coming in, so I guess it's on him anyway.

    I just caught one of the earlier episodes where the Canadian guy that got hit with a hockey puck (so Canadian...) said "I know the fish are here" after he caught one.  Just one.  Not necessarily.  Lee caught a few, then none.  Happens all the time.  They should have passive methods, like gill net or snares, along with active methods, like hunting and fishing.  Not going to make it otherwise unless they pull a Juan Pablo.

  6. On 6/28/2023 at 2:28 AM, Jeanne222 said:

    My point being why don't they dig deeper for their shelters?  I wonder if the fire for warmth might not allow that.

    There have been more underground type shelters.  They use a lot of calories, tho, and it really depends on where their location is if it's even feasible to do.

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  7. On 6/26/2023 at 12:40 AM, SassyCat said:

     Matt was an absolute ass the way he was $#/! talking Jeff and Gary after they finally arrived

    Waz has been taking his nasty attitude pill everyday it seems. 

    9 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

    ITA about Waz and Matt, they're both getting downright unpleasant to watch.  Waz seemingly wants to control everyone else's behavior and Matt was nasty to Gary for no reason. 

    I said it earlier, Matt is really starting to bug me and this has solidified it.  And Waz is just being 100% nasty for no reason.  Jeff is an asshole, but Waz is acting like he's some kind of molesting murderer.

    On 6/26/2023 at 12:40 AM, SassyCat said:

    I also wonder how all Jeffs stuff ended up on his raft at the finish line, after it had fallen off just before that. 

    On 6/26/2023 at 10:22 AM, Cobb Salad said:

    Somehow Jeff still has all his stuff?  It looked like it was all lost at one point.  

    9 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

    It wasn't on top of the "raft" and neither he nor Gary seemed to be carrying it.  I was perplexed.

    That was some serious help to Jeff and Gary.  That shit was lost, then all of a sudden it was there on the "raft," then it was gone, then part of it was there, then all of it was there.  Production must have held it for them until they got to everyone else.

    Jeff's "I'd never laugh at someone who was suffering/hurting (I can't remember his exact word)" - HA!  What did he and Laura do during their 60 day challenge?  Still can't stand him.

    I think they're going to start eliminating multiple people at once.  They're going to have to, if they're only planning to go another 10 days or so.

    1 hour ago, SassyCat said:

    This new (scripted) N&A first time LOS season is seeming more like skits acted out and very little real survival happening. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the conflict between them all, is scripted too. 3..2..1.. ACTION! 🎬

    This.  I'm really not liking this season because of the blatant scripting of shit.

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  8. 15 hours ago, PaperTree said:

    Can one arrow really take down a moose?  How is anybody going to preserve a several hundred pounds of meat if they manage to kill one? 

    For all of these folks wanting a bear or a moose with a bow and arrow, they better be damn good.  Hit one of those huge ass animals in the wrong spot, you're just gonna piss them off.  As to preserving, it's a lot of work.  They'll be drying meat for days.  Maybe dig a cache or something,  or if they get one when it's cold, build a "refrigerator."

    9 hours ago, SassyCat said:

    I am waiting for the day Cade stumbles upon his quiver full of 8 remaining arrows. I’d be out there every day trying to retrace my first hike in hopes of finding it, while hunting before the snow comes. Thats for sure. 

    Seriously.  He really does seem like an idiot.  

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  9. And just like that, the two oldest contestants are gone.

    I had thought that Lee would go further, but he was smart in realizing that he couldn't make it in starvation mode, as thin as he was.  No need to put more damage on your body.

    Ann did a bit  too much on that cabin and I think it did her in.  I don't know why these people go all out on the cabin.  Alan(?) did a really cool teepee that I think would be pretty warm in the winter.

    Mikey is next.  Too much "I miss my son"

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  10. On 6/19/2023 at 7:01 PM, PaperTree said:

    I've always had a thing for Steven.  He is just so damn hot!

    I don't find him hot, I just think he's cool.  He's in my top three favorite people who've been on this show.

    If Sarah wants to blame someone, blame the producers for making it so freaking confusing.  If they would have color coded the bones, or told the survivalists to pick them up, there wouldn't be a problem.

    And despite what the preview kept promising, the loss of Sarah was not shocking.

    • Like 3
  11. Is it me, or are of these shelters looking very big?  Maybe it's the camera angles, but they all seem like they would be hell to heat.

    I think Mikey talks a big talk, but he'll be out soon.  He's mentioned the family quite a bit and that is usually the sign that they are ready to go.

    1 hour ago, mlp said:

    Perhaps - except Cade said he's an expert hunter and tracker.  It seems like he would have had some idea of which way he'd been walking and would have at least tried to retrace his steps.  Maybe he did and we just weren't shown that part.

    If we weren't shown that part, then that is really bad editing.  And if I was Cade, I'd be pissed because he looks like an idiot for not trying to find them.  



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  12. 5 hours ago, Blackie said:

    I need to go rewatch the part on how he made his fishing rod, he said he copied some other contestant's design from a prev year? Did Lee have to bring something special to make it? Why doesn't everyone make one, or does it come down to choice of your items you are allowed to bring?

    He didn't bring anything special, nothing that the other contestants could bring as well.  He just carved it like the previous contestant, I can't remember who it was.

    Others may not make one because they don't think they have the skill to carve it.  Just like some don't build sturdy shelters, or furniture, or what-have-you.  It's not part of their skill set.

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  13. On 6/10/2023 at 1:23 AM, TWOPrefugee said:

    My manufactured drama radar pinged during the "lost arrows" segment. Come on "Cade?"  You don't remember where you walked? Not even gonna try back tracking? How 'bout checking all that footage you've been recording? Oh, but lookie...next week he decides to make his own arrows.  Bet he's never done that before.

    On 6/10/2023 at 12:01 PM, iMonrey said:

    Yeah this was weird, it was like he had already written them off like they went over a cliff or into a vortex. They can't have gotten very far, why would he give up so quickly? I don't know that the situation is "manufactured" so much as it illustrates how Cade is a poser. Some of these people talk a big game but when you put them to the test you can really tell which ones can do it and which ones just play at it.

    Yeah, that was ridiculous.  I have him pegged as someone who'll be tapping, anyway.  He already started talking about missing his family...

    On 6/10/2023 at 3:56 PM, mlp said:

    The cast skews much older this season so it will be interesting to see how that plays out.  

    The cast is A LOT older than previous seasons.  There are  3 older than me and I ain't no spring chicken.  Only one under 30.  Maybe this is the season for us mature individuals...

    On 6/11/2023 at 3:50 PM, Red Bridey said:

    from what I have observed, the Great White Hunters who on Day One are gunning for the bear, the elk, the big game that they have successfully killed in their ordinary lives, never can figure out how to survive when the big game successfully avoid being hunted by them. The ones who manage to last a while are the subsistence survivalists who can fish, trap small game, know their edible plants and berries and who can eke out a real living off of the land. 

    You are 100% correct.  I hesitate to say much else, as I don't know the seasons you've watched and might inadvertently spoil something.

    18 hours ago, Blackie said:

    Has there ever been an indigenous person on the show before?

    I believe Woniya was indigenous.

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  14. On 6/6/2023 at 2:04 AM, CoyoteBlue said:

    Jeff refuses to part with anything unless he thinks he can immediately benefit. Most of them are essentially trading as well; they are just willing to trade extra stuff now for benefits-to-be-named. Like sharing out doubles so when the other groups get food with those items, they'll share back due to that consideration.

    As much as I didn't like Jeff after the 60 day challenge (and he soured me on  Laura for a while as well), I really don't like him here.  He's doing the same thing he did on that challenge, taking, taking, taking and not giving.  He's received food from the two caches found by others, had the balls to complain that he didn't get a whole leg, then turned around and said he wouldn't share any kills with the others because it's a competition.  So why did he take that food, as Waz asked?  What's good for the goose ain't good for the gander?  I'm glad he wasn't offered honey or frog stew, because he sure as shit didn't deserve it.


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  15. On 5/30/2023 at 9:37 AM, proserpina65 said:

    And they can't claim they lost because of the driving.  They lost because Copperhead broke Riptide's weapon.  Not just made it stop working but literally broke it in half.

    I can still hear that idiot claiming they lost because HE would have driven it better.  I'm just so damn glad they lost.

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  16. 10 hours ago, Liberty said:

    Liked Waz better before he had an idea to get Stacey to tap (maybe a result in his judgement due to fatigue and hunger).   Then when Gary talked to Stacey, it only reinforced the negative view of Gary.

    Yeah, this bothered me.  Stacey is bright enough to realize that if she taps, Jeff is gone, too.  She doesn't need the reinforcement and it made Waz look bad.  I'd expect that from Gary, who wasn't too subtle in his talk with Stacey.

    Stacey isn't going to tap.  I think they're just building up all this drama because Jeff is the guy we love to hate, but he'll be here for a while.

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  17. If Jeff tosses their stuff - which I don't think will happen, as much as we all hate Jeff - then all of his stuff is fair game.  Although, I am enjoying the commercials with Stacey saying she has Jeff's fate in her hands.  Wouldn't it be awesome if she tapped just to screw him over?  

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  18. I really wish someone could tell me how Amber is some kind of elite survivalist when she's tapped more than she's completed?

    Sad about Gwen; I've always liked her.  Hopefully Matt can get that bow quick because Jeff ( 🤢 )and Stacey will be back to "trade."  Unless Matt can throw them off - "Sorry, I can't think about it because I'm sad that Gwen left.  Come see me tomorrow." and then spend the day making his ladder.  Although, Waz & Gary had a great idea for bow retrieval.

    Hope Wes and Matt can team up.  

    Cheeny and Dan is a pretty shitty pairing in my book.  The two survivalists with the least amount of time.  And I totally agree with @Liberty, I've heard enough about Cheeny's Raynaud's syndrome.  If it's that serious, maybe she shouldn't be out there? 

    Steven is one of my favorites, so hoping he can go the distance.  If I put money on it, I think it will be Matt, though.

    Mr. Max wondered why Laura hasn't been around for any challenges lately.  I thought maybe she was just over it, she has a 9.9 PSR and wouldn't want to jeopardize it.  He thought maybe she thought her rep was damaged after her pairing with Jeff and doesn't want to show her face.  😄

    10 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    This show is starting to look too much like "Survivor."  Not a fan of this iteration.

    Yeah, I can't say I'm much of a fan this time around, even with one of my favorites.

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  19. Liked the rematch between WD and Minotaur.  I thought WD had the edge this time, but Minotaur deserved the win because they got screwed last year.  I love how they barely mentioned that WD was unstuck last year when every other bot that got stuck last year was counted out.

    I think Minotaur might be the only one with a chance to take out Riptide, unless Yelly McObnoxious makes a big mistake.  

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  20. On 10/6/2022 at 9:42 PM, mmecorday said:

    Happening upon a pile of cat puke in bare feet is quite the wakeup call too. 

    Is it worse if it's warm or cold?  I still can't decide...

    So the charging port on my laptop came loose (probably from accidental yanking of the cord) and I was without a computer for a couple weeks.  I made an appointment with Best Buy's Geek Squad.  I took the computer in, he looked at it for all of 2 minutes and said, "Yeah, your charging port is bad.  We can fix in in a few minutes, but we can't order the parts."  WHAT?  You can't order parts?  WTF nonsense is that?  They could have marked up the part 300%!  He told me to order it from Amazon and they'll put it in.  He gave me the model # of my laptop and showed me that the part was about $8 on Amazon.  So I got home and ordered it and my son said "I bet I could put it in.  No guarantees on the work and I'm not liable for any damages."  Got the part, it was the wrong one because the Geek gave me the wrong model number.  The actual part was $4.  My son fixed it (after some serious cursing).  It still blows my mind that Best Buy wouldn't order parts.

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  21. There's a Halloween ad for Kit Kat/Reese's (I think) where the kids dressed in regular costumes get one piece of candy each, but the girl dressed up in the Kit Kat/Reese's costume gets both.  She says "See ya later, boys" which kinda irritates me, but not as much as the fact that none of those kids said thank you.  Maybe I'm old...

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  22. Finally got to finish this - vacation last week and so much to catch up on this week.

    Glad Woniya went the distance.  She was one of my favorites on her last season and if Amos couldn't do the distance, I wanted her to make it.

    Kudos for being the first woman and the competitor with the most days Alone.  

    Although that last shot in the helicopter, with her dirty hand over her partner's nice clean one?  Hope she jumps in the shower as soon as she gets back.

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