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Posts posted by sandwoman

  1. Quote

    Why couldn't Chelsea have the doctor give them an envelope with the gender on it, and then have her and Cole open it together? For me, I liked being able to find out the gender of my kids while my husband was there .

    I'm due around the same time as Chelsea and I found out the gender the time in the pregnancy as Chelsea. I assume she used the same test as me and at least for me, the test results came from a separate lab than the doctor's office. I got an email with a report that I had to download from the lab's site. So there was no way of me receiving the report without me seeing the gender before my husband. I ended up telling him when he picked me up in the car from work (no balloons or anything). But it was still very exciting and special for us. Everyone is different. 

    • Love 7
  2. Drake made a music video/ high school reunion:


    It's so great to see so many of cast and there's a nice credits that shows them then and now.

    It has Shane Kippel, Stacey Farber, Adamo Rugguiero, Lauren Collins, Jake Epstein, Christina Schmidt, Andrea Lewis, Melissa McIntyre, Linlyn Lue, Stefan Brogen, Ephram Ellis, Jake Goldsbie, Marc Donato, Dalmar Abuzeid, AJ Saudin, Miriam MacDonald, Cassie Steele, Nina Dobrev, Sarah Barrable-Tishauer, and Paula Brancati. And they all look fab!

    • Love 6
  3. http://www.mtv.com/video-clips/06i6fo/teen-mom-sneak-peek-amber-s-diabetes-diet

    So Amber is diagnosed with gestational diabetes. As someone who right now is dealing with gestational diabetes, this sneak peak clip makes me crazy. Especially, her blaming the diabetes is making her tired and sleepy all the time, wah wah. Most women with GD have to <gasp> work and function and even feed themselves (Matt feeds her fruit in this clip, gaaah!). And her whining how she's not going to be able to enjoy her pregnancy now that she has to change her diet.... To quote the great Madeline Kahn in Clue "Flames on the side of my face!"  And... if she has GD, she should NOT be downing a giant cup of fruit unless she knows for sure that her sugar is low (it's probably not, it's usually high). I hope for her baby's sake she can manage the diet changes but knowing her... I don't see how. 

    • Love 16
  4. 23 minutes ago, happykitteh said:

    Amber isn't going to let the baby go all the way to California to live with NuMatt's mom either. Bad optics for her reputation as a great mom with her "fans".

    I think she's going to move to California (someone else floated that idea on the forum recently), say its for Matt's career, and then complain that Gary won't let Leah visit her.


    Also I hate Amber saying to Gary, "Thank you for the apology." She has never ever apologized for anything!!! In her mind, she's never done anything wrong ever. It's so disgusting.

    • Love 19
  5. Quote

    She said it happened in college. People get a lot of their crazy partying/sleeping around done in college and become more conservative as they age.

    Sure... But Molly is 25! College was 3 years ago! What happened?? There's something we're missing. 

    • Love 7
  6. Quote

    She’s trying to get pregnant, if she isn’t already,

    Kenya is 46. So if she's trying to get pregnant, she's probably going to need medical intervention. Did she ever mention freezing her eggs?

    Maybe she's annoyed to be taken from her husband but... this show is her job. After all her time on this show, she's still surprised that the other women bring up drama? Whatever.

    Also I thought she was super rude when asking for water at the restaurant.

  7. Weird how some of Jenelle's tweets switch from first person to second person. I assume that means David is rage tweeting from account. Also, Jenelle and Nate share a child, so it actually is his business if she and David are good.... Drrr why do I try to apply logic to these jokers? Those poor poor kids.

    • Love 14
  8. Finally catching up and watching this week's episode. Here are some random questions that ran through my head during Jenelle's segments: Why are there so many empty chairs at Jenelle's wedding? Why does everything look so cheap? Why is Jenelle having a friend do her hair and make-up instead of hiring someone to do it? Why does Jace's suit look like it's at least 3 sizes too big? Why does David's hair look like a wig? Why is their ceremony so short?

    And here's what I thought during Chelsea's: WATSON IS THE CUTEST!!! Aubree is also the cuteness! I love seeing how she's such a big sister and she seems so happy and secure. She's going to have rough times with Adam as her dad but having Chelsea, Cole and little Watson in her life is going to help her stay resilient and awesome. Her message made me tear up, it was just sweet and genuine. 

    And just wow.... the contrast of the two wedding... one a real couple with family and friends who love them, the other a pair of grifter fakers who could barely rustle up guests. Both were "rustic" weddings but one had time and care put into it and the other... well... I would love to see an accounting of how Jenelle spends her money. We know she gets paid. Where does it go? 


    Kail's segments... Javi's sister seems nice... Kail is a mess of a person, but I actually think she has a sweet, normal rapport with Isaac and Lincoln. Like... I think she loves them as best as she can if that makes sense. It's interesting to how this messy, crazy extended family is working, with seeing Lincoln be excited to see Vivi, Javi and Vee hugging, etc. It's going to be weird for little Lux with Isaac and Lincoln having such involved dads... I hope his dad ends up being more present than it seems he is from social media, etc.

    As for Leah... Addy is a firecracker and I loved the scene of Jeremy's mom telling her about her dad's first day. I'm glad she has a close relationship with "white haired grandma"

    • Love 18
  9. Quote

    She should of called the police if she was afraid of them. Why didnt she?

    I believe Barb has been reluctant to call the police on Jenelle in other situations. I might be remembering this wrong, but I think there was a situation at the last reunion where Jenelle and David took Jace and the police were called but Barb refused to press charges. Am I remembering this right? I don't want to go down a rabbit hole of googling Barb, Jenelle and police... But anyway, there are lots of reasons to be reluctant to call the police on your daughter.

    @Booted I agree that Barb is no saint. Who is?? But so much of how we see Jenelle and Barb can be shaped by people in our own lives. Perhaps you look at Barb and see your mother. I look at Barb and her struggle with Jenelle and see my grandmother who was severely emotionally abused by my aunt. My aunt would yell at my grandmother viciously - in person and over the phone - all the time. Would say that she had no mother and then berate my grandmother for not paying enough attention to her. It was horrible. My grandmother would cry but she could never really break things off with her daughter, no matter if she knew better. And hey, obviously I'm biased in that situation but I see a similar pattern with Barb and Jenelle. Now my grandmother's gone and my aunt talks about her all the time as if they always got along. Weirdly, I think if anything happened to Barb (and if David was out of the picture), Jenelle would talk every day about how she misses her mom. Ucchh.



    Yea she was not worried about how Jace was seeing his mother at that point.

    How do you suggest Barb could have deescalated the situation? And Jenelle herself is responsible for how Jace would have seen and heard her behave that night.

    • Love 15
  10. I can't believe the way Jenelle and David talk to production (I mean, I can but...). The condescending and dismissive way David says, "You can all go now." Like he's in charge of them?! What part of 'you're being paid to be filmed for a reality show' do they not get? Production should Not be at their beck and call like that! 

    Also what a bunch of dumb yo-yos that they waited until the DAY BEFORE THE WEDDING to law down sod and grass and the dance floor and then, on top of that, tried to do it alone. They are IDIOTS.


    And I just watched Leah and Kail's segments. I loved all the dad scenes. Both Jo and Corey have such real loving connections with their kids. I even liked when Corey razzed Gracie for having a boyfriend. Of course, Corey has to remind Leah that they actually have *set up* Gracie's therapy instead of just saying that they will. I fear It's going to be a hard road for all three of Leah's girls ahead as Ali gets older and her condition becomes more serious. 

    • Love 19
  11. Interesting interview with Austin in NY Mag:


    He says:


    "The first week, which was a Tuesday through Friday on the television, was taped all in one day. After I went one-two-three-four, the next morning I woke up to do the next session of five, and I said, “I got this! I can do this whole day! I can definitely do this whole day and make it to nine!” And I did, I swept the whole next day. But I have to say, by the end of that day, I was exhausted and it showed"

    I find him fun and it's exciting how much he's winning. He reminds me of a good friend of mine, too.  I could see how people find him annoying, but I can't help but respect his game mastery,

    • Love 3
  12. Quote

    This makes me so sad-- she says " c'mere, pumpkin!" And poor Kaiser thinks its to him. I wanna give that kid a big hug.

    I thought she was talking to Kaiser, too at first! That clip is heartbreaking. She doesn't even acknowledge him!!! And then he just plops down as dogs get more lovin' than him. Terrible. 

    • Love 11
  13. I bet the reason Kaiser didn't have the head shaped problem is because for all his faults (and there are many!) Nathan was a very attentive and active carer for Kaiser when he was an infant. He held, he interacted with him. He <gasp> took him out of his crib. I am shocked that Ensley doesn't have a doctor prescribed helmet. I know babies with much less flat head that have been given helmets. I wonder if Jenelle takes off the helmet when the cameras are around or something. But that is being generous...

    • Love 15
  14. That blonde producer is the worst! She really believes that Jenelle was worried about Barb?! I understand why she would have to present herself as sympathetic to Janelle when actually filiming her, but for her to repeat that BS to Barb is a bridge too far. How gullible do you need to be? 

    • Love 24
  15. Quote

    And not for nothing, but Pidge, particularly in the original, was so androgynous that they could have easily made him a girl this time.

    Well there are some hints in the pilot but 


    Pidge IS a girl! They make the big reveal at the end of episode 3 and then Pidge tells the rest of the team a few episodes later. Her real name is Katie, but she was hiding her identity.

    I thought it was nicely done.

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