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Posts posted by Beden


    I think you misunderstood my post. I never said that he would ditch his daughter to hook up with another wife. What I meant was that he wouldn't fight a custody battle. Why would he? He is 80 some years old and marrying women 30-40 years younger than he is. He would most likely be very open to not fighting the mother on custody simply so that everything in that relationship can resolved as quickly and quietly as possible and he can move on to life with his new wife.

    Apologies if I misunderstood--no insult intended, truly. But I can see a very good reason for Mr. Morgan to fight for custody, or at least a clarification of whatever agreement/order is in place should he remarry. Obviously I don't have any inside info on the man's actual net worth or assets nor as to his will but a new wife could conceivably complicate any eventual settlement of his estate. Add to that the fact that Sonja is, at least on the surface, going a bit off the rails. If Morgan dies while his daughter is still a minor there could be problems with whatever he leaves the girl depending on who has power of attorney. I assume he has either the sense or the advisers to let him know that handing Sonja the keys to the daughter's share of the kingdom might not be a good idea.


    I'm not a lawyer but I was recently executor for my dad's estate and know first hand what a mess that can be if a will is challenged. While he had no basis to complain, my big bro tied us up for months insisting that he deserved more than what dad had specified. Bro--who, like Sonja--couldn't hang onto a nickle if you nailed it to his head, lost hands down but it was an expensive mess. People desperate for money can do strange things.

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    Old Man Morgan strikes me as the type who would want the ex to have custody just so that he can move on to his next wife with as little "baggage" as possible.

    Just asking--what makes you think Morgan is the type to ditch his daughter so he can basically hook up with a new, improved Mrs Morgan? I know nothing about the man other than that he's rich, comes from a well known and social family which goes back a few generations (yes, I know who the Morgans are).


    If I were him I'd likely want to protect my child, especially from someone who, at best, seems to be flirting with the edge (as well as anything in pants). Granted, it could well just be for the cameras/paycheck, but it doesn't strike me as the best example/role model for a teenager.

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    And I don't believe for ONE SECOND that Heather didn't know that it was Shannon at the door, or that there was a "surprise party" that the Dubrows needed to attend.

    Added to the simple fact that everyone was wearing their mic packs taped to their backs and the camera crew was in place to film both the unexpected knock at the door and the happy couple quizzically walking to open the door.


    Jump that shark!

    • Love 4
  4. An hour of 'You gossiped about me!' 'Did not!' Did too!' 'Did not!' 'Did too!' Lying!' 'Am not!' 'Are too!' 'Lying liar!' 'Sez you!' Lying!!!' Oh, dammit, I guess I was bad and lied...she's my friend and now I feel bad (sad face)' ''I know she was lying, dammit,  she's supposed to be my friend. (sad face)' "I feel bad.' 'I feel really bad.' 'I feel really really bad.' 'I feel reallyreallyreally very bad.' 'Let's have a baby!!!' ''No.'


    So where do they keep that shark tank for everyone to jump over? This show now officially sucks.

    • Love 11
  5. I got the impression that A) the entire season was rushed since it seems like they didn't get green lighted for another season until the last minute and B) the producers and PTB may have been hoping for a second cancellation reprieve and be renewed for yet another season. Hence the rushed and not so great finale.


    Or so it seems to me.


    I admit I'm having difficulty following the logic of, "How dare you gossip about my super secret email that was told to someone in confidence to Tamra and the viewing public!"


    I get being mad over someone you dislike gossiping about your shitty marriage but I get a little lost over the privacy part.

    Which is being filmed for national televison...

    • Love 1
  7. You're probably right, Silversage, but I'd assume that the only other possible way to get it back home would have been to rent a trailer of some kind and tow or carry it back which--if even possible--would have cost a fortune. I suspect driving it was the only practical way to get it where she wanted it. Hire a plane to fly it in? Yikes--at what price?


    Sue is a hoot and her happiness at seeing the fox greeting her was a sweet thing.

    • Love 1
  8. I empathized with Sue when her new vehicle started making that squealing noise in the middle of nowhere, at night, in the cold. I guess the closest I'd ever come would be to have to call AAA (something she mentioned wasn't quite an option--no kidding) but being stranded sucks whether in Alaska or on Rt 80. Of course she did have a camera crew with her but still...and crossing that semi melted river was harrowing. I half expected her to kiss the snow ehn she got to the far bank.


    Andy--I wish some of my teachers knew as much and Chip and Agnes seem like great parents, they really do. Glen remains a bit too hard core for my tastes but if it works for him...

    • Love 1
  9. And as long as self centered jackasses are willing to use her for free publicity (and she's stupid enough to accept the freebie crash pads) the cycle will continue in it's downward spiral until she's found dead in her room. At which point there will wailing and weeping and gnashing of teeth for the terrible waste, wringing of hands about how they tried and tried to help her and whyohwhy wouldn't she listen.


    Until then she will stay in the valley of denial, blaming the paps for tripping her, for taking her pic with her sitting with a glass of vodka in her hand (it wasn't hers, she was just holding it for a friend, swear to god) and pretending that she has important meetings to attend and projects in the planning stages which will be her big comebacks.


    The beat, for now, goes on.

  10. Somewhere Oprah is shrugging her shoulders and thinking 'there's no 'there' there'.


    The timer continues it's countdown.


    edited because I can't type

  11. I was dial twisting between this and another show (the other show was a rerun and more interesting) and every time I went back to RHOC I'd shake my head, 'Are they still talking about that dumbass morning show appearance?', then hit the remote to go back to the other show. Heather really probably didn't and wouldn't have any say over guest bookings if she's just a part time, occassional host. She probably did Cut a favor by getting them a freebie. Vicki is still whining about Briana moving and how it's going to be a stake through her heart (no word about how it may be a good thing for B to actually be with her husband building a relationship and, hopefully, a strong marriangwhile she's pregnant--whether you like the jerk or not). The husbands were bored and tuned out with a few obligatory snide remarks.


    If this contived, scripted mess hasn't actually jumped the shark, it's circling for the leap.


    God, that was boring.

    • Love 1

    The sad thing is that's the way a lot of guys like George --bullies and sexual harassers and predators--get away with it. Women especially are even sometimes socialized more than men to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and make everyone else comfortable even at the expense of themselves. George counts on that when he pulls this stuff and he gets back up from all the women, including his daughter. Every time he walks into the room he controls the conversation by opening with his crude comments and establishing that all the women in the room as long as he's there are going to be sex jokes.


    And clearly Bravo condones this or this asshole would have either been kicked out or edited out.



    For me, it never came to my mind to call the police and file a report on a cocky (literally) co-worker who got touchy at a party. Do other people do this?  It might be illegal, but it would simply never occur to me that this guy should be arrested, nor did I worry that this might mean that he would be doing the same thing to a teenager.



    The other point here is that sexual assault, whether it's a grope or more isn't sexual; it's assault. It's a power play, it's an expression of superiority and a means of demeaning another person, it's an expression of contempt.

    • Love 5
  13. I feel the worst for Lynn's kids-they never had a chance. Between the stoned, oblivious parents and neither daughter being a candidate for Mensa, coupled with the major lack of any solid values from Mama Lynn; never had a chance.


    Is Lynn still hawking her cuffs and whatever else she was shilling?

  14. So does anyone know (hell, does Lindsay know?) if she's making the move to the UK or someplace which isn't the US? And if so how the frig is she going to come p with the security, first month and references? What about insurance? Couch surfing, p'raps?


    Somehow I doubt that Mama Oprah is going to fund another go-around.


    Tamara is ridiculous. She's a study in being shallow. Every time she talks about her anti-aging doctor I want to scream "you're still aging dumbass! You 're just doing it with Botox!" Nobody can stop you from aging. You will turn 50. And 60, and 70, and if you're lucky 80 and 90. Get over it. Learn to enjoy telling kids to get off your lawn.

    And am I the only one who doesn't accept that the botoxed within an inch of your life, can't move most of your plasticized face topped by obviously dyed/friend hair coupled with way the hell too much makeup and too tight tacky ass ho clothes isn't an anti-aging look? Or is it just me?

    • Love 4
  16. And I think the general concensus is that Lindsay toasted what was likely her last chance to be taken with anything other skepticism as an actress, professional, hireable option. As was rightly noted over at TWOP, even in the unlikely event that LL was actually sick, miscarried or was otherwise engaged, productions carry insurance just in that event so that production costs can be recouped should need be. Films and TV shows can easily involve serious money and once filming starts or has progressed to a certian point of no return, that money is committed. Supposedly OWN had trouble getting the needed insurance based on LL's rep. No,  I don't know that for a fact but it certainly makes sense. If she really was indisposed, as a professional, she would have known damn well what the procedure is--call and let the production people know you're unavailible for whatever reason. If she didn't know, her agents sure as hell know. The fact that she obviously didn't, kept a crew cooling their heels more than once, cancelled photo shoots, dithered about a promostion appearance and was generally impossible to deal with has likely sealed what was left of her career.


    It's not personal, iit's simply business.


    Years ago my brother, an A listed screen writer in LA had a script which James Cagney very much wanted to do as his last film. The man, a sweetheart (his housekeeper called him 'Buttercup'), was elderly and ill at that point. The script was a winner and eventually made with another actor and was a success. Cagney was out, though the producers wanted him badly, because he was uninsurable due to his health. It was a sad thing. Cagney accepted the decision, was heart broken, but understood.

    • Love 3
  17. While I know little about LL's siblings (nor do I care) they seem, for the most part to be fine. Lindsay, however, is clearly circling the drain while refusing to acknowledge that she has any problems and so won't/can't/doesn't see a need to change. This I find to simply be sad.


    There are plenty of quality men and women out there who grew up in situations much worse than Lindsay's and they were smart enough to recognize their situation, take control of their own paths and do well for themselves.

    Yes, Lindsay's parents failed her; then Lindsay failed herself.

    Yes, thank you. I won't bore everyone with a drawn out story but I know my father, like his parents before him, went through stuff which amaze me in their level of unimaginable horror but came through educated, intelligent, professionally sucessful, sane and with happy and stable families.

    LL's problems may not have started with her but she hasn't begun to deal other than to drug herself into oblivion despite numerous chances to straighten up and cope in big girl panties. The onus is now on her.


    Is that really the kind of people she should be hanging out with after the umpteenth stint in rehab?  I just don't get her.

    After the umpteenth failed stint in rehab who else would party with her at 7 AM?


    Her brother kept saying he just wants her to be happy. The poor sap doesn't see that everyone letting Lindsay do what makes her "happy" is what has made her the way she is in the first place.

    Well yes but I'm even going to give the brother the benefit of the doubt by believing that he actually wants what's best for his fucked up big sister. Okay, he was also raised in a majorly screwed up family and doesn't seem to have much real reality to compare to so he's three steps back but I'll accept that he loves his sister but doesn't have the education, training or experience to have the first clue as to help her.

    And I also loved the Indonesian woman's comments and couldn't help wondering if LL--singing her own praises after she totally screwed up the photoshoot and blew off the interview--ever watched the finsihed episodes and how many excuses she made as to why none of this--or anything--was her fault. I think we can assume.


    And what's up with the life coach, the personal assistant, and the sobriety coach talking shit about their client to Amy Rice and to the cameras? Yet none of them can say anything to her face. There is no loyalty or confidentiality there. Clearly she is surrounded by people who can't give two fucks about her.

    These people aren't her friends, they're people hired by Oprah's production company to help with filming, be it as LL's assistant, life coach or whatever. I gather that they're professionals who have reasonably decent resume's and likely future job offers. They're doing their jobs or are trying to. LL is the fuck up here; she signed a contract and accepted money to appear in a reality show supposedly about her rehab and career revival. Oprah's people are trying to help her achieve that; LL made it impossible on every level. I don't see how they owe her loyalty and any confidentiality went out the window when the cameras moved in.


    No one but herself to blame, not that she'd buy that. And yeah, appearing on Letterman just reinforced her delusion that she still matters and is a Hollywood player. Why would Matt, AJ or the director give two fucks about her? She made their lives hell.

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