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Posts posted by Beden


    I wish him the best in finding a woman that is real...unlike Tamra. I wish him the best in finding a woman that is real...unlike Tamra. And when he meets that woman, he will want to have children with her..

    If he in fact wants kids I suspect he wouldn't have married a woman who's starting menopause. On the other hand, I'm guessing that Tam's Bravo salary is going  a long way toward paying their various bills and propping up a failing business (which was obviously started as a plot device).


    Just saying...


    And Zac.  What can we say about Zacky?  He'e been getting crueler and crueler each season he's involved in this show, to the extent that he makes Michael Kors look like he was Mr. Nice Guy in comparison.

    I actually like a number of Posen's own designs and I get the impression that he's getting to the point of being over the whole 'I'm just a beginner but I have a point of view and I'm reallyreallyreally incredibly fabulous and you're going to love my every burp and fart--and, BTW, if you hire me I'll make your label completely skyrocket' attitude he's getting from the contestants (yes, I'm looking at you Amanda and your minions). He knows how the fashion business works in the real world, has made a success of it and isn't impressed by wannabes without a clue or demanding special snowflake privileges.


    As to him being mean to the kids; okay, maybe it's not nice but since when is fashion about kind and gentle? Frankly, if they can't take his relatively snide but basically accurate assessments in this venue, they don't stand a chance in the NY garment district. You know the old saying; if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen--or off the runway.


    'Tyranny of the Weak' Yes and thank you! I just finally got ride of a self-invited former friend who showed up for 4 days in my guest room and ruled the roost--shyly demanding where we ate, what we did, where we went, who we spent time with. Yes, my fault for letting her because it was easier than dealing but crikey--what a pain in the ass. 'Glad to see the back of her.

    • Love 5

    Korina really looks like Gretchen to me, maybe partially because she seems to have a similarly unpleasant personality as well.

    Yes, thank you--that was her name. It looks like we now have her two baby sisters to dislike...smug, superior, not all they seem to think they are with the added attraction of Amanda casting herself as 'Ms Been There Done That'. Excuse me, but wasn't she thrown out of her season for failing?

    • Love 2

    I feel like I've seen that dress at least twice before, by designers who were either eliminated or almost eliminated for it.  I'm remembering a very early season candy challenge with string (?) and lifesavers (?).  And maybe a hardware challenge with twine (?) and washers (?).

    The first thing I though of was an old (1960's? 1970's?) YSL design which was basically the same as the half assed mess last night but using these fabulous long, slender feathers instead of string and washers. Yves did it better...


    I am pretty sure the lighting crew and whatnot use the duct tape.  sometimes they even use duct tape to adjust the wardrobe which might be too loose.  They might use chains at a soundstage, to stabilize the set.

    Duct tape has tons of uses on a set--holding up wobbly sets, securing anything which might be falling or loose and needs to be ok RIGHT NOW. It can hold up a falling hem, fix a rip in a curtain and on and on. The old cliche is that duct tape and black paint build every set. Chains are often used threaded through the hems to weigh down stage curtains so they don't move/drift/blow in breezes. The hardware has obvious uses in sets and for lighting. Cording as well. The stuff they were using were legit theater/film stuff.


    edited for my crappy typing

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    Agreed! I like Amanda a lot. I think she has a great eye, and she manages to come across as a sweetheart while still having some good one liners and barbs thrown in.

    With respect, I disagree. She impresses me as an entitled bitch who's take on her return is that an injustice has been righted while she passes snark judgement on her competitors. I also find her attitude of knowing the ropes about PR a bit much--bitch was eliminated, sent home and lost, right? Not my cup of tea, I'm afraid.

    • Love 8

    Just saying the others might have been a tiny bit more understanding.  Actually, I suspect it was just her own whim.  She said on the show she went to the Hamptons & had a better time than she woulda had in Montana.


    I'm not clear on the timing (mostly because I don't care enough to be clear about it) but it could be that she went to the Hamptons to deal with Mario's boinking the tramp of the week. If that's the case I'm actually on Ramona's side in this--if it were my husband, I'd say 'screw it' to filming a faux vaca with the girls as well.


    I can't stand Tamra or Sonja. I'm just amazed that Tamra looks so bad.

    You would think she would stop what ever she is doing to her face after seeing her self on TV. It seems she has done more since they stopped filming.

    She just seems to me like the high school girl, the pretty one who was the school cock tease and vested her identity in being the 'hottest....' fill in the blank. She's pushing 50 --or did she hit it yet, I don't remember or care. She's still playing the stacked, bleached blonde bitch card and hanging onto to it for all she's worth; younger husband, pretending she wants more kids (or she's playing out the script the producers handed her). Without being the hot blonde, she's nothing except an aging, over the hill used to be, wannabe.


    She one of those middle-aged women, like Vicki, who still wear their hair the way they did in high school or college, dress a decade or two too young and go catatonic (I'm looking at you, Tam) when faced with the reality of their age ala becoming a grandmother. Botox lets them pretend they still look young when they simply look like they're fighting it way the hell too hard and fool no one.


    I find her and women like her to be, frankly, sad and a touch pathetic.

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  9. I dunno, color me naive but even after all these years I don't understand why anyone thinks that making themselves appear to be a batshit insane jackass is, in any way shape or form, a good thing. And that to have that stupidity broadcast to however many people choose to spend time watching that play out (for whatever entertainment reasons--no offense meant to anyone as I include myself in this) is beyond me...especially when you have to know that at some point your kids, extended family and several million people will see this and that it will live on the internet forever...I truly don't get it.


    How desperate or delusional does one have to be? Inquiring minds want to know. I am amazed.

    • Love 3
  10. Oh, f'the loveogod.


    Yet another producer scripted over produced/catered dinner party where, yet again, a scripted cat fight from three or four episodes ago was dragged up yet again and rehashed to death and beyond. Don't any of these absurd characters ('characters', as in invented by hack writers versus real people interacting like the alleged adults they portray) ever just have people over for a normal cookout or normal meal which doesn't involve several thousand dollars worth of centerpieces and over-produced food?

    Even the cast couldn't pay attention to this bullshit--anyone else catch Eddie trying to keep his eyes opened and not rolling during this mess?


    This show is now officially a piece of crap.

    • Love 3

    Yeah, I just saw some kind of gross looking Skinny girl snack on line by the registers at TJ Maxx.  It was $5.99.  There were dozens of them.  People on line kept picking them up, looked at 'em puzzled & put 'em back down.  I did the same.  No way fuckin' way, Beths.

    Heaven knows, correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that I'd heard/read that some company bought out Skinny Girl for multi millions a year or two ago. That would likely mean that all the weird products--snacks, cosmetics and the like--probably have nothing at all to do with Bethenny. I have a vague memory that was part of the reason it took so long to settle her divorce because Jason wanted a cut of the profits from the sale. Or something like that.

  12. Thank you, Zoey'smom--I am a wiser person. I've always thought that modeling was the kind of career where they eat their young, I don't mean the model's themselves, but that--sort of like child actors--they have a nanosecond shelf life and are generally so young when they get started they can't really know what's in store for them nor that they'll likely be over the proverbial hill just when they think they're hitting their stride. Someone like Kristen, a very pretty (yes, she is pretty) young woman who is smart enough but hardly Mensa level, likely went through life being told how pretty/beautiful/attractive she is; that clearly became her identity, her reason for getting up in the morning. She put her eggs into being the next Christie Brinkley or whomever, probably thought that she'd beat the odds and work into her 50's or 60's. Then to be told at 30 or so that you're yesterday's news has to be an ego destroying blow, especially for someone who seems to have hooked up with her husband to be mutual arm candy.


    Now the fact that he's bored with her and her career, while not over, is in serious decline, is hitting home. If she doesn't have or can't find the inner resourses to move on she's in trouble. No one wants to live in the land of denial like Sonja.


    Much as I love me some snark, I find her sad.

    • Love 2

    what Heather wanted was immediate and also easy

    I'm honestly not trying to keep the a bit too far afield rescue tangent going or annoy anyone (yes, I have a rescue cat and dog myself) but it occurred to me that this could simply be another producer/writer plot device and those puppies were purchased, basically, as props as part of a story line.


    Just a thought.


    Did anyone else chuckle when the swimsuit store owner said her clients don't want padded bikini tops? I thought, yeah, of course not, I assume most of her clients have implants, and wouldn't need padding.

    Educate me please. I get not wanting padding in a bra/bathing suit but if you're parading a pair of D's or DD's, maybe some support wouldn't be a bad idea? Fake or not, those puppies are gonna be drooping and sagging from here to there...I know, I was a D before I lost weight. Not comfy.


    I get it's a fashion statement to flaunt the girls, but tacky is as tacky does.

  15. It certainly looks like she's back on something and it's sure as hell not three squares a day. Her skin looks bad as well--broken out.

    The downward spiral spirals on. I actually feel sort of guilty watching this slow motion train wreck go further off the rails.


    I look pretty good for my age which is 66, and some of it can be attributed to watching my weight.  To me...Vickie is quite heavy, and it looks to me as though she is wearing clothes that she thinks will camouflage that weight.

    Not to annoy anyone, but I agree with you, Tulip. Vicki seems like she's dressing for her hot self maybe twenty/ thirty years ago. You know, like women who never change their hairstyle from when they were prom queen back in high school because they looked so good then and it worked for them. She's clearly gained some weight (no, she's not obese but she's no skinny-mini either; she's relatively average). She strikes me as an obviously massively insecure woman (I know, duh) still smarting from her second divorce, who has bought into the 80's (?) hot look and has stuck with it. And you know Brooks reinforces it by telling her she's his woman.


    Add in the fried, bleached hair and you have a look...


    Denial ain't just a river.

    • Love 1

    I think the women are asked (told) to choose a destination and to come up with a tentative itinerary. Bravo very likely (highly likely, in fact) foots the bill for flight and lodging and meals (and the payment of instructors for whatever activities), and the woman who is the "hostess" creates a list of activities that she's probably researched would be good to do in the location.

    I've always assumed that the trips were scoped out by production who angled for whatever they could get comped in exchange for free publicity then negotiated for reduced rates for the rest (airfare or whatever) The various women were then told at some production meeting that this is the plan and get on board or we'll just cut you from three or so episodes. Makes sense to me, anyway.


    I was out last night, got back and caught about 30 seconds of the women at a dinner table arguing about god knows what contrived BS. Bored, I turned it off and read a book. No lie.


    This tired formula is getting old.

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    Yeah, the robot-baby scene makes no sense.  Eddie made it clear that he doesn't want a baby and that he won't take time to help with a baby.  So, why is Tamra playing this out with Astro?

    Because the producers told her that if she didn't she'd have no plot line this season and would lose screen time.

    • Love 3
  19. Thanks for the update--I was getting so worried about our girl. I'll go out on a limb here and predict that this production will never open. (I know, big limb...)


    I made my living in professional theater for over 30 years and the basic rules of rehearsal are to show up on time and prepared (ie, know your lines/blocking, have your designs/sketches ready to show the producer/director). Add to that the fact that in theater (as in film) the director is god. You follow his or her vision/plan/ideas/schedule. Sure, as a professional and part of a team you make suggestions and they're either accepted or not; period. Rehearsals can easily run all day. Theater is a collaborative art. It's also a business and canceling performances means offering refunds to all the ticket holders who show up expecting to see actor A and get actor B as an understudy.


    Anyone remember Dustin Hoffman's character being fired in Tootsie when he refused to sit down filming a tomato commercial? Time is money--rental for rehearsal space, paying the cast/crew for their time and opening night is opening night; you have to be ready when the curtain goes up.


    This bird won't fly.


    I'd also like to add that I haven't seen any opening/production/run of performance dates posted. No mention when rehearsals start. No word of other cast members and I also don't recall seeing a director listed. Who's the backer here" Where's the $ coming from? Does LL have a run of show contract or a six month/six week contract?


    This is BS.

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    Vicki has looked lovely in some of her business dresses. I've always thought Vicky and NYC Ramona suffer from the same poor style choices and Ramona too looked her best the season she hired a stylist who dressed her in more upscale attire that looked like dressy business wear.

    Does anyone beside me remember a few years ago when Oprah had a make-over show featuring various HW's? The OC's--or most of them--were there, were made over with better, updated hair, clothing and make up. They looked tons better and five nanoseconds after they were finished they immediately tossed the new looks and went back to the over processed, too long fried blonde hair, caked on make up and sky-tops.


    Ah, memories...

  21. As memory serves, Agnes was simply closer to the thermos than Chip was. He was doing whatever he was doing. It was frigging cold and he'd just driven the snow machine however the hell far he'd driven the thing while Agnes was riding, wrapped in furs.  'Doesn't make him an asshole in my book.


    Andy's okay and Kate clearly adores him (and vice versa). This just looks to me like two long time couples who get each other and have worked out their relationships.


    And Sue knows 7 languages? You go,  girl!

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