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Posts posted by Beden

  1. 10 hours ago, Kiddvideo said:

    Wow. There were wayyyyyy too many commercials. I swear there were 8 in the one block about 3/4 of the way through. CBS must be desperate since it’s their biggest comedy.

    On pretty much every show, yeah. I've gotten to the point where I record anything I actually want to see and watch later, fast forwarding through the ads. Seriously. It helps and is a lot less annoying.

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  2. 22 hours ago, SusanM said:

    In the episode where George learns he may lose his job he goes to the college and asks the president if that job is still a possibility.  She tells him the school no longer has a football team.  I guess it's possible they could start one up again but the most likely scenario they seem to be building up to is George taking over as manager of Dale's store.

    Good point, I'd forgotten

  3. 9 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:
    22 hours ago, freeser said:

    Did I hear George say in the preview something about having no job?  The parents of the football team are unhappy with his coaching now with the Georgie problem added in - do you think George get officially fired?  I guess he still has the part time job with Dale.....?

    The part time job could turn into a full time job. Dale seemed ready to retire and I'm sure if George was willing and able to take over, Dale would let him. 

    It's also possible that he'll be offered a coaching job at Sheldon's college. The show has made a big deal about how important Sheldon's happiness and staying in the school is to them.

    Or not. It would be an easy semi-resolution.


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  4. My son was born in 1988 and, luckily, we had medical insurance. If we hadn't the bill for a normal, uncomplicated birth was running around $20,000 for the OB/hospital and sundries. That was in the New York Tri-state area so rural Texas may have been less but still...that's a lot of money for Meemaw to lay out. To her credit.

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  5. 22 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

    Ironically what made Sheldon bearable in BBT was that he had people he exasperated but who genuinely liked him to bounce off of.  He doesn’t have that yet so young Sheldon comes off as the least interesting character on the show.  

    I agree and thank you. As he became older he had the mitigating softening of good friends who would call him out on his extreme behavior, tell him when he was being impossible; at least part of the time. As written and directed in this show Sheldon is simply obnoxious. That's on the writers and the director(s). Yes, I realize that he's alone and, to a real degree, isolated by his own IQ but he has very few restraints on his behavior which increases his problems of no friends, no reason to learn basic interactive skills or understand compromise. Sure, he's on the spectrum but he also lives, to various degrees, in the real world.

    Okay, yes, this is a TV show but still...in his allowed and continued enabling he has no reason to think that some of his problems may be of his own making and so has no reason to change or adapt. He's a thoroughly unlikable character.

    And, JMO, as they say.

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  6. 10 hours ago, ChitChat said:

    Things may have been different in the 90's, but back in the 70's you were judged harshly if you got pregnant outside of marriage (especially as a teenager).   I'm not saying that was okay, but I still remember the feeling I had when I learned that one of the teenagers in our church was pregnant.  It was all very hush hush and there was a lot of pearl clutching! I understand it because I saw it happen more than once, so right or wrong, I understand Mary's need for secrecy.  She also feels that she and her family have some moral obligation to be on the straight and narrow path since she's such a big part of the church.  

    I was in high school in the 70's, in a small town. Pretty much every year at least one of the girls in school would 'disappear', go visit an aunt upstate or whatever. Sometimes they came back, often they didn't and (I presume) graduated at some other school. Yeah, that's how it was usually handled back then, in a small town. Either that or they got married. The classic was the head cheerleader and the captain of the football team. Graduated, he headed off to college, she stayed with his parents with the baby. Rumor was he was having way too much fun at his ivy league university, his wife had another baby a year later (yes, his). Marriage didn't last very long.

  7. 18 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

    I don't know how accurate pregnancy tests were, but my guess is that it's a false positive and just a scare. 

    My own son was born in 1988 (yes, he's in his 30's now) and the homes tests I took were always 100% accurate back then. Sure, you could get a false reading now and then but they were pretty damn good +, if worried, you'd obviously take a second or third a couple of days later. Yeah, pretty reliable. And she didn't say where she got the info; she may well have gone to an OB/GYN or Planned Parenthood or some such.

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  8. 50 minutes ago, Boo Boo said:

    I don't get these people that rush into marriage, esp. when you have children.  I kinda get it if you need financial stability, but what the fuck.  Way to show your children that it's okay to be impulsive when it comes to your loins and marriage. 

    Thank you. Beyond the justifiable above snark, there are several young and undoubtedly confused kids who have to be wondering what the hell happened here and where--if anywhere--do they fit in now?

    Insecure, probably not all that bright, needy people putting their own dubious responses to their own needs ahead of the needs of people defendant on them= a recipe for a mess...especially with all the media coverage which they'll obviously be able to access when they're old enough.

    My sympathies and concern are for these kids.

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  9. On 10/1/2021 at 10:15 PM, Trixi said:

    What is with the commercials? Next week I’m timing them cuz I’m pretty sure they take up more time than the actual show. 

    Which is why I record the show and FF through them. Much less annoying.


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  10. 3 hours ago, Boo Boo said:

    Sure, I'd be fine with a 50 something + being independent and not trying to latch onto someone.  But a lot of single mid lifers still want to find love, and that's certainly entertaining to watch.

    Absolutely and I honestly didn't mean to cause any hard feelings. My own widowed 50 something grandmother ended up marrying and being happy until her death with her 2nd husband who was 17 years her junior.

    I was referring to the in all likelihood scripted plotlines which, IMO, encourage often over-served women into catfights, faux arguments and a superficial view of pretty much everything to boost flagging ratings.

    I simply prefer a bit more reality in my entertainment. But, as my much beloved step-grandfather was fond (and accurate) in saying; 'you go to your church, I'll go to mine'. AKA; live and let live.

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  11. 9 hours ago, Boo Boo said:

    I would love to watch a reality show of 50+ somethings navigating in a youth-obsessed world.  I'd rather see them go on out on terrible dates with age appropriate men. 

    With the right cast, it could be a real but humorous look at people our age dealing with real shit.  

    With respect, I disagree.

    Admittedly I stopped watching any and all (scripted) reality shows, including the various HW series years ago but, were I to watch, I'd rather see women of any age not going on any terrible dates. I'm not amused by desperate appearing women incomplete without either having a man or being arm candy. I find that premise to be both insulting and misogynistic. I don't see drunken catfights as either okay or entertaining but offensive and simply sad.

    Perhaps I'm in the minority but I see my gray hairs and no longer 20 year old skin as being well earned through a long and full life. Botoxed, frozen faces, don't make a person look young but embalmed...and I speak--write--as the granddaughter of a funeral director and have seen too many embalmed faces.

    I understand the realities of the financial side of the entertainment industry--worked in it for decades--but would it kill TPTB to have some reality in their reality shows?

    The early years when the women weren't nearly as plastic, scripted, desperate and were dealing with relatively actual problems regarding careers, children, troubled marriages and relationships had enough of an air of some truth that they were an sort of interesting distraction. Fighting tooth and nail to come up with storylines to keep the cash cow alive is, well, not.

    I'm not knocking anyone who enjoys watching, honestly I'm not. I get vapid entertainment, like why not? But I just can't. I'm insulted by these shows and think it's time to stick a fork in them rather than scrambling to flog them a couple more years.

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  12. 6 hours ago, kalibean said:
    7 hours ago, Beden said:

    I realize that this info is likely out there but I'm unable to locate it...


    Do we have any info on when/where the auditions/training camp Making the Team will be broadcast? Help, please.

    The show will start airing on CMT Friday, September 17th. Crazy slow turnaround IMO. 

    Thank you Ladies, appreciated!

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  13. Quote

    Cassie gifted Sam hand written Paul McCartney lyrics, safe to say in good witch world they are incredibly wealthy - lol. 

    Sir Paul had stayed at Grey House B&B. When he checked out Cassie discovered that he'd forgotten that old notebook of original, hand written lyrics. Calling to let him know he proved, yet again, what a nice guy he is by telling her that...no problem...he has plenty, just keep them and could she possibly send him some more of her blueberry muffins?

    Sadly, that scene was cut so they'd have time to show Stephanie's restaurant scene.

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  14. Quote

    I think it had veered so far from the initial premise and the audience drop plus the age of the show made it an obvious cut.  Actor's salaries usually go up the longer the show is on the air while at the same time advertising rates go down with fewer viewers.  The profitability line gets crossed and the show ends.

    I get that.  But do they usually make a decision to cancel a show without letting the actors and writers know during the filming?

    It's also possible that contract renewal talks broke down or that at least some of the cast/crew had signed on to other commitments. I have no inside info, but it's not uncommon for a production company to simply pull the plug on an aging and flagging show rather than commit to another period of time/episodes. There'd be no guarantee of a return on their financial risk.

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  15. I've no idea as to whether Catherine Bell is still of childbearing age but my own grandfather was what was then referred to as a 'change of life' baby. His mother was somewhere around 50+ and his closest sibling was 20 when he was born.m I like to image the conversation around the dinner table; 'honey, I have something to tell you...'

    It can happen. Within reason

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  16. Okay, I admit that I gave up watching this show a few years ago but still enjoy reading these comments so...as to the lack of continuity; most TV series have what's referred to as the bible (small B) which give writers/directors and whomever else would need info the backgrounds of all characters, plot/character arcs going back to the beginning, proposed future arcs, important locations and so on. Obviously the reason for this is keep things from running off the rails regarding continuity.

    Maybe Good Witch doesn't have one, maybe it was tossed out, maybe the show has no ongoing plot/character arcs or maybe it's just flying by the seat of it's collective pants.

    It seems to me like it's a bit adrift, has lost it's original concept regarding a quasi-mystical main character and traded it out for inoffensive sanitized pap. But, again, I virtually never manage to make it through more than about 10 minutes before apathy and boredom take over.

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  17. When they bring in a small child to up the cute factor and try to establish some kind of new plot around a kid we'll know they're officially circling the drain. Anyone remember Cousin Oliver????? The last desperate gasp of a show which outstayed it's welcome and lost it's course.

    And yes, JMO.

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