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Posts posted by misstwpherecool

  1. Marisa gets her Diehard or Bourne moment.  Sassy DA makes grand entrance.

    Finn opens himself up to future issues with that gun he turned in. He said a neighbor found it several times which means that will come back to haunt him if they find out it was used in a crime.

    And thought the shipper stuff was done but I guess not.

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  2. Especially since the series now canceled yes throwing Sam in there for the strike shortened season was like that ST Enterprise finale 

    CBS must not like they cost of filming in Hawaii because in the last 5 years they canceled Hawaii 5-0, Magnum PI and now NCIS Hawaii 

    One would figure they would've gone longer just to get more milage out of syndication.

    There were issues and if there was more continuity and not having to struggle through the virus and strike they might have gotten a better show and stronger audience. They could revive it like Magnum although I don't think they'd allow a competing network access to the franchise. But then again ABC picked up 9-1-1 

  3. I liked Anna. At least the character was different. They had a chance to have two characters redeem themselves and they blew it. I don't know why they won't let Voight try to play a straight game.  Ok lying to a ci is one thing(bad enough) but covering up a murder, tampering with evidence just literally and figuratively recycles the sos.

    Just 'a' possibility. When they came into the hospital Voight looked like his wound was actually treated with a formal bandage  and they could have faked Anna's death for witness protection. Doubt it though because death would be mercy for Anna.  Then Halstead asking what he could do. For a while I thought they were setting up Upton to be Voight's replacement but when she screamed she didn't want to go through that again she probably won't.  The record drug find/bust will clean the slate for a while anyway for next season.

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  4. 3 hours ago, The Bullpen said:

    How exactly was Stabler's cover blown?  Did the guy in the beginning of the episode just get a hunch about him?

    During their first conversation his attitude showed what went down although I think he would've kept his mouth shut if Stabler hadn't confronted him about it. Have to wonder if Stabler poked the bear on purpose to see what he would do or knew he would let Donnelly know to force his hand. Donelly's widow and other spouses could be an issue next year. Same for the cop who let Donnelly know where the road blocks were.

    This could be subplot for next year that can be wrapped when ever they want because opened a can of worms telling the framed kid's father his son was framed so will the bosses come down on it for him or in the time of woke the father gets a check no questions asked.

    Stabler meeting the Brotherhood at the house alone was risky stupid. I thought when the guy shot him in the vest he was in on it working with Stabler. What if the guy got a head shot in which is what an angry person might do. 


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  5. Shippers, woke, cliche yuck

    Where were the new girls ms medic and Chris's replacement?

    And yes the drug squad detective killing the dealer not quite right.

    One last thing. Isn' tthere a saying never act with animals because they'll steal the show.  Lobo!

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  6. On 5/13/2022 at 6:00 PM, MarylandGirl said:

    The hug was so weird and random! I haven't gotten the sense she's felt overly close to Stabler either. And she doesn't seem the huggy type? In terms of techs, that seems more like something Penelope on Criminal Minds would have done!

    Maybe the ballistics thing was touchy because he was investigating his father, so didn't want other cops to know about it? And he trusted Jet to keep it discreet?

    Also, totally random thing, but in the warehouse, what was up with the Exit door opening in rather than out?


    I think Jet was upset that hacker guy shrugged her off with the call and then when she dropped off the sneakers. I think they're reminding the audience she is cop not a billionaire tech head. She shot the guy the other week then she had the tackled suspect. By having her hang out with Stabler it shows deep down she is a cop. And unlike her hacker boyfriend Stabler has been straight forward with her. She appreciates the blunt honesty & trust he has shown in her.

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  7. Just a theory but was it Katya that was really shot. She said or mumbled something right before being shot like 'Thank god' as in the boss in here. Please correct me because I missed it or don't recall.  Anyway especially with the plastic surgery twist in play did Katya hire or use a double and a ear piece to have an stand in talk to Callen?

    People are talking next season so darkside Joelle could be a story Or deep fake Katya/Joelle could be as well. 

  8. They should make the criminal's girlfriend from rehab this year's bond villain. At least bring Keny's and Deeks knowledge of her comeback to bite them. 

    And yes manipulating a women in rehab not cool. Cliche undercover as well. Threw in some backdoor commentary as well with election conspiracies, militias, the border etc. 

    Nmazzi's first epi without scarf on head?

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  9. In the original CSI didn't they get into a feud with the Sherrif including Brass. I forget did he take himself out or surrender? 

    I don't know is this internal affairs DA a plant/relative of a suspect? Same for the wife- a relative or plant of a suspect?

    The actor Gary something who had drug issues got killed off-right?

    I was thinking family of the people that kidnapped and buried Nick and blew himself up in front of Grissom. 


  10. First SWAT episode I liked especially after the preaching last year.  I thought it was well done regardless of some story issues like the over done car chase. Even the ending got it right. At times I thought I was watching a movie especially with the scenery.  I didn't expect much but was pleasantly surprised.

  11. Channel surfed while watching, did other things.  I'll give it a chance. It's not must see tv.

    I kid you not what I did watch it kept on reminding of the Stargate SG1 epi in the final years where the alien movie producer wanted ideas for the show based on SG1 and someone came up for a younger hipper version-that brief scene summed it up for me. I thought NCIS LA was supposed to take of that.

    Sidenote I couldn't think of the actor's name then a few days later Willie Garson the alien passes. Weird coincidence.

  12. I channel surfed the entire epi. Can't stand musical montages because they tend to be fillers because they don't know what else to do. 

    Wasn't there a scene in a previous epi with the henchmen on the phone with somebody saying don't worry about all he wanted to do is kill Red's daughter in front of him

    Lizzie's half sister should've lived, still miffed about that but the casual and numerous murders were a signal how the season would end. 

    My guess Boone wants to do other stuff really bad, I wonder if she had to be coaxed into finishing this season. I just would've written her out and could always bring her back. Too many of her scenes just seemed contrived.

    Ressler gets off ventilator on his back for weeks/days and is in shape to run a few miles. And beats the team there as noted.

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  13. I'm watching the epi and wondering was it hologram or drug induced therapy session by Red to show Liz his side of the story or his STORY; not what happened. And super secret high tech bunker and personel didn't have physical security or basic tech like cameras and sensors that wouldv'e shown Townsend approaching sooner?

    But the end. I thought Red was going James Bond villan at the end with the gas. And the specialist effects or lack there of. Dembe turns what should be an iron handle to shelter door and it was wobbling. The gas sprayers come out of the ceiling and there was a wobble there. I almost thought I was watching a spoof of a James Bond film like a Matt Helm or In Like Flynt movie.

    Katerina, Red? At this point what ever they say because any mystery they tried to create with a logical solution has been long out the window years ago.

    And speaking of Red being Katerina didn't Red lose his girl friend in S1 or S2 when the bunker was raided and she was killed in front of him? Werent burn scars shown on Red's back in one epi from the night of fire/murder? So who was burnt or supposedly killed in the fire? Did real Red actually survive and went rogue to get the organization getting greedy along the way. 

    They tease answers, revelations etc too many times and deliver crap, the only difference this epi they didn't wait until the last scene or line.


  14. What was the reason for the absence this year? Was she working without or a short contract? If she wanted out they should've written her out better and brought her back a few times a season as a guest star.  The writing has needed work so not blaming her for the character and lines etc. Eh...

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  15. I'm still unclear on how long was a double agent in training. Did this Odette woman recruit her after Ziva left. Did she leak the files 10 years ago after being approached or was she a secret secret agent her entire NSA career?

    Also does this mean Bishop could've murdered the Tiger Guy that ran them/Torres down last year with Mossad like precision?

    So when her new gig flops will she return? I've seen reruns since and when a character leaves one looks at the show differently.

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  16. 24 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

    I'm loving this show.  I think this episode was the first one where the announcer guy does the "and these are their stories" thing at the beginning.  The theme song has really grown on me too - it may be my favorite of them all.

    I like to think I'm not a prude, but the opening scene with Wheatley and his wife was a bit much.  (clutches pearls)

    I wonder if the swat guys will get in trouble for abandoning the bust

    I assume the tech girl is also a cop too?  I like her style, she jumped right in without hesitation.

    Can someone remind me who the other team of bad guys were?  Not the security team, the team that rolled up in the 3 SUV's and went into the warehouse and then Wheately fired?  


    The SWAT refusal/lawsuit will be an on going issue for a while or til season end. All they have to do is find and release video and they could shut a lot of that down. The sgt's wife should've discretely filed the lawsuit and probably could've got a payout and those cops would at least had an incident in their file.

    Too much woke stuff is dragging this and other shows down. A mention or acknowledgement of current times is one thing but political informercial aint going to cut it. Yes there are cops that will beat you for looking at them funny or not complying or get the blue flu but the attack on the nephew was over played/done. 

    I think Wheatly hired European henchmen/mercenaries posing as corporate security. I think Wheatly firing them will come back on them since they've been arrested because they took Marx/ his original henchmen out so they have leverage on that murder. They also have leverage on the entire family for Gina's murder.

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  17. I was wrong & disappointed about Gina possibly being alive hoping the informant guy would've prepped warned her. He's gone now too. So if the police got to Wheatley's house hours later is that enough time to drain, clean and refill the pool let alone dispose of body? They did arrest the henchmen though.

    I get wanting to keep Benson in the picture for the shippers but she does not have to be part of the story/case. Maybe since it's the first year they want all the L & O audience they can get. An occassional interaction like lunch but they don't have to keep bringing her up.

    Where did they get they evidence that Tamara ordered the hit on Stabler's wife again? That's still a twist to be turned.


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  18. 2 hours ago, Trey said:

    So many questions about the boat explosion!  I think Gibbs must have rigged it himself and provided protection; otherwise, I don't know how he could have survived, without even any blood showing.  But if he did it, why? To throw the serial killer off his track? To start a new life somewhere else, following Rule 91 "When you are ready to leave, don't look back." But that doesn't make any real sense - why would he want to leave everyone else behind? And, if Gibbs did not set the explosion, who did and why?

    Ellie's departure seemed rather odd and just tacked on at the end.  Maybe her leaving was all about negotiations that fell through so they had to write her out somehow.    I can't really say I'm sorry to see her go.

    But now the team is down to just two people, only McGee and Torres remaining.  If the new woman is replacing Ellie we are still down one.  So, will Gibbs show up back at NCIS or will we end up with someone else new?

    Just found this Newsweek article that says Gibbs faked his own death. So most of my post is already moot.

    Newsweek article

    Judging by her comments in the second article I definitely say negotiations  broke down or conditions period were detiorating. Her 'consistency' comment sums it up.  The question is did they disgrace the character instead of killing her off to leave an opening to return or they just didn't want to kill off another female lead.

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  19. They could've made a two parter out of this but the pace worked.

    It was straight forward although was waiting for the twist of the gf helping or doing it for him. But they did go out of their way remind us how much of a psycopath he was.

    I almost thought the last part of the show would be Carisi going for the shrink's license or charge her with negligent homicide. Maybe they left her unscathed to bring her and the kid back helping him escape or find out she was like a pedophile teacher having relations with her patient instead. I kept on thinking about the L & 0 epis with the corrupt coroner and the pyscho who went to Chicago.

    There were a lot of threads they could've pulled on opting to use Rollins instead.

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  20. Was  this setting up backstory for Liz becoming a full fledged no gray area criminal. It seems many in Red's world had family murdered including Townsend and Red himself. Sooner or later Liz with get or ditch her quest for answers and just execute Townsend, at that point she's officially like Red.

    Still was killing her sister necessary. Or thinking it was the last season at time of script they gave the actress/character one last appearance?

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