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Posts posted by MunichNark

  1. That's supposed to be an apple crumble, I see. It needs brown sugar and you dont mix the butter, sugar and flour with a fork but by hand until they are all small crumbly bits. No wonder it looks like she threw it up.

    What is wrong with her that she cannot stop posting this utter shite every time?

    There haven't been any photos of Dreck lately in law school, have there? Has he quit already or is he actually having to study?

    • Love 19
  2. There's a sub thread on Reddit on the Duggars and some rather interesting reads about that crap Pickles posted a few days ago. It reflects my own views that she made it up herself.

    She really is totally unhinged and the people involved in this should sue the arse off her. What the fuck is wrong with that nasty piece of shit?

    • Love 8
  3. Did she throw up over it?

    What does the recipe say? Can one of you take it for the team and post? I'm not giving her my clicks.

    Edit, does anyone else also keep googling Jill Dullard and wonder why nothing comes up or is it just me?

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  4. I love brittle towel, one of my major gripes with a dryer is that everything is soggy and soft.

    Dryers aren't common here at all, I know you lot have it pretty much everywhere, but personally, I find them mostly unnecessary. You can hang out clothes to dry, even if you live in a flat like I do - there are usually attics or basements with drying rooms.

    More on topic, I don't find the child thin at all, her legs are pretty chunky, perhaps just not as mahoosive as  Jessa's children.

    • Love 3
  5. Israel looks a wee bit like Jackson there. Those biscuits look like dog poo though.........does Jill not like colour since all of her food seem to be beige and bland?

    Baking with pumpkin might be interesting though, tempted to try it myself. It's too early for Xmas stuff although the shops are full of it already, but pumpkins perhaps. Would hokkaido work with biscuit dough?

    • Love 1
  6. I'm looking forward to her next recipe of slop. What might it be, do you think? She could learn how to boil an egg and turn this into a homefooling experience. Hey look, if you boil an egg for half an hour you get concrete!

    I'm feeling rather ragey today and perhaps because I am struggling and dealing with my own childhood issues, I feel more grumpy than usual, but poor Israel. That child tries so damn hard to get his dickhead parents' attention and fails miserably. He will grow up believing he isn't worthy of love and attention and his fucking useless parents will stand by and scratch their heads in wonder.

    • Love 19
  7. 52 minutes ago, Albanyguy said:

    And then she'll tell us that boiled water is so versatile! You can put a teabag in it and it'll turn into an easy, super amazing hot beverage!

    Now, now, stop teasing! It's late here and I'm heading off to bed, but don't make Jilly Bean's head explode with tea! Black proper tea, herbal tea, green tea...and they all require different stages of water boiling or not as the case might be, so perhaps she could actually learn how to boil water properly first.

    What did I ever do before the Duggars and this Forum came into my life? Where else could I snark so delightfully?

    'night all...........

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