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Posts posted by candall

  1. A computer was previously approved so why would Production hamstring their labrats by prohibiting them from internet sales?    How is it, exactly, that they're supposed to make money when their consumer base is limited to the five people who seem willing to drive out there?

    • Love 1
  2. I call shenanigans on the editing, because he was pitching a fit about not getting ramen, when the camera very clearly showed that they DID buy Ramen (you could clearly read it through the white plastic bag they did a closeup on).  So either he flipped out before he realized they DID buy it, or they bought the wrong flavor or something.

    "I said Szechuan shrimp with pea shoots!!!"  <stomp stomp stomp>


    (Ha.  Ramen's about ten cents per pack by the case.  I thought it was the best idea Red's come up with.)

  3. This is small potatoes in the general scheme of racism, animal neglect and aliens, but. . .did I read that these idiots really spent a chunk of their finite funds on a kitchen counter and cabinets?


    I understand wanting a toilet, a stove and a refrigerator, maybe even a microwave, but didn't they already have a serviceable plywood counter and a whole wall full of pre-built cubbyholes?  (If they're going to replicate stuff, how about a second toilet?  15 people:  yick.)


    I would looove to see a secret feed from the production area.  I can't decide whether the wranglers are in there high-fiving about all the sex and backbiting or tearing out their hair because they have to barge in there every five minutes and nanny the toddlers.


    They surely didn't anticipate a revolving door of emergency services personnel.  It would be funny if they're as frustrated as the viewers.  "Condoms?  Now we have to get them condoms?  They knew they were coming for a year and no one stuck a box of Trojans in the crate?"

    • Love 3
  4. Never ever step to a woman about the way a man stepped to her.   You saw it, we all saw it, don't punk the hell out now, tell her he ain't no parts scary to you and isn't slowing you down one bit.   Watching a man get in his feelings about his competition is:  How I Talked Myself Outta Her Drawers, by Francesco Whateverthehell.


       Joey, you're not nice and you're barely cute and the remaining percentage of your cute is being eroded by your not-nice.


    Brian, if you read these boards, baby please stick with any woman who says she wants you.   A childless, single, twenty something, fashion forward, intelligent girl anywhere in the 5 boroughs who doesn't want kids and doesn't necessarily care about marriage but does want monogamy with you oh and who happens to also be funny and gorgeous?   Mazel.

    More hearty LOL's.  You'd have a field day with the Utopia stereotypes: toothless hillbilly, angry ex-con, Amazonian huntress?  Oh, except the woman who's looking for aliens has stepped outside the standard doomsday prepper box a bit. 


    But back to the fertile ground of desperate NY singles.  Agree that Tabsum should be proud of being a knockout 41 instead of a haggard 34.  Either way, though, step away from the makeup pencils.  I didn't see Joey get his tail jerked in a knot at Brian's so I must've missed an episode.

      (Ah, one more chance, 10a.m. today!)


    Did the "open relationship" woman from St. Louis look familiar to anyone else?

  5. I left at game show time, but discussion-wise, that was pretty good--especially for right out of the gate.  Nicolle Wallace* was a pleasant surprise, Ro Perez contributed some input and her voice was nicer than in her movies.  I love RO and Whoopi, so yay.


    I think the coffee table is a HUGE mistake.   Their info cards are too far away to glance at, they have to constantly monitor the bottom half of their bodies, there's nothing to lean on and it's too far to reach if they want to fiddle with their coffee cups or something.  Sitting at a regular height table is simply more comfortable when you're being observed.  Plus, don't they want to give off a "roundtable discussion" vibe instead of "kaffeeklatsch"?


    Poor BaBa.  I read an interview with her--in AARP, ha--where she was asked "What's next?" and she got defensive.  "Why do I have to have a 'next'?  Why can't I just visit friends, see a show. . .[blah blah blah]"  Mm-hmm.  Why indeed?



    (*Detective Goren's arch nemesis, Nicole Wallace?  She lives!  She on The View now!)

    • Love 2
  6. I've been saving a couple of season-enders because they're usually so good, and then the show's gone for months.


    But I thought this was some of the most ham-fisted writing they've ever had.  Kate throwing her FBI badge around so she can barge in there and interrogate her boyfriend on exactly how naked everybody was?  (Three months suspension, unpaid.)


    Daniel/Dad wasn't any better than Kate/Donnie.  Even the "reminder" segment showed Daniel interrupting and jumping to the conclusion Dad was suggesting suicide when he was actually being very reasonable about going to the facility.  Now Daniel cuts off the phone call.  Then he snorts and eyerolls about the gangster guy.  I get that father-son relationships are tough, but all the attitude toward his unwell father is unpleasant. 


    The man holding court from his booth, Soprano's style, was practically twirling his mustache.  Having a front door key means "walk right in"?


    It was all just a big mess.  They can do better.


    Edited to add:  Joanna Cassidy looks terrific!

  7. I lived in STL for years and the people there ARE nice.  I'm really pissed off at Lonestar selling their crappy dry quesadilla or whatever for $25.  You can find a decent steak dinner there for that price.


    Yay!  We ripped off all our customers!  We win!


    So after the toasted ravioli segment, they were on their own for shopping?  I heard Middle Feast say they didn't want to take the time to find "their ingredients."  But the two giant chain groceries--Schnuck's and Dierbergs--have a zillion locations and they would have had pita, for crying out loud, and probably even za'atar.  


    International Market (shown) has two locations and is a blast to visit for all the authentic imported ingredients, but they aren't the easiest stores to find.

    • Love 2
  8. This is an honest-to-dog true story.  Earlier this year I went into a store that carries CDs and asked if they carry cassettes.  My request wasn't so odd ... I still have a cassette player in my car.


    Yes, my car is old and so am I.

    Sorry to be off-topic, but I have to tell someone this.


    I have a cassette player in my car, too, and I'm a happy pup because I have a huge supply of cassette audiobooks that a major library tossed.


    But now I'm car shopping and I find that lots of new cars don't even come with CD players anymore!  Yeow!!!  So much technology, so little time.


    P.S.  I lurk on this thread to keep the flames for my Frankie rage fanned.  Thanks!

    • Love 4
  9. Is it just from watching "Winter's Bone"?  I see someone that young and that toothless and I just think "meth".

    Not only what is commonly referred to as "meth mouth."  Emaciation.  Paranoia,  Grandiosity.  Lack of impulse control.  Combativeness.  Low tolerance for frustration.


    I live where there's a high incidence of meth labs, but even if the entire production team is straight out of Beverly Hills Prep, the simplest personality inventory should have set off ear-shattering alarms about Red.  Ditto Dave and his anger issues.  I'm cutting them some slack about Bella because "Preppers" are extreme, by definition.  Searching for aliens is breaking some new ground, however, even for preppers.  Yikes.

    • Love 3
  10. Is it okay to refer to the previews here, or in the upcoming ep thread?  Spoiler tag?



    Eddie catching sight of Adrienne, whipping aboutface and swimming like hell for the nearest getaway boat is hysterical!  It's like there's a little cartoon puff of smoke left in the spot where he was standing.



    • Love 3
  11. Sometimes you get this delayed maturity thing from guys in the service because they've spent too much time with other young guys like themselves and haven't really worked on their social skills.  Kind of like spending a lot of time in a frat house.  As an Army brat myself, I dated a lot of guys just like him.

    That's interesting, technorebel, and makes me cut Kelly a sliver of slack.


    (I wonder if all T#he Singles Project people just recently got their discharge papers?)

    • Love 1
  12.     The thing where she confronts Francesco was cringeworthy.  I didn't see the entire scene of them meeting initially, but even by her account, it didn't happen for them.  Shit stop acting like the guy quitclaim deeded your house or something, it was an introduction that didn't take off.     


    Speaking of relatives who have not one fucking clue about your type - Brian.   Just, why?  You don't even have to see who Brian's been going out with to know this girl wasn't even close to his type.  And not for nothing, she was sweet and cute and smiley and bubbly but (I'm saying this as a former size 18) this man is NOT attracted to child bearing hips, even if they're never gonna bear.    Brian's mom - babe, physically take a look at your child, look at him, head to toe.  He don't look nothing like your other children, he don't dress like em, sound like em, anything like em, that's not a Staten Island vs. Manhattan issue, it's a this dude is not that guy issue.  sigh.  moving on.


    Wait a minute?  Ya'll thought Ericka turned Lee down?  Ok I'm over here on teamclueless because what I really thought she was saying was I like our friendship and I don't want that to change.  It sounds reject-y but in the previews for the next show, in her talking head to us, she was all okay you guys I need your help, who's it gonna be Francesco or Lee?  Why say that if it's not actually a possibility?


    I'm shocked as hell that Kerry didn't run for the hills when she saw Tripp.  He's nice and funny and all but compared to what she's used to, he looked like a post office wall sketch.   Nothing a razor and some scissors and whitestrips can't cure I guess. 


    I want Andrew (eyebrow boy, is his name Andrew?) off the show.  I don't have time to be invested in a dude who ain't about shit but his own whoredom, but when confronted with said whoredom smooth stomps off from the embarrassment.   Be a damn grown up and tell us and that guy that you love his body, but wanna keep your options opened.  

    "Quitclaim deeded your house"?  HAHAHAHA!  I need you to recap every episode.


    Tabsum, he liked someone else better.  Ouch.  Kids, if you have the time to prepare a single, brilliantly clever, drop-dead remark to someone you feel dissed you, go for it; otherwise, smile, keep your mouth shut and your dignity intact.


    Excellent read on Brian's parents, ZW.  I've only seen one little chunk of "Extreme Parenting," but you can't raise a pack of jujitsu warriors if one kid wants to be a ballerina.


    Kerry must be trying to redeem herself.  She probably got some not-if-you-were-the-last-woman-on-earth tweets after the nice sailboat guy.  She really couldn't afford to snooty bypass, er, Tripp for being scuzzy unless she wants to date her own shoes forever.  Except. . . Tripp also seems too nice for Kerry.  "What's your favorite col. . ."  "Well, I'm not FIVE, so I don't have a favorite color."


    I think they gave Joey Eyebrow some screen time with his sister to show he's more than one big walking woody.  Too late.  Dude, just go back to Grindr.


    Zaldamo, you may be right about Erika and Bowtie = endgame.  I wouldn't buy it for a second, but it makes a pretty bow to stick on the package for the finale.

  13. THIS was the episode when the Tim Gunn Save should have been used. 


    I am absolutely furious he wasted it on Char last week.  She is a nice lady but is nowhere near Fade in skill and ability.

    Exactly.  Fade's outfit truly wasn't up to snuff--he was doomed as soon as he said he didn't think avant garde had to be weird.)  But it's exactly the situation they're always yammering about for "The Tim Gunn Save."   I'm so sad--the man has talent.


    Two days?  Yay!


    Samsung Television sponsoring the "rainway"?  Idiots.

    • Love 2
  14. Followup:


    I googled Honey Maid to see what they make besides graham crackers (s'mores?) and they've just released a whole a new set of divorced/blended families ads.


    Question:  are there really one million moms who agree these commercials represent "normalizing sin"?  That's incredibly depressing.

    • Love 1
  15. I just woke up from a nap, in the middle of this show (which I've never seen.)


    Holy shit, they've made a reality show about child abuse.


    The little girl who has to give up dance if she doesn't win jujitsu gold brings tears to my eyes. The girl at the beauty salon who wants her natural hair makes the tears run down my face.


    WTF.  Is Iyania on her way?  Dr. Phil?  Anyone?

    • Love 1
  16. Who doesn't know that aspirin helps with pain? The one where the guys needs something for his back and the lady suggests Bayer. He says no he needs something for pain. But aspirin regardless of brand doesn't go only to your neck. That one is annoying.

    Hi all,

    I'm a couple of pages behind, but I have an aspirin fun fact to share.


    I learned from a trustworthy source that aspirin is such a powerful pain reliever that, were it discovered today, the FDA would assign it prescription-only status.  Score!  


    Also--and this part is just my opinion--if you keep a bottle of aspirin sitting around in case of heart attack, get a cheapie bottle from the dollar store.  Same ingredient, but it's crumbly and disintegrates in your mouth, which is good.  No wasting time gnawing through that enteric coating when you're dying.



    Does anyone else hate that orange juice commercial with the relentlessly cheerful woman singing "Gooooooooood mornin' , good mornin' !" ?  It makes me feel cranky and bitchy.

    • Love 4
  17. When the first show has sexual harassment, alcohol poisoning, one sleeper hold and a near fight you are in trouble. The only way to salvage the show is to keep Dave gone and make Red go away fast. Bring in people who have strong opinions but will work and not be assholes. The drama factor will be less but I don't think people want to watch this for the pure drama factor, I think they want to watch it to see how people work together and get along. And that is a small group of people.


    I love shows like this but I know that most people find them boring. I loved all the PBS versions and enjoyed Kid Nation. Their casting is horrible. I am all for second changes but a four time felon who is so institutionalized that he thinks prison food is amazing is not going to work. A man who appears to enjoy growing and selling Pot is not going to work. A hippie prepper who talks to her self like a Saturday Night Live skit is not going to work. They do not represent everyday people and they are far too extreme. Toss in contact with the outside world, ordering food from the outside world and 911 calls and you are not creating your own society.


    So they lied in the show concept and they picked too many extremes and the show is going to tank because of it.

    I read somewhere that the "experiment" wasn't about surviving hardship so much as establishing a new social order.  Without prize money, I suppose the threat of deprivation is the only way to motivate their creativity.


    Since Dave stomped off, Red and Bella are both strung way too tight for longevity and Preacher Jon made a getaway, maybe there's still a chance for a truly interesting show. . .if the producers can restrain themselves from lobbing in the lunatic grenades.

  18. Dentist Lee was so much better after he took off that dumb bowtie.  It's like he relaxed.


    His brother wears bowties too.  They must be imitating their father.


    I just can't stand men who affect bowties, and I say affect because they are affected.

    I like it when a confident man can sort of macho out a bowtie, but it's rare.  Mostly they just end up looking like Orville Redenbacher. 


    Hasn't the dentist asked multiple people to affirm his bowtie look?  That's not a good sign.


    I think if I were a guy, I'd make a crisp shirt and a nice tie my "signature look."  One of the men on ANTM wears a jacket and tie and he looks so much sharper and more professional than all the other yo-yo's. 

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