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Posts posted by candall

  1. 4 hours ago, sjohnson said:

    Fade out as cop out, not something I appreciate.

    Liked your whole post, but this in particular.  I deplore the conversational bomb fade--a huge revelation/accusation, followed by a tight shot of the listener looking stunned, followed by fade out.  It's the next few minutes that would be critical, IRL.  I guess we're to assume there's just some awkward paper shuffling, then everyone stands up and goes home.


    Yes, your funeral's a dud when only your killer(?) and your shitty neighbor show up.

    "Did you know him well?"

    "Well, I borrowed his car every day, but I blew him off that one time when he wanted to have a cup of coffee."


    This show is losing me; I find it somewhat of a chore.

    • Love 2
  2. Show:  You'd better give us a good reason mysterious possible-rapist man from the past looks so much like the husband. 

    I thought she'd spotted her husband getting a clandestine local hotel room.  Then I thought she hallucinated the husband switching from regular sex to rage sex.

    I finally figured out there were two different men, but I didn't care enough to go back and rewatch.


    Neighbor's gone.  Called that one in the premiere, so I'm not a total derp. 

  3. That was a weird one, mainly for all the sketchy details left unsaid. 

    I don't know what Percy's deal was--he apparently made a salary, paid the rent and handed over the rest to Ginjer to supplement the tricking that funds her drug habit.  And I was not necessarily as pro-Ginjer as others here.  We've seen lots of addicts looking at prostitution as the last step down they don't want to take, but Ginjer's pretty nonchalant about being a "sugar baby"--sounds so cute--with "two or three regulars," all the while checking her phone for whatever john is popping up next.

    Seems like Percy was the only thing standing between sweet, clean show Ginjer and back alley blowjob Ginjer.  But he hadn't even known her, prior to meeting her as an addicted website hookup.  Maybe she really does meet the sugar baby standard, to Percy.


    The hit & run, Percy, the family--too much of the story felt glossed over.  Followup!

    • Love 5
  4. On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 9:24 AM, Save Yourself said:

     It's a shame because for me that removed Rachel's shades of grey, she's done a lot of dodgy things before but she also tried to do the right thing when she could or at least felt bad about the horrible things she did, this time though she seemed so proud of herself when it's easily the worst thing we've seen her do. Just gross. I can handle Quinn being like that but to have Rachel just be the same carries it too far. 

    When they said The Hole I thought straightaway of Scientology!

    I don't think they really had a choice, if they wanted the character to develop.  Every episode last season, the camera lingered lovingly on Rachel "concerned" expression--she was (troubled!  confused!) questioning the boundaries of her own morality.  I liked Conflicted Rachel as a counterpoint to Ruthless Quinn, but I don't have the patience for ten more hours of soul searching.   Either own it and embrace your commitment to the dark side or buff up your resume' and move along.  Hey, she went with the first one!

    *(I'm re-watching Going Clear right now.  Jinx!)


    On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 11:51 AM, RCharter said:

     It could be false imprisonment, or even kidnapping I suppose -- but those would both be criminal charges and so you would have to have a DA willing to bring them.  Although FI is also a civil action, so...maybe.

    I can't tell if this is one of the prohibited topics, but "the hole" is where my credulity stretched to breaking.  Privately detaining someone on the basis of "harm to self or others"--or shoplifting, drunk driving, homicide or any other reason?  Sure, for as long as it takes the authorities to arrive.

    (You too, Scientologists.  Buy a clue.)


    On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 10:40 PM, Eolivet said:

    I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't miss Adam at all.

    I don't miss Adam.  Black sheep boy toy, vineyard spa, yawn.  If it turns out this new chap has been secretly playing our players all along, that will be excellent.

    • Love 5
  5. 1 hour ago, Amarsir said:

    I thought he played terribly for a former winner. The insurance card was a one-time use. And unless Alton mis-spoke on it, all it did was force the saboteur to pick someone else. So it seems the ideal play is "Sabotage you. Oh, I can't? Ok, I pick the guy I was going to pick anyway and now your card is gone." Instead she got 2 rounds for free, and at a very low price.  (Unless I misunderstood Alton and she got to redirect the sabotage, as in back to the person who bought it. In which case that card was definitely way too cheap.)  


    Yes, I had the same impression as you.  The insurance policy wasn't very dangerous as a weapon because the saboteur could just move to the next person.  But as a one-time Get Out Of Jail Free card, it was priceless--assuming you had the nerve to accept a simple sabo and save the insurance for something really horrendous.

    I don't know why they didn't go at her with the sabos right away, until she used it and it was out of play.  No risky blowback to worry about, at least in the first round, when there were plenty of other targets available.

    I think the show pressure made them incapable of processing the new twist.  The only place it would get tricky is if all the contestants except the insured were yoked together.  If you couldn't stick the free-range contestant with the next sabotage, you'd get hurt by proximity, but you wouldn't want to let her win the auction either. . .

    Anyway, it turned out to be kind of interesting and it could've been a huge dud-o-rama.

    • Love 1
  6. 39 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

    [...]it was very obviously a voice-over.

    Yes!  He was singing, and then the singing continued in the background while he was talking!

    I thought, well, this is great--if he can do that, he can have conversations with himself and not be so Alone.

    • Love 1
  7. 56 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

    Hope David figures out that he should catch as many crabs as he can NOW and make a crab farm so he has a source of food when the weather turns stormy.

    Start knitting a crab corral.

    What a terrific idea--never crossed my mind.

  8. On ‎6‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 3:30 PM, Amarsir said:

    I'm wondering if we're going to see Antonia with big hair and a jean jacket tonight. She could totally rock the 80s look!

    Winner winner chicken dinner!  You have 60 seconds to shop.


    I still love quiche, Chinese chicken salad--Asian sesame dressing: yum--and most of all, fried calamari (coming up in the 90's finale.)  I did not realize my food was so passe'.


    Toaster pastry, never a fan.  But it tickles me to remember how thrilled my grandmother was with the convenience of Poptarts--she LOVED them.  I guess when your life dates back to the day when every dinner required being faster than the chicken and rolling out the dough, a 60-second toaster pastry is a mighty fine thing.


    Even though I really liked the final-two woman, and she was a funny bunny through the whole episode, I was still glad the man won.  I liked his attitude that "It's not YOUR money" and she really had an easier ride due to the insurance policy.  I liked the insurance policy gambit, though--it created an additional angle to the strategizing.

    I would have spent up to half my money on that thing, right off the bat, and it went pretty cheap, considering.  They all know the show--why didn't they realize there are some sabotages that are simply insurmountable and the value of getting out of those?


    The boombox was WAY too heavy, besides being gigantic and awkward.  For me, it's a strain to carry 35 pounds of dog food from the car to the house.

    • Love 3
  9. 8 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

    I'm tired of Jose's freaking boat.

    Not me.  I was impressed as hell with that thing.  That was one tight little vessel!   After all that time watching him put it together, I was still amazed and couldn't figure out how there were strips of wood affixed to the outside of the skin.  I was wondering how he could stitch anything with his "bone needle," that was so much larger on the eye end than the point--wouldn't the thread material wind up slipping around inside the big hole made by the eye?  But the tarp was perfectly taut.  All hail the Delicata!   (Which is not to say I was disappointed we didn't see the play-by-play on the outriggers--it was really okay to just skip that part.  I'm probably not going to build my own kayak.)


    Did not really enjoy the mouse vendetta.  This show would not be enjoyable to me if trapping provided the main source of protein.

    [My cat recently brought in a mouse through the doggie door.  She dropped it and amused herself tormenting it with a couple of pounces and then . . . lost interest and walked away.  Horrified, I went sprinting across the room and slammed the door shut so at least the mouse would be contained in one room.  He flattened out like a dollar bill and slid right under the closed door.  I'm still on high alert, imagining him skittering about.  They're tricky little devils, but I was rooting for that particular undermouse against the creature one million times his size.]


    The tap-outs are always interesting.  With this one, it crossed my mind that he had decided to create a feasible narrative.  Higher mountains to climb, other challenges beckoning, this show is delaying my pursuit of excellence.  Maybe.  I can't detect deception under the best of circumstances, let alone figure out the nuances of delusion or motive with these people, in this situation, through my tv.  But in retrospect, I appreciate the simplicity of "HOLY SHIT, THAT'S BEAR POOP!!!" and "I miss my wo-man."

    • Love 6
  10. 7 minutes ago, wings707 said:

    What was he yelling repeatedly?



    You know, the same thing anyone says when taking issue with a stranger's shoes.

    • Love 1
  11. 2 hours ago, wings707 said:

    I looked for a thread this morning and happy to find some discussion here.  What a mess!  And I love it. 


    I love it, too.  Don't spread that around.  : )


    That first night at the bar, when Brandi Glandville displayed the only shred of common human decency in evidence:  bananas.  It killed me when Pauly D was such a flaming asshole, screaming some childish insult at a total stranger--at the top of his lungs, over and over--and then the only argument that got through his pea brain about why this is inappropriate:  "It's unfair for celebrities to attack regular people because they're inferior and can't respond in kind."  Oh, yeah, duuuuuuuuuuh, I think I get where you're coming from on that, Doc.

  12. There is not one character on this show who has the sense God gave a goose.


    But, otoh, when I finally forced myself to queue it up, I was so happy it was the two losers with the restaurant and not the two losers with the exorcisms.  With all the new shows, I got confused about exactly which beast we were feeding.

    • Love 2
  13. Wanna see a bunch of B/C-listers trying to extend their brands for five more minutes? 

    Ha, I'm too embarrassed to campaign for a Famously Single forum, but this thing is a rich, rotten meaty mix of thoroughly despicable people thrusting their worst behavior towards the camera lens.  They make Janice Dickinson and Flav-a Flav, from back in the day, seem like respectable elder statesmen.

    The most disturbing thing, though, isn't even show-manufactured.  The football player with the eight kids by seven women reminds me of that psycho on L&O:SVU who wanted to populate the earth with his own seed.  With all the pregnancies and all the STD potential from his obvious preference for unprotected sex--and his fondness for screwing strangers in public bathrooms--women need to be wearing body condoms just to step up and say hello.

    • LOL 1
    • Love 2
  14. 12 hours ago, bmoore4026 said:

    Well, this show makes me miss Under the Dome.

    You know what's nice.  Light.  Light is nice, especially on TV shows.  Everything on this show looks like it was lit with an energy saving light bulb.

    A 60-minute test pattern wouldn't make me miss the Dome, but I don't see why we couldn't have invested this budget into season two of The Family, where the groundwork for these same people has already been laid.  And I prefer everyone hating a pedophile who controls his impulses over an animal mutilator who doesn't--cue the blank expressions.

    The lighting was ridiculous.  I had to pull out my special User Mode, normally reserved for Game of Thrones.  I know GoT, sir, and you are no GoT.


    Agree that ten episodes would have been preferable--I think this story could've been told with three fewer hours of misdirection.  If this were a book, I'd skip ahead, skim the last few pages and decide whether the destination justified the journey.

    • Love 3
  15. So many posters whose opinions I respect adore this show.  I don't really get it because I don't like these people much, except for the doctor friend--but I do enjoy any glimpse I can get of the city.

    Isn't the main character supposed to be more grounded, less superficial, than the rest of them?  Weird seeing her be so frantically fake, back in her old workplace.

  16. I was interested to see where they were going with the toothy homeowner's diagnosis because I have a sore swollen knee that I assume is arthritis and a weird spotty patch on my shin.




    Oh, look, Stumblebum Evan's going all papabear.  How cute. [/s]

    Are they kidding with spending the next-to-last hour on this very special musical episode?  How narcissistic.

    • Love 1
  17. I was driving along today and started chuckling at the memory of John Slattery strolling out naked--complete with pixilated junk--during one of Katherine's interviews with Selina.  He darts back into the bathroom so fast, I missed him on the first watch, just from glancing away.

    I wasn't disappointed with the payoff to the long documentary B-story.  Everyone anticipated a big campaign timebomb, but all the small funny moments were really a treat. (And one of those might be a timebomb, for all I know.)

    There's one place where Selina's telling a story and there are five or six choppy editing cuts, even though the story proceeds seamlessly.  LOL--how many takes did you need for that anecdote, Madam Prez?

    • Love 1
  18. 4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    Michelle, the food police.

    Yeah, I love having lunch with people who monitor the mayo I put on my sandwich.  Dafuq.

    I spend every second of Nicole's time onscreen thinking this, and now I'm going to say it:  Sweetheart, it wouldn't take more than three sessions with a voice coach to change your whole world.

    Too bad Tiffany's doomed by her Vanessa connection; I really like her and Dora Explorer, RN.


    Well, at least they mixed up the contestant pool with some people who were a little older, some non-hardbodies, some people a little bit less slick . . . oh, wait, they're all Glenn.  Hey, show, that was just mean.

    • Love 10
  19. On ‎6‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 7:32 PM, holly4755 said:

    well, my hound dog might eat me after a few days of not being fed,

    I'm cracking up because I JUST came from a different show thread where this is being discussed.  According to that discussion, houndie will honor your remains for about 45 minutes before giving you a taste test.  Booyah!

    • Love 2
  20. 1 hour ago, Cynna said:

     As for your cupcakes, you're too optimistic. Many studies have been done on this, and dogs will generally wait around 45 minutes before eating their dead owners.

    Oh, well, sure, if I'm dead!  Dogs are very pragmatic.

    But in my scenario, I'm still alive.  What's the over/under for that?  Do I need a LifeAlert pendant with a tiny stungun feature?

    • Love 4
  21. On ‎6‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 4:16 AM, Cynna said:

     I recently read an interview with Rheon where he talked about being messed up from playing Ramsey. Rheon's a poet/singer and had originally been in the running to play Jon, and seemed to be struggling emotionally/spiritually with many of the scenes he had. A good guy, and great actor to make us all seeth at the sight of him!

    On the very same Sunday night as this episode of GoT, the Ramsay actor was in the series finale of the British sitcom, Vicious, where he was a regular along with the likes of Derek Jacobi and Ian McKellen.  His end story was that he pulled his life together, took leave of the little bunch of seniors who loved him and went off to college in the US.  Not a dry eye in the house.

    This young man has some serious range!


    On ‎6‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 1:21 PM, annsterg said:

    I would kill all those hounds after Ramsay's death. They are monsters.

    Whoa there!  I'm surrounded by a pack of cupcakes who respect and adore me, but if I fell comatose on this couch and lasted seven days beyond when their feeders ran dry, I don't have any delusions they'd choose death by starvation before someone started nibbling my toes.

    (That's why I phone-a-friend on Tuesdays and Fridays.)



    Ramsay made a really bad decision putting that arrow through Wun-Wun's eye instead of Jon's.  He just couldn't resist grabbing one more chance to torture his target with some mental anguish before he finished him.  Oops. 

    • Love 4
  22. The discrepancy seems too glaring to ignore.  I think a human interest B-story would be appropriate--a "Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?" angle.  They could send Richard back to that physician who's so dismissive for a compare & contrast.

    But maybe all that's coming up in the finale.  The previews show. . . 


    . . .Richard being confronted by various colleagues.  Maybe he's getting an attitude talk.  (That's what my father called it.)

    • Love 1
  23. Lol, I liked the Tables ad.  My impression was: "Well, this really doesn't make any sense, but it's visually appealing, so I'm just going to go with it."  That's . . . art.  And arguably bears some connection to Richard's compression app, which is effective regardless of whether you understand it.

  24. My computer class in college taught Fortran and I walked around with stacks of punch cards.

    Later, when I got my first Home! computer, I was so frustrated by my blinking C: prompt, I finally called a friend to come over and help me set my system up.  But he was one of those guys who dropped out of high school to start a computer company.  He didn't see why I should waste money paying monthly connection fees to a service when it was possible to sneak under the radar and create one of my own.



    So this long-winded post is just about my acid [stomach] flashback to that afternoon, when I hated myself for being stupid.  Fuck you, Pipey, with your neuralnet sharded data distribution system that's just six clicks away.

    And same to Richard, who can take his supercilious attitude and shove it, right next to his idiot-savant vision.

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