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Posts posted by Zella

  1. 1 hour ago, DearEvette said:

    In yet another example of how to fumble the bag:

    Author Cait Corrain has a debut for a fantasy novel coming in 2024 and a two book deal with Del Ray publishing.  Well I should say had a debut novel and a deal because her book has been removed from the release schedule for 2024 and both her agent and her publisher has dropped and and she's lost a lucrative deal with Illumicrate, a boutique book subscription service.

    Gizmodo has a good write up about it, but highlights.... Cait created a whole bunch of sock puppet accounts in Goodreads and proceed to one-star bomb other authors who were debuting around the same time as her in the same genre who she perceived as possible rivals.  Most if not all were POC.  Meanwhile her book was being reviewed with 5-star raves by these fake accounts.

    An Eagle eyed reader noticed and started gathering the receipts. Cait was confronted with it behind the scenes and was offered the quiet opportunity by to explain and fix it.  But instead she decided to create a fictitious person named 'Lily' to blame on who did all of this (complete with fabricated screen shot conversations with 'Lily' where innocent Cait confronts superfan "Lily' about what "she" did and claiming that Cait did not really know "Lily" they were just friends through the Reylo Discord fandom).  This all blew up on Twitter this past weekend.

    Her house of lies came tumbling down when a) people immediately got suspicious of the screen shot conversations because they did not read as if two people were talking to each other and b)the Reylo fandom chimed in that they had never heard of this Lilly person in the fandom and there was no history of any chats or of her presence on Discord.

    And finally came the admission complete with  explanations of  depression, mental breakdowns and meds..

    The irony of course is... her book was getting good word of mouth and there was going to be a major marketing push for the book.  She didn't need to do all that.  This is the type of stuff new authors dream of and she piddled it away out of unwarranted envy.


    Thanks for posting this--I've been following it and it's a mess! The entire time I was reading about it, I kept thinking it was like R.F. Kuang's Yellowface come to life.

    I saw today where one of the authors she targeted really tore into the apology, noting that the timeline Corrain uses for explaining her behavior does not really match her actions. She was apparently posting these bad reviews months before she acknowledged in the apology. 

    In the apology, Corrain also claims she wasn't sober while doing this--that I can believe--and she says she's going to rehab. 

    • Like 6
  2. 32 minutes ago, Snow Apple said:

    I have a question for those who saw more, or all, the episodes than what's shown on CBS in the US so far. Does the little girl ghost appear again? 


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  3. 8 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

    There is a podcast interview from one of the seasons where it was mentioned that someone on the crew thought the actress was really an old woman!

    Apparently someone on set also didn't realize Humphrey's head and Robin were the same actor and just thought they had an unusually high number of actors named Larry in the cast. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Arynm said:

    Is it available in the US yet? I looked on Amazon and didn't see it.

    I ordered it from UK Amazon last month, and it shipped to the US with no issues. Not had a chance to read it yet, but what I've skimmed is really fun! 

    • Like 2
  5. 59 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

    I've seen a lot of interesting theories about the property boundaries, both with this version of the show and the U.S. one. Some have theorized it might be more of a psychological thing, or maybe the boundary is one that they imposed on themselves somehow. e specially as more ghosts wind up on the property/it becomes their home and they find they're not as eager to leave as they thought they were), Or maybe at one time they did have more room to move about, but as the property started to develop and build up, the boundaries sprang up as a result. 

    All sorts of theories. I could see them doing a thing where they eventually learn that there was an easy way around the boundary that they could've used to leave the property this whole time :p. 

    I can't speak for the American one because I've never seen it, but the British show's tone has a lack of finality to it that makes me suspect they will never explain why the boundaries exist. It's just another incidental facet of this absurd world to accept and contend with rather than a problem to solve. 

    • Like 6
  6. 11 hours ago, Which Tyler said:

    The answer, of course, is narrative imperative, but still...

    I agree it really doesn't make sense, and it is probably the biggest plot hole of the entire premise. But I do enjoy how the show lampshades that in a later episode with one of them wearily noting to a newly minted ghost trying to figure out what the hell is going on. "It doesn't make sense, does it?" It's actually one of my favorite lines from the entire show. 

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  7. 16 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    In an instagram story Amy said, “Something that we do, it’s totally different than I feel like everyone does, but we don’t give the presents all at once at Christmas we scatter them throughout the month, because Christmas can be just really over sensory and just overwhelming for a younger child.”. 

    They have so much stuff in that house. I think she should have him donate something every day of the month. Her take on “sensory” doesn’t take into consideration the piles of toys they have now, and the stuff she’s adding to it. That equals sensory overload.

    On my first coffee at the moment so this may not make sense. 🤣🤣🤣

    Too many Christmas presents overwhelming for a young child but wielding knives isn't apparently. Go sit down, Amy. LOL 

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  8. On 11/30/2023 at 4:46 PM, Mabinogia said:

    But as a showrunner, he comes across as thinking he knows better than everyone. He did this with Sherlock as well. His original characters had to be the greatest ever and it would often end up overshadowing the long time characters that other people created. Like he thought he knew better than Conan Doyle on how to Sherlock or thought he knew better than decades of other Doctor Who creatives on how to Who. He also sucks at writing women. Clara was insufferable and his version of Irene Adler was laughable. 

    Yeah I never watched Dr. Who, but I am still salty about Sherlock. If I see Moffat's name attached to something, I immediately pass now. I'm sure he cries himself to sleep at night knowing I boycott him 😂 but still. 

    • Like 10
  9. On 7/11/2023 at 8:39 AM, Tom Holmberg said:

    Phoenix is the same age as Napoleon when he died which makes it hard to accept him in the earlier scenes. Napoleon wasn't that as much of a RBF sufferer as portrayed. Besides the Austerlitz ice thing, Napoleon wasn't at the execution of Marie Antoinette (why is that even in the movie?) and he didn't shoot the Pyramids (or the Sphinx).   It looks like its going to be basically the totally evil Napoleon depiction.

    Yeah this sums up my thoughts. I saw it last night. I usually really enjoy Joaquin Phoenix as an actor, but he was a terrible Napoleon. It's like he slept-walk through his rise to power. I have a hard time seeing his character mustering up the energy to get out of bed, let alone conquer half of Europe. They even got his birthdate wrong in the marriage contract scene. What a random weird thing to change. Individual scenes were entertaining and visually it's very impressive, but it was not a great biopic in my opinion, even beyond the historical errors. 

    On 11/20/2023 at 12:12 PM, proserpina65 said:

    Napoleon needed to be played by a younger actor if Scott insisted on covering so many years.

    Yeah I would have been much more interested in a Gladiator-era Joaquin Phoenix depiction of Napoleon. That would have been a much more age-appropriate young Napoleon. 

  10. 16 minutes ago, Bastet said:

    "Free Pass" had me laughing from start to finish -- funniest episode yet! 

    I also love the slimy actor forgetting his lie about eating with his eyes closed because of a former role and overcompensating when he catches Allison looking at him as he has lunch. LOLOL 

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  11. 3 hours ago, Annber03 said:

    I also kind of already love Thomas.

    As someone who took an entire semester-long course on British Romantic literature and sat through college creative writing classes with some particularly insufferable wannabe poets and writers, he makes me laugh very hard. 😂😂😂😂 They really nailed a very particular type of personality with him. 

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  12. On 10/25/2023 at 2:17 AM, Llywela said:

    The main focus of the show has always been found family, the weird housemate setup of living with ghosts, so I would expect the last episode to underline that rather than dissolve it.

    Agreed. I found the show and binged it all in the past couple of weeks (actually watched it twice because I enjoyed it so much), and I was so worried that


    the final season was building up to Mike and Alison selling out. And very relieved that didn't happen. 

    (Spoilering since the show is now just airing for most Americans on CBS.) In any event,I don't think they'll undermine that in the Christmas special. 

    One of the things I most enjoyed is there are no characters I dislike. They all amuse me, even if they'd be really frustrating to deal with IRL. 

    On 10/24/2023 at 2:05 PM, Harvey said:

    The ghosts could have started resolving their inner traumas and hangups which probably allow them to move onto the next phase of existence. And each episode could have been focused on 1-2 different ghosts dealing with their issues and finding relief, then moving on. Now that would be an interesting final season. But the show just continues to focus upon the ghosts hanging out as a family unit and not even trying to understand the mysteries of their condition.

    I really don't think it is as straightforward as that. (Again spoilering the rest of my answer since the show just airing in the US.)


    What I actually really like about the show is it doesn't seem like there is a clear-cut path to being sucked off. They all clearly have some trauma or unresolved issues about their lives and deaths, but it doesn't seem like resolving those issues automatically leads to getting sucked off. I think we see 3 incidents over the course of the show of this happening, and each time it happens in the middle of an ordinary moment. Nobody has just had an epiphany or a therapy breakthrough. It happens just as randomly and mysteriously as death. That strikes me as very real, and I actually appreciate that way more than them just checking off all the boxes to move the characters on. 

    Also, quite frankly, they're all so dysfunctional that I can see a sustained effort to resolve their traumas and hang-ups ending as ridiculously as most of their efforts. On a softer note, I also actually think in some odd way they have found a weird peace with their afterlife and the people in it, far more so than they did in life for most of them and more so than they did in death before the time period the show depicts. It's something that the show manages to do in a way that is genuinely quite sweet but without seeming sappy or forced. As much as they may bitch about being together for all eternity, I think they fear being sucked off and leaving the people they know and have come to see as family as much as they may enjoy the idea of something new. 


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  13. 7 hours ago, jason88cubs said:

    Charles: Looks like a successful crop this year!

    (Next day hails)

    (next year)

    Charles: Now here we go, a crop of success

    (Next day tornado)

    (The next year)

    Charles: Third time is the charm right (winks)

    (Next day a flood


    (The next year))

    Charles: Let's think positive. A successful crop is on the agenda

    (day goes by nothing happens)

    Charles: I told you all this was the year!

    (next day freeze and blizzard comes through)

    Charles: I spoke too soon..........

    Caroline: Oh Charles don't worry we have your violin to sell if needed

    Charles: How dare you talk about my violin like that!

    Then Pa "Cash on the Barrel" Ingalls gets offended because the Olesons think he's a credit risk, so they won't extend him any credit. LMAO 

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