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Posts posted by Zella

  1. 1 minute ago, doodlebug said:

    I doubt that Jill's writing qualifies as a 'research paper' in the usual sense.  She's just too dumb to know what an actual research paper requires.  Amongst other things, I presume she isn't doing footnotes or references nor is she going to produce any new or original thought on the subject she's covering.  You know, actual research.  She is probably doing something along the lines of taking a specific Bible passage and 'explaining' it using the SBC approved textbook for the class.  Or, taking a Bible verse and explaining how it applies to her own sinful life.  Something like that, no actual research.

    Yeah that's what I started to suspect. As I said, I'm not in the Christian small group scene, but I have friends who are, and I don't remember hearing anything about research papers. But then again, they would know the difference between an actual research paper and a writing assignment. 

    • Love 3
  2. 7 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    I think it's likely a bible study course offered through Cross Church, which is Derick's home church. It's a megachurch, so I suspect these classes are quite common and consistent with SBC teachings.

    I bet you're right! I was just on their website, looking at their Bible study groups, and it seems like they do have a lot of them. 

    Edited to add: How common is it for churches to have research papers for their Bible study classes? I've never been to small group study session and wasn't sure if that was a standard operating procedure or not. Also wondering what Jill is defining as a research paper. . . . 

    • Love 3
  3. 48 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    I saw a picture (on Pickles, IIRC) of Jill sitting amongst a group of women in skirts (heads cut off) all looking at the same book (not bibles; they had the same cover). It appeared to be at someone's home, although it could have been maybe a large church book store or something. I think that's the extent of her "class."

    Thanks! I was wondering about her "class" and had a hard time believing it was anything officially connected with a school. 

    • Love 2
  4. 35 minutes ago, poopchute said:

    As someone said above, I'm sure he's not actually teaching anything as a high school sub. The teacher left plans and he just has to hand out the work and make sure they don't kill each other. I would actually be annoyed if a sub tried to teach content while I was out because subs are rarely if ever qualified in the content area.  Everyone just leaves worksheets or book work, basically busy work because no one trusts a sub to teach the material.  Elementary school is different because you're with the same class of kids all day so they have to do SOMETHING.  High school subbing is an easy gig if you have the temperament for it and can manage a class of kids that could potentially be filled with assholes.  I don't know how things are in Arkansas but my students don't generally listen to subs so they are disrespectful, rude, and insubordinate all day. Derick doesn't seem like he could handle that. 

    Yeah I subbed exactly one time--and not even in high school. It was for a friend's class when we were both TAs, teaching Comp I. It wasn't an awful experience as far as subbing goes (I remember my own classes even as an elementary school student being meaner), but it was awkward just because I didn't know them and they didn't know me, and I was basically a glorified babysitter that they had no interest in listening to. After I graduated with my MA and was trying to find work, people kept telling me to sub for the local school districts, and that was just an absolute no from me. I can't even imagine dealing with highschoolers as a sub. 

    9 minutes ago, Annb67 said:

    So many, many things to say. First....Big D a sub in a PUBLIC school. We all know how subs are treated a great deal of the time so let's hope he is hearing "F you" or better yet constant Duggar insults throughout the day.

    Didn't he go to both a public high school and university? I don't see him handling the sub position all that well, but I don't think he'd be clutching his proverbial pearls as much as one of the actual Duggars would be if they heard someone drop an F bomb. 

    • Love 4
  5. 19 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Well, their favorite restaurant, Tacos 4 Life, is in Fayetteville. But I imagine that's a big hangout for the fundie crowd. I think they manage to work on the fringes of town with businesses whose beliefs align with theirs like the taco place, Mama Carmen's coffee, and Sam's furniture. They've pimped out all three on the show, although Sam's was less obvious. I think they were just shown in the store looking for cribs or something (it was a while ago). I'm not sure whether they showed the store sign or not, but Instagram confirmed that they filmed there. 

    eta: Sam's is in Springdale, but Mama Carmen's is in Fayetteville, so Benessa spend a lot of time in town when they're not hanging out on the Compound. 

    Interesting! I didn't get out much when I lived there--I'm kind of an antisocial introverted hermit--so the other businesses aren't familiar to me, but I do know Sam's because they have some of the most insufferable local commercials I have ever seen. {Mainly just obnoxious spokesmen who have become even more obnoxious as time goes on.) I've lived in the NWA area most of my life, and I militantly refuse to shop there because I don't want to fund any of those damn commercials. 

    • Love 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    I'm pretty sure Grandma's Mold House (yes, she's the owner, not Boob) is in Fayetteville. If there's an adjective I could use to describe Jessa, it's definitely not "funky," which is implied by wearing that shirt; she apparently thinks she's part of that vibe. LMAO

    I would really loved to have seen them in Fayetteville when I lived there because I think it would have been hilarious to watch them out of their element. Honestly, Fayetteville kind of got on my nerves because it is a hipster's paradise, but I would have enjoyed seeing Duggars interact with said hipsters. 

    • Love 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

    If I blow it up it seems to say Keep Fayetteville Fun...something. More letters blocked by her arm. Funny? Fundie? Fungus? Funded? Funky? Funereal? Anyone's guess.

    Pretty sure it's a "Keep Fayetteville Funky" shirt. I lived there a couple of years ago, and they're very popular in the area. I think it's supposed to encourage support for local businesses. 

    It cracks me up that any Duggar would have anything pro-Fayetteville because the city is pretty proud of its reputation as a quirky, liberal college town. 

    • Love 4
  8. 4 hours ago, MarysWetBar said:

    I can't get the memory of Jill's face and reaction out of my mind from that bloody interview following Smuggs first fuck up last year. She was shattered. Like a small confused child. 

    9 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

    Since none of the kids were allowed any other feelings except for "shiny, happy feelings", it's easily understandable that Jilly has trouble expressing herself.  I'm still disturbed by how she crumbled on national television, as though that was the first time she'd ever been allowed to cry.

    I was also really disturbed by Jill's crying during that interview. I had never watched their show, despite living in Arkansas and knowing about their existence in years, but it really bothered me to see her sobbing uncontrollably the entire time while her sister just sat there and ignored her. I felt really bad for her, and even now when I remmeber that interview, that's all I can think about. 

    • Love 9
  9. 3 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

    I'm all over symphonic metal, but those Cookie Monster vocals of death metal last me a few bars when I accidentally land on it and I've got to shut off YouTube .  I imagine Christiam DM must sound equally bad...but hopefully it has less gory subject matter, not that anyone could make out the words to even know...

    i wonder if Bin might decide to become a Christian death metal singer; his spoken word being almost unintelligible. Should be a good fit.

    Same here! I like symphonic metal but can't stand the growling singing I associate with death metal.

    From what I remember of what she let me listen to, it still sounded like an incoherent Cookie Monster growl singing, but the lyrics were tame and maybe even spiritual. At least that was the vibe I got. 

    Edited to add: I'd love to hear Bin's Christian death metal. It'd probably make the crap my roommate made me listen to sound like Mozart.

    • Love 2
  10. 1 minute ago, Aja said:

    What is it with death metal fanatics wanting to download stuff onto your computer? They seriously all do this.

    LOL I had never thought of that, but yes, she isn't the only that has offered! 

    What I never understood about my college roommate is she wasn't an unintelligent person, but she could not read people's body language or facial expressions and she also was curiously devoid of any insight into my interests. We lived together for 3 years, and 3 years after graduation, we're still friends. But she still recommends music and movies and shows to me that anybody else who is ever known me for five minutes would just know I wouldn't like. 

    • Love 4
  11. 2 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

    They have Christian death metal bands, too! I shit you not!

    Haha it's sad but true! My college roommate was into that. I thought it was an insult to death metal (which I'm not even a fan of.) 


    She offered to download her vast Christian death metal collection onto my computer,  so I could "enjoy" it anytime.  I invented computer problems to get out of it.

    • Love 6
  12. That is a gloriously awful craft. I just start giggling uncontrollably every time I see the picture. 

    And I work at a library where I regularly help small children with crafts. I'm usually pretty desensitized to crafting disasters!

    • Love 11
  13. 5 minutes ago, flyingdi said:

    Okay, really stupid question I know.  What the heck is  chigger, anyway?  City kid, or worse yet suburban kid, here.

    No worries! I don't remember hearing about them back home (North Carolina). 

    Here's a pretty good introduction:


    They're not fun, though I don't think they can lead to complications like tick bites can. Mainly they're just so itchy, they can make you scratch them until they bleed, though you're really not supposed to do that. I don't get many tick bites because I am a couch potato, but chiggers like to eat me. Every summer, I end up with tons of bites and red rashes all around my ankles because of them. 

    • Love 3
  14. 1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

    Do they not have Lyme Disease in the South? I'm from the Northeast and it's unfortunately common here. Walking through the woods in bare legs and messing around in leaf piles is a big no-no for us. 

    I haven't watched the episode, but this is hilarious to me if they're still in the Ozarks at this survival camp.

    Ticks and chiggers are pretty bad here--my family is originally from another state and were surprised when they moved here how bad they are in the summer, and that's a fairly common sentiment I've heard from other people who relocated here--and there is definitely Lyme's disease. I don't think the Duggars must venture outside much if they have lived in NWA their entire lives and don't associate summer with being eaten alive by ticks. 

    • Love 3
  15. 23 minutes ago, queenanne said:

    Hey, Nicole Kidman runs around like that in public unashamedly... I forget how long it's been or where, but I've seen 'er.  Long sleeves, wide brimmed hat, huge sunglasses.  She looked like a caricature of one of those mad scientists in the safari gear from the old movies, and clearly not ashamed about it either - I think she was running errands or something mundane.  I actually LOLed ruefully because I thought "and that's the way you do it!"

    I don't remember where I saw it, but I've read that because of her fair skin, when she was a child, she wasn't really allowed to play out in the sun because she was so susceptible to sunburn.

    • Love 4
  16. I know some people who went to John Brown, and it's apparently not quite as narrow-minded as some other Christian colleges can be. (I live nearby and went to another Christian college that veered much more toward the latter.)

    One of my friends who went to John Brown for her first couple of years (she's an atheist now) was in their philosophy program and said that they talked about other religions/belief systems openly and respectfully. When I told her about my own negative experiences at another Christian college, she seemed quite shocked and told me she still looked back quite fondly on her time at JBU.

    • Love 3
  17. 23 minutes ago, Aja said:

     My military dad was stationed in southern Italy when I was a young'un and OH MY GOD, you should have heard the way some of the servicepeople and dependents wailed about the lack of Burger Kings like their human rights were being violated. Somehow Muffy strikes me as this type.

    I went to a very conservative Christian college, despite being a very politically modeate Jew (long story), and went on a couple of school trips with people who remind me very much of slightly less sheltered Duggars.

    A recurring theme on both trips (one to New Orleans and one to Europe) was not enjoying new experiences but instead complaining about how unfamiliar it was. There was no effort whatsoever to enjoy the experience from most of them. I distinctly remember being in New Orleans and them wanting to eat at Pizza Hut instead of, you know, experiencing the glorious food the city is known for.

    I literally had to bully my group of friends into going to a local restaurant and ordering something native to the area. There were similar meltdowns (from them and me) throughout all of Europe. I spent a lot of telling people "You're in freaking Europe! Stop whining! Try new things!" 

    Quite a few of my classmates went on to do missions work in Southeast Asia after graduating, and I see a lot of JIll's experiences in their chronicles of their adventures on social media. There's the initial, very brief honeymoon stage that is quickly followed by freaking out and isolating themselves. 

    • Love 14
  18. 51 minutes ago, cereality said:

    . He mentioned Italian food and his mother/grandmother's cooking so many times. He's going to have some expectations of Jinger whipping up dinner for him if his basis for comparison is his Italian mother's cooking. And how can Jinger grow up in a household of 19 where the girls run the household and NOT know how to cook? Has she really never cooked?? Or did she not want to say bc they typically just throw together processed things involving canned food or tater tots?

    Every time I think of him eating at their house, I just crack up because I can't help but remember that scene in Boardwalk Empire where Bobby Cannavale's Italian gangster character is confronted with spaghetti and meatballs made by non-Italian people and asks the waitress to explain what it is. It's a great scene already, but I just LMAO even more transposing Duggars into that moment. 

    I would link to a video, but sadly, the scene in its entirety is not on YouTube. :'(

    • Love 4
  19. 56 minutes ago, fuzzylollipop said:

    Zella I want to give you like 10 more ❤️ on that post. You totally hit the nail in the head! I had never thought about the looking busy to avoid socializing, I was very guilty of this as well when I was a teenager and my parents brought people over. 

    Thanks! I had never even thought of it before tonight--or even put that much thought into it when I was doing it--but yes, it's a great way to avoid company. The upshot too is everyone is impressed with how helpful you are and don't realize you're just doing it because you don't want to chit-chat. :)


    Now I'm wondering if the show had stayed cancelled, would Jana have finally pursued a courtship? It's been mentioned before, but I think her and Chad Paine would have made a match in fundie Heaven. Is it Jana not pursuing a courtship because she's camera shy, doesn't want children or doesn't want to leave her adopted children behind, or whatever her excuse? Or is it Boob making up excuses to leave her tied to the tinker toy house? I wonder what excuses he uses if so, I get used salesman vibes from him so I picture some spiel like "this one doesn't have a preacher mindset," "God did not approve this one," and so on. Or could Boob be saving that twin double wedding for when/if tlc wants to pull the plug? So many questions! I've been waiting for a tell all book for about 10 years now! 

    That's a good question about Jana. I think all of the reasons you mentioned are quite possible.

    I have a really hard time figuring Boob out. I don't know that he is consciously preventing her from courting, but I also don't know that he's actively encouraging it. But I don't doubt that he has his own selfish reasons for the spouses he's approved of, even if it's just that he thinks they seem malleable. I honestly think that might be the most important thing for him--that his children all acquire spouses that he thinks allow him to continue to exert his control and influence. 

    • Love 3
  20. 3 minutes ago, fuzzylollipop said:

    Yes Zella! I think that's my fascination with her, I recognize a fellow introvert. She really never was able to open up to the cameras like her siblings. She's the black sheep, maybe that's why she's being left behind? Boob figures a Jana marriage will be boring to viewers because she lacks screen presence? She doesn't shine in front of cameras like Golden Jill (ugh my very least favorite daughter!) or Jessa the selfie queen. I think Boob is to stupid to figure out that she's probably the favorite daughter and the one most viewers want to know more about. But I think Jana is happy out of the spotlight so it's working for her. 


    I think it's quite possible that she either doesn't want to undergo the scrutiny of a romance on a television show--and I don't blame her for that--so she quietly resists or that she is uncomfortable enough with being filmed that she shuts down, so the powers that be have decided she isn't a great candidate for a televised courtship, which means no courtship. I also suspect that the family enjoys having her at their beck and call, so even if they are okay with the idea of her finding someone, I don't think they are in any hurry to encourage her to find a husband and leave the house. That'd be a lot of free labor to replace! 

    Hmm Typing this has made me wonder if that's why she seems to do more work than the rest of the family. I suspect part of it is her personality, but it might also be a way to hide, so to speak. I know when my family had company, I was more than happy to volunteer to do things like the dishes or whatever  just because it gave me a chance to escape from our visitors and not be accused of being rude. 

    • Love 19
  21. I feel so bad for Jana because, as someone who is extremely introverted, I get such an introvert vibe from her. Most of the other Duggars seem like extroverts to me, so I imagine it doesn't bother them. But I cannot imagine being surrounded by that many people constantly, and I would think it has to take its toll on her in some way, even if she has been trained not to show that.

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