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Panda Bear

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Posts posted by Panda Bear

  1. Shanice seems fun, at least! I loved her and Nick eating those chips while everyone else was immersed in the drama. And she had her own moment of (understandable) tears later in the episode, but got over it fast. 

    I'm actually loving this season. I wish more people were watching and talking about it. 

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  2. On 3/20/2024 at 7:41 AM, politichick said:

    I couldn't believe my ears when she said she sold her house for such a fucking stupid reason. Why couldn't the boyfriend move there?

    I'm guessing she actually had to sell it because she got fired from VPR and her book did terribly, so she didn't have enough income. But it's too bad she couldn't have rented it out. 

    I liked this more than I thought I would, though it's probably telling that the people I'm most interested in so far are the ones without kids (Zack, Kristen, their friend who looks like Janelle Monae). 

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  3. This season of Miami reminded me of vintage RHONY, and I'm sad this season is over. It's just so absurd and funny. A dance remix of "Ave Maria" and even more shifting alliances all in the last five minutes. I loved it.

    I hope we get Kiki as a full cast member next season and more bro turmoil. 

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  4. Joe Bradley and Maddi seem to have gotten big heads after the first season, but they came off the worst this season, especially at the reunion. I hope they feel a little humbled. 

    I'd kind of thought the Lucia and Bradley thing was all for the show before, and now I definitely think that. 

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  5. I like this season more than last and the show's getting a reunion, but I feel like no one's really talking about it. I wonder if it'll get another season.

    Maybe Grace Lilly and her cat should just get a spinoff. I feel like the only cast members I like are her and then Mia and Lucia, who don't even work at Republic anymore. I guess Emmy's okay, but every time she and Will talk about their relationship, I have a hard time keeping my eyes open. 

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  6. On 1/5/2024 at 7:36 AM, snarts said:

    Mia - if your fiend really wants to live in denial you're not being a good friend by digging up dirt and confronting her about it ON CAMERA.


    I feel like Mia needs a storyline now that she doesn't work at Republic and she decided this is it, friendships be damned. 

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  7. 23 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:

    The morning Sam and Shwartz come back is the 21st of March according to the show but the reunion wasn't filmed til the 23rd.....sooo what's happening? 

    Thank you! I was like, "But I have it weirdly memorized that they filmed the reunion on March 23. Why... is Winter House fudging this?" I've noticed Bravo does this kind of thing a lot with old clips, but I would think they'd get it right when a show was just two weeks. Strange.

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  8. Didn't it come out that Tom Schwartz was dating his roommate Jo around this time? They went to Big Bear with Tom Sandoval and Raquel two months before this show filmed, so... maybe that's the real reason he's not so into "Floody." 

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  9. 21 hours ago, zenme said:

    Is Rodrigo Whitney's boyfriend on the down-low? I mean, he adds nothing to the show and I am just wondering if he's there for a paycheck because he's Whitney's boyfriend. That being said, between him and Austen, he's preferable to Austen any day.

    We've seen Rodrigo's long-term boyfriend on the show and he just talked to Craig about their relationship in the last episode. They've been together for, like, seven years. 

    He adds a certain Greek chorus element that I've been enjoying. His face when Craig couldn't open that can of tomato sauce alone makes him a worthwhile addition to me. And I thought his reactions to Shep's completely weird behavior at the dinner this episode was amusing. He's kind of the new Pringle, I guess? A normal guy thrown into this weird incestuous circle. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, JenE4 said:

    Also, Ubah said she doesn’t have a husband (to put lotion on her back)—and I don’t think we’ve seen/heard of any children. So who is this “family” that might be contacting her in the middle of the night? Granted, maybe she has elderly parents she’s responsible for or something. But it was just odd that she was making such a big deal about her lifeline to her family that requires her to be on 24/7 call because they are worried about her. It sounds like as a 40-something women she has to “check in” with her extended family at all hours of the night? Even if it’s a time zone difference, are they really calling her at 3 am her time to be like—just checking you’re still alive, Ubah?!

    I am not Somali like Ubah, but I have friends and coworkers who are and they are very close with their extended families/clans. I'm sure they do check in with each other that often.

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  11. 14 hours ago, Feline Goddess said:

    Jessel says she didn't get any help from her parents, then in the next moment said they paid for her college. That's a huge gift as most people carry student debt for decades. 

    University is much cheaper in the UK. It's less than 5,000 pounds per year where she went to school. That's certainly not nothing, but many US viewers seem to be thinking her parents paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and that's not the case. 

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  12. On 5/30/2023 at 3:08 PM, Passing Strange said:

    Was this filmed recently? Because if they've had time to see the episodes and read viewer reactions, you'd think everyone would be trying to do damage control. Yet it's only Carl and Lindsay, the two people who were maligned the most. Right couch needs a dose of genuine reality.

    I think it was filmed about a month ago, so they would have seen the reaction, but instead of trying to assess their behavior and what they may have done to make viewers think they were wrong, it's making them madder and causing them to double down. They're all so sure that they're right and if they can simply prove to us that Lindsay is wrong, we'll all get behind them! But nobody likes a gang-up and it's just making them seem mean and petty to many viewers. I don't love Lindsay, but I hate Paige, Ciara, and Mya at this point because they're so miserable, bitchy, and boring. It's reminding me a lot of the Fox Force Five on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, who also wanted to hide their personal lives from the cameras and make hating LVP their storyline and then would get angry when most of the audience didn't like that. 

    On 5/31/2023 at 12:14 PM, WhiskeyVictor said:

    She's a nurse, so that means she cares a lot about people, plus she's gotta be smart to learn all that complicated medical stuff. 🧠

    Well, she doesn't know what a lobotomy is, couldn't figure out that drinking orange juice with a September expiration date in August meant it was safe, and thinks Kory and Austen are hot, so I'm not so sure about those smarts. 

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  13. 5 hours ago, bosawks said:

    What was up with Mya bringing up the fact that Carl's mom wasn't there as if it was indicative of how she felt about the engagement?

    That was kind of shitty.

    It was shitty and another case of Mya weirdly acting like she knows more about Carl and his life than she actually does. His mom has always loved Lindsay and we just saw her being supportive of their relationship at their housewarming party. Was Mya even at that party? 

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  14. I found that LCK Quickfire so frustrating to watch. It seemed way more about time management than making interesting food. And I understand that's an important part of Top Chef, but for something kind of big like the chance to get back into the main competition, I wish it had been more about the ideas behind the food, I guess. Give them another thirty minutes to make all those little tea items! 

    I didn't really love the main segment either. To me a picnic means sitting on a blanket and mostly eating with your hands. And you don't have to have made the food the night before? I don't know. It just seemed like they started with the visual of eating in front of that castle and built a dumb challenge around it. 

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  15. 12 hours ago, wallies said:

    Is there a Part 3? It ended abruptly when Kiki dropped the bombshell that Lenny had been sleeping with her model friends. Credits rolled, no toast and no preview for the next episode. 

    There is a Part 3 next week. Peacock is a little weird with previews at times. I thought the ending to this episode was a little abrupt too. I don't think the news that Lenny may have cheated earlier is really a cliffhanger. 

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  16. I was expecting to enjoy this, but I honestly have such a hard time watching Alexia now, I didn't. I'm not usually one to hope Bravo will fire a Housewife after a bad season--I know these shows need villains, and sometimes they bounce back--but I really have a hard time with her. What she said to Lisa at the end was so awful. And she kept interrupting all the other women, but nobody could say anything during her precious package! 

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  17. On 2/24/2023 at 8:49 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

    The complete text Adriana sent to Alexia .. what else do they want from her, blood? I honestly hate Alexia 

    “Alexia, I’m so sorry about my response  I didn’t mean it that way but it was wrong my bad  

    I have deep respect and admiration for you as a mother and that was never my intention. My apologies 🙏


    Thanks for sharing this. Alexia really spins the truth to be whatever she wants it to be. I've grown to dislike her so much this season, I have hard time not fast-forwarding through her scenes. 

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  18. 8 hours ago, qtpye said:

    Does anybody find it odd that Mia has no problem talking about her pretty refurbished vagina but has never taken one second to explain the scars on her face?

    She explained them last season. When she was a little kid, she tried to make oatmeal for herself while her parents were gone and it spilled on her and burned her all over. Mia stretches the truth often (see this episode and her whole conversation with Gizelle about Wendy being jealous of her--HA), but I think her mom backed this story up? So I feel bad for her about that. 

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  19. On 1/11/2023 at 6:53 AM, snarts said:

    All I could focus on was Regan's missing eyebrows. You know how they say how important eyebrows are to frame you face? She really should look into some eyebrow pencil. 

    Oh my god, same! I just kept thinking, "She looks like Daemon Targaryen." 

    The fight at the end of this episode made me laugh out loud. Between Joe's creaky noise and all the peanut butter stuff, it took on an absurd tone that I found delightful. 

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  20. I'm so happy we have separate episode threads now!

    I loved this episode but wish we'd gotten the final music video at the end. Maybe we still need to find out what happens with Kiki's dramatic threats to cut her from it, though. I loved when she pulled out the Burger King bag. How long was that sitting there? 

    I'm glad Martina and Julia were so unfazed by Larsa's attempt at spreading that rumor. I hope their relationship works out. 

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  21. 2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

    I also liked Paige's description of the difference between southerners and northerners and how she doesn't know if she will fit in living in the south.  Black fashion reigns supreme in NY, florals and light colors in the south. So true! 

    Kathryn and Naomie on Southern Charm basically live in black leather pants, though. Perhaps Paige should watch her boyfriend's TV show before making sweeping proclamations about Charleston fashion. 

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  22. 4 hours ago, snarts said:

    Unpopular opinion I know, but I like him with Paige, they bring out good qualities in each other without constantly proclaiming their undying love every 5 minutes.

    Do you like listening to them coo "Baby, you my best fwend, I wuv waking up next to you," to each other every episode using their very best toddler voices? 

    I'm glad Paige and Ciara finally yelled at Austen, but I hated them insulting Olivia and Lindsay while doing so. Paige called Lindsay "the bitch that fucked you over" to Austen (how?!) and Ciara called Olivia "a simple bitch" that she could run circles around (intellectually, was the implication, which... is rich, after what we've seen of her on these shows). Neither of those women did anything to deserve these two nitwits' ire. They are mean girls and I hate watching them. I don't know if I'll even tune into Summer House at this point. They've kind of ruined the show for me with their pathetic sniveling over these fratty douche boys and the way they always find another woman to put down. 

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  23. The way that Jen so easily lied about the shoes should tell all of these women "choosing to believe Jen when she says she's innocent" that they're being played for fools. Though I think they must have actually known she was guilty? I wonder if they're just being nice to her for the camera time. That's the only thing that makes sense to me. 

    I found the chaotic boat scene really entertaining to watch, particularly Lisa going on about her YSL preorder heels. I don't know what it is about her, but everything that comes out of her mouth is gold to me. 

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  24. I kind of enjoyed watching the first episode of this, because everyone is just trying so hard to make us believe that this club in Charleston is as glamorous and exciting as a place in NYC or LA. It's Charleston. Come on. And these people are probably attractive in real life, but their looks don't really cut it for TV. Will looks like he's about twelve. Maddi's got those Dumbo ears. I just... don't see a VPR, or even Southern Charm, level of fame for them. But I do think watching them desperately try for it might be fun. 

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