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Posts posted by boyznkatz

  1. Karina just seems to be one of those pros who is very popular with the celebs she teaches. I've never heard a bad word about her, and she seems to stay friends with a lot of her former partners. Same goes for Anna. I didn't get the feeling that Lacey and Chelsie were as easygoing, although I could be wrong. They certainly weren't willing to play TPTB's games, anyway. 

  2. Does Witney really claim she is 5'3"?  Maybe she means in stiletto heels, LOL. Her body and legs look a lot shorter. And Val definitely doesn't look 6'0". I guess he could just have short legs, but I'm not buying it. Victor didn't seem to mind making fun of himself, but they never gave him a chance. He was more entertaining than a lot of the folks who went after him.


    Okay, back to the media. I can see Trista Sutter is trying to get in the news again. She is going to be on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire for anyone who cares. I guess she ran out of money again.

  3. Well to be fair, if I were competing against my husband, I would probably root for him over myself. I'm not sure why. He's not a control freak, and he would be just as happy with me winning. We don't know Alexa is fragile, or Carlos has an ego. Both of them are good dancers. and I'd be fine with either or both of them in the finals.

  4. I doubt Val is the only person who argues with his partners. I'm sure they all do, but TPTB only show us what they want us to see. I don't know if Val and Tamar are BFFs, but I'm sure they get along professionally. She hasn't said anything bad about him, and neither have any of his former partners.

    • Love 2
  5. Is Nick really "super famous"? I mean, among those who are not BSB fans?


    No, but he is probably a lot more famous than Bindi, Alek, Carlos or Alexa. Most of the audience of dwts are middle aged women, and a lot of them were in their teens or 20s when the BSB were popular. It's sort of like how Alfonso was so popular on his season. I'm pretty sure he will win unless TPTB manipulate the outcome, which IMO would be hard to do.

    • Love 1
  6. I really wish they hadn't have shown bindis feet. I was eating dinner. Eww

    I will miss Andy. He completely charmed me this season and yay to going out on the worm!

    I really hope Alek goes next. He's just not good and I'm not enjoying his dances. But I honestly think it will be Tamar. Like many others, I just don't connect with her dancing.


    I really don't know why they showed Bindi's gnarly feet. Eww. They might have been trying to garner sympathy for her, but that was just gross.


    As for Alek, I'm really starting to dislike him. He is a horrible dancer and should appreciate his gifts from the judges instead of criticizing them. They are the ones keeping him in the competition. At least Andy had a pleasant attitude and tried hard. Alek just sways around while his partner dances circles around him. The wrong person went home.

    • Love 2
  7. I'm 35 and it was all about NKTOB and I had no use for either BSB or NSYNC when they were big. I wonder if Nick is not pulling the numbers they thought he would. The immunity and gender reveal and the wife all felt so manufactured to me. Especially when Erin said he had immunity before Bindi or Tamar even preformed.


    I really think that Nick (like Alfonso) has this in the bag and it's not even a competition at this point, so they are just going to do whatever they want to do. I was never really a fan of his, but he is exactly the type of contestant that always wins this show. He has the nostalgia thing going, and dances well enough to win it easity.

    • Love 1
  8. For how popular black football players have been on this show (I loved Jacoby and Karina) I always kind of wondered why there haven't been many white white football players, or latino baseball players. 


    I think the baseball season overlaps the two DWTS seasons. They might be able to get someone who is retire, though. They did have the white football player who was with Anna. He did pretty well, as I can recall.

  9. For sure. As a white woman I am taken aback at the patterns, and I am not sure why it continues..


    I agree. I'm not black either, but there is no denying how black women are treated on the show. Black men are treated okay on the show, but most of them are football players. 

    • Love 1
  10. I don't see Nick getting it, since he isn't a favorite of the judges, either. I would be extremely surprised if Bindi didn't win immunity. I'm starting to wonder if maybe she isn't getting that many votes, which is why she needs to be propped every week. The only reason I've heard of her is because I love Animal Planet. I wouldn't know who she is if I didn't watch her dad's show. Nothing against her, but the constant shoving of her down our throats is getting downright ridiculous.

    • Love 1
  11. Even the nicest people have bad days, though. With a show like this, I'm sure there is a LOT of frustration we don't see. What's telling is that they choose to show some people's frustration (in the case of Tamar and Alexa ALL the time) but not others (St. Bindi). There is absolutely no need to show dudes fixing their undies though. They should have some class!

    • Love 3
  12. I agree. Alek is getting way better scores than he deserves. If they were going to be fair, they would give him all 7s. However, it wasn't necessary to give him the "douchebag" edit. He is probably a nice guy who had a bad day. They should just cut that crap.

    • Love 1
  13. Halloween overload, man oh man!!! The dancing plays second fiddle to the theme. Remembering back to the first Halloween show, Cheryl and Emmitt Smith danced the best rumba ever to Spooky. But Cheryl had a beautiful white gown on and Emmitt looked excellent in a white shirt and pants. ( if you want to see hip action in a rumba check Emmitt out- wow!) So the music choices were Halloween related but the dancing was still pure. It was overkill ( no pun intended) last night.


    Emmitt was certainly awesome at the rumba, and Cheryl was a great choreographer. Oh, how I miss her.

    • Love 3
  14. All the manipulation with Noah Galloway was so shady. As much as I admired his courage, the guy couldn't dance, nor could he be expected to. He really didn't have the physical ability to do half the dances, so they had to pimp him into the finals. He really doesn't seem like that nice of a guy, and I feel for his girlfriend.

    • Love 1
  15. Not so sure about that. I have friends in Australia and apparently the Irwin's are vastly more popular in the US than they are in Australia. Many don't particularly care for Bindi (could be why she turned down DWTSAUS and said yes to here.)


    Just curious, why don't they like her? I seem to recall that people in the UK didn't like Katherine Jenkins, but I don't remember why.

  16. The hype about Master class Bindi is ridiculous. That digusting freak face of an Argentine Tango wasn't even Derek's ten best AT's let alone an all time Argentine Tango

    on DWTS.  It's pretty sad how Argentine Tango used to be a favorite dance.


    Ah, gone are the days of the beautiful AT. Remember the one Gilles and Cheryl did? Or the ones Maks did? Those were awesome.

    • Love 4
  17. Tamar may have a bad attitude, but her comment about being the best dancer was clearly taken out of context. The show didn't portray it as part of team trash-talking. They made it look like she was bragging, and they clearly intended to do so. That was my problem with the whole thing, along with the fact that they often gave her low scores she didn't deserve. They need to judge someone's dancing, not whether they like them or not.

    • Love 3
  18. Their bizarre Bindi pimping may just backfire on them and cause Nick to win. His graciousness about Carrie Anne hosing him repeatedly will probably earn him some votes. Bindi is good, but the show is seemingly turning people off her. If the want her to win, they need to shut up and just let everyone dance.

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