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Everything posted by javipisobeto

  1. Is this show for real? The "scoring" system is now stupider than ever. The judges, now, are able to vote tenths of a point; what does a 8.3 even means??!?!?! I was having trouble since all this started, and i just kept asking my self, what makes a 10? or an 8? or a freaking 7? I just hate the number 7 in the scale, don't know why, maybe because it's the middle of a middle. How, HOW, in this mash up between math and modeling, are you able to score a model like "yeah, she's kinda 7.2ish to me", "Oh HELL NO!, she's def a 7.4, just look at that bone structure!". I mean COME ON?! What's the math behind this? Oh yeah, NONE, it's just a stupid system to keep everyone looking at the hideous bottom two flipping numbers screen in order to get more suspense. I've been a fan of this show since day one, and it saddens me how the focus of the show (if it ever existed) is now gone. The girls used to be so fun; who doesn't remember allison? dominique? jade? furonda for god sake! I can't even name last cycle winner. Now it's all about no-good-neck, and no-bad-no-no-necks, and gowls necks. Where's the creativity? It was all so good back then when the judges just judged, and decided who's going to go. But no, of course, just like in the real world of modeling, a score is more meaningful, because a tenth of a point can make you a model, or not.
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