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Posts posted by Trace

  1. While I know this show is science fiction, I lived in southern California for years and have many family members in that area.  It tends to hit home with me and creep me out somewhat.  We live in such a crazy world these days - I've gotten to where I never discount anything happening. I just can't quit this show!

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  2. Props to whoever posted that Will is obviously on some special list since he wasn't shredded by the drone going over the wall with Charlie, and that Brussard was probably on the list too.  I think last night confirmed that.

    And Dowel Jones, I thought the same thing.  We used to have IGA supermarkets in my area.  My first thought was, "MAN - IGA has gone bad ass!"



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  3. On 3/26/2017 at 7:41 PM, chenoa333 said:

    Thank you Almost 3000. I will go to the DWTS thread for further comments on that subject. 

    So am I correct that this weeks RHOBH episode is the final before the reunion? I always look forward to this particular housewives reunion just to see what the women are wearing. And I'm already trying to prepare myself for the inevitable segment with Kim Richards. I will find something else to do while she is on...like paint my nails. I know it's going to be a lot of Andy and Kyle gushing over Kim becoming a grandmother. Like it's some feat nobody else has accomplished. And will Kim be wearing a neck scarf?

    I read this as: "....like watch paint dry".  Then I read it again and realized I was projecting!

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  4. 44 minutes ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

    JENELLE - Show us the text messages between you and Jace! You had your phone for your Nathan argument. Show us proof Jace sent those texts he wants to live with you. Until then, I won't believe it. And if you do show us them, I wholeheartedly believe you manufactured them.

    THIS!!!!! Since Jailnail was so quick to produce texts, show us the ones supposedly from Jace. Hard to do when they don't exist huh you manipulative bitch.

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  5. I have been binge watching this show on Netflix.  Wow - where to begin.  I will begin by saying this show should have been called THE ASS BURGERS.  The adults yell and scream at each other.  No one listens to anyone else.  The children are spoiled, entitled little shits whose favorite phrase is, "It's not fair!".  It literally took FOUR FREAKING SEASONS for Craig T. Nelson to utter the words, "life's not fair". I shut down my kids at age two with this wisdom and it worked liked a charm. I did it consistently, every time, and it sunk in with them.  This show is Parenthood Gone Bad.  Gawd.

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  6. 44 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

    While that's true, I don't think people should be extra grateful for dads just because more of them than moms don't do their basic duties. She's spoiled in the money respect. But it's shocking when any child doesn't even hear from a parent on a birthday, whether that parent is a mom or dad. Just because it unfortunately happens a lot doesn't mean it's not shocking. 

    But children numb their selves when this happens years and years and then?  They just do not set themselves up for disappointment. It's less painful.  Trust me on this.

    37 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    Plus it also gives her the perfect passive-aggressive opportunity to trash Barb to Jace. "New York was so fun. We tried to take you, but MeMe said no...". 

    I could be wrong, but I think Jenelle said boarding time was 12:45. Which means they would need to show up at the airport at around 10 am??  Like Barb said, without prior notice, Jace would miss an entire UNEXCUSED day of school.  I hate being obvious, but school means nothing to Jenelle.

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  7. I am re-watching and just heard Chelsea being shocked that any child would EVER not have a father say Happy Birthday.  Chels?  While I appreciate your support of your child?  There are literally millions of children on this planet who never hear from their dads. You got lucky because you were born into a family where your dad is a dentist and obviously handles your income.  We (meaning the public audience) have seen Dr. Randy hand over cash to you for this or that concert or whatever.  I am pretty sure you had to ask your dad how far behind Adam is in regarding child support. I refuse to call him Randylicious because that's just personally icky to me.  Without him, where would you be? Who would be taking care of you and your child??  Not Adam!

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  8. Quote

    Rita Ora cracked me up when she was talking to India about how it's okay to look like someone else and Ora mentioned how she looks like a bunch of famous people.  My thought was, "who?"  And I also can't imagine the paparazzi standing 24/7 outside her home.  Who cares about Rita Ora?  Does anyone really know who she is?

    The only person on the panel that I have ever heard of is Ashley.  I've never heard of Paper magazine (and I am a print junkie who subscribes to so many magazines that it eats up a large portion of my disposable income). Never heard of Rita, the dude with the braids or the blonde guy who looks like a lizard. I too, decided to give ANTM another chance now that egotistical Tyra is gone, but it was a very bad decision. While I can't stand Marissa?  I have to give her props for making a very valid point.  She said she didn't enter this competition to show what a good dancer she is.  She wants to be a MODEL. Isn't Model still part of the title of the show??

    • Love 2
  9. 5 minutes ago, MissMel said:

    I feel like I should apologize to you for laughing so hard at this post.  I'm really sorry, but this is really funny.  I'm also the asshole that would have held your hair and rubbed your back, while laughing, in this moment.  Because really?  You can't make stuff like this up, it just happens.  You just gotta roll with it.  

    You're almost making me wonder when one of my older sibs joined this board.  But then you apologized, so I knew you could never be one of those four......

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  10. Regarding the wacky house Chelsea and her friends visited? I live somewhat close to Nashville, so I can attest to the fact that when Opryland was still open? They had a similar attraction. While I had enough sense not to get on the roller coaster, (I have what I think is an inner ear problem, meaning I lose the contents of my stomach on rides that go up and down).  So I thought the strange house would be safe. WRONG. The humanity!  They almost had to call the paramedics.  It was gruesome. I really should not have watched the latest episode.

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  11. 3 hours ago, luvbadtv said:

    Same with Kaiser.  At the drop off, he was carrying a giant bag of gummies.  Then gets in he car and is drinking a bottle of sugar crap.

    Last summer I decided I was consuming entirely too much sugar.  Between gummies and Buttered Popcorn Jelly Bellies?  I was like a crack addict.  The sugar withdrawal was horrendous - the migraines were sooo bad.  I haven't bought candy since then, but that bag of gummies had my mouth watering. I had a serious flashback. Luckily it was raining so hard there was a severe thunderstorm warning locally. Otherwise I might have woken up in the middle of the night with empty gummy bags all over my bed. Thanks Mother Nature. Otherwise, that could have been eight months of sugar sobriety right down the crapper!

    • Love 9
  12. 6 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

    From Season One, what I learned then was that the family member is brought in for any competitor left when it gets down to two or three. They may have to stay somewhere for a while, but it's production's call as to when to fly them in. So I don't think it was unusual that Fowler's wife was there the next day. David's daughter was there soon as well. 

    Production is the debbil!

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  13. I think all these contestants signed something that agreed that the History Channel would not be held accountable if they chose to stay no matter what. So therefore I don't get the "forced to leave" clause because they are all adults.  I wish MTV was as vigilant with their teen moms!

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  14. I am very disappointed that Carlie was forced to tap out. I am a person that voluntarily fasts for many days at a time. I am also an unemotional loner by nature.  I do all this without any monetary motivation. Hell I'd be a zazllionaire effortlessly otherwise! Point being I would never tap out because I'm lonely or starving.  I would die there - but those annoying medicals would inevitably show up!!!! Damn them /sarcasm

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  15. "Aint holding shit"???  He is the biological father of Isaac.  He holds some cards, come on.  I used to hate Jo. Not anymore.  He is a better parent and more focused on Isaac these days.  Kail is very obviously in the phase that all teenage parents eventually go through, meaning:  "I have to make up for all I missed out on when I decided to get knocked up at 16".   Bitch please.  Me and millions of other people have zero sympathy for you.  We don't follow you on twitter or what the fuck ever and all we concern ourselves with is Isaac.  Not your dick of the week.

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  16. All Kail cares about is getting her daily dose of Vitamin D.  Her boys are secondary.  She is quickly sliding into Jailnail territory. Believe me when I say, Kail, that when you  actually grow up and realize there are more important things than big peni and sex?  You will so look back and regret this.  You will.

    • Love 9
  17. 1 hour ago, MissMel said:

    Addictions take on all forms and images.   

    Agreed. My father (who drank himself to death at 45 years of age) was a violent alcoholic.  My brother, who was addicted to literally everything (alcohol, pot, pills) and my  husband who was a pot and pill junky?  They all died from their addictions. I also dabbled in all that from time to time, so I recognize addiction when I see it. My kids know better than try to bullshit me.  They know I see right through it.  I was honest with them and told them I smoked pot, got blacked out from alcohol on the regular and snorted meth. But I recovered and have a career and every thing that goes along with sobriety.  Twenty plus years and counting.

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  18. Quote

    I guess there are people who do meth and behave like Ryan. Anyone here have an experience with someone who did meth and behaved like Ryan?

    As someone who tried meth when I moved to Southern CA many years ago?  There are two things meth users seldom do - (1) sleep or (2) eat.  You stay up for days, with super energy, talking to everyone.  I turned into Miss Super Social.  I also stayed up for days at a time.  If Ryan was doing meth?  MTV only filmed him when he had been up for days at a time and was crashing big time. He seems to me to be someone who was using downers.  Pain killers probably.  He was never chatty, never super skinny or the life of the party.  He was tired, irritable (probably because all he wanted to do was sleep), and not skinny at all. My late husband was a pain pill junkie until he died, so I recognize the signs. Ryan was NOT a meth head.

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