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Posts posted by albarino

  1. I liked the use of the word "Diaspora."  I hadn't heard it used as the African diaspora but it makes perfect sense (and I had to look it up to make sure I understood the word).  I hope Top Chef doesn't get too political but when I saw the bottom three, I said to myself, Brittany (if that is her name--still learning) PPYKAG.  I'd love to taste all of the food; I'm not familiar with some of the dishes served.

    I've never been to Portland and it looks like a beautiful city.  I'm guilty of traveling to cities set in some of these shows (Charleston) and I'll have to add Portland to the list.

    • Love 5
  2. I haven't watched all of the episodes but the three I saw were a lot of fun for me.  I really like seeing LVP's spread, menu and entertainment options.  I have also learned about her guests; I'm not the biggest "People Magaine" reader in the world (as in, as I get older and read the magazine at the hair salon, I'm asking myself, "Who are these people?").  I agree that sharing the recipes would be great.  Perhaps a half cooking show (Hell, we're watching *name amateur celebrity chef on the food network*) and the entertainment this show provides.

    I like Pandora's addition to the program; she never bothered me and I'm glad to see she is doing well.

    The funniest thing so far (and I haven't seen all of the programs) is when Lance Bass's spouse bumped his nose and exclaimed "I'm Team Rinna."

    Just a fun, fun program for me.

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  3. Rewatched the new season trailer and I know Erica will be on but I believe she will receive a very bad edit.  She did in the trailer.  The whole "Lie?" business after her statements made me feel better about having her appear this season.  The last (how to describe it?) showing teeth?  Growling? to Sutton was everything.  I'm not sure where the Fed Pens are in CA but she is going there.  Only a matter of time.

    ETA:  Sutton only needs to ask how Erica likes the color orange.

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  4. 18 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    But where can she go from here?

    Christine lives in a University town.  If she can't figure out how to get some additional education, she is even dumber than she looks......

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  5. 6 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

    How not fun is this going to be, to watch this chick lie for a season?

    ITA.  I am not a lawyer but my schadenfreude is knowing she will do time. Theresa didn't get away with "not knowing" and I actually think Erika knew more and was more involved than Theresa.  It may take a year or two but she is going away.  

    I sort of wonder where the Bravo line is; VPR folks get fired for racism (and I have zero problem with that) and yet she and her husband have ripped off grieving family members whose loved ones died in a terrible plane accident.  She is still on. *Scratching head*

    ETA:  I would actually welcome some sort of statement acknowledging Erika and her husband have not yet been charged with crimes so they remain on the show.  I still can't quite figure out the VPR firings since they were not charged with anything (once again, I don't disagree with the removals) but I don't think Stassi and Kristen were shown on the show calling the police and reporting a crime a co-worker allegedly committed.  

    I get frustrated with standards I don't understand.

    • Love 21
  6. 22 hours ago, Jextella said:

    feel Kathryn loves her children, but ... I think there's a part of her that does not want to be a parent right now. 

    I respectfully disagree.  Kathryn is young and was young when she had her children but she doesn't really love her kids.  My observation, of course.  I was 30 when I had my kid and I would have walked on hot coals for her (I still feel this way).  I think Kathryn doesn't really care about her kids.  If she did, why is she in such untenable situations with Thomas about them?  

    I honestly don't get it and feel for those young kids.

    • Love 5
  7. 1 hour ago, JenMcSnark said:

    It's stressful enough just to be starting college.  But then having your entire, ginormous family uprooted to move to the place where you were accepted to college?  With at least some of the kids absolutely NOT wanting to move?  Plus your helicopter mama and sisters worrying and having panic attacks all around you.  No wonder this school didn't work out for him with this absolute circus following him around.  I hope the other kids don't blame him. 

    They will absolutely blame him.  At some point in time, they will blame their parents but until then, they will blame him.  Isn't he somewhere on the ASD?  

    Kody moved a bunch of fully functioning, thriving children with successful educational paths to accommodate him.  Think about that for a minute.  The kid dropped out of NAU in (I guess) a special program to accommodate him.

    This family is pathetic.

    • Love 6
  8. I think I need to go back and watch the latest blow-up between Toya and Contessa.  I get pretty bored when spouses of (doctors/lawyers/police officers/pick your profession) claim they know how hard it is; they're living it as well.  BS, didn't we see Toya playing tennis (claiming up to 2 hours a day while complaining about homeschooling?).  

    Priorities, Toya.  First, take care of things at home for your spouse.  He is in the midst of the pandemic (as a hero) and doesn't need your BS when he gets home.  Second, please take the education of your children very seriously during their time at home.  This won't last forever and you might learn a thing or two.  Please.  Other parents have taken it seriously and your children will be behind when they return to school.  Third, I don't begrudge your tennis activities but one and two need to come first.

    Contessa needs to get over her resentment of Scott.  I understand why she feels the way she does but she needs to move on or end it.  I don't think I saw Jackie at all this episode other than giving her some good advice.  Interesting.

    • Love 10
  9. I have laughed at her recipes, admired how she revitalized Pawhuska, and I very much hope her family will be okay.  My general observation in CO (where we routinely have people die after being ejected from their car) is people don't wear seat belts.  Not sure it would make much of a difference in this case.  I wish all of them the very, very best.

    • Love 4
  10. 23 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

    Time will tell how successful an attempt by Erika to portray the wronged, innocent victim will be. Or if she is actually convicted of anything.

    I think I read here she was an actual "officer" of one of their businesses.  In other words, she had some legal responsibility to make sure they acted responsibly.  I predict she is really going down and will do time, if for no other reason she is despicable.

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  11. I found Mary appalling.  When she was talking, in my head I kept screaming"First Rule of Holes", "First Rule of Holes!"  As in, when you're in one, quit digging!  She is a mess.

    I am also over the whole "marriage is hard" schtick.  No, some days are hard.  If every day is hard, if you've admitted to sleeping in separate bedrooms (and I'm not cringing over that) and crying on TV, it really is time to move on.  It sounds like it is a professional relationship, at best, in order to keep assets in line.  I'm fine with that.  Just quit it with the "hard marriage" talk.  Get legally separated.

    I guess I need to go back and watch (but I won't); I was surprised Lisa was so vocal and Meredith was so silent.  What or who fired Lisa up?  I was also surprised Jen was so calm.  Looks like the meds she now takes works (and I'm not opposed to medication for her).  Heather looked good during the season; why is she so vocal now?  She is doing herself no favors.

    Just a surprising reunion so far.

    • Love 8
  12.  I would have happily eaten the chicken feet but I don't want to eat crickets.  If Tiff had said and done that to me, I would carry her into the deep end of her pool.  Would she do this with Muslims and bacon?  Seriously, would she?

    I consider the Dallas women to be culinary babies, but they are what they are.  Tiff, a socially motivated person would want others to feel comfortable in her home, enjoy the greatness that is an outdoor pizza oven (and I would love one), and give it up on the shoe covers.  Uh, have the cleaning service wash your floors the next morning?  Geez, Tiff, this isn't the MSAT.  Perhaps this is an example of her own acknowledgement of her lack of social-skills training?

    I want to like her but she makes it difficult.  The shoe cover stuff is difficult and really Impolite but the cricket business needs to leave her in the bottom of the social-elite stratum.

    • Love 11
  13. "Craig is a total asshole for coming after Pringle about why he moved across the country when he knows full well it was a good financial opportunity to do the show. FU Craig. "

    I sort of agree with Craig.  Apparently Pringle is a day trader (and I didn't know that) so he really could work from anywhere.  If San Diego wasn't working for him (and I don't know anybody who doesn't like San Diego), why not try Phoenix, for example?  Military people really do have to move where they send you (or you separate or retire) but date traders do not.  He chose his location and salary over his kids.  

    That is my bottom line--he chose a location over his kids.  To note Rinna--just own it and I think this applies in this instance.  His boys are young; they are going to resent their father.

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  14. 1 minute ago, lasu said:

    I don't know who Kathryn or Saint are.  Southern Charm.

    But Kelly isn't just expressing an opinion - she's also going out and making fun of those of us who are trying to get us through all of this. I don't see it this way.

    I differ.  Since I have zero use for Kelly or her opinions, I don't care at all what she thinks about me or my actions.  I seriously do not care one iota about Bravo-lebreties and their dealings with this pandemic.  Who would?

    • Love 10
  15. 31 minutes ago, lasu said:

    If she wasn't already fired, she needs to be.  She can't actually be so dumb as not realize those of use playing by the rules and making the sacrifices are the ones helping her dumb adventures safe. 

    I am Meh on all of this.  I am much more bothered by BW blowing off SEVEN children or Kathryn drinking while pregnant with Saint.  I don't listen to any of these fame-hos so it really doesn't matter what they say or do.  I am never bothered by their COVID responses. 

    • LOL 1
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  16. I don't even know who to quote--I've really liked all of your responses.

    I'm not obese and never have been (I have my own set of issues) and once in a while I tune in to "My 600-LB Life."  Seems to me the weight issues start in the head.  Whit would be much better served to go to therapy before thinking about surgery.  Interesting to me is that both of her parents (if I remember correctly) supported WLS in their THs.  

    I get cognitive dissonance listening to her.  *Whaa, life would be easier if I were a normal weight!*. Answer, yes life is physically easier at a normal weight.  *Whaa, I have anxiety and can't deal.*.  Yes, therapy will help--food won't.  *Whaa, my parents have finally accepted me.*. Uh, they want you to pursue WLS.

    She has the ability to turn her life around but probably won't based on the previews.  She gets mad at Buddy and tears her top off?  Okay, those are normal coping behaviors.  Not.

    She seems likable enough to me (a fairly new viewer) but I haven't seen her really address why she is obese.  Literally, the elephant in the room.  Solve that.

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  17. 2 hours ago, Boo Boo said:

    I'm kind of surprised that Leva, Venita, et. al. are being considered the bad guys here. 

    I'm only speaking for me but I think the women and the storyline are being shoved in our faces.  I don't like it.

    Kathryn has always been Kathryn.  She isn't deep, sympathetic, charming or likable.  She slept with three guys the first season to be on the show and then got knocked up twice.  She is a user and has been to rehab.  Her son has FAS (and I said that a long time ago).  She doesn't have the introspection to reflect on her ancestry or her recent actions.  She is just....there.  She is not capable of anything more than a shrug of her shoulders and wondering what she did wrong.  Has anybody actually liked her?

    Along with a few of other Bravo shows, this one has run its course.  Time to end it.

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