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Posts posted by smhjess

  1. I always wondered why Chelsea did not go after Adam for child support.  He makes money from MTV.  I am sure he spends most of it on tattoos, cars and attorneys, but couldn't she have it directly removed from his check as you would with any other pay check?  I figured she was happy with the custodial arrangement and did not want to make him push for more so she let the money slide since she has income from Mtv.

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  2. I totally agree with lilB1rdy.  I grew up with one parent who was an addict, both with mental health issues.  I feel for Leah I really do.  The reality of raising kids was no doubt a slap in the face and it happens to women 15 years older.  She has tried her hand at a couple of little jobs, has only a high school diploma, but no career path and 3 kids with 2 dads.  If the show ends she has her child support and that is it.  I am very doubtful she has invested a penny of it.  She does however have 2 exes who come with family who support their children and two exes who are willing to work with her.  She has a sister and mom who watch her kids.  What she needs to do is admit the problem, complete a program and take some parenting classes and get therapy.  Life is not going to get better or easier for her in the short term and Mtv money is all that is keeping her afloat.  I am agreeing with those that said Gracie is that way because of her home life.  Mom is asleep or zoned out for long periods and when she is alert she is probably busy with the baby.  Kids do tend to act out for attention and that poor kid has a lot on her plate.  If A3 is also a pill it is because she is also not getting the attention she needs.  I am not terribly fond of Kail, but look at what she is doing on her segments with the kids.  She is making cookies, Issac has seen a park, she is present and the kid is clean, fed and put to bed on time.  Kail has her flaws, but day to day those kids are provided for just like Chelsea does.  Kail has some mental health issues as well and is royally fing up her relationship with the boy's fathers and presenting them with some drama that will require therapy, but the day to day is normal and stable and they are not caring for themselves.  When you reach the point for whatever reason you cannot provide your child with the basic care you have to accept the help offered.

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  3. Yeah they don't work so he doesn't have to go to daycare, but on the other hand that might be the only time when he gets some quiet time without people screaming and fighting around him and even some normal human interaction and attention.



    I don't have kids so I didn't know that 5 year olds weren't allowed to touch blow dryers.  The toddler was wandering around her own house - should she have been strapped in somewhere - or crated?  Leah was actually THERE for all of it.  It's not like they were home alone.  As for the cramped car, IIRC Jeremy was doing the driving.  He didn't do anything, execept bitch about it, why no calls to CPS on him?  In real time she is indeed in "rehab" but until we know the truth of why, it is just speculation and opinion.  And last I checked rehab is an indication of at least trying to fix problems.  Whatever, women are hard on women. 

    It's not so much the blow dryer.  Another parent might allow a child to help with it in the bathroom, it is that hairdryers are risks for burns, there was zero supervision and she could have caught something on fire.  I would never dream of using a hairdryer next to bedding.  Yes, Jeremy also should have done something about the car.  Most fathers would have dumped the contents of the car on the driveway once they saw what happened.  The big deal for most people is that while many people are tired, 10 tardies in a month, your 5 year old waking up before you so often they tell dad about it an know how to feed themselves and do things like blow dry their hair are symptoms of a much larger problem.   She is using drugs or misusing what the doctors have given her.  This is not at all normal behavior.  I blame Jeremy just as much.  He knows what goes on and his child is still there.

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  4. Yeah they don't work so he doesn't have to go to daycare, but on the other hand that might be the only time when he gets some quiet time without people screaming and fighting around him and even some normal human interaction and attention.

    That time in day care is the only time he will get the proper care (possibly except when he is with Nathan's mom).  Thank goodness for school.  He gets a break and some attention.  


    The main thing that bothers me about Jenelle is she seems to go through the motions with her kids.  The only times she really seems to enjoy Jace is when he is happy about a new toy.  Maybe she is getting a bad edit, but we don't see her sniffing Kaiser's head or smiling at some silly thing.  As much as I hate the baby voice, Chelsea is a good example of someone who talks to her child and really enjoys the child.  Leah, for all her faults can also be seen enjoying her kids as can Kail.  Even Nathan seems to enjoy being a parent more than Jenelle.  I suspect it is from some form of mental illness, but she does not act the way a mother acts.  Farrah is a messed up, crazy narcissist, but you see her smile while watching her child some time and you feel like she likes her kid.

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  5. Did Adderall have scratches or scabs all over her legs? Is that normal for a baby who is whatever age she is?

    I'm not a mom so maybe this will offend but I hope not. But if Leah wants to be a good mom, I think the best thing would be to let Cory have full custody. That girl is not right.


    The scratches or scabs on another kid would be normal.  Kids that age climb a lot and typically have no fear.  Since we have just watched her kids unsupervised several times I have to assume she got them in the home which is less normal as I never see these kids playing in the yard.  


    As to the second part, I am a mom, I had an addict parent, and yes having Corey have custody, having Jeremy's mom have Adderal and Leah having supervised visits until she can provide a stable environment would be the best for all.  I am sure she really loves the girls, but she is not doing right by them and they are unsafe.

  6. Evil twin making her own breakfast and them being late because mom is sleeping is classic drug abuse.  Kids at their age can do a lot on their own, but it is very concerning that she is doing it when Leah is sleeping and I also wonder about the baby and who is supervising her.  Corey seems pretty level headed about something so terrifying and I give him and his father credit for trying to help her and be calm about it.  


    Adam's segments are ridiculous.  This is the only friend they could convince to have a staged conversation with and they did not even make the attempt to have him pretend to work out or to have a reason to be there.  I think so many segments of them talking with friends are done in restaurants so it looks less staged than this one did.

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  7. Jenelle and Nathan both terrify me with their dead eyes.  They have no human feelings.  I see where the comment about him being a serial killer comes from  They are the worst.  Adam is a pretty awful person who is lucky he hasn't killed anyone driving.  I do think he enjoys having kids and has some real feelings for the girls when it is convenient for him, but I am not getting the potential for rage there.  I can see Jenelle leaving a kid in the car and either Jenelle or Nathan beating one of the kids.  

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  8. Does everyone remember her interviewing for a position in childcare?  I can't decide whether that is funnier than her in any capacity in a medical field.  Good for her for trying to do something to have a career, but she is never getting a job.  Who will hire someone who told a veteran she wished he had died in combat?  She is a PR nightmare for anyone.  She had better open her own business as that is the only way she is getting a job.

    • Love 5
  9. If I were a judge facing any of the custody battles with these families I would temporarily ban them from social media if that is at all legal or possible.  It seems to me that a huge part of who they have all become is because of the feedback they get.  Leah had twins and one has a disability so everyone is always telling her how great she is and telling her how hard it must be and how tired she must be.  Adam shows up every so often and takes his kid to ice cream and the fans say what a great dad he is.  Jenelle has proven to really only want her kid for photo ops, and again thinks she is a great mom because her "fans" say so.  The bar is set so very low for most of them (except Chelsea).  You fed your kids chef boyardee at 12, mother of the frickin year because someone will excuse it and tell you how great you are.  Adam's and Leah's parents are right there with this validation, but they hear it all the time and have proven they need the approval from their fans.  I have fed my children late at night on a school night (we are talking 9 pm at the latest most likely) and yes they have had canned spaghetti.  5 year olds bathing alone is not an issue, nor is the occasional HUGS drink or whatever that was or the cat with blue marker because things happen.  It is the 10 tardies, waking up looking like you were on a bender, patting yourself on the back for doing what every parent does every frickin day and constantly complaining in every one but Chelsea's case for these moms about how despite the many hours of breaks you get, how much you need a break from ignoring your children, taking a selfie when convenient and going out to eat with friends to discuss how tired you are.  

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  10. Each episode depresses me more than the last.  Leah is making over $100k from Mtv, Jeremy makes a decent living and they get child support plus Leah gets paid for some of the magazine articles.  The minimum coming in is $150k from what I can roughly estimate.  She does not have the kids full time, in every single episode it seems she gets to go out to eat without her children because she has so many people to watch her kids.  Somehow with her considerable financial means in a ow cost of living area the best she can pull off is processed junk like she is living on a budget.  I cannot imagine what it must be like for Corey and his family to watch the show after the fact to see what she is doing to them.  None of the Teen Moms on either show have any idea what to do with a car seat, but Leah is consistently 3/3 on issues.  No backpacks, no puffy coats.  Car seats only work if you use the straps and those are tight, at chest level for the clip, Adderalll should be rear facing and all the crap in the car including the unrestrained adults will fly in an accident most likely killing the kids.  Thankfully Jeremy seems to understand some of the danger she puts them in.  The hairdryer scene and that ridiculous 12 pm bedtime would keep me up at night if I were Corey.

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