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  1. Not sure, she does use the bathroom. We saw her ask an annoyed Jenelle if she could use the bathroom in a recent video.
  2. I'm not going to talk shit about a kid's looks. Not every child can be a model or has the personality to do so. Jenelle should drop this dream and put some effort into teaching the kid how to handle animals before her face gets ripped off instead of doing these BS photo shoots.
  3. I suspect Chris asked Kail many times to cut his hair and was told no. I have no doubt the kid did not ask for a haircut and Chris did this because he hated the cut his kid had and possibly to spite Kail. He had 50/50 with the kid and as far as I know was legally allowed to make this decision.
  4. She's a good mom though. She beat her kid's dad because he didn't let the kid decide when he got his hair cut like we all do.
  5. She was right to be pissed about that garbage haircut being his first cut which she missed. Closed fist punching is so over the top I email sponsors to get her removed from the show at this point. She and Amber are getting away with this because their victims are larger men. If she is willing to punch a man over a haircut and slap a man on camera she is capable of much worse violence.
  6. IV drug use, multiple pregnancies out of wedlock including intentionally getting pregnant while recovering from an abortion weren't wildin?
  7. It doesn't mean she is not actually scared of him and what he does. She backs him up on all of his other abuse and looks straight at the camera and lies about what happened and typically laughs. She is a garbage person, but he is 100% abusing her and those kids even if he is not currently laying a hand on them.
  8. David is particular type of abuser. He controls that house with fear. He's playing this off as homesteading as though he raised this goat for food which I really would not have had an issue with if that were the deal. He let his kids play with this goat, they named it and loved it, took pictures with it and he killed it. No one will ever convince me this goat and Nugget were not about anger but were to terrify his wife and kids.
  9. I remember seeing it. Someone looked at her "retainer" back when she posted it and found the "retainer" company that makes the low end flippers she has. It's a home mold of your teeth you send in to a company that makes it, the toddlers and tiaras kids had much much nicer quality ones which makes me laugh since she still had money to spend on teeth when she had the "retainer" made and spent it on drugs and heavy equipment for David instead.
  10. I didn't like his hair before, but he straight up ruined that kid's hair. Again, the way to avoid things like this is not get pregnant repeatedly by an asshole who will spite cut your kid's hair. I'm also laughing because years ago she thought the haircut Jo gave Issac was the worst thing ever and now she pretty much dresses and cuts the kids hair the same way.
  11. OMG, those ripped jeans. That's real attention to detail.
  12. I really hope she doesn't have another. She could not take care of these kids by herself when she had 2, then 3 without substantial help from friends and her exes. She is not willing to change her lifestyle and not take vacations where she can safely not kill her kids without help, she's not willing to live in homes and spend modestly to ensure a home over children's heads when TM money dries up, she has no career prospects and a degree she can't use, she is violent and is teaching her kids to be violent and double down with PFAs to cover violence. I think she loves those kids but doesn't know how much damage she is doing to them. The only good thing she has ever done is to find two men with strong family ties who provide consistency. Lux and Creed are so doomed it's not even funny. 4 kids with 4 last names is one of the least damaging things she is going to do to those kids.
  13. Jenelle is almost 30. If she and everyone else on the cast weren't stunted, spoiled children who had ever lived in the real world she would know how bizarre all of her claims are. Normal parents adults don't film videos of themselves bad mouthing a high paying career. It was part time work that paid great, she was let go long ago and has had enough time to try and pass that certification test for that diploma mill degree she got. MTV did not do what many reality shows do and did not take away her tv, phone and supply her with alcohol. Any drugs or choices she made were hers alone. She points the blame at MTV for filming her talking about her mom's credit cards but also does not mention them filming her pulling a gun on someone and lying about it or the many times David is shown verbally abusing her son. She can claim all she wants that the CPS calls and all her failures are because of MTV and the haters, some day if she is lucky she will live a life where 911 calls are not normal no one you know misses a court date because of another court date.
  14. It's a snark IG account. That was subtle shade.
  15. I wish people would lay off of the baby's race. I'll laugh all day at his mother being a dumb ass who takes her kids into a barbershop with no masks as seen in the above photo, discussion by fans of how a baby who carries Caucasian genes from both parents ended up looking white is only going to make his brothers feel bad. Lux and Lincoln are old enough to get a complex about hearing how the baby looks.
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