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  1. You never actually saw the hunters and the planes in the same shot. I don't think it was as close as they showed. But they wanted excitement and drama for the audience. So they edited in the scenes with the hunters and long shots of the planes taking off. And had the hunters say things like "we're three minutes out," or "we're five miles away", to make it seem as if they were very close. Total BS.
  2. The pilot apparently filed a flight plan (probably because of the thunderstorms on the radar) - which is not required in the VFR conditions required to make a clean getaway for a Hunted team. HAHAHA! So true! If I were David and Emily, I would have tried to find a pickup or semi that I could toss the phone in. Let that truck lead the Hunters off in the wrong direction.
  3. You fly around big airports and their airspace - which is clearly marked on the sectionals. You fly VFR. You turn off the transponder - which is not required unless in controlled airspace (there are many older planes that do not have transponders - some don't even have radios). You don't fly in bad weather. There are many non-controlled airports and even private strips (most are marked on the sectionals) that could be utilized.
  4. What I want to know is why didn't Lee and Hilmar, since they apparently have access to a plane, have the pilot take them half way across the hunt area instead of flying the wife in? The airport they were at was in southwest Georgia; fly to northeast Georgia and hike the Appalachian Trail for the rest of the 28 days, or fly to Myrtle Beach, or Tampa, etc. Or fly to some small town whose airport has no control tower - there are hundreds of those to choose from - and therefore has less plane and people traffic to witness your arrival.
  5. I read a lot of TV forums and a post today on one of those boards said that the teams had to move at least 5 miles every 48 hours.
  6. Is this the video you are looking for (at bottom of this post)? You learn a few things - especially that Lenny is a smug condescending bastard. If you're planning on applying to this show, I wouldn't give away your strategy - someone in production is probably reading all the forums. That is typical; especially at the beginning of a show. The things I noted is he said they had a lot of aviation support including thermal imaging (where a helicopter with special equipment can fly overhead and see a thermal image of your body; even through the trees in a heavily forested area). He also mentioned K-9 support. They mention the camera people using Go-Pros, but it was against the rules for the hunters to hack into them. (hmmm - I wonder if they could ping the camera person's phone?) They mention "$100 a day" from the ATM card. I had previously only heard "$100 at a time". They also said they only had 9 cars stationed across the 100,000 miles. That makes it seem that the cars are very spread out. So even if they got an ATM hit; there wasn't necessarily a search car nearby. I call red herring on that. They are going to position the cars in the area where they think a team is. And I want to know if those 9 cars stayed active all the way to the end. In other words; did the last 2 or 3 teams have all 9 cars searching for them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtBgHzKKiAc
  7. Do reality competition shows have to follow the same rules as regular game show? Because regular game show rules are very strict due to a cheating scandal back in the 50s.
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