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Posts posted by TheGreenKnight

  1. I think Malaya did the best she could by arranging "Ain't No Way" with as few high notes as possible, but the best part of the song--the "I...need...you!" part--she still shrieked. (I love the song, btw, but only if you have the voice to perform it, which Malaya does not.) I have no idea why they're randomly throwing praise at her because she's not that good, but she does have a nice personality, so I'm not as annoyed as if it had been happening to Majesty who was always so full of herself despite having a limited range.

    There weren't any trainwrecks, thankfully (except for the duets), but the only performance I liked was Jena's "Rolling in the Deep." I don't think Sam sounded as good as in his audition, but it was okay. Didn't care for Jessica's or Alex's original songs, and I've always hated "Chain of Fools" and Caleb didn't improve it.

    The Sam/Malaya duet was hilarious in a bad way. They definitely looked like they were trying out for a high school recital. Loved how Malaya kept giving Sam the googly eyes and he just seemed terrified. Jena/Alex's duet was the only one I liked, but mostly for Jena's part (she improved on Pink, imo). I don't know why Alex couldn't look at her. It seemed like she was trying to create the chemistry for the song, but he kept looking down or closing his eyes.

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  2. "Well, I refuse to believe you have ever read a scientific journal!" / "Believe what you want! See if I care.  ...Hypersexual bitch."

    "Oh, shut up! Just shut up you bubble-headed, bleach-blonde, b-, b-, b-" /  "Baboon." / "BABOON!"

    "Oh God, here it comes! The honeysuckle mint julips, three-legged dogs, you and Opie and Floyd in the barbershop! Blanche, just get to the point!"

    "Sophia, wills are no laughing matter. Charlie tried to be funny with his and left everything to Henrietta, our prize cow. Well, some lawyer got a hold of the will and represented Henrietta on contingency! There I was, presenting my side to a jury of her peers! It took over six months to get the farm back!" / "But you must have been relieved when you won." / "Oh, yeah, we celebrated. With a big, thick steak..." This whole episode just had me on the floor, really.

    Probably a lot more that aren't coming immediately to mind.

    • Love 4
  3. I will agree that The Voice has more talent this season, but I wouldn't have said that last year or the year before that, so... I blame this mostly on JLO and Harry Connick, Jr. having a preference for performers who can't sing very well (like them).

    I'm guessing the reason The Voice hasn't had any success with its contestants (although I liked Javier Colon, Chris Mann, and Danielle Bradbery) is because the majority of them are rejects who already proved they can't be relevant or successful when given record deals before they even got on The Voice.

  4. Yeah, Sam was my original favorite, but he hasn't delivered in the lives at all. Tbh, only his audition was amazing. Everything else has been lacking. He seems like the sweetest person though, so it's a shame. I think he'll last until top 5, but unless he picks up (although being in the bottom 3 twice doesn't make it likely he can jump back at this point) that's as far as he's going. He still has the best voice this year, imo, just can't deliver performance-wise.

  5. I agree Outlaw Queen is moving too fast, although I enjoyed them this episode more than I have before so I think it'll be alright in the end. I like that they're making a point that Regina is/was rejecting the potential for a new "true love" (most likely because of Daniel).

    Although I didn't particularly care about the Neal character, I thought the episode succeeded in being emotional, but it was so rushed. Even the fact that they learned the Witch's identity in Storybrooke felt almost too early. Tbh, I didn't love this or the Rapunzel episode, so I hope the next episode picks up because I think this current storyline has more potential than anything they've done since the first season and I'd hate to see it wasted.

    I thought Rumpel seemed strangely unaffected by Bae's death. I mean, yeah, he cried, but he seemed normal when he was talking to the Witch. I thought, if anything could, Bae dying would be the one thing that would break Rumpel. But maybe they thought they've showed Rumpel's regret over Bae enough already, so didn't go that direction.

  6. I agree, they didn't give him much of a send-off. I mean, I don't like the actor who plays the character so I am kind of glad, but I would've thought the episode would've been more focused on Neal considering he is basically the reason the entire story so far has happened thanks to Rumple having manipulated everything to get them to the world without magic. Also showing Bae when he was still a child in flashbacks would've been nice, considering that's the Bae (and I'm guessing Rumple) will miss most.

    At least they somewhat addressed that Hook and Bae had a relationship that extended far beyond competing for Emma. To be honest, the scenes with Hook and Rumple are the only satisfying ones there were for this character in the series. That might just be because Raymond-James didn't have much chemistry with Morrison for me, so all the Emma-Neal scenes fall incredibly flat and always have.

  7. I really really hope they do Ursula eventually--and properly--and that she makes all the other villains they've had look like cakewalks. I thought Cora and Tamara were going to end up being Ursula at various points last year, but nope (and probably for the best considering Cora died too soon to make an impression and how unpopular Tamara was). The ending of the Ariel episode gives me hope that this will happen. I'm a huge Disney fan, and my love for The Little Mermaid surpasses them all, so I've been waiting for this since the show first started.

    I wouldn't mind seeing Maleficent and Jafar (really well-done but wasted on the Wonderland show) be revived in Storybrooke.

    • Love 2
  8. I was predicting either Majesty or CJ would go home this week, but I was a little surprised Majesty wasn't saved. Either way, it doesn't bother me, because none of these contestants are impressive. It's crazy though because Majesty could've went top 4-3, if she had played her cards right. She clearly had the most stage presence/confidence of the contestants this year. If she could've chose songs that fit her small range and controlled her attitude, she could've been better off.

  9. I was also a lurker of TWOP for around 2 years, since I found the site during the last season of Desperate Housewives. Strangely enough, I had just registered at TWOP the past week and was trying to wait for the right moment to post for the first time when I read the site was closing. I decided I might as well show myself now!

    I mostly follow Once Upon a Time, American Idol, and Downton Abbey, but I occasionally read about other shows. I was definitely going to miss the discussions and spoilers for Once Upon a Time most of all. Maybe now I can contribute to them.

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