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Posts posted by TheGreenKnight

  1. I agree, KittyQ, it applies to many things. After all, you wouldn't want to wake up one day as the type of person who hacks and stalks someone because you were disagreed with on the Internet or something much worse like talking about things you don't care about every day for years just to harass someone. Very sad places unhealthy people can end up in this world. Sometimes the best way to enact change is to turn to outside forces to help you remove the problems when they don't go away on their own.

    Anyway, Whoopi is right that you can't turn to people who lack all moral character like Nikki Haley, there is really nothing they wouldn't do. They are usually the biggest monsters in this world. It is truly amazing the kind of things people can justify doing, but when you don't have the type of friends who will tell you when you're doing something truly wrong and only placate you and encourage your mistakes, you can end up putting yourself in a very deep hole you can't get back out of. Like Alyssa, I think she's irreparably damaged herself. Was it worth it, I wonder?

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  2. That's true, and I'm happy for him even though I'm not a fan. I think the last one before that to have any real success was Gabby Barret, although it may have only been for her first album. I'm sure Idol absolutely would like to see success for all their winners since it helps them market the show with something recent from a contestant that came from th show (something The Voice has never been able to do), but it's completely random when anything hits. So I'm guessing the main bottomline they focus on this far into the series are ratings, and keeping the audience happy by seeing the possibility for different genres and good singers to win--and avoiding the feeling of predictable outcomes--is the main way to keep that going. I haven't checked this year, but I think they've often been equaling and besting The Voice at times these past three years.

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  3. A perfect end to a great season. I enjoyed almost every contestant they had this year; reminded me of their 2nd season on ABC that way and the fifth and seventh seasons of the FOX show. I'll miss Katy, but at least she went out on a hot streak since Abi is as good as Maddie and Noah. But every winner on ABC was solid vocally aside from Chayce. I think because she worked with Simon in the past, she knew the judges' job is to elevate the strongest vocally (even if you have to do it more subtly these days thanks to The Voice changing how feedback can be delivered--only muted criticism or low praise v. high/OTT praise being the only options to differentiate between contestants). Knowing it was her last season made the last 3 minutes more emotional; the joy over Abi winning against all the odds against her combined with Katy's and Fantasia's reactions on top of that song's lyrics already being pretty sad all made me tear up. An almost fairytale-esque ending just like with Maddie and most of the early seasons on FOX. I know her onscreen antics could annoy some, but she did a good job with her time on this show.

    I had the same thought about Fantasia possibly being considered as her replacement. She would be a good judge, but so would Jordin, Shania, or Miley. Just no to JLO.

    Abi is the fourth time my favorite won (Jordin, Maddie, and Noah were the others. Love Kelly, but I didn't see her season to know iif she would've been my fav her year or not). When the season started, I could tell  TPTB were pushing McKenna. She was okay, I wouldn't have been mad if she won, but Abi was so much better than her. Particularly "Welcome to the Black Parade," the Elton song, "Part of Your World," and "Somewhere" were all phenomenal. Glad talent won out. My next favorite was Emmy; she had a very pretty tone even if she lacked power. Thankfully she seems like a good songwriter, so hopefully she'll be able to put out quality music alone like Laci Kaye Booth has managed to do. Triston was next in line for me, his voice was so much like Tracy Lawrence, and "Hope" was great.

    Hopefully however next year without Katy turns out, they'll continue having solid winners for as long as the show goes on ABC.

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  4. I agreed with Sunny on Thursday's show in regards to McConnell, that his legacy is largely one of disgrace. And with Joy about how frightening it is to see the corruption of the court that's happened in plain sight the past decade reach fruition.

    I didn't really miss Sara on Thursday, but Alyssa seemed a little off without her. Joy's prostate joke at the end was the best part of the segment with Ashton.

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  5. I agreed with Sara for the first time in a while today, when they were talking about the Israel-Gaza situation and she said it makes her like a leader more when they do the right thing regardless of what cost it might bring to them.

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  6. Never liked Dr. Phil. He's one of those types who like to dress up their bullshittery as supposedly being  "common sense." I remember actually being surprised by some of his opinions the last one or two times he showed up on The View, but it looks like he's back to normal based on today's show.


  7. 10 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

    Sunny said 50% of people in this country believes embryos are babies.  I would like to know where she got that number.  As I said in an earlier post Sunny's personal beliefs are hers.  She should not expect the law to be guided them. She is becoming more unlikable by the day.

    She wasn't giving an exact % as far as I could tell since it was something like she believed "at least 50%"--since she referred to Christians believing life begins at conception, she was probably thinking of the % of Christians. Who knows. I thought she said multiple times she thinks religion shouldn't decide law, just that for her "negligence" alone wouldn't quite cover it?

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  8. I thought Sunny's comments about IVF were fairly clear on Friday's show at least? She's right that (most) Christians believe life begins at conception and all that, and she acknowledged religion and the law should be separate things just like with abortion. And I even agree with her that there should be some consequence for a situation like embryos being accidentally destroyed, only Ana is correct that it should be more along the lines of negligence and financial compensation, not defining it as "murder." Still, I imagine the person whose embryos are destroyed would feel more strongly about it than simply thinking it was negligence, I think that's the grey area where Sunny got lost in.

    I enjoyed Susie Essman getting the final word on the Elmo discussion after Sara and Alyssa acted utterly ridiculous over it a week or two go.

  9. On 2/19/2024 at 1:57 PM, MMEButterfly said:

    Trump is treating it as if he were an incumbent, and Biden is an incumbent. I suspect no debates. Each will appear alone for friendly interviews. That's my guess.

    I thought it had been known for a while there would likely be no debates. Whoopi herself brought up the fact that the third debate in 2020 didn't happen either because Trump dropped out for a townhall instead when she was saying that Biden will always show up. I was shocked that she was the only one who mentioned it, too. I mean, Joy was right that any flub Biden might make will be over-dramatized while a mistake by Trump will be forgotten quickly, but I agreed with Whoopi on that one versus the rest.

    It was nice to see Joy on Monday. I'm guessing Ana traded that day for Thursday last week, so she could see JLO. Staying in NY for Thursday and Friday makes more sense to me than staying there through the weekend (or maybe she simply flies back and forth two different times, what a pain that must be).

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  10. I'm still skeptical Perry will leave, but I read through some of the Miley speculation the other day and in the midst of those gossip articles I read that maybe they're considering Shania again if Perry did leave? Jordin Sparks also put her name out there to be considered, apparently.

    I mean, I think I'd be fine with whichever of those women are at the table next season as long as it's not JLO, but I admit Jordin would be my first choice, with Shania second.

  11. On 2/15/2024 at 9:00 PM, twilightzone said:

    J-Lo wasn't responsible for the old FOX show being cancelled.  It was Time.  The music industry had changed, along with technology.  There was more competition with streaming, social media, YT, Tik-Tok. 

    If Carrie was interested in being a judge, that would have happened way back.  But she has no desire to be.  She also doesn't live in L.A.  She has young kids and I can't see her uprooting her family.

    I didn't say JLo got it cancelled necessarily, just that she hastened its inevitable decline. For all Katy Perry's faults, at least the show has been better talent-wise since she, Bryan, and Ritchie took over, and I watch the show for the contestants more than the judges.

    As for the latter, I only thought it could be possible because Underwood has come across a little checked out on her music lately with her last album's promotion, that maybe she'd be more open to that kind of job lately where she wouldn't have been in the past, but who knows. Good point about the show's location likely being a problem, I hadn't considered that.

  12. I hope Jeffries is in studio and it isn't one of those boring remote interviews.

    Curious to hear what Thursday's guest might reveal (if anything).

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  13. I hope Perry's just haggling for a pay raise. I'd rather they just cancel the show altogether than bring JLO back, she's the reason the old FOX series ran into the ground.

    I couldn't blame Perry for wanting to move on if that's really the case here. If that were to happen, they could always ask Carrie Underwood to be judge. I know there had been a lot of speculation she was going to be on The Voice last year before Reba was announced, but she's too loyal to Idol to go on there, I guess. I imagine she'd take an offer from Idol though.

    • Angry 1
  14. On 2/12/2024 at 10:29 PM, Gemma Violet said:

    Nah, would never happen.  She's done with the previous president.  

    I agree, but the more likely reason is Trump wouldn't take her (and/or wouldn't get the chance to hire her again anyway).

    19 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Her point is that there is so much voter apathy that too many independent voters will sit this one out, leading to another Trump win.  She suggests that the Dems are not getting the message out regarding the accomplishments of the past 3 years.  However her insistence that Biden should be replaced is where she loses me in the argument.

    The problem for me is she's not saying anything that hasn't been said many, many, MANY times... And that's including by her on this show, not even getting into the general media landscape. Moreover, her own advice to the other ladies in the past has been that they shouldn't criticize any of Trump's primary opponents because they should want one of them to be the nominee instead if they really want him to be stopped; she's aware criticism of Trump's opponents is good for Trump. So even looking at her own history, there's no denying she knows that if she really means what she claims that she wants someone to beat Trump, you don't go on TV every day and use your platform to exaggerate and repeat incessantly the flaws of the only opponent he has left. She knows Biden isn't going to be replaced and he can't exactly change his age. She comes across very disingenuous at best and a bad faith actor at worst.

    Today's show was a bore, as you'd expect with it being Valentine's Day. Schumer being there and Joy's and Whoopi's obvious disinterest in the holiday causing several funny moments were the only things that were worth seeing.

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  15. So happy to have Jon Stewart back on TV regularly. I hope it'll be for longer than just this year. As for the rest of the week, I still personally hope they might hire Minhaj even if they wait until 2025 to do it. He was the closest to Stewart for me. If not though, I guess Leslie Jones was my second favorite of the try-outs.

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  16. Ana, Sunny, and Whoopi were all on fire Monday's show. Ana's right that some (*coughAlyssacough*) are fanning the flames whereas Biden's age is concerned to create a problem to benefit their electoral chances more than anything else.

    As for today, I feel like they've been having the same discussion for a year, so I'm not really sure why Alyssa acts like her commentary on Biden's age hasn't been heard a million times over by now? And it didn't change the inevitable outcome. Like Joy said, that ship has sailed, what is her point anymore? She tried to claim she's simply trying to help defeat Trump by bringing it up ad nauseum, but she can't honestly believe that continuing to magnify what she sees as flaws in the only candidate that could stop him is going to help the situation? She's actually worked in politics so nobody believes she's that dumb, it's obvious what her real motives are.

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  17. 11 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Everyone jumping on Nikki Hailey for ignoring things and taking a job in the previous administration. Awkward for Alyssa who did too. 

    Yeah, this is the problem with The View always hiring someone closely tied to the news being discussed. On one hand, it gives them relevance having a name involved around, but the downside is the way it forces them to tiptoe through all their conversations.

    Alyssa would go back in a heartbeat. I guess 12/28 would be roundabout the time of her next PR tour in that scenario, lol.

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  18. I think this week is where Alyssa's game up to this point finally reached the end of the road, so to speak. Up until now, she's lectured the others about how they need to support X candidate of her "team" if they really want to stop Trump and used that tack on repeat to try to back Sunny, Whoopi, and others into a corner so that they can't criticize certain figures that Alyssa was rooting for for her own benefit (helping her "team" win, in other words). Now that phase is over and the shoe is on the other foot, and she refuses to do anything but criticize the only person who could stop Trump at this point. I'd say she's being hypocritical, but really it's more that her spiel the past year was a calculated pretense from the jump. She may be a little better at disguising it than others in that chair, but she's a shill through and through and I think Joy at least woke up to that this past Monday's show and in the Christie interview the other day. It's the same reason Alyssa takes every opportunity to push at the age of the others because she's hoping focusing on their age might help push one or more of them out the door (ie, another "win" for her "team"). Thankfully, I think Whoopi, Sunny, and Ana have all had her number for a while now (Sunny from Day 1), but I think Joy at least really did try to meet her half way until now and treat her like someone who was arguing in good faith. Unfortunately, Sara fell for it all hook, line, and sinker--and even she agreed with the other ladies this week that it's pretty much down to Biden and Trump now.

    Haven't posted in a while, but I still watch daily. The show is great besides Alyssa and Sara, and even they I like every once in a while even if it's pretty obvious most days that the dynamic of the show is the two of them and Teta versus the others. Like last week when they made Joy legally "correct" herself for calling a muppet a puppet. *eyeroll* That had to be the nadir. On the other hand, Sunny seems to be the only one willing to correct Sara or Alyssa when they're inaccurate, good for her; you can tell Teta has the behind-the-scenes folks looking at the others under a microscope and giving the two of them a pass. I got a chuckle out of Ana saying the only reason she and Joy do the podcast is to torture Teta.

    The show is still as good as it ever was when Joy is there, but I do like Sunny and Ana, too, even though they have their foibles and I disagree with them more often than with Joy (like when Sunny was pushing Gavin Newsom this week). Surprisingly, I feel like I've come full circle with Whoopi. For a while there, I really didn't like her because of everything in the two Rosie's season and the years after with Raven, McCain, and so on; I feel like I've finally come around to enjoying her again, about as much as I did when she first started. What changed it for me is I can tell she's been trying to help Sunny this season because of the way Alyssa was going at her (particularly during Oct/Nov last year), it was kind of shocking to me considering the tension between Whoopi and Sunny in the past. I thought it was kind of sweet to see Whoopi try to shield Sunny from her, they seem like they're real friends these days whereas I didn't believe that in seasons past. Whoopi, Joy, Sunny, and Ana together give me the same vibes as Whoopi, Joy, and Sherri used to as far as they all seem like genuine friends who look forward to seeing each other (more or less) every morning.

    Re:The neverending "interrupting" debates--I don't think Alyssa interrupts per se. More like she does this high energy thing where she makes sure she speaks more often than the others. She speaks before the others most of the time (except when Joy goes first), occasionally underspeaks while the others are speaking, and then speaks again after most of the others are done, then grins at the camera or giggles in a condescending way like Jedidiah used to do while the others speak. If it wasn't for Whoopi or Joy being the moderator guaranteeing they have to speak last, I feel like she'd make sure she has the "final word" in every discussion.

    I thought Joy was right for not letting the ageism go. It is strange that it's one of the few -ism's that aren't treated with equal weight or fervor. I know Alyssa in particularly made some kind of ageist insult against her co-hosts just a week ago, but then will try to turn around and pretend like she cares about anti-Semitism or sexism on another day. If you don't care about one, it's pretty hard to buy you care about the others. But for me she's always been someone who argues in bad faith.

    Personally, I'm happy Joy, Whoopi, and Sunny have a proper back-and-forth with the guests. This is The View, not CNN. This show has always been known for those interactions. I wouldn't want it to become a show that refuses to hold people accountable for their statements or react to the crazy things they say (like Christie falsely equivocating old age with Trump the way he did) out of the sake of a faux politeness because that would make the show into something different than what it has been for two decades. Thankfully Joy, Whoopi, Sunny, and Ana all know this show well-enough by now to know what The View is and should be, and what not to change.

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  19. Rare feeling, but I think I actually have liked hearing Whoopi speak more the past couple of weeks. Usually, I prefer when she's only there to throw to commercial; I guess it's partly where they always have Alyssa speak last, I'd rather hear Whoopi.

    Sunny and Whoopi seem like they're getting along better these days, too, it's almost fun to see them play off each other lately.

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  20. The DeSantis discussion yesterday was pretty good. I was curious about Sunny's first book pick, the plot for that one sounded like it could be interesting if it's sort of a YA fantasy type of thing. The vacation discussion today was hilarious--mostly because of Whoopi, but Joy's, Sunny's, and Brian's reactions to her were worth it.

    I do see humor in Alyssa giving out a book on the lack of accountability.

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  21. 14 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

    Yeah I've been underwhelmed by the selections so far. I look forward to this every summer and so far the only book I want to read is Whoopi's selection Guncle. 

    That was the only one that caught my attention from last week, too, just from how she described that she's gone back to it many times. But I thought Ana's books this morning sounded worth reading. Joy's picks probably weren't as interesting to me as usual, but she does the Banned Book audience giveaway every Friday with a great book or classic already (The Kite Runner being the latest one) whereas the others only have to pick out a few books the one time.

    I actually thought Ana was the best one this morning even with the book picks aside. I couldn't take the magic segment though.

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  22. I still enjoy Nicolle. I enjoy everyone from Tur through Wagner more or less. I have enjoyed Psaki filling in for Hayes this week quite a bit though. I still hope she gets a daily show, wondered if perhaps they were using this week to test her out there, but wouldn't want to push out any of those necessarily. O'Donnell, Ruhle, Mitchell, and Morning Joe are the ones I don't care much for, but I assume they must have decent ratings to have their slots.

    Yes, Nick Confessore has been very handsome to me ever since he grew the facial hair out a little bit.

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  23. I thought they should've had one of the lawyers read the legal note since they had two there, but they probably figured that would give Sara something to add for a change (aside from the shopping segments). Did not care for the way she was wagging her finger at Joy at the end of the show though.

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  24. The first of Joy's books she advertised and the little bit she read from it reminded me of "The Watcher at the Gate" by Gail Godwin. Good advice though, about fighting perfectionist instincts when trying to write.

    Am I the only one who finds it pretty vile and inappropriate the way Sara and Alyssa seem to slide in these kinds of ageist comments towards Joy? What business is it of theirs what one of their co-workers chooses to do with their own lives? This isn't The Young View anyway, older people have opinions just like everyone else, and I would go further to say that while Sara and Alyssa may be the youngest at the table, they're also the most expendable co-hosts here as far as ratings go and why people watch this show in comparison to Joy, Ana, and Whoopi. We know the show was already #1 for two years without Alyssa and I doubt she's added anything to the ratings (probably the reverse). And I would say Sara was more of a do-no-harm seat filler most of her tenure on this show, not someone who brought any substance--although I'd say she's moved over into more of a negative value at this point rather than simply being a nonentity.

    I guess I'm cynical in seeing Sara, Alyssa, and Teta as playing a game here. They went hard at Sunny all season because they see her as the weakest one in the chain since she doesn't have the name value Joy, Whoopi, and Ana have, all while trying to keep a drumbeat going to try to retire Joy by always bringing up her age (having already got her reduced to 4 days a week) when the truth is they just don't like their views and are attacking other aspects to get rid of them because they can't beat them in discussions at the table. They're hoping they can get one or both of them out and then move on to going after Whoopi when they're done--since, after all, they can also attack Whoopi's right to be there by going after her age, too, she's not that much younger than Joy.

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