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Posts posted by pezgirl7

  1. Jen tweeted that the dinner scene she filmed with Colin and Michael was "fun". I'm guessing the scene will be humorous, but probably won't end well for Hook.



    I still can't figure out why they would need to hide Emma's dress from the public.


    Just saw this pic of Hook side-eyeing Rumple pretty hard. LOL



    Also, I guess that is his flask on the table. I don't remember it having that leather koozie though.


  2. Ah, I thought Hook had bloody knuckles during the date, but if he doesn't, that order makes much more sense. I can't find any decent photos right now of that scene.


    In this photo you can definitely see bandages on the table, and what looks like a hot water bottle (looks too big to be a flask). Now I'm thinking Hook procured those items in preparation for cutting off his hand. Eek.

  3. Maybe the broom is just Rumple's sassy way of saying "Here, clean up the mess you made." In those pics where some people think Hook is crying, I think he's just grimacing from a hangover. Do we know if his date with Emma takes place after he wakes up on the docks, or before? Since his knuckles are bloody, I'm thinking he gets drunks, punches Will, sleeps on the docks, wakes up, then has his date with Emma later that night. Maybe Will crashes the date to confront Hook about being punched out.

  4. So was Hook holding a knife or his hand? Or both? Could he have somehow gotten hold of the dagger? Or maybe the fake dagger? Looks like his shirt is blue, so I guess that one earlier set report was correct!

    Here's a good roundup of filming spoilers:


    One thing I found interesting was that Hook punched drunk Will after he was trying to break into the library. I wonder what Will wanted in there, and why does Hook want to stop him?

    Also, is the snow queen trying to kill Emma or just slow her down?

  5. Here's another picture of Hook:



    I'm really liking the jacket!


    Here's a little info about filming today from someone at the set:



    At first I thought Hook was the one blackmailing Rumple, but after watching the video, and even if they are just practice run-throughs, I don't think he is the blackmailer. I am mostly just excited to have those two in a scene together!

  6. And y'all can tease Colin for being lanky all you want, but I'll take a tall skinny guy over a huge muscled-up dude any day. ;-)


    Amen sister! :)


    ETA: sorry, I don't know why that made a new post instead of being part of my post before it. :/


    Here's a video of Hook and Rumple filming the car scene!



    Ahh, I have no idea what is going on, but Hook doesn't look too happy. I kind of like my earlier theory that the flowers have some kind of magic, but it appears that Hook does not accept them.

  7. Finally some clearer pics of Hook's new outfit:



    I don't mind the shiny jeans too much. And I like that he still has his rings, necklace and eyeliner, and is still wearing a vest. Looks like they really did just modernize his pirate outfit.


    I wonder if the flowers Rumple gives him are just for Hook's date with Emma, or if they are drugged somehow, or aren't even for Emma. Like maybe if someone smells them, they fall under a spell.

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  8. Yea, I just read that Colin might not really be there! Gah!


    A dream sequence would make sense though. Emma is feeling guilty about bringing back Marian, and then has a nightmare about Regina. Is the outfit she is wearing the same one that she had on when Emma met her back in the Enchanted Forest? ETA: Just saw on tumblr that it is. I really hope Hook's new outfit isn't only in the dream.


    Lots of 'can't say' answers! I'm happy about Charming and Snow supporting the Captain Swan relationship though.


    Apparently Colin is on set in his new wardrobe! Where are the pics? *grabby hands*


    ETA: an anonymous person on tumblr just posted: I don't think colin is there! The girl who tweeted that he's there didn't actually see him, she just read something... Ahhh!


    Seriously people?!

    • Love 1
  10. Finally some good spoilers! :) How am I going to get any work done for the rest day? I find it so odd that they can kiss passionately, and then just break away when the director yells cut and then act like normal. Are we sure that the screen is a green screen, and not a lighting screen? I've only seen the video of the kiss, and couldn't really see it that well. I really hope Hook isn't transported to another land, unless he can go on some cool adventures and meet some interesting people.

  11. Info about the Hook/Elsa scene from oncepromised:

    They leave a shop together and stop outside to talk. Killian looked like he wanted Elsa to follow him because he kept making waving hand motions, but she looked hesitant. And they talk some more and she finally follows him. They didn’t look overly friendly, he looked frustrated.

  12. Hook and Elsa are standing in front of the Modern Fashions store. Maybe they're both going to get new outfits together. ;)


    From ouatfashionfinds on tumblr:

    Further information I recieved on Hook’s leather jacket that will appear in the new season, from one of the owner’s of Ocean Drive Leather:

    "The leather jacket we designed is tight fitting asymmetric and has sleeve and pocket zips. It also has leather ribbing on the elbows and behind the shoulders. Quite sexy! I hear that he is quite popular with the fans."

    He also mentioned that they might be designing a new jacket for Emma, but nothing has been confirmed yet.


    Not really excited about the ribbing, but I will withhold judgment until I see it.

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  13. They all sucked at that game! LOL I think Lana is the only one who didn't save the truth for last. Poor Colin, you could see the gears turning in his head with him trying to find a truth that wouldn't get him yelled at by Adam and Eddy. But yay for more kisses! If he knows about it already, then it probably happens in the first or second episode.


    I can't believe they dropped that hook spoiler either, but it's something that most of us have thought would happen eventually. It's possible it might not happen until the very end of the season. I still don't know how I feel about it. He lost his ship, is far from home, and when he gets a change of clothes, the hook will be one of the last, uniquely fairy tale-ish things about him.

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